e e h h T T MMaarrnnee EExxpprreessss “Mission, Soldiers, Teamwork” Volume 2, Issue 21 Serving the Soldiers of Task Force Baghdad December 4, 2005 Iraqi, U.S. In this forces work TTeeaammwwoorrkk iinn week’s side by side ttrroouubblleedd ttiimmeess edition of after attack Press Release The Marne Task Force Baghdad PAO BAGHDAD – Iraqi Express Security Forces and Task Force Baghdad Soldiers quickly began search-and-res- cue operations in the wake of two suicide car bomb attacks in central Baghdad around 8:20 a.m. Nov. 18. Initial reports indicated at least three Iraqi civilians were killed and 43 others were wounded when terrorists deto- nated two car bombs near the Al-Hamra Hotel on the Karradah Peninsula. There were no Task Force Baghdad casualties. The explosions, coming within seconds of each other, damaged an apartment com- plex near the hotel. Portions IA basic training of the building collapsed, trap- ping residents in the rubble. Maj. Alayne Conway page 5 Iraqi firefighters work diligently to clear rubble while rescuing trapped Iraqis in an apartment building See TEAM, page 12 after two car bomb explosions rocked a neighborhood in the Karradah district Nov. 18. Weapons cache grows as 1/75th Cav. Soldiers continue to dig Spc. Kelly K. McDowell The unit initially found a 2/101st Abn. Div. to date. discovering more weapons 2/101st Abn. Div. PAO small cache consisting of two After receiving the infor- caches buried in the field. rocket-propelled grenades mant’s tip, the Soldiers start- “After we found the small- BAGHDAD – After receiv- and one AK-47 assault rifle ed their search by using a er cache, it just kept going,” ing a tip from a local resident, Nov. 14. metal detector. said Staff. Sgt. Joel Killian, Soldiers from 2nd Brigade After uncovering this They began to dig up muni- 1st Platoon, B Troop, 1/75th Combat Team, 101st Airborne weapons cache, the Soldiers tions and weapons at 3 p.m. Cavalry. “First we would find Division uncovered what of 1st Squadron, 75th Cavalry and the dig continued until a mortar plate, then we would turned out to be a large Regiment expanded the after midnight Nov. 16. find the tube. Next, every weapons cache west of search of the area, resulting in When an explosives ord- side road was filled with Baghdad. one of the largest of 17 nance disposal team arrived at weapons cache discoveries by the site, the Soldiers were still See CACHE, page 12 Paint the town page 9 ‘Triple Deuce’ Soldiers get results with foot patrol Pfc. Jason Jordan insurgencies,” said Capt. James Kleager, A 1/10th Mtn. Div. PAO Company commander, as he briefed the Soldiers for the upcoming mission using a ABU GHRAIB, Iraq – It was Veterans’ small model of the neighborhood. Day in America as Task Force Baghdad Soon after the mission began, it was warriors walked the streets of Baghdad clear that citizens were not expecting to searching for terrorists. see a large number of Soldiers on foot in The neighborhood of Abu Ghraib was the area, and the surprise worked toward quiet on the night of Nov. 11, but the the Soldiers’ benefit. streets were far from empty. While many “The sight of such a large number of unsuspecting citizens sat in their homes, Soldiers dismounted in their neighborhood two companies from 1st Brigade Combat really brought the heat down on these peo- Team, 10th Mountain Division’s 2nd ple,” said 2nd Lt. Kip Remsburg of A Co. Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, walked “The sight of us prompted them to speak up and down the streets in search of terror- out more than usual as they were ques- ists. tioned – and we received more information While the sight of convoys leaving than usual.” Camp Liberty is a common occurrence for The Soldiers capitalized on the fact that local Iraqi citizens, Soldiers are rarely seen the dismounted rifle platoons would be a Thanksgiving 5k leaving the “wire” on foot. However, the complete surprise. 2/22 Inf. Soldiers did just that during “It was a shock for these people to see page 19 Pfc. Jason Jordan Operation Roundup. us on their streets like this,” Kleager said. Sgt. Jason Millay, 2/22nd Inf., inspects the “We will conduct a series of raids … to “We are keeping (the terrorists) on their shell of an explosive round found in a gather information about the whereabouts home during a night raid Nov. 11. of some big players in al-Qaeda and other See DEUCE, page 12 Page 2 Op/Ed The Marne Express, December 4, 2005 mm77sendssends Light at the end of the tunnel Command Sgt. Maj. focus until we officially William M. Grant receive a change of mis- 3rd Inf. Div. command sergeant sion. major Safety must be en- forced daily. We all know First things first – I that factors such as failure would like to thank you to properly prepare for a all on the Marne team for mission coupled with your commitment, dedica- speed and fatigue equate tion, professional excel- to unnecessary risks. lence and sacrifices over Conducting a risk the past 11 months that analysis mitigates risk to we’ve conducted our mis- our teammates and limits sion. equipment losses. Your actions in whatev- Likewise, as we pre- er capacity you are serv- pare to return home we ing has perpetuated the must “think safety” to cre- support of our nation ate a safe environment for while simultaneously win- ourselves and those ning the hearts of the around us. Iraqis (all you need to do The division has tools is look into their eyes, and to sustain unity through I have experienced that teamwork. These tools opportunity). include documents such as You have performed A Soldier’s Promise, your duties with honor in Defensive Driver and the midst of extremely Motorcycle Training Re- dangerous operating envi- quirements, and Family ronments – superb. and Buddy Posters, which You, the Marne team, can be found on the 3rd have placed your Inf. Div. TACWEB within thumbprint on history the Safety section. with your efforts during But even the use of all the very successful these tools without mak- October Referendum and ing good, sound decisions, now, during preparations will ultimately lead to dis- for the December elec- aster. We are asking you tions. to be safe, be smart, and Therefore, we can say watch out for your buddy. the light at the end of the Don’t become a statis- tunnel is shining – but the tic. mission isn’t over. I ask all of you to maintain your Rock of the Marne! e e h h T What are you doing to get into the holiday spirit? T Marne Express TThhee “I think about “I have been Task Force Baghdad Public Affairs home a lot, and I writing letters Office picture it snow- home, sending Commanding General: Maj. Gen. ing here in Iraq.” t-shirts and William G. Webster Jr. Word teddy bears to Public Affairs Officer: Lt. Col. Robert Word Whetstone my wife and try Public Affairs Supervisor: Sgt. 1st to stay in touch Class David Abrams oonn tthhee with everyone.” The Marne Express Staff Editor: Sgt. 1st Class Brenda Benner Layout and Design: Spc. Emily J. Spc. Lawson Conner Pfc. Michael Parker Wilsoncroft SSttrreeeett Staff Writers: Sgt. 1st Class Peter HHC, 2/502nd Inf. HHC, 2/101st Abn. Div. Chadwick, Sgt. 1st Class David Abrams, Pennsylvania Tennessee Sgt. 1st Class Ken Walker, Staff Sgt. Raymond Piper, Staff Sgt. Kevin Bromley, Staff Sgt. Russ Rozean, Sgt. Andrew Miller, Sgt. Matthew Wester, “I have been “I have ordered a “I wrote a group Spc. Ricardo Branch, Spc. Ben Brody, Spc. Jennifer D. Atkinson, Spc. Derek calling my fami- few gifts from letter to my fam- Del Rosario, Spc. Brian Henretta, Spc. ly and talking to [the internet] and ily so they can Maria Mengrone, Spc. George Welcome, Spc. Daniel Balda, Spc. Kelly them.” sent emails all read it and I McDowell, Pfc. Jason Jordan. home to my fam- am making a ily.” video to send The Marne Express is an authorized back home of publication for members of the U.S. the Soldiers and Army. Contents of The Marne Iraq.” Express are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or the 3rd Infantry Division. All editorial con- Pfc. Jason Koenig Capt. Michael Smith Sgt. Rachael Eding tent of The Marne Express is pre- HHC, 2/101st Abn. Div. HHC, 2/101st Abn. Div. HHC, 2/101st Abn. Div. pared, edited, provided and approved Arizona Florida Indiana by the Task Force Baghdad Public Affairs Office. The Marne Express, December 4, 2005 Op/Ed Page 3 Commentary From front line to support, we all play a role Spc. Derek Del Rosario Baghdad by memory deserve the utmost bad day. work and hand receipts I have to handle, 100th MPAD respect of their fellow Soldiers and the Mechanics – I am going to admit that but the supply personnel handle paper- people of America. I really don’t like working on vehicles, so work for entire companies, battalions I have talked with some Soldiers who Supporting units and local contractors the fact that these Soldiers’ full-time job and brigades. Thank you supply person- have questioned the reason they are here. also play an important role in our mis- is to do something I hate is already a plus nel, for handling paperwork and red tape Some feel their time has been wasted. sion, but their service sometimes gets in my book.
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