Activists' Coiivietions Overruled SEE STORY PAGE 5 The Weather Sunny and pleasant today. Ke<l Bank, Freehold FINAL Fab- tonight Fair and milder tomorrow. " I l,ong Branch EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 26 PAGES VOL 95 NO. 69 RED BANK, NJ. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2,1972 TEN CENTS iimnnniin |l.mpnmiimnnmin.mmiillllinmilliuiinilimiiumillllllim^^ Mixon-Gr omyko Talks To Cover Broad Range WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress to link any new The lend-lease talks deal It is in these negotiations proach is working, and they President Nixon scheduled U.S.-Soviet trade agreement with the $11 billion owed the that some members of Con- expect the Soviets to make two meetings today with So- to a Soviet concession on the United States since World gress are trying to force the some concessions if granted- viet Foreign Minister Andrei large exittaxe/levied on emi- War II, The price settlement Soviet Union to ease its exit preferential trade status and jGromyko. The subjects were grating Jews. is said by sources to be about tax, which can reach up to in an effort to obtain com- expected to range from treat- The possible agreements $500 million with the out- $30,000 for some Jews at- prehensivetommercial agree- ment of Russian Jews to trade are under negotiation in standing questions the terms tempting to leave. ment. matters to East-West rela- Washington. They involve set- and length of the repayment. The Nixon administration There has been congression- tions in Europe and possibly tlement of the Russian World The Soviets, however, have has opposed such specific al pressure recently to keep Vietnam. War II lend-lease debt, a demanded -most-favored-na- links, saying itrprefers quiet Nixon from signing an over-. The first meeting this morn- maritime accord and over-all tion status by the United diplomacy^ dealing with the . all trade pact unless Moscow ing involved Nixon, national-' commercial treaty. States in exchange for the Soviet Jewish question. agrees to make it easier for security adviser Henry A. Kis- The maritime talks, con- lend-lease settlement. Some officials say this ap- Jews to leave. singer, Gromyko and a hand- ducted on the U.S. side by ful of his aides. Secretary of Commerce Peter A dinner meeting at the Peterson, center on the per- White- House had a wider centage of trade between the PRAYING FOR PEACE — An armed British soldier crouches with his guest list, including Secretary two nations that would be car- weapon, at right, during a religious service attended by some 3,000 per- of State William P. Rogers. ried in American ships. sons of Catholic and Protestant faiths at a cemetery In the Falls Road sec- Administration officials said A tentative formula said to tion of Belfast, Northern Ireland, yesterday. The service in the cemetery, the Soyietibreign minister have been worked out early in a scene of conflict once between the IRA and the British soldiers, was ad- ipd the President would deal^ the maritime talks would give dressed by clergy of both, religions. Jargely with two matters —* one-third of the trade to U.S. commercial relations and the ships, one-third to Russian European question. vessejs and the remainder to Tied to the commercial ne- other nations. gotiations is the question of Shipping Rates Laborites Wanf U.S Soviet treatment of its Jewish Also to be settled are the population, an issue assum- specific ports to be used and ing increasing importance in an American demand that the current American presi- Russia set shipping rates Bases Out of Britain dential-election campaign. competitive with American There is strong sentiment in charges. BLACKPOOL, England "The presence of American resolution setting tough terms (AP) — Leaders of Britain's bases prevents us from taking if Britain is to continue as a opposition Labor party Sun- the kind of political stance member of the European day night demanded removal which would encourage world Common Market under a' La- of U.S. nuclear bases from .nuclear disarmament. There borgovernment, McGovern On this country and urged tough is no doubt this country Britain is scheduled to join new terms for participation in presents a sitting target. This the market Jan. 1. the European Common Mar- conference is opposed to any The conditions were so ket. British defense policy which is strong it seemed certain they- Some members of the Labor based on the use or the threat- must be rejected by the other Second State party's executive committee ened use of nuclear weapons nations in the trade and eco- earner emerged from a five- either by this country or by its nomicbloc. , . Rtjlittr Staff Photo hour session reporting that allies, and demands the re- Yesterdav.s decisions another decision had been moval of all nuclear bases in Yesterday s decisions GUEST SPEAKER — Harold Adler of South Orange, regional director of b c Tour Today B'nai B'rith's Anti-defamation League, discusses last night's Slmchat To-. taken recommending that this country." " ^ ».«* * rS^Jfrnf o Pn M iste rah rally in the Monmouth YM-YW.HA, Ocean Township, with Mrs. Jiid|th Britain should take a neutral m practice this would mean ™ ™ nLhf™* !££ NEWARK (AP) -.Sen. ' bert Humphrey a majority of n Levinson, chairman of the event. Mr. Adler was the principal speaker at stance between the world's a labor government-would be *° : who has sought to ensure George S. McGovern makes more than 40,000 against Rich-' the event, which drew a capacity audience. He called on American Jews a fu g his second campaign swing in ard Nixon in 1968. power blocs and withdraw bound to seek removal of the ***t ^Jf * *£ to exact pre-election political commitments frohfi candidates which would, from the North Atlantic U.S. Polaris nuclear subma- ment would te free ^.^ three days into New Jersey McGovem's running mate, aid the Soviet Jews. ' lts ow today, with a noontime rally R. Sargent Shriver, conferred Treaty Organization. rine base at Holy Loch in » ^"S^h* 2 in Military Park here, the with Lerner and other Essex This was denied later by a Scotland and U.S. Air Force renegotiation witbjn the en- main stop on the Democratic Democratic leaders several epokesman for the party. He bases elsewhere in Britain. larged Commong Market, candidate's calendar. weeks ago. said the committee had re- It is up to.the convention to Not only is the party's unity McGovern is scheduled to McGovern, in his speech at jected the proposal that a fu' accept or reject the proposal. at stake but also Wilson's per- fly into Newark Airport short- the union convention, charged Jews Will Persevere, ture Labor government pull But the party leadership's sonal future. His friends have ly before the rally and spend that economic conditions in Britain out of NATO. support obviously will weigh reported that he might quit if 1 about four-hours in the state. " New Jersey had declined dra- The spokesman confirmed, heavily with the 1,200 dele- the conference votes — uncon- McGovern, who spoke to the matically under the Nixon ad- however, that the national ex- gates. stitutionally as he seelf — to State Industrial Union Coun- ministration. B'nai B'rith Assured ecutive had voted in favor of The executive committee decide what the nexfLabor cil, AFL-CIO, at its convention He said the cost of living in crime," he added, "is being a resolution that said in part: approved by a 13-12 vote a administration must do. By AL HORAY YWHA here. in Atlantic City Saturday, is the, state bad risen 20.6 per, Mr. Adler was guest speak- Jews." also scheduled to confer with cent from January, 1969, and OCEAN TOWNSHIP - The er at the Family Simchat To- In the Soviet Union, he said, Democratic leaders from Ber- - last July, while unemploy- Soviet, and Syrian govern- rah Solidarity rally, at which Jews are kept from taking 5 gen and Passaic Counties in ment jumped from 4.3 per ments cannot crush the spirits Israel's Torch of Indepen- part in religious observances - Howard Plans Reply Lyndhurst in mid-afternoon. cent to 7.2 per cent. of the Jewish communities in except Simchat Torah, which dence was ignited to signify The noon rally was ar- McGovern also accused the their domains. / that nation's 25th year of, inde- signifies rejoicing in the To- ranged several weeks ago by president of vetoing three con- So said Harold Adler of pendence. rah. Newark Mayor Kenneth A. gressional bills that he said South Orange, state regional "Today, however, "Mr. Ad- During Dowd Debates Gibson and Essex County would have relieved the bur- director of B'nai B'rith's Anti- Mr. Adler said that Syrian ler said, "we still do not know Democratic Chairman Harry Jews are jailed and restricted if Soviet Jews were allowed to for den local property owners Defamation League, last MIDDLETOWN - Rep. torted by his opponent and he ^^ - , ,_ Lerner. face in financing education. night in the Monmouth YM- in many ways. "Their only celebrate with us." James J. Howard, D-N.J., has looked forward to the chance ,. We as Democrats can look Essex, which is New Jer- Advise Representatives forw 1 promised to clarify his stands to set the record straight. ^u *» ™*»? i*** ** «* sey's most populous county, is aK ri nt on tneissue s The ADL director called on on teacher strikes and several in the meanwhile he said 8 ^ ^ also a traditional Democratic American Jews "during this defeated amendments to the that his campaign for reelec- °™*J" party is wrong, he bastion.
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