E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 2002 No. 98 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. WELCOMING REVEREND RONALD WELCOMING THE WORLD BASKET- The Reverend Ronald J. Jansen, Pas- A. JANSEN, HOLY CROSS LU- BALL CHAMPIONSHIPS TO INDI- tor, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Col- THERAN CHURCH, COLLINS- ANA AND THE UNITED STATES linsville, Illinois, offered the following VILLE, ILLINOIS (Ms. CARSON of Indiana asked and prayer: was given permission to address the O Almighty God, You have given us (Mr. SHIMKUS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 House for 1 minute and to revise and this good land as a place for us to live extend her remarks.) and serve You. We ask, Lord, that as minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) Ms. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- You concern Yourself with the busy- er, I rise today to request that all of ness of Your universe, You would also Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I would the Members join me in welcoming and give Your attention to the business of like to welcome my Pastor, Pastor recognizing the 16 national teams that this place, the House of Representa- Ronald Jansen, to the floor of the will be competing in the upcoming 2002 tives. May Your spirit so guide the House to open us up with prayer. world basketball championship for Members of this chamber that they re- Pastor Jansen grew up on a north- men. member they are representing the peo- western Wisconsin dairy farm and has For the first time in its 50-year his- ple of the United States of America. pastored in the Lutheran Church, Mis- tory, the world basketball champion- Bless them also with the knowledge souri Synod, for 35 years. He served in ship is being held in the United States, that they govern as Your representa- parishes in Winono and Albert Lee, and, appropriately, in the basketball tives to the people. Minnesota, Marshfield, Wisconsin, and capital of the world, my hometown, In- Be with the Members in their con- currently is at Holy Cross in Collins- dianapolis, Indiana. versation, their deliberations, and ville for the past 13 years. From August 29 to September 8, Indi- their votes, that they may serve You He is married to his wife Becky, a anapolis will play host to the largest and be a blessing to the people who public schoolteacher for 17 years. They and most prestigious basketball event dwell in this land. are accompanied by his 90-year-old fa- in the world. In total, 62 games will be In the name of the Risen Redeemer. ther Victor, and second oldest son and played over the course of the 11-day Amen. daughter-in-law, Dr. Aaron and Melissa event. It will bring ‘‘Hoosier Basket- Jansen. ball Hysteria’’ of the NBA finals and f Pastor Jansen is my pastor, and NCAA Final Four to a new inter- when I think about Pastor Jansen, I national scene with an expected visitor THE JOURNAL think about Ephesians 2:8–10, ‘‘For by capacity of 150,000 people from around The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- grace are you saved through faith, and the world. The importance of continuing inter- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- not of works, lest any man should national sporting events and fostering ceedings and announces to the House boast. For we are His workmanship, positive relationships between coun- his approval thereof. created for good works in Christ, who tries has never been more important. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- calls us to offer up ourselves a living Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I ask that nal stands approved. sacrifice.’’ Congress join me in supporting this im- Pastor Jansen preaches from the pul- portant resolution. f pit law and gospel, which is the hall- f mark of the Lutheran Church, Missouri PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Synod. PROTECTING MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- I want to thank Pastor Jansen for woman from Indiana (Ms. CARSON) calling us to a higher calling this (Mr. FOLEY asked and was given per- come forward and lead the House in the morning. mission to address the House for 1 Pledge of Allegiance. minute and to revise and extend his re- Ms. CARSON of Indiana led the Pledge f marks.) of Allegiance as follows: Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, yesterday I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER the world discovered that another United States of America, and to the Repub- child, 5-year-old Samantha Runnion, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- who was violently abducted from out- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. tain 15 1-minute speeches on each side. side her home while playing with a b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4875 . VerDate Jun 13 2002 00:46 Jul 19, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.000 pfrm17 PsN: H18PT1 H4876 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2002 friend, was sexually assaulted, stran- for 1 minute and to revise and extend HONORING U.S.-JAPAN MARITIME gled and left naked on the side of the her remarks.) YOUTH EXCHANGE PROGRAM California road. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I (Mr. GUTKNECHT asked and was The police in California said that this am proud to congratulate Captain Jo- given permission to address the House sick and deranged person may do this seph Nimmich and the rest of the men for 1 minute and to revise and extend terrible act again to another child and women of the United States Coast his remarks and include extraneous based on the way he left this poor Guard Group Key West for hosting a material.) child’s body on the side of the road. community outreach event on Trumbo Mr. GUTKNECHT. Mr. Speaker, They say this may be his calling card. Point in Key West. This event is spon- today I rise to honor the U.S.-Japan Parents throughout the Nation are sored by the Navy League Key West Maritime Youth Exchange Program. both shocked and frightened that this and the Key West Chamber of Com- This program brings together high could happen to their child. merce Military Affairs Committee. Over 2,000 children are reported miss- I am very proud to recognize this school age students from Japan and the ing to law enforcement every single group, because the work that they do is United States for a 3-week program of day. While Congress focuses on restruc- truly amazing and selfless. In the aver- travel and study in both countries. turing its homeland security, we must age month, the men and women of the It was developed and funded in 1996 be made aware of the incredible efforts Coast Guard Group Key West provide through a partnership between the U.S. that the FBI and other law enforce- the people of Florida with invaluable Navy Memorial Foundation here in ment agencies provide in retrieving services. Saving lives, conducting Washington and Mr. Kaoru Hasegawa, these children and finding their abduc- search-and-rescue missions and pro- an unsuccessful World War II Japanese tors. We must make sure that these viding marine exams and aids to navi- kamikaze pilot and now president of agencies have the manpower and re- gation are everyday activities for these Rengo Company, Limited, in Japan. sources necessary to continue these ef- brave and selfless individuals. Mr. Hasegawa was shot down and forts. This is a particularly special event, then rescued by the crew of the USS To that end, as cochairman of the because it also celebrates the Coast Callaghan back in World War II. When Congressional Missing and Exploited Guard’s 212th anniversary with the Key the survivors of the Callaghan invited Caucus, I will work with the gentleman West community. Mr. Hasegawa to attend their reunion from Texas (Mr. LAMPSON), the Com- I ask my Congressional colleagues to several years ago, it was a very emo- mittee on the Judiciary and the admin- join me in congratulating and com- tional reunion. The desire to share istration to ensure the work on legisla- mending Captain Nimmich and his col- their new-found goodwill and under- tion to increase both criminal and civil leagues on this special celebration. standing with the next generation of penalties for abductors and provide the f Americans and Japanese led to the cre- necessary funding for our law enforce- ation of the Maritime Youth Exchange ment agencies. PROVIDING CORPORATE Program. ACCOUNTABILITY AND REFORM f The program’s purpose is to teach (Mr. SANDLIN asked and was given STATE DEPARTMENT NOT HELP- participants about the historical, cul- permission to address the House for 1 ING RETRIEVE KIDNAPPED tural and economic factors that impact minute and to revise and extend his re- AMERICAN CHILDREN the two countries’ maritime policies marks.) and practices. With understanding, re- (Mr. LAMPSON asked and was given Mr. SANDLIN. Mr. Speaker, by now spect, teamwork and friendship, the permission to address the House for 1 we are all well aware of the recent minute and to revise and extend his re- program will work to create a healthy wave of corporate accounting scandals partnership for the future of these two marks.) and the consequent need for systemic Mr.
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