s 14:GS: RPI60 ~. 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS HENRY HORNER, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION JOHN ]. HALLIHAN, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief URBANA REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS-NO. 60 PRELIMINARY GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE MISSISSIPPIAN FORMATIONS IN THE DONGOLA, VIENNA, AND BROWNFIELD QUADRANGLES BY STUART WELLER AND FRANK F. KREY EXPLANATION AND STRATIGRAPHIC SUMMARY BY J. MARVIN WELLER PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1939 STATE OF ILLI OIS HENRY HORNER, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION A D EDUCATIO:--J JOHN ]. HALLIHAN, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief URBANA REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS -NO. 60 PRELIMINARY GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE MISSISSIPPIAN FORMATIONS IN THE DONGOLA, VIENNA, AND BROWNFIELD QUADRANGLES BY STU ART WELLER AND FRANK F. KREY EXPLANATION AND STRATIGRAPHIC SUMMARY BY J. MARVIN WELLER PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1 9 3 9 STATE OF ILLINOIS HaN. H ENRY HoR NER, Go vernor DE PARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION HaN. J oHN J. H ALLIHAN, Director BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES A TD CO . SERVATION H aN . J oHN J. H ALLIHA , Chairman EosoN S. BAST I N, Ph.D., Geology H ENRY C. CowL ES , Ph.D., D.Sc., vVrLLIAM A. ToYES, Ph.D., LL.D., Forestry Chem.D., D.Sc., Chemistry ARTH UR C uTTS \V ILLARD, D.Fngr., Lours R. H owsoN, C.E., Engineering LL.D., President of the University WILLIAM TRELEA SE , D.Sc., LL.D., Biology of Illinois STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION Urbana M. M. LEIGHTON, Ph.D., Chief ENID TowNLEY, M.S., Assistant to the Chief J ANE TITCOMB, M.A., Geological Assistant GEOLOGICAL R ESOURCES GEOCHEMISTRY Coal G. H. CADY, Ph.D., Senior Geologist FRA NK H. R EED , Ph.D., Chief Chemist L. C. McCABE, Ph.D. w. F. BRADLEY, Ph.D. }AMES M. Sci-IoPF, Ph.D. G. C. FINGER, Ph.D. EARLE F. TAYLOR, I. S. HELE N F. AusTIN, B.S. CH ARLES C. BoLEY, M.S. Industrial Minerals Fuels J. E. LAMAR, B.S. G. R. YoH E, Ph.D. H. B. WILLMAN, Ph.D. CARL HARMA N, B.S. DouGLAS F. STEVENs, M.E. R oBERT M. GRoGAN, M.S. Industrial il.finerals J. s. TEMPLETON, A.B. J. S. MACHIN, Ph.D. Oil and Gas }AMES F. VANECEK, M.S. A. H . BEL L, Ph.D. G. V. CoH EE, Ph.D. Analytical FREDERICK SQUIRE S, B. S. 0. w. R EES, Ph.D. CHARLES W. CARTER, Ph.D. L. D. McVIc KER , B. S. F . C. MAc K NIGHT, Ph.D. GEORGE w. LAND, B. Ed. FRANK E. TIPPIE, B.S. P. w. HENLINE, B.S. RoY B. RALSTON, B.A. MATHEW KALI NOWSKI, B.S. Areal and Engineering Geology ARNOLD J. VERAGUTH, M.S. GEORGE E. EKBLAW, Ph.D. H ARRY McDERMITH, B.S. RICHARD F. FISHER, B.A . MI ERAL ECO OMICS Subsurface Geology W. H. Vo sKUIL, Ph.D., Mineral Economist L. E. WoRKMAN, M.S. GRACE N. OLIV ER , A.B. J. NoRMAN PAYNE, Ph.D. ELWOOD ATHERTON, Ph.D. M ERLYN B. BuHLE, M.S. EDUCATIONAL EXTENSION GoRDO N PR ESCOTT, B.S. Stratigraphy and Paleontology Don L. CARROLL, B.S. J. 1ARVIN WELLER, Ph.D. CH ALMER L. CooPER, M.S. PUBLICATIO S AND R ECORDS Petrography RALPH E. GRI M, Ph.D. GEORGE E. EKBLAW, Ph.D. RICHARDS A. R owLAND, Ph.D. CH ALMER L. CooPER, M.S. Physics D oROTHY RosE, B.S. R. J. PIER SO L, Ph.D. KATHRYN K. D EDMAN, M.A. DoNAL D 0. HoLLAND , M.S. ALMA R. SWEE EY , A.B. PA UL F. ELARDE, B.S. FRANCES HA RPER L EH DE, M.S. }ACK T uTTLE MEREDITH M. CALKINS Consultants: Ceramics, C uLLEN \V ARNER P ARMELEE , M.S., D.Sc., Uni versity of Illinois; Pleistocene Invertebrate Paleontology, FRANK CoLLIN S BA KER , B.S., University of Illinois. Topographic Mapping in Cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. This Report is a Contribution of the Section of Geological R esources, Di vision of Stratigraphy and Paleontolog)·. ~ 2 (A7472-2M-10-39) Septemher 10, 1939 CONTENTS PAGE Introd uction . .. .. 5 Field work .. .. .. 5 Status of maps .... 5 Iowa seri es ... .... 6 Mountain Glen shale . 6 Springville shale .. ..... ... .. 6 Burlington-Keokuk formation . 6 \.V arsaw-Salem limes tone .. 7 St. Louis lim estone ....... 7 Ste. Genevieve limestone . 7 Chester seri es .. ... .... .... .. ... 8 R enault limestone .. .. ... ... ... ..... .... 8 Bethel sandstone . ... 8 P ai nt Creek formation 8 Cypress sandstone. 8 Golconda formation ... .. ... .. .. 9 Hardinsburg sandstone . .. ....... 9 Glen D ean formation. 9 Tar Springs sandstone .. ... 9 Vienna limestone ... ... .. ..... ......... .. .. .. .. 9 Waltersburg sandstone .. 10 Menard limes tone .. .... 10 P alestine sandstone . ..... 10 Clore formation ... ... ..... .. 10 D egonia sandstone . ... 10 Kinkaid limestone ...... 10 Pre-P ennsylvanian unconformity. .... .. .... .. .. ..... .. 11 P ennsylvanian system . .... ... ..... .. .. ..... ... 11 Cretaceous and T ertiar y deposits .. .. ...... ... 11 Structure ..... .. .. .. .... .. ...... .... .. .. .. ... 11 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE PAGE Index map of southern Illinois showing the location of A, Dongola; B, Vi enna; and C, Brown- fi eld quadrangles . 6 P LATE I Preliminary geologic Map of Dongola, Vienna, and Brownfield quadrangles. .. (In pocket) [3J PRELIMINARY GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE MISSISSIPPIAN FORMATIONS IN THE DONGOLA, VIENNA, AND BROWNFIELD QUADRANGLES BY STUART \VELLER AND FRANK F. KREY EXPLANATION AND STRATIGRAPHIC SUMMARY BY J. MARVIN WELLER INTRODUCTION Survey. 1 The geology of the Carbondale quadrangle, which lies north of the Dongola HE l\t1ISSISSIPPIAN rocks of Illinois quadrangle and includes parts of Jackson, T crop out in three distinct areas along Williamson, Union, and Johnson counties the western and southern borders of the has likewise been described. 2 The western State. The northernmost of these is the part of this third area of Mississippian out­ largest and extends along Mississippi Rive_r crops will be described in a future Report from Mercer County on the north to Madi­ of Investigations devoted to the pre-Penn­ son County on the south and also includes sylvan ian geology of the Alto Pass, Jones­ the outcrops along Illinois and Spoon rivers bora, and Thebes quadrangles. as far north as Fulton County. The second area occupies portions of St. Clair, Monroe, FrELD WoRK Randolph, and northwestern Jackson coun­ The Brownfield quadrangle was mapped ties extends for about 90 miles along the by Stuart Weller in 1916-18 and the Vienna bluffs of Mississippi River from a short di s­ quadrangle in 1918-19. In 1925 the map­ tance below East St. Louis to about 20 miles ping of the Brownfield quadrangle was re­ below Chester, and includes an area e~tend­ vised. Frank F. Krey mapped the Dongola ing eastward from the bluffs to a _max1mu~ quadrangle in 1921. width of about 15 miles. The th1rd area IS The following descriptions of formations in the extreme southern portion of the State, are based largely on manuscript reports on and extends as a belt ranging from 6 to 20 "The Geology of parts of Johnson and Pope miles in width from Union County on the co unties," by Stuart Weller, and "Geology west to Hardin County on the east. of the Dongola quadrangle," by Frank F. This report is concerned with the cen­ Krey. tral part of the third of these areas and describes the geology of those portions of STATUS OF MAPS Union, Johnson, Pope, Alexander, Pulaski , The separate quadrangle maps were never and Massac counties included within the completed for publication. Because of the Dongola, Vienna, and Brownfield qua~­ present need for the geologic information rangles (fig. 1). The eastern part of t~1 s southern area of Mississippian outcrops, m­ I Weller, Stuart, and others, The geology o~ H~rdin County and the adjoining part of Pope County: Illm01s State Geol. cluding Hardin and the adjoining _po rti~n Survey Bull. 41, 1920. of P ope County, has been descnbed m 2Lamar, J. E., Geology and mineral resources of the Car­ bondale quadrangle: Illinois State Geol. Survey Bull. 48, Bulletin +1 of the Illinois State Geological 1925 . [5] 6 MISSISSIPPI/JN FORMATIONS they are issued at this time in preliminary outline form on a sectionized base and show the areal distribution of the various forma­ tions on a scale similar to that of the stand­ ard fifteen minute topographic quadrangles of the U. S. Geological Survey. They have been traced directly from the original manu­ script geologic maps without alteration or addition and are intended to be used in con­ junction with the engraved quadrangle topo­ graphic maps. They are preliminary and subject to correction. The geologic mapping is incomplete in certain critical areas where additional field studies are necessary, and the strata exposed FIG. 1.- Index map of southern Illinois showing in some small fault blocks have not been the location of A, Dongola; B, Vienna; and C, identified. P articular attention is directed Brownfield quadrangles. to the following areas: Mountain Glen shale.-This formation 1) Dongola quadrangle. Because it is of Upper Devonian or Lower Mississippian thin and rarely well exposed the Bethel age consists of hard black shale about 50 sandstone is not shown separating the Re­ feet thick. It crops out only in the south­ nault and Paint Creek formations. It is, west part of the Dongola quadrangle, where however, probably present at most places. it occurs at the foot of the bluffs in sees. 2) Central part of Brownfield quad­ 17, 20, and 21, T. H- S, R. 1 W. It is well rangle. Sandstone occupying one or more exposed on the south slope of the isolated small fault blocks has been doubtfully hill near the center of sec. 20, but easily identified.
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