
3rd February 1927 THE {,EGISLATIVE ASSE \1BLY DEBATES (Official Report) Volume Ill (15th March to 28th March, 1927) FIRS1' SESSION OF THE THll~D LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, 1927 \ DELHl i}<>VERNM.ENT 01'' INDIA PRESS 1927 • [iii]. CONTENTS-contd.• • • PA.ES . .... le\day, 1st rebruary, 1927- Members Sworn • 327 Questio~B and Answers 327-6:> The La.nd Acquisition (Amendment) Bill-Introduced . 3~.06 The lndian Registration (Amendment) Bill-Iritroduced 3 6 The Indian Penal Code (Amendment) BiU-(Amendment of Section 141)-Introduced 366 The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Bill-(Amendment of Section 80)-':'Introduced 367 The Indian Succession (Amendment)' Bill~Introduced 367 The Inland Steam Vessels (Amendment) Bill-Introduced 367 The Indian Law Reports Bill-Introduced 367 • The Indian Merllhandise Marks (Amendment) Bill-Introduced 367·68 The Hindu Child Marriage Bill--Introdueed 368 The Interest Bill-Introduecd 368 The Soeieties Registration (Amendment) BiJl-Introd\1('ed 36il ;'fhe Cl'iminal Law Repealing and Amending Bill-Introduced 269·70 "Amendment of Standing Orders-ReferJ'ed to Select Committee 371-75 Wednesday';" ~~ebruary, 1927- QuestioJi6 and Answers 377-97 UnB14a~ .. ed Questions and Answel's 397-99 Motion for Adjournment 1-C Decision of the Government of India not to publish the Report of the Indian Deputation to Fiji-Ruled out of order 400 .. 03 Election of Panel for the Standing Emigration Committee 403-04' The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) BiIl-<Execution of DecreeR /lnd Onlers)-Motion to cir¢ulate adopted 404-06 The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Bill-(Amendment 8f seetion 115)-Mot.ion to consider negatived ' ... 400-27 The Indian Uegistratioll (Amendment) Bi1l~Passed 42" • "l'hUHday, 3rd J'ebruary, 1927- .. Member Sworn 429 Questions and Answers 429-41 Message from H. E. the Viceroy 441 Statement of Business 441 Resolution rF- Release of the Bengal Detenus-Adopted as amended 442·507 liIOllday, 7th February, 1927- Members Sworn 501 Questions and Answers 509·28 , Unatatred Questions and Answers '. ~28-31 Megage from H. E. the Governor General ~31·32 Appointment of Mr:' K. C. Neogy to t~e Panel of Chairmen 1)32 Extension of the time for receiving Nomillil-tions to the"Panel , ... for the .standing Committee on Emigration 'Election of M;mbers for the Celftl'al, Advisory C'.\l~dl fQl''' , 1tailways .,... • .. 4 ... 532 ..• LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBJ.Y. Thursday., 8rd February, 1927. The Assembly met in the Assembly Chamber of the Council Rouse a.t Eleven of the Clock, Mr. President in the Chair. MEMBER SWORN. Rao Bahadur N. A. Gopalaswami Ayyangar, M.L.A. (Madras: Nomi- nated Official). QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. REI.lMSK OF POLITICAl, PRISONERS. 32. "'Mr. O. Dura1swamy .Alyangar: (a) Will the Government be pleased -to state the number of prisoners who are now undergoing imprisonment under the Bengal Ordinance and the place where they are kept? (b) Will the Government be pleased to state whether any or all of them will either be released or brought to trial in a court of law? (0) Has the Govel'nment any idea of releasing Srijut Subaeh Chandra. Bose now that he has been elected to the Bengal Legislative Council? Will he. be permitted to attend the sessions of the Council even if hv be not released? The Honourable Sir Alexander Muddlman: (a) a!ld (b). I would refer tho Honol1rnblp M embE'r to the answer T gllve in this HousE' on tht, 31st January to Mr. M. A. Jinnah '8 question No. 147. (c) Mr. Subhas Chnndm 13080 is det'Hined under the Bengal Criminal Law Amendment Act. The Local Govenlment have reflHwd to allow him to attl'Dd the sC'ssion of the Bengal Legislative Council !tnd the mere fact of his (·]c.ction to t.he Coullcil docs not IIfford Buffici('nt ground for his relen~e. This question mm;t, be dpcided in nccordA.nce with the general prineipl('s I stRted in anAwer t,o the question t.o which I have just refermd. Mr. O. Duraiswamy Aiyangar: Mny I know from the Honourable the Home Member whether his spat will be deelared vacflnt if he is absent for more than three mont.hs? The Honour&ble Sir AIsxander Muddiman: I should like to reply to that question when the Honourable gcntl('mun has been absent for three months. hlFROVED PUTFORM FOR OCl>Ult U~C STATION. 33. "'Mr. O. DuraiBwe.my Aiyangar: (a) Are Government aware that -Gudur Junction is crowded with passengel' traffic for all the trains? (b) Are Government aware of the inconvenience felt by the passengers in getting into the trains on account.of the low platform? ( 429 ) , A LEGISLA1'lVE ASSEMBLY. [3nD FED. 1927. (c) Have Government any idea of remodelling this station at least to the extent of raising the platform to the level of the compartments in the trains? If so, when will this be done? lIr. A.A. L. Parsons: Government have no information but the suggestion containod in the Honourable Member's qneF!tion will be convey- ed to the Agent, Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway. GOVER:-lMENT PROPOSALS RE TAN.TOltE DISTRICT BOARLl RAIJ.WAY. 34. ·lIr. O. Duraiswamy Aiyangar: (a) Will the Government be pleased to state what is the final outcome of the negotiatioDs between Mr. Parsons and the Tanjore District Board regarding the District Board Railway? (b) Will the Government be pleased to state whether and when this- Assembly will be given an opportunity of discussing the proposals of the Government of India regarding the said negotiations? (0) Will the Government be pleased to state the total amount invested by the Tanjore District Board over its Railways and the amount till now collected as Railway cess from the rate-payers? Mr. A. A. L. ParsoDS: (a) and (b). '1'ho Government.o£ India have mad3 tho Tanjore District Board an offer on certain terms for the transfer of the railway to the Government of India, which holds good until the 31st or last month. We have not yet heard whether the District Board roc~ to accept it. 1£ they do accept it, I intend to luy the matter before the Stanliing Finance Committee for Railways at an early opportunity. (0) The capital outlay up to the end of 1925-26 was just over 68 lakb. We have no information as to tho amount coHected as railway cess. ACTION TAKEN BY GOVERNMENT ON RESOT,UTIONS OF T,AST ASSEMBLY. 68 . • :Mr. O. Duraiswamy Aiyangar: Will the Government be pleased to lay on the table a. statement showing the Resolutions pasl:'ed by the last Assembly, the Resolutions accepted by the Governor General in Council, the extent of the effect given to the accepted Resolutions and the rp,asons for the non-acceptance of the other Hesolutions. )l[r. L. Graham: '1'ho Honourable Member is referred to the reply given to Mr. Gaya Prasad Singh's starred qUElfltion on the 21st January, IQ26, printed on pages 31-84 of the Legislative Assembly Dehutes, Volume VII, Part 1. • A statement showing the Resolutions adopted by toe Legislative Assembly and the action taken by Government thereon during the Delhi and Simla. sessions 1926 is laid on the table. For the reasons for the non-llCceptance of the other Resolu.tions, I must reter the Honoul'able Member to the official reports of the debates on those ResolutionS'. ~ qUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. 431 State1M7It ,howing ~60lu.tion' adot~d btl t~ Idgisl(ltiv8 Aaaemblydtt,.illg; the Delhi aflll Simla &"iona, 1926, a.nd action taken btl ot'en~nt th,,.80n. 4 Ii 6 1 2 8 \ Dnte on Subject Depart- Action tAken Serial which By whom. of ment by No. moved. Reaolution. concerned. Government. ---!I-------I-------I-----.----.---.--- 1 26.1-26 Mflulvi Moham- Relcnse of politi- Home Copy of tho debttteA Wll8 mad Sh8foo. cal prisoners. forwarded to tope ~cre tory of state. 2 28-1-26 Kumar Ganga· Unemployment I. & L. The attention 'If Provin nflud Sinha. omong the cinl Governments ha middle clilues. been drawn te the Retlo lution in the Department of IndustrioM nml Labour letter No. 1..-1873, dated the 26th MIlY, 1926, which baa been pub- ll.hed. 8 9-2·26 Mr. ADlar Nllth Dian llownnce of Home Attention is invited to. & Dutt. the Burma ElC' Burma Act IV of 1~6. 16·2·26 pul.ion of Offendera Act, 1925. 16·2·26 llaulvi Sayyid Reforma in the F.& P. The question is under con- 18·8·26 Murtaza Sahib Xorth·West sideration. .\ Bahadur. Frontier Pro- 19·8·26 vince. Ii 17·2·26 Honournble Sir Supplementary Commerce (I) A Notification Charles Innes. protection to No. 260-T.(57), dated the tinplate in· 27th February, 1926 .. duatry. under I nd in n TN riff Act WIIS issue(i mising the Import duty on Steel tlnpl8.tes ond tinDOO sheets inclnding tin tog- er~ from Ih. 60 per ton to Rs. 85 per tou and (2) II Notification· No.5, datod 27th }'ob- ruary, 1926, under Sea CU8tolll~ Act was imled reducing import dnty on' tin block from lIi per cent. ad va Zo,.em to 8. specific dut.y of Re. 260 perron. 6 17·2-26 Honourablo Sir Customs duty on Commerce A NoUflcation W118 islUed Charles Innes. lac exported on the 20th }'ebrnary, from Il1din. 1926, declaring that sec· tions 2 te 6 of the Indian LIlcCe.8Act, 1921(XIV of 1921), shall continue in force until the Slst December, 1931. 7 18-2·26 H01IOurable Sir Ratificntion of I. & L. A copy of the Resolution B. N. Mitra. the draft con· hal been forwllrded. to 18·8-26 vention of the the Secretnry.Genom} '" 7th Internation· of the League of N ..
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