- • psF f-tc.._ly: /Vlus.s 0 /,·n,- - fl t/~1- Fo l~c::1- s -~te P4rr: a~f't... ·· .• Pultliehecl 1a 0 ror•1cn Relatione !! tae Ua1te4 ltatel 1939 Vol. II ~eneral, !he Br1t1ea oo.. onweal,ll, and l ..ope • • --- IL CAPO DEL COVERNO Ro~ . 11 11 gennaio 1939-XVII Caro Presidents, L'Anbasciatore Phillips mi ha consegnato , al suo ri t orao da .¥ashic)6 t oo , la vostra le ttera e io ho discusso con lui i vart punti cne in tale lettera e nel mecnorandu11 che vi era aru~eseo , voi avete sollevato. Egli certamente vi avra 1n1'or­ mato della nostra convereazlo.Je , e vo1 siet.e quln­ di gia al corrente del mio punto d1 vista. Per quello cne ~1guarda l ' Etlopia , none possibi le pensare a organizzare una em1graz1one ebraica in quella regione. A parte ~ualunque al­ t ra cons1deraz1one , l ' attegg1arnento 6Bnerale degli ambienti ebra1c1 ne1 r1e;uard1 dell' Italia non e ta­ le eta cousigliare 11 Gove rtlO I taliano ad accogl1e­ r e 1n un suo terri t o rio una nasea COllSioerevole di emil:!jra t1 ebre1. / . • ( ) S1 tratta, d 'altra parte, ai problem! che non s1 prese.rtano solamente ne1 riguard1 della pos1zio­ ne degli ebre1 in ltalia o in qualche altro Paeee, ma d1 problem! che sono d1 carattere generals , pol­ che la queatione ebraica ee1ste, in !o~ne diverse , in quasi tutti gli Stat1 d 'Europa , e aeve eesere quindi considerata come una questions generals eu­ ropea , per poterla r1eolvere au 11nee costruttive. A mio avv1so, 1 soH Paesi cr.e poesono accogl1e­ re e org&lizzare una conslderevole em1graz1one ebra1- ca souo quell1 che di spongono r1el !oro terr 1 to rio na­ z1onale d1 grand1 estens1on1 scarsamente popolate e d1 grandi risorse cce possono essere adeguatamente e!ruttate e messe in valore. Solamente quest! Paes1 , uella vast1ta e nella r 1cchezza della loro struttura, possono dare e!!ett1vamente 1mp1ego ad una massa di ebrei, che 1uteudano lasciare 1 Paes1 d 'Europa nei qual1 essi sono attualmeute stab1l1 tL !entre Paesi transocearlici p1u ' p1ccoli, e con risorse piu' limi­ tate , pot rebbero anche esai accogliere , nei territo­ r! a1epon1b111 , un certo numero d1 ebre1 , qualora, per me zzo d1 ac~ord1 1nterua z iot~li , questa e~i~ra ­ z1one v enls~e raz io1~lmente organizzata . ./. Ma quello che io ho sempre considerato e consi­ dero come la soluzioue piu' prattca e la creazione , l.n qualche parte del mondo , di un vero e proprio Sta­ te ebraico. L' eeperimeuto della Jewish Home in Pale­ stloa e ralll.to, per conaizioni storicbe che erano assolutamente s!avorevoli alla creazl.one dl. uno Sta­ te ebraico palestiness, ma l ' ldea oi cr eare altr ove tale Stato non aovr ebbe essere abba.• oonata. Ancne ee questo rosse t erri torialmen te un piccolo Stato, gli ebrei avrebbero tuttavia in essv, come hanno tutti gl1 altri popoli , 11 loro centro e l a loro base na­ zioaale. Gli ebret, d1venut1 cittadini di que sto Stato, avrebbero cost' una naz1onalita ea una posi­ zlone de~1n1ta , e , anche se s tab111t1 in alt ri Paesi , troverebbero da parte di questo Stato quella normals assleteuza e quella t~tela , ct.e r.anno tutti gl1 stra­ nieri. Solamente cosi ' 11 problema ebraico cessereb­ be di eesere in Eur opa 11 problema 1neolub1le di una .ninora~ za , la sola, cne e pr1va di una naz1onal1ta. Quest e sono le idee che ho esposto all' Amba scia­ t ore ?hl.l lips e che vi ho r taseunt o qui tn br eve . Io gradiro ' sempre da parte mla d1 stua~are qualW!Que piano concreto c he vot avrete 1ntanto preso in conei- . / . ( ) aeraz1one, conv1ut.o co:n~ sono cne uJ.a soluztone generals clel probletna ebra1co sopra una base pra­ t1ca s1a altamente aes1aerab1le. Colgo questa occaalone , caro Presldente, per r1Q6raz1arv1 delle cortes! espress1on1 ens ,lella vostra lettera m1 avete a1rett.e, e dl 1n­ v1arv1 1 m1e1 m1&11or1 augur1 e le ass1curaz1on1 della ml a p1u ' alta cons1deraz1one. • ~ rankl in D. ROOSEVELT • Presidente degl1 Stat1 Un1t1 d'America -- WASHINGTON • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Febr uary 6, 19159. W!..JORANDU:.I FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE and UNDER SECltE:'I't<RY 01 STATE a Do you thi nk & r eply to Si &nor Yu aeolini ' s letter ia advieable or called !or7 F. D.R. fdr/ dj Original letter in Pr esi dent ' s fa111ous 111en 1s file. carbon letter to acco~p&Qy this memo • .. • • ~-( ) ~ DEPARTM E NT 01' &TATE WA8~1NOTON February 3. 1939 lo!y dear 11r . President: I am enclosing a letter dated January 11, 1939, addressed to you by Premier Uuesolin1 on the Jewiah refugee question which is 1n reply to your letter to h1a on the eame subject. Signor Muaeol1n1 1 e letter was delivered by the Italian Charg& d 'Aftalrea ad 1nter1a on February 2. In order to preaerve the confidential nature or the coamun1oat1on, the tranelat1on wa1 done by one or the off1oars ot t D1v1s1on o f E ropean Art a1re. F it ly youra, Enclosure: From Pram1er Mueaol1ni with tranelation. The Prea1dent fhe White Bouae. \ (T1UNSLA1' IOIII) Chief ot the Goverruaent Rolle, Januar;r U , 1939, XVII Dear Mr. President: Ambassador Phillips on his return trom Washington handed me your letter and I have disouesed with him the various points railed b;r ;rou in the letter and in the memorandum whioh wae annexed thereto, He will have intor•d ;rou, oertainl;r, ot our convereation and ;rou are therefore alread;r acquainted with my point ot view, In eo tar ae Ethiopia ie concerned, it is Dot po ..ible to consider the organitation ot Jewish emigration to that region. Apart from ever;r other oonaideration, the general attitude ot Jewish oirolee toward Italy 1e not such ae to make 1t advisable t or the Italian Government to receive on any ot ita territory large numbers ot Jewish illllligrante, It ie a question, moreover, not onl;r ot proble•a arising in connection with the situation ot the Jews in Ital;r or in eome other country, but ot problems which are general in character, tince the Jewish question ex1ets , in various forma , in almost all European oountr1ee and must be considered tneretore as a general European question in order t o eolve it along constructive linea, In - 2- In ay opinion the only oountriee which can receive and settle large numbers ot Jewish i111111igrants are those wnich have at their disposal within their national boundaries extensive areae sparsely populated and With large re1ouroee which oan be adequately developed and exploited. These countries alone because ot their ex­ tent and wealth are, in tact, able to give employment to large numbers of Jews who may have the intention ot leaving the countries ot Europe in which they are estab­ liebed at the present time. On t he other hand emaller overseas countries with .are limited resources might also be able to receive, ln available areas, a certain number ot Jews, provided the emigration is rationally organized by international agreemente. But that which I have always oonsidered and still consider to be the most practical solution is the creation in soJDB part ot the world ot a true and proper Jewieb state. The experiment ot the JewUh Home in Palestine has tailed on account ot historic oond1t1ons which were abeolutely unfavorable t o the creation ot a Jewish state 1n Palestine, but the 10ea ot creating euoh a state else­ where should not be abandoned. Even though this state were to be small in territory, the Jew• nevertheless would t1nd -~ find therein, as is the case with all other peoples, their center and baeie of national existence. The Jews, having become oititene or thie etate, would thus have a nationality ot t heir own and their sit uation defined, and, furthermore , when reeid1ng in other countries, they would receive trom their own state the assistance and protection to which all foreigners are normally entitled trom their respective states. Only in this way would the Jewish problem in Europe cease to be the insoluble problem or a minority - the only one - Which is deprived or a nationality. These are the ideae which I explained to Ambe.eeador Phillips and which I have bristly eummarited tor you here. I, t or my part, shall always be glad to study wnatever concrete plan you will have taken under considera­ t ion in the meantime, convinced ae I am that a general eolution or the Jewish problem on a praoticsl baeie ie highly desirable. I take t hie occaeion, aw dear Mr. President , to thank you tor the oourteoue expressions which you conveyed to me in your letter and to send you _, beet Wishes and assurances or my highest oonei deration. l.!USSOLINI - Jteb1'11ar7 I liU Ut ve~r tr. ~e l 4ont& I •• enoloel"l a le&ser oeted Janu~ry 11 , lt30, ~.<~ore ....s t o :rou 'bJ !'reale r ''\lllollol " D ' "- J'ewhh rotuc•• qyeetloa ~o~ 1• 1n renlt &o to~ l etter t o bla on the .... •~bJeot. r ~nor ~ weaollnl'• l el & ~r -• 4elhere4 bJ tho Uall&ft Chll'l' 4 1Attalre• a4 1nter1• on hbrwer:r tl. n ordor t o orewerwe ~~ oont14enC l al nature ot ' • n tt1CM~re ot Ch!t ! 1w1e1on ot \lr'Ol)!llll\ At t alre. r.t,hlUllt Jowre , nol onr e1 troa t realer l ue•al lnl Yl\h trana1at1oD. 'l"be 1\U e MOll It • ('I'>I AJIIII AT l Oif) ~ let o r the C'.overn.
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