HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRST TELEPHONE WANT ADS CLASS JOB PRINTING itUUTtTU TO NUMBER NINE N U M B E R 23 BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1938 S IX T Y -N IN T H Y E A R H.S. BAND TO GIVE CONCERT SAT. EVE State Police Complete Organization For Tri-State Blocade ^'11 Tues. Legion p,ayVnde.r Auspices Now H ere’s To Guard Thirty STATE CALLS ATTENTION TO SALES TAX ON OUT-STATE BUYS To Present Long Program and Uniform Drill the Berrien Roads Education W ill Be Summer Colony? Heck No! We re May Pay Tax at WLS Shows Play The Buchanan high school Proposition Sheriff Charles Miller to be Victor Says Dunning band w ill present an open-air con­ in Charge in This cert at 8:0Q p. m. Saturday at H. Post’s Office the intersection of Front and County Home Colony Says Clear Lake Woods to 3 Good Houses Keep It Up and Keep It Down The cure for present ills is main- ______. , i Main streets, playing under the “E'er Gosn suite, keep it up till Blanks Left A t City Hall to ly in the hands of individuals and Over 100 Entertainers from ausP*ces the American Legion, Final organization of the tri­ M. S. C. Graduate Association Organized for As - payday," was tUe p-iea of the state blockade on the Michigan,. sured Future A s High Grade Make it Handy for Local 1 the remedy is more in the adop-| 22 Cities Contribute ’ which takes thls means of uaUing hordes of the local impecunious, Indiana and Ohio state line was Public to Pay Tax tion of better individual attitudes attention to. the fact that it is including ye scribe, as they tight-• cpmpletecl Tuesday by Lieut. Van Residence Sub-Division than any exterior juggling of to Program [ taking the band to the state con- ened their belts hungrily and j A Loomis 0f the. state police, political set-ups. according to Dr. | | vention at Lansing. If you should wish to see a eom- Just a reminder, perhaps, that qC. A. Dunning, Kalamazoo pastor Three nights of excellent enter-j Director It. R. Robinton, in watched the solvent minority go I wno had. been in charge ot the on an ice cream diet Tuesday alt I mumty that seems to have an as- j a law requiring payment of sales and recently elected president ot tainment to houses ranging from charge of the concert, announces organization entirely across the ernoon. sured future of steady growth, tax to tne Michigan government Alma College, in his address to 500 to 600 were reported from the] the renewing program: state, working westward to Lake “How long can it last Jerry ?” ■ ! take a run out to Clear L ake, on goods bought outsioe the state ‘ members of the 1938 graduating W LS shows produced a-, the Clark | March, "Indiana State Band,” said one of the fortunate alfluent' ■ Woods and look about you. j has been on the books for some . ciasa 0f the Buchanan high school, j theatre Thursday, E'riday and Sat-. by Farrar. li Collaborating with Lieut. as he edged up to the counter at And don’t go with the idea that time, a batch of blanks was sent Taking as his title. "The N e w ] urday of the past week under thej Overture, “Harmony Queen,’” by the corner. “Did you say how long j Lo^ ‘s ™ co" n^ (11 weref j you are going to see a shaeky lu v,,ty uiei-K Harry Post last Age Against The Sky,” Dr. Dun- auspices of the Veterans of I Coate. can I last?” countered cnder bherifts Lowell Miller of I summer colony. For while , the ma- week so tnat it mlght .be cu»»en-' ning declared that in spite of the E’oreign Wars. j Waltz ‘The Rose of Tralee,’1 as he swiped, the counter and pre-i ^ ^osePh ,Rinker of | Jonty ot the 50 house-owners lent for anyone who wisnt-. to threats and menaces of the cur- Miss Edith Schlytern had as- Buchanan. At least two men by Glover. pared to take the order, “what I ' there live, in the city of Chicago in be strictly law abiding to go to ent scene he remains an optimist sembled some excellent talent . Selection, "Merry Men,” by .living.1 conveniently near have from a wide range of territory, in kind do you want—I got vanilla.” winter .and use the place only in file city hall and till out a blank in the belief that education—-the Thomas. been enlisted for each of : the eluding 22 towns, from Michigan A wild rumor that circled the summer, every house is substan­ hny time they" make a shopping right kind of education— will he March “El Capitan,” by Sousa. thirty Berrien, county roads lead­ tially built with the idea of event­ City and Nappanee in Indiana to jtown last night that the price was Expedition to,-—well Los Angeles the victor in its present race with Overture, “(Solosseum,” by De- ing to the Indiana line. The list Decatur, Paw Paw and Lawrence. [dropping another nickel was vigor­ ually using it as a place Of retire­ or Miami— and pay the tax m to catastrophe. Danger is added from Lamater. includes several Buchanan men, ment. In fact there is a nucleus One of the favorite groups of ously denied by Bill Gnodtke. Mr. Post. the fact that much of the popular Song, “Rosita,” by Dupont. but since they will not be em­ of residents already who make entertainers was the Ardmore Vy/hat do you want—we’re selling Mr. Post has not been asked to ! education thru movies, radio, press Intermezzo, "Jolly Peter,” by powered to act until they are their year-around homes there. Wildcats from South Bend, includ­ ivi 3% cents under wholesale now," act as a collector, and the pay­ and even the school is the wrong Kerstan. sworn in by Sheriff Miller, no The residents of the Clear Lake ing a clever left-handed trick stormed Bill, "O f course I am still ment of the tax at his office will kind, he said. March, “The Stars and Stripes announcement of the names is Woods colony are sold on the idea fiddler whose work is in great Ji.glting money on account of the be entirely voluntary on the part Addressing an audience -. com­ Forever,” by Sousa. being made yet. that they have one of the most favor at all amauter W LS shows volume of business.” of tne puDlic, if and when aone. posed mainly of the 64 capped and “The Star Spangled Banner.” Tney will be subject to call at pleasant and beautiful home sites in this district. > Meantime the ice cream price The notice reads: gowned seniors, the 86 juniors, and During an intermission the 45 any tirne by Sheriff Miller, who in Chicagoland, and what is more their parents, friends and teach­ Jake Schneider and Raymond ■war continued as the Record went The blan..s are to he used by members will stage a spirited to press last night, with the var­ will be in charge of the blockade Among me bau seniors from they are organized to keep it that ers, Dr. Dunning pleased all with Rothfuchs, Three Oaks performers individuals who make purchases on the accordion and xylophone, uniform drill,. The program will ious dealers of the city dishing it for Berrien county ,to aid in tne* Michigan State College who are to way. Sites are sold with restric­ a mixture of humor, eloquence and outside the state, Which are not were favorites, although they have last about an , hour and forty out at 19 cents a quart and 10 capture of fugitives wanted for receive their degrees at the annual tions on types of building, on good sense. subject to the sales tax. Under | been heard in Buchanan several minutes. cents a pint instead of the former the crimes of murder,, sex crime, commencement at East Lansing maintenance of the natural woods the terms of the Use Tax Act all times. 35 cents and 18 cents, the lower kidnaping, bank robbery,, aggra­ on June 13 is Miss Helene Spatta, and other limitations Intended to tangible persdnal property pur­ The Misses Geraldine and Edith ■ schedule going, into effect Tues­ vated assault,- and prison break­ daughter Of : Mr, and. Mrs. George maintain the beauty and general chased for use .consumption or Taylor of Niles, harmonizing day. ing,; . Spatta of Buchanan. Miss Spatta community standards. Softball Orchard Hills Storage in Michigan is subject to yodlers, were hits. James Shupe of Most buyers were aware of the Enlistments have been enrolled has majpred in physical education. They have an organization, the Fancy Dress'Tournament.'. a three per cent tax, regardless By J O H N SCHULTZ Buchanan was very successful in fact that conevand dish, prices had by Lieut. Loomis to guard each Clear Lake Woods Property Own­ ; Winners at . the -fancy 'dress of where it was purchased. The Buchanan’s softball season un­ the part of Gene Autrey and Otis not dropped and . Instead of buy- of 177 Michigan roads approach­ ers Association, which is now, tournament held by the ladies of “Go West, Young Act is designed to eliminate tax- der the lights will begin E'riday, Fouse, also of Buchanan, rang the . ing a dish at 10 cents they preferr­ ing tne: state’s southern border. making plans for community fire the Orchard Hills Golf club at free, .
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