Pramana { journal of physics CONTENTS { VOLUME 62 (January{June 2004) No. 1, January Research Articles Painlev¶e analysis and integrability of two-coupled non-linear oscillators . S Rajasekar 1 Coherent states of general time-dependent harmonic oscillator . Jeong Ryeol Choi 13 Atom in a femtosecond bichromatic laser ¯eld . .K Batra, R Kundliya and Man Mohan 31 Non-linear polarization and chiral e®ects in birefringent solitons . H Torres-Silva and M Zamorano Lucero 37 Optimization and performance of a high-speed plasma position digital con- trol system . .M Emami, A R Babazadeh and H Rasouli 53 Thermorheological e®ect on magnetoconvection in weak electrically con- ducting fluids under 1g or ¹g . P G Siddheshwar 61 Anti-screening in magnetically quantized plasmas . B Shokri and S M Khorashadi 69 Single crystal EPR studies of Mn(II) doped into zinc ammonium phosphate hexahydrate (ZnNH4PO4 6H2O): A case of interstitial site for bio-mineral ¢ analogue . H Anandalakshmi, K Velavan, I Sougandi, R Venkatesan and P Sambasiva Rao 77 Ultrasonic measurement of the elastic properties of benzoyl glycine single crystals . A V Alex and J Philip 87 Melting temperature of H2, D2, N2 and CH4 under high pressure . .Kamal Kapoor, Narsingh Dass and Rajendra Kumar 95 U(1) Gauge theory as quantum hydrodynamics . Girish S Setlur 101 Sea-boson theory of Landau{Fermi liquids, Luttinger liquids and Wigner crystals . Girish S Setlur 115 i ii Volume Contents Brief Reports Note on the surface wave due to the prescribed elevation . Niranjan Das 135 Radon exhalation studies in building materials using solid-state nuclear track detectors . Ajay Kumar and Surinder Singh 143 No. 2, February Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Particles, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS 2003) { Part I Preface . 147 Precision tests of the standard model, the Higgs, and new physics . Guido Altarelli 149 Physics with large extra dimensions . Ignatios Antoniadis 163 Higgs physics at LHC . .S Dasu 177 Higgs physics at future colliders: Recent theoretical developments . Abdelhak Djouadi 191 Particle physics explanations for ultra-high energy cosmic ray events . .Manuel Drees 207 GUT precursors and ¯xed points in higher-dimensional theories . .Keith R Dienes, Emilian Dudas and Tony Gherghetta 219 New neutrino experiments . .Maury Goodman 229 Solar neutrino oscillation phenomenology . Srubabati Goswami 241 P and CP violation in B physics . Michael Gronau 255 Leptonic flavor and CP violation . Yuval Grossman 269 Higgs bosons in the standard model, the MSSM and beyond . John F Gunion 283 Inflation, large scale structure and particle physics . S F King 307 Understanding neutrino masses and mixings . R N Mohapatra 319 SUSY dark matter { a collider physicist's perspective . Mihoko M Nojiri 335 Experimental and phenomenological status of neutrino anomalies . .Sandip Pakvasa 347 Leptogenesis . E A Paschos 359 Volume Contents iii Electroweak breaking and supersymmetry breaking . Stefan Pokorski 369 Transplanckian collisions in TeV scale gravity . .Riccardo Rattazzi 375 Particle dark matter { A theorist's perspective . Leszek Roszkowski 389 Tachyon dynamics in string theory . Ashoke Sen 403 Lattice matrix elements and CP violation in B and K physics: Status and outlook . Amarjit Soni 415 Unraveling supersymmetry at future colliders . Xerxes Tata 439 Baryogenesis and the new cosmology . .Mark Trodden 451 High density matter at RHIC . Thomas S Ullrich 465 High-energy cosmic rays: Puzzles, models, and giga-ton neutrino telescopes . E Waxman 483 Supersymmetry breaking with extra dimensions . Fabio Zwirner 497 Links between neutrino oscillations, leptogenesis, and proton decay within supersymmetric grand uni¯cation . Jogesh C Pati 513 Phenomenology of the minimal SO(10) SUSY model . Stuart Raby 523 List of Participants 537 No. 3, March Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Particles, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS 2003) { Part II Preface Experimental Particle Physics Supersymmetry at D and other new phenomena searches in Run II . ; . .Auguste Besson 537 Search for supersymmetry at LEP-2 . Ehud Duchovni 541 LEP Higgs boson searches beyond the standard model and minimum su- persymmetric standard model . .Pauline Gagnon 545 Searches for physics beyond the standard model in ff¹ production at LEP II . Peter John Holt 551 Neutral Higgs bosons in the standard model and in the minimal supersym- metric model: Searches at LEP . P Igo-Kemenes 555 iv Volume Contents Search for narrow-width tt¹ resonances in pp¹ collisions at ps = 1:8 TeV . Supriya Jain 561 Prospects for Higgs search at D . Scott S Snyder 565 Progress toward measuring the unitarity angle γ . S Bailey 569 Rare kaon decays: K+ ¼+ºº¹ and future . Bipul Bhuyan 573 ! NA48 results on neutral kaon and hyperon rare decays . Nicol`o Cartiglia 579 Studies of radiative penguin B decays at BaBar . .John M LoSecco 583 Status of Vub measurement with BELLE detector . Gobinda Majumder 587 CP-violating asymmetries in ´0K and direct CP violation searches with BABAR in charmless hadronic B meson decays . F Palombo 591 Radiative widths of neutral kaon excitations . Sunil V Somalwar 597 Direct CP violation in neutral kaon decays . Wojciech Wi¶slicki 601 Search of extra space dimensions with ATLAS . Ambreesh Gupta 607 MiniBooNE overview and status . P Kasper 611 Charmonium spectroscopy { A review . Kamal K Seth 615 Fluctuations as a signal of quark-gluon plasma: Present experimental re- sults . Tapan K Nayak 623 Latest results on J=à anomalous suppression . S¶ergio Ramos 627 Theoretical Particle Physics Neutrinoless double beta decay with small and hierarchical neutrino mass . .Biswajoy Brahmachari 631 Inconsistencies in interpreting the atmospheric neutrino anomaly . John M LoSecco 635 T invariance of Higgs interactions in the standard model . P Mitra 639 Bi-large neutrino mixings by radiative magni¯cation . R N Mohapatra, M K Parida and G Rajasekaran 643 Radiative stability of neutrino-mass textures . M K Parida, C R Das and G Rajasekaran 647 Explaining Tevatron leptons photons missing-ET events with supersym- metry . B C Allanach 651 Required experimental accuracy to select between supersymmetrical models . David Grellscheid 655 Volume Contents v Study of t~ and ~b at LHC . Mihoko M Nojiri 659 Constraints on sparticle spectrum in di®erent supersymmetry breaking models . Katri Huitu, Jari Laamanen and P N Pandita 663 Muon g 2 measurements and non-commutative geometry of quantum ¡ beams . .Y Srivastava and A Widom 667 MSSM charged Higgs production in the 1 TeV domain and large tan ¯ determination . M Beccaria, F M Renard, S Trimarchi and C Verzegnassi 671 On de-globalization in quantum chromodynamics . .Mrinal Dasgupta 675 Pseudoscalar-photon mixing and the large scale alignment of QSO optical polarizations . .Pankaj Jain, Sukanta Panda and S Sarala 679 Higgs production at next-to-next-to-leading order . .V Ravindran, J Smith and W L van Neerven 683 0 Possibility of extracting the weak phase γ from ¤b ¤D decays . ! . A K Giri, R Mohanta and M P Khanna 687 String Theory Near-horizon states of black holes and Calogero models . B Basu-Mallick, Pijush K Ghosh and Kumar S Gupta 691 D-branes in pp-wave background . Alok Kumar, Rashmi R Nayak and Sanjay 695 Logarithmic corrections to entropy and AdS/CFT . Shesansu Sekhar Pal 699 Intersecting p p0 branes in pp-wave background . Anindya Biswas, ¡ Alok Kumar and Kamal L Panigrahi 703 Black holes in brane worlds . M S Modgil, S Panda and G Sengupta 707 Orientifolds of type IIA strings on Calabi{Yau manifolds . .Suresh Govindarajan and Jaydeep Majumder 711 The gravity dual of the non-perturbative N = 2 supersymmetric Yang{ Mills theory . ..
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