SEPTEMBER 2021 TIME TABLE 9 2021.9.1 ▶ 9.30 J SPORTS 3 ★ First On Air Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 5.00 Shinkyokushin Karate #332 4.00 WRC Round8 Rally 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 6.00 Information 6.00 J SPORTS HOOP! #8 6.00 Information 6.00 SAIL GP Round4 Belgium「review」 6.00 GTV -SUPER GT Talk Variety- #6 6.00 Documentary -The REAL- 6.30 WRC Round8 Rally 6.30 Shinkyokushin Karate 6.30 Super Formula Round5 Aarhus(DEN)「Day1」 5.00 Dance! 7.00 Cycle* Warera World #5 Boxing「Tommy Part1」 Belgium「review」 #332 Twinring Motegi「Qualifying」 6.00 SAIL GP Round4 7.30 FIM Endurance World Championship 7.00★MLB 7.30★MLB 7.30★MLB ▽8.00 Round5 Aarhus(DEN)「Day2」 Round2 12 Hours of (09/06) (08/31) (09/01) Twinring Motegi「Final」 8.00 Cycle* Warera World #5 8.00 Documentary -The REAL- Estoril/POR「Part1 Start」 8.30 Mobil 1 The Grid #7 Boxing「Tommy Part1」 ▽11.00 Round2 12 Hours 9.00 Info◇MLB Digest #23 ▽9.00 Boxing「Tommy Part2」 of Estoril/POR「Part2 Goal」 10.00 Info◇Kawakatsu 10.15 Information◇★SUPER 9.45 SUPER GT Digest Round3 2.30 Info◇DOALA's Sports day #1 3.00 FIM Supersports World Football Seminar #1 GT Digest Round3 10.00 REAL「Subject To Review」 3.00 Cycle* Warera World #5◇Info 3.00 SAIL GP Round4 Championship 3.00 REAL「Pacific Islander」 10.50★Badminton BWF World 10.50★Badminton BWF World 10.50★Badminton BWF World Tour 4.00 DTM Round5「Red Bull Ring/AUT」 Aarhus(DEN)「Day2」 Round7「Circuito de 4.00 FIA WTCR Round5 Tour Super 500 Korea Tour Super 500 Korea Super 500 Korea Open Finals 6.30 Information 5.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #75 Navarra/Spain」 Hungaroring「Final」 Open Open Semifinals 5.00 J SPORTS HOOP! #8 7.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #75 5.30★J SPORTS STADIUM 5.30 MOTOR GAMES #387 6.00 Cycle* Warera World #5 Quarterfinals 5.30 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #75 7.30 SUPER GT Digest Round3 「Buffaloes vs. Marines」 6.00 WWE RAW #1474 HL 6.30 MOTOR GAMES #387 8.00 WRC Round8 Rally 6.00 PURE ETCR Round3 Copenhagen 7.45 Information (Hotto Motto Field Kobe) 7.00 MLB 7.00 MLB 8.00 FIA WTCR Round5 Belgium「review」 6.30★Inter Proto Series & KYOJO CUP #2 8.00★FIA World Endurance Championship HL 10.00 FIM Superbike World (08/31) (09/01) Hungaroring「Final」 9.00 Shinkyokushin Karate #332 7.00★FIM Superbike World Championship Round4「24 Hours of Le Mans(FRA)」 Championship 10.30 FIM Endurance World 10.30 FIM Endurance World 10.00★WWE SMACK DOWN #1149 HL 10.00★GTV -SUPER GT Talk Variety- #6 Round8 Race1「Circuit de 9.00★MOTOR GAMES #388 Round8「Circuit de Nevers Championship Championship 11.00 WWE RAW #1474 HL 10.55 Naoki Yamamoto Nevers Magny-Cours/France」 9.30 Inter Proto Series & KYOJO CUP #2 Magny-Cours/France」 Round2 12 Hours of Round2 12 Hours of 0.00 MOTOR GAMES #387 11.00 Documentary -The REAL- ▽8.30★Round8 Race2「Circuit 10.00★WWE RAW #1475 HL 1.00 FIM Supersports World Estoril/POR「Part1 Start」 Estoril/POR「Part2 Goal」 0.30 WRC Round8 Rally Boxing「Tommy Part1」 de Nevers Magny-Cours/France」 11.00★FIM Supersports World Championship Championship 2.00 Documentary -The REAL- Belgium「review」 ▽0.00 Boxing「Tommy Part2」 11.00 GTV -SUPER GT Talk Variety- #6 Round8「Circuit de Nevers Round8「Circuit de Nevers Boxing「Tommy Part1」 1.30 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #75 0.45★IFSC Climbing World Cup 0.00 IFSC Climbing World Cup Magny-Cours/France」 Magny-Cours/France」 2.00 FIA WTCR ▽3.00 「Subject To Review」 2.00 FIM Superbike World LEAD Round 5 LEAD Round 5「KRANJ - SLOVENIA」 1.30 PURE ETCR Round3 Copenhagen 3.30 PURE ETCR Round5 Hungaroring 3.45 Naoki Yamamoto Championship Round7 「KRANJ - SLOVENIA」 2.45 HOOP! #8◇MLB Music #28 2.00 GTV -SUPER GT Talk Variety- #6 Round3 Copenhagen 「Final」 (〜3.55) 「Circuito de Navarra/Spain」 3.30 Cycle* Warera World #5 3.30 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #75 3.00 WRC Round8 Rally Belgium「review」 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank◇6.00 Information 4.00 J SPORTS STADIUM 5.00 SAIL GP Round5 Saint- 9.00 IFSC Climbing World Cup 4.30 Blank 6.00 REAL Boxing「Tommy Part2」 6.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #75 6.30 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #75 「Carp vs. Tigers Tropez(FRA)「Day1」 LEAD Round 5「KRANJ - SLOVENIA」 6.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #75 6.45 DOALA's Sports day #1 6.30 Information 7.00 J SPORTS STADIUM (09/10)」 7.00★MLB 11.45 MLB Music #28 6.30 Information 7.00★MLB 7.00 J SPORTS STADIUM 「Buffaloes vs. Marines(09/09)」 7.30 SUPER GT (09/11) 0.00 REAL「Subject To Review」 7.00 Cycle* Get Cycle News (09/07) 「Buffaloes vs. Marines (Hotto Motto Field Kobe) (On Board CAMERA+) 0.45 WRC Round9 Rally Acropolis (09/06) (09/08)」 10.30 MOTOR GAMES #388◇Info Round3 Suzuka Circuit「Final」 3.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #75 Greece「Power Stage」 8.00★MLB (Hotto Motto Field Kobe) 11.30 SAIL GP Round4 10.30 Information 3.30 Kawakatsu Football Seminar #3 2.15 DTM Round5「Red Bull Ring/AUT」 (09/13) 3.00 WWE SMACK DOWN 10.30 Info◇DOALA's Sports day #1 Aarhus(DEN)「Day2」 11.00 FIA World Endurance Championship HL 3.50★Takamadonomiya Cup Premier League 4.45 REAL Boxing「Tommy Part2」 #1149 HL 11.00 SAIL GP Round4 1.30 J SPORTS HOOP! #8 Round4「24 Hours of Le Mans(FRA)」 EAST Week11-1「OMIYA ARDIJA U-18 5.30 Information 4.00 WWE RAW #1475 HL Aarhus(DEN)「Day1」 2.00 Info◇Mobil 1 The Grid #7 0.00 GTV -SUPER GT Talk Variety- #6 vs. Shimizu S-Pulse Youth」 6.00 REAL「Subject To Review」 3.00 WWE RAW #1476 HL 5.00 PURE ETCR 1.00 Info◇MOTOR GAMES #388 3.00 SUPER GT(On Board CAMERA+) 1.00★SUPER GT Round5 Sports 6.15 Super Formula Digest Round5 6.45 Information 4.00 WWE SMACK DOWN Round3 Copenhagen 2.00 J SPORTS HOOP! #8 Round3 Suzuka Circuit「Final」 Land SUGO「Qualifying」 6.30★WRC Round9 Rally 7.15 DOALA's Sports day #2 #1150 HL 5.30★J SPORTS STADIUM 2.30★SUPER GT(On Board CAMERA+) 6.00 Information 5.45 Super Formula Digest Round5 Acropolis Greece「Day2」 7.30 MLB Digest #24◇Info 5.00 Cycle* Warera World #5 「Buffaloes vs. Marines」 Round3 Suzuka Circuit「Final」 6.15 SUPER GT Digest Round3 6.00 PURE ETCR Round3 Copenhagen ▽7.00★Round9 Rally 8.30★ROLEX Spirit of Yachting #3 5.30★J SPORTS STADIUM (Hotto Motto Field Kobe) 5.30★J SPORTS STADIUM 6.30 J SPORTS HOOP! #8 6.30 WRC Round9 Rally Acropolis Greece Acropolis Greece「Power Stage」 「Rolex Fastnet Race」 「Eagles vs. Buffaloes」 10.00★WRC Round9 Rally 「Buffaloes vs. Marines」 7.00 Info◇Inter Proto Series 7.00★WRC Round9 Rally Acropolis 8.45 Super Formula Digest Round5 9.00★MOTOR GAMES #389 (Rakuten Seimei Park Miyagi) Acropolis Greece「Preview」 (Hotto Motto Field Kobe) & KYOJO CUP #2 Greece「Day1 & Live Stage」 8.55★Extreme E HL 9.30★Mobil 1 The Grid #8 10.30 J SPORTS STADIUM 10.00 J SPORTS STADIUM 8.00 Super Formula Digest Round5 8.15 SUPER GT Round5 Sports Land SUGO Round3「Arctic X Prix」 10.00★WWE RAW #1476 HL 10.00 J SPORTS STADIUM 「Buffaloes vs. Marines 「Buffaloes vs. Marines 8.15 Info◇MOTOR GAMES #388 9.45 FIM Supersports World 9.50 Cycle* Warera World #5 11.00 Inter Proto Series & KYOJO CUP #2 「Eagles vs. Buffaloes (09/08)」 (09/09)」 9.00 WWE RAW #1475 HL Championship Round8 10.20 DOALA's Sports day #1 11.30 Yogibo SUPER GT #4 (09/14)」 (Hotto Motto Field Kobe) (Hotto Motto Field Kobe) 10.00★WWE SMACK DOWN #1150 HL 「Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours/France」 10.30 FIM Superbike World 0.00 WRC Round9 Rally Acropolis Greece (Rakuten Seimei Park Miyagi) 2.00★Super Formula Digest 1.30 DOALA's Sports day #1 11.00★Yogibo SUPER GT #4 0.15 WRC Round9 Rally Championship Round8 「Preview」 Round5 1.40 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #75 11.30 MLB Acropolis Greece「Preview」 「Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours/France」 ▽0.30 「Day1 & Live Stage」 1.30 Mobil 1 The Grid #8 2.10 REAL「Subject To Review」 2.10 REAL Boxing「Tommy Part1」 (09/09) ▽0.45 「Day1 & Live Stage」 1.30 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #75 ▽1.30 「Day2」 2.00 SAIL GP 3.00 J SPORTS HOOP! #8 ▽3.10 Boxing「Tommy Part2」 3.00 FIA World Endurance Championship HL 1.45 Kawakatsu Football Seminar #3 2.00★MLB ▽2.00 「Power Stage」 Round5 Saint-Tropez 3.30 Cycle* Warera World #5 (〜3.55) Round4「24 Hours of Le Mans(FRA)」 2.00 FIM Superbike World Championship Round8 (09/12) 3.30 Extreme E HL Round3「Arctic X Prix」 (FRA)「Day1」 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank◇6.00 Information 4.00 Blank◇6.00 Information 4.00 FIA World Endurance 4.30 Dance! 9.00 Cycle* Get Cycle 5.00 Blank 6.00 Information 6.30 REAL Boxing「Tommy Part1」 6.30 FIM Endurance World Championship HL Round4 5.30 J SPORTS STADIUM News(09/06) 6.00 Information 6.30 MOTOR GAMES #389 7.30 Information Championship Round2 「24 Hours of Le Mans(FRA)」 「Buffaloes vs.
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