National Circulation, 'Above 475,000; Denver Catholic Register, 21J.21 DENVER PARISHES ENTERTAIN ARMJLMEN Content! Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1940— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Weekly Programs for Catholics in Service DENVER CATHOLIC Locally Is Planned REGISTER Affairs fo Be Held in Church Halls; Will Supple- menf System to Be Set Up by The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services, _____ ^ _____ Photo Features, and Wide World Photos._____________________ City Cfficials VOL. XXXVI. No. 19 DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, DEC. 26, 1940. $2 PER YEAR In line ■with the national program of the newly formed Morale division of the army, Denver Catholics are planning a series of weekly entertainments for the Catholic soldiers at Diocese Makes Great Gains Lowry field and Fort Logan. The series is supplementary to the city’s welfare program for the soldiers, and will be under the supervision of Bishop Urban J. Vehr, the pastors of the city, and the Rev. Edward R. Martin, chaplain and morale In 1940; Noted Leaders Die officer of Lowry field. It is planned that eventually each parish in the city will sponsor one Construction and Repair Work on Church Build such affair each week. Since it is now contrary to army regulations GH IPiL 111 B [ for civilian organizations to oper­ Ings Exceed $ I ,C0C,CC0; 25th Priestly An­ ate on any army post as the Knights of Columbus did in the niversary of Bishop Yehr Marked World war, the programs are to be WHAT IF MUSSOUNI held in the parish halls throughout BLEGSED BEG. 91 WERE REJECTED? the city. To this writer, the most out­ (By John T ruxaw) standing international events of In the year 1940 now drawing to a close the Diocese of Pastors to Outline the week were Winston Church­ Denver made great spiritual and material progress and suf­ First Programs Soon ill’s address to the Italian people, fered some immeasurable losses in personnel. In the near future, the pastors asking them to rid themselves of Construction afid repair work on church buildings in in the vicinity of Lowry field will Benito Mussolini ( the Pope’s The spirit of the New Year’s the state exceeded $1,000,000. Youth received prominent meet with the Very Rev. Harold season is expected to carry a Christfias address to the Cardinals, V. Campbell at Blessed Sacra- which, in its attack on force, was attention in the spiritual field, with marked consideration by double feature for the 130 student njent rectory to plan the first pro­ nurses at the Catherine Smith Mul­ in the best traditions of the Pa­ the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, the Diocesan Coun­ grams. The first six programs will pacy, and the Oiristmas truce be­ len Memorial home of St, Joseph’s cil of Catholic Women, and other bodies. The 25th sacerdotal be largely experimental in nature, hospital, Denver. On the morning tween Germany and England— a anniversary of the Most Rev. and, once it is determined what move suggested by the Pope, offi­ before 1941 replaces 1940, the pri­ Bishop Urban J. Vehr was noted programs have an appeal for the vate chapel just completed will be cially turned down by England, by a drive to raise a diocesan enlisted men, they will be held but then unexpectedly followed Broadcast of blessed and the first Mass will |be fund to be used for the education weekly. The first is planned for celebrated on its modest but dig­ by Germany and agreed to by of priests, the support of poor the latter part of January. England. nified altar. On New Year’s eve the and disabled priests, and the pro­ Novena Will . The pastors of the city who will nurses will open their initial all- Churchill’s talk was a bold and motion of missionary work in poor take part in planning the first night vigil before the new taber­ dramatic gesture. The solution, parishes. programs are the Very Rev. Wil­ nacle and sanctuary fixtures do­ however, is not nearly so simple The losses that the diocese suf­ Be Repeated liam M. Higgins, the Very Rev. nated by friends of the institution. as he suggests. Mussolini has led fered were losses made to God. Charles H. Hagms, the Rev. Wil­ The chapel, which will seat ap­ the Italian people into four wars Within the year the Colorado liam V. Powers, the Rev. John P. proximately 50 persons, is being — the conquest of Ethiopia, the Church mourned the deaths-of a re­ In response to numerous re­ Moran, the Rev. Manus P. Boyle, rounded into shape by the redeco­ conquest of Albania, the current and Father Campbell. tired Bishop, two Domestic Prel­ quests, the Mutual Broadcasting ration and reconstruction of the war against Britain, and the fail ates, and three priests. The Most periodical room in the south end ure to conquer Greece. We have station of Denver, KFEL, will pre­ Bishop Host to Rev. J. Henry Tihen, Titular sent a transcribed progrram of the of the building on the first floor. no way of knowing just what goes Bishop of Bosana, retired Bishop Planning Group The walls have been ornamented on inside Mussolini’s mind. But, Christmas novena of St Thomas’ Christmas Celebrated in January of Denver, and former Bishop of seminary Sunday evening, Dec. 29, Bishop Vehr was host to the with a decorative design of palm when the Ethiopian and Albanian Lincoln, died Jan. 14. The Rt. leaves and crosses in gold, while from 8:30 to 9 p. m. The original group of priests and laymen that affgirs are judged objectively, we Rev. William F. O’Ryan and the broadcast, released Wednesday met at his home Wednesday, Dec. the paneled altar, to be covered caniiot regard them as lacking Rt. Rev, Richard Brady are the Qift Exchange on New Yearns Eve with a gold-designed drape, will considerable moral justification; evening, Dec. 18, aroused so 11, to lay the original plans for Monsignori who died. much interest in Denver and assisting the Catholic soldiers in stand in relief before a dorsal of for Ethiopia was miserably gov­ rich red mohair velvet suspended erned, its emperor Hailie ^lassie Statistics compiled for the Cath­ throughout the state and was the this area. The Very Rev. Msgr. J. olic Directory of 19U show that the cause of so many letters of ap­ R. Mulroy, diocesan director of from finely wrought iron fixtures. had stabbed and poisoned his way Custom Among Armenian People An ornamental iron Communion to the throne, its chief industry CatHolic population of Colorado in­ preciation that studio officials Catholic Charities, and the Rev, creased 6,515 over 1939 to reach have decided upon a re-presenta- Hubert Newell, diocesan superin­ rail is provided, and a large cross was slavery, the nation had of light oak with a pearl Corpus 167,217. The number of secular tion. (By Hadji Gregory Melikian) pomegranates, dried apricots, Christmas, whenever it is cele­ tendent of schools, attended the historical record of persecuting will hang above the altar table. priests increased from 141 to 159, prunes, plums, and peaches, brated, is strictly a religious af­ meeting with Fathers Campbell, Christianity when any attempt The program will feature the The holiday season runs back­ On each side the altar will be seemed about to succeed in sup­ making a total of 294 priests in combined Gregorian Sckola can- ward in Armenia, for it is a prac­ dried cream made of goat’s fair. Everyone has been fasting, Martin, and Powers. The Knights the diocese. enclosed by the extensions of the planting the barbarous fictional torum and polyphonic choirs of St. tice there to celebrate New Year’s milk, and other winter fruits if not during^ the whole of Ad­ of Columbus were represented at and nuts. As age is held in red mohair curtain. The iron grill­ Christianity or the Mohammedan­ Hospitals Lead Thomas’ seminary. The Rev. first and then Christmas. Gifts vent, then during the week before the meeting by Grand Knight Wil­ ing from which it hangs is orna­ great reverence, each one p ref liam Nelson, and the Diocesan Holy ism that existed; and all this rot­ Thomas J. Barrett C.M., Js -di­ p:e f^etributed on New Year’s eve Christmas. On Christmas eve mented in detail, with a gold- In Construction ent recites a poem or makes a Mass begins about 4 or 5 in the' Name union by Pnesrdent Barney ten mess was *right-'-n*Sr'®Sttt' ■tO' rector, and Austin Williama; a instead of on the Christmas feast. pajnted cross featuring the center African Italian territory. Though Hospitals led other Catholic or­ student at the seminary, provides Gaghant Baba, or Father New speech to the oldest person pres­ afternoon. The Prophecies and A. Gates. John Sullivan of the ent. At the stroke of midMght all Denver Community Chest and Jos­ section and similarly painted chal- the Church in Ethiopia was ganizations in the record building the musical accompaniment. Rob­ Year, is a character simiiar to carols are sung. The services last iges on each wing oi the frarae- the lights are. put out for a mipute. eph E. Cook were also present and founded centuries ago by Catholic program of 1940. Outstanding ert^ McMahon, a third-year the­ Santa Claus and represents the until after midnight. Most persons ■work above the sides of the table.
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