• » - a k m w '■/a- • , , f , .. # .FLAMES EAT THEIR WAT Iato the Harold Kaatmr port Use of the area. Fram es war* able lo contain tba blase la thia area aad math M -Buford BUI# Faraiera Marktt and poor lata the market of flea of the office records nets saved. (Photo by Bergstrom) farm ers Market and Sanlurd Ed Zimmerman waa elected T w c i O u t n . Fruit Co. We went te work there. preildtai and pursued tba depart­ (Coat la nod from Pago n We moved trucks, semis, and a (Ceatlaaed From Peg* I) ment's goal with tba sama enthus­ H ut was smoldering and drove it couplrf of traetors. Wa started down By midsummer, Mr. and Mra. iasm as tba past president. By ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF THOMAS poura a stream of water Iato the B anted Slats Farmer* Market office. Fire at# Ha way Hita put of the danger sons. the aisle between the flaming Ed Zimmerman of Lake Mary had lata January all parte necessary the arts hat stopped before destroying market office records. (Staff Phots) Our way waa trapped on tba buildings—wa cursed the men who donated a truck of sufficient sin to build tba truck ware placed in lo be converted Into a fin fight­ tha capable hinds of Pugh. Fire back Um by a diesel trad er that had locked their trucks. Tha heat was frying hot—ws couldn’t stand ing machine, a water tank was Chief and Chief Engineer, and tha sureties Commissioner reporting ii.g their equipment to he'p b wouldn’t crank. Mika Tamny Farmers tha lots of unila one and ten ar.d this emTTjrwy. And the-e were Pet Cockerel drove my little Chary and wa hook­ It long snough to break the win­ obtained from tha Altamonte truck waa ready for testing In lata dow of the trucks—we watched Springe Fire Department and Ne­ March. (Coetbaed from Pago 1) part of five," he said, and al-o msny Navy men, off duty, who ed to the snormoua piece of ma. tar Into the debris and smoulder­ I Itched In to help is fight the Kills Woman four or five of them, one appar­ gotiations for a pump, hon, and Zimmerman, president of tbs asked tha: ar. adjustor and in­ thlnery. A strain, part of the chain ing rubs, "I’ve seen a lot of (ire that at one time threatened BUXWORTH, England W— A broke, wa triad again. Thia time ently just recently off the pro­ nozzle were commenced. Lake Mary Volunteer Fire Depart­ vestigator ba sent to the «cen*. duction line, burn. In early November the Board of ment elates that although the fire fires but I’ve never seen one that a good potlIon of Sanford," he chicken killed Mrs. Ethel Bowden tt moved—wa got her ouL Dealers and brokvrs affeevd ,n said. Wednesday. !*ve never seen more valiant Dlrecton met at 'Harvey Pugh’i department can answer calls, It traveled s i fast as this one. thia mornings blase at tba Stan­ With one traetOftraller and the home and voted funds to purchase la only In Its Infancy. Chief Cleveland said tha: the The 31-year-old farm wife bled A help of a driver we got another kids; they had run thslr hearts “ Our efforts, earlier this morn- ford State Farmer's Market In­ a high capaelty pump, 200 feet Plans ara being made to event­ Inf," the Flrw Chief aeld. “were Sanford Fire Department la*.1 six to death after har pet white tractor trailer out that had no out for thslr school just a few cluded: Harold Kaetner, Then Cockerell bit her on the lag aad hours earlier and by this time of pressure hose and a five posi­ ually construct a shelter to house concentrated on keeping the fire Pate, Robt/ Robinson, Dirndl lines of acse »o fight the blare keys. tion (stream to fog) water noz- Lake Mary’s shiny new fire angina from spreading into areas that rnd the Navy bid one. "The new severed an artery. We booked onto trailers with they had been In a neck-breaking Henson, J. A. Emerson, W. L*on paee for nearly an hour. sle. and other equipment c-uld have wiped out a good por­ cquipmoit worked fine,” he said, The mother of five children wa» Ford tractors while the paint was December 1936 saw another el­ ard Justice, M. J. Johnson Roy We moved Into Sanford Fruit To thia end tha Fire Department tion of tha Goldsboro area ard Spines, W E. Klrchhoff. A L. 'it really did the work, there unable to stop the bleeding and ling off the trailer tongue from ection with new officers taking some of the other Important wasn't even a skip." died within an hour, although har -heat. Both boys had tinged Co.’s office and front part of the la sponsoring a chicken barbecue Jchnson, Anderson Refrigeration C the rains. buildings nearby." “Our tr.ublc," iaid Chief Cleve­ children ran to e nearby farm for hair by this time. plant. Wa took out desks, a safe, supper on Saturday, Apr. 6, to ac­ Service, Winn-Dixie Stores, Joe Sandy Anderson, Market Man­ land, *ia with manpower. This help. One ear was locked. By the time recordi, coke machine!, vending quire funds to erase any debts that Corley, Chase & Co. Rlpr nnd machines, fruit, an air condition­ may be existing and for future ager, waa on the scene this morn- Ready Tomato Co., Harry Took"), same flro could have happened We could get to It It was a mass Former Resident downtJwn. Our requirement li e( flames—the gas tank blew— ing set, and fruit By this time wa use. ing looking over the ruined of­ .Market News Service and the had 20 or 30 men helping ue. The Lake Mary Volunteer Fire fice of tha market. He 'eld State Farmer's Market office. eight m ou men at thi present PRAYER FOR THE we let It go. Mrs. Ada T. Mero rate." By this tlma the flam"S bad We used traetore we ntd sav­ Department la a full fledged mem­ “We're not out of business.” Chief Cleveland stated thia ed and hooked them to tre liars DAY Jumped the runway between the Dies In Palatka ber of the Seminole County Fire­ Anderson said that the building rroming that "We were luck* to and carted out material until we mens Association and also has was fully eovared by State In­ have held the fire where it was. Tn 1814, General Andrea Jack filled the trailers. Brantley and Mrs. Ada Talbert Mero, a for­ active membership in the Florida surance.” I immediately wired C. "We nre appreciative of *he son captured rensaeola, Florid*, Dial FAirfax 2-3221 Legal Notice Mike were panting hard—I waa mer resident of Sanford, died at State Firemens Association. B. Phillips, the State Fire In­ help the Navy gave us by send from tlje British. near exhaustion, a far ery from 11 p.ra. Wednesday at tha Palatka IN T1 rrNA M K °O r* T H * ATB the physical flttneas of these two Hospital after a long lllnais. young heros that had saved ma­ Born Oct. 10, 1871, In Fairfax ft/ttU rW lLO R R end J. W. County, Va., she had been a resi­ WILD LIU her huiliauJ, VMM chinery whose cost went into rvalilincaa era uuUnown. Kl.- thousands of dollars. dent of Sanford for 33 y*ers and VA UICKBT HTAHBUCK, » member of the First Presbyter­ t widow, wboao raaldanca Is Tha fire department was tre- unknown. ALLKBN l*ELL mendous. By the time thay ar ian Church here. Mix. Mero had CHOATE and. BENJAMIN 1>. rived the entire Farmeri Mar been living In Crescent City for CIIOATi:. bar husband. Both of whoB© rwnltUncBO »ro 174i ket wee lost and the flames were the past six years. ranklorl Avanua. I^ulaVllla. spreading fast in the Sanford.Fruit Survivors Include thre* sons. Miss Royal Crown .mucky, Ii AWBINCI Percy A. Mero, New Smyrna tKIIA.NKLL MORAN. JR. and Co. plant It looked hopeless, but _________ MORAN, Ms wife. we had underestimated them. Beach; C. E. Mero, Ft. Wayne, both of whoaa raaldoncaa ara Fire Chief Cleveland went right Ind.; George A. Mero, Diytona IS Upland Road, Stamford, Con par* 1 II. Icu l ELIZABETH up next to the flames with his Beach; four daughter!, Mri. W. will give you a OATES MORAN VUNKER ond men. One crew was within three A. Salimann, Moline, III.; Mr*. MICHAEL YUNKKIl. har hua- bond, both nf whoaa r>a|i|an> feet of a truck with flaming gas Mayme Hodgkin, Mre. J. M. t.a ara No 1 llrlalot Court, tank. They saved it—all that Jackson, both of Crescent City; R y I) No S Clreltvllla, Mrs. W. H. Bach, N«w York; 1* Ohio. If thay ba llaln*. and burned was the seat and nne tire II dtad lhair unknown apoua. —and they saved the rest of the grandchildren and 11 great-gramlr aa, halra, davlaaoo Iran i, plant. children. aaa. cradltora. auccaaaora, aa* alsn.aa, truataaa and othar Tired, exhausted, hair singed, Graveside services will be held purlin claiming by, tbro'ish, clothes scortched and full of smoke Saturday at Crescent City with undar or analnat th« follow* Masters Funeral Home of Palat InW naniad paraona who ara we sat down to rest. It thrilled FREE dtcaaaad: VICTOR H HTAIt- me to look at the boys—Triple-A ka in charge.
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