1930 CONGRESSIONAL RECOBD-ITOUSE 2949 (] fln<>d In cllon 402 of tbe tnrttr act ot 1922 would have re ulted as State , returning, in compliance with the reque t of the Senate, JlNl rly as po lbl<' in the Imposition, during the period from .Tuly 1, the resolution of the Senate of January 31, 1930, advising and 10~7, to D 'CcmbPr :n, 1929, both dat s inclusive, of amounts of duty con ·enting to the appointment of }"'lorence F. Davenport to be n<•lth£'r gr t r nor leHs thnn would have bet>n collectible at the rate po tma ter at Napoleon, N. Dak., which was ordered to lie on 8[1£'<'lfl<'d In SU I" h pnrngraplls nppU d upon tb ba is of value defined in the table. pn r a ~raph 27 and 28 of the tnritf act of 1922. The commission hnll, REVI ION OF THE T.llliFF ns 1won 11 pructlcabl , but tn no ev nt later than .Tanuary 1, 1932, The S nate, a in Committee of the Whole, r umed the con- uhmtt n r port to the Con~ s setting forth the classes of articles 2667} with t•I'Rpect to whkb the conversion of rates bas been made, together ideration of the bill (H. R. to provide revenue, to regulate with th converted rut s applicable thereto. Tbe commission shall commerce with foreirn countrie , to encourage the indu. trie of the United tate , to protect American labor, and for other nlHO u <' •rtaln whether or not there ~>xlsts In any foreign country or purpo e. (•Otllltrlc>R any cnrt 1, tru t, combination, or association in re pect of liATFIELD·s any ot the products provided for in po.ragrnph 27 or 2 , and the After the conclu ion of Mr. peech­ <'IT •t·t tht>rrot on tnt rnatlounl commerce in such products and par­ Mr. MOOT obtained the floor. tl ularly the t> tent to which prices are or may be attected by the Mr. HEBERT. Mr. Pre ident, will the enator yield to me Op<'rnllon or such cnrt l, trust, combination, or a soclatlon. The re- to make a brief statement? ulls of such lnv ligation• shall be r ported to Congre as oon as Mr. :\lOOT. I yield. practl• ble, but not lnt r tbnn .Tanuary 1, 1932. To a i t the com­ TRIDUTE TO THEODORE F. SHUEY ml ~lon in currying out the provlslons of thl subparagraph, the varl­ Mr. HEBERT. Mr. Pr<'Sident, it is well that we should not ou t·utlve cl<'Pilrtments nnd indep<'ndcnt t>stubllshment nre au­ overlook the intere ting facts of history in the making here in t.horlz <1 and dlrrctl'd to furol b to the commts Ion, upon requ t, any tb enate. We hnve heard from time to time, and very prop.­ <Jntn or tntormallou in their posscs.loo or control relating to the sub­ rly, too, about the rvice of , orne of the Member of tbi b()(ly. jc•ct mntt<'r ot th<' nbovp investigations. As a new Member I have been thrilled by the statement of the Mr. HARRI.. N. I ask tllnt the am ndment may be printed. fact that men have ·erved here the better part of their adult 'l'he PRN !DING Oll'FICER. The amendment will lie on live . Their service has been an in piration to ucce ive genet·­ tll' table uud b' pl'int d. ations of men in the United tntes. I joined heartily in the 1\fr. Sl\I T. Mr. Pr . ld nt, I a k unaulmou con. ent that expre ~ion of good will which have been extended to th m. wbc>n t h • nnt . n •Itt de ' its bu ine to-day it take a rec I now crave the privilege of referring briefly to the ·ervice until to-m rrow at 11 o'cl ck. of one who, though not a Member of thi body, yet ha been The PUE 'I lNG FJ4,I ER. Is th r obje tion? The for everal generations an integral part of our proc eding . I 'hnir h nr non , and it I • o ord red. refer to Ml'. Theodor F .• huey, Official Reporter of Debate in 11·. IIARRI.' .Mr. l,r ident, I ugge ·t th ab en e of a the • enate. Ye terday, the 2d of February, Mr. huey cele­ quot·um. brated his eighty-fifth birthday. He has erv d here continu­ 'l'h PRE IDING OI• li'I ER. The cl rk will cnll the roll. ou ·ly, I am told, for 61 year without mi. sing a ingle day of 'l'h 1 glslatlv cl<'tk all d tb r 11, und th following Senators any e ion. How well :\Ir. huey has performed his duties I nnHw r<>d t th ir num s: n d not attempt to tell enators, especially tho ·e who nre Allen Jrrnzler Kcyc lmmon olde t in , ervice here. ArdlllrHt G orge La I•'ollt'tte mlth To my mind the official reports of debates in thi body are Bnrl<l<'Y 'Ill tt M(' ullo b moot not excelled in point of efficiency anywhere on earth. It is to Blnghnm Gin • McKellar StE'Ck Bln. •k Glt•nn 1\Ic In.:~tcr Steiwer the credit of Mr. huey that the work has b en in hi charge Hlnln Goer Mt· ary for . o long. I con ·ider it to be beyond critlci m. I therefore nlrn~. oldHborougb Mrtcnlf ·~,w~~~~ take thi occa ion, Mr. Pre .ident, to expre . my appreciation Hornh Gonlcl l\toH . 'wnn.·on Hrntton Grc n Norh(>Ck Thoma , Idaho and admiration for the :ervice which Mr. huey has rendered Brot• k Gnmdy Norri Thomu , Okla. and i rendering to the enare of the United tate::: to expr • s B1·cwlthnrt llul N~e Townsend to him my . incere congratulations on the occa ~ ion of his HrcHJ Hnrd ITnrrl Oddll' Trummell <'IIJIJH'r Harrison V<'rmnn Tydings eighty-fifth birthday, nnd to cheri ·h the hope that he will be Curu.wny llattlcld l'atter on Vandenberg pared to u for many year · to come. 'onnnlly IInwNI Pblpps Wagnt'r Mr. HEPPARD. 'Vill the en a tor from Utah yield to me? Com'L'II llcbe>.rt l'l.ne Walcott <'nt t llP Heflin Ran dell Walsh, Ma . Mr. MOOT. Certainly. Dnl Howell Rohlnsonklnd. Wnlsh, Mont. Mr. HEPPARD. Mr. Pre ident, I de ire to iodor~e the llt n em Johnson Hob~ion, y. WntRon eloqu nt tribute which ha been paid to Mr. huey by the n­ I>ill JoneH chall Wheeler l•'l• H Kl'IUl 'h J>P<lr(l ator from Rhode Island [Mr. HEBERT], to expre unqualified l~ )(·tl'lter Kendrick Sbortl'idge admiration of Mr. 'hu y's wonderful record, and to extend Th PRJiJ I lNG ll,FI ER. Eigbty-lx enators having an­ arne. t congratulation. and best wishes to him. B-. t· 'd to th lr uam< , a quorum l pr • nt. ~rr. M OT. Mr. Pr iclent, I con ider it a great honor to have had the privilege to yield to the two Senators to peak MJo;BSAG FROM TilE PltESlDENT these word of commendation of one of the most faithful l; r­ M: .!-IHI\g • lu writing w re c mmunicnt <1 to the enate from vant the Government of the United State ba had. the l'r .sld nt of tbe United tat~ by Mr. Latta, one of hi. secre­ In onformity with the order heretofore ent red, I move that tul'INI. the enate take a rece , the rece · being until to-morr w 'l'h m . ~a~ · w re r reiv d by th retu.ry for the ma- morning at 11 o'clock. jority and hnn<led to the Pr siding Offic r. The motion wa agreed to; and the Senate (at 5 o'clo •k an<l N MTN ATTON OF IIIK'F J TICE OF TilE UNITED TATES 15 minute · p. m.} took a rece s until to-morrow, Tue ~ day, Th PIU), IDI G FFI ER (Mr. 1\IcNARY in the chair). If February 4, 1930, nt 11 o'clock a. m. th ~ nator from 'Ve 't Virginin wm yi ld, the Chair will lay h fot· the nutc a me.· il "e from the Pr . icl nt of the United NOMINATION •'tnt . Exccuti'L·e nomination receiv-ed by the Senate February 3 (legis­ Mt·. IIATinFJLD. lati1Je day of January 6}, 1930 'l'h PR~J. IDI ll'F~( FJR. The me-::; ngc will be read. CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE UNII'ED STATES Th 'hi f l<>rk rend tv follow : harle Evan Huahe, of New York, to be Chi f Ju lice of 'l'o the nate ot tlle Uttitcd fates: the United "tate , vice " ' illiam Howard Taft, re ·igned. I uominnt bnrles Evan Hugh • , of ..... ew Y rk, to be Chief .Jm~tk of the nlted tat , vlce William Howard Taft, re­ !'lgu <l. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HERBERT HOOVER. THE WnrrE IIOURE, Febt·uary 3, 1930. MoNDAY, February 3, 1930 Mr. WA1' N. Mr. Pt· idcnt, n. in ex utive es ion, I The House met at 12 o'clock noon. mov thn.t the- uominatlou b r f rred to tb mwittee on the The haplain, Rev. James bern 1\Iontgomery, D. D., offered Judi ·inry. the following prayer: l'h I>RJiJ 'I lNG FFI ER.
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