.%%%%%% X tbe Crofton Gazette DEVOTED TO The Mining and Agricultural Interests of Vancouver Island, Texada Island, and Coast Mainland Districts. VOL. 1. CROFTON, B. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 10O2. NO. 2 THE COWICHAN DISTRICT. left idle. Some of these are now commencing opera­ tions with the view of shipping to the Crofton smelter. OMPRISING the valleys of the Koksilah, the But Mt. Sicker, with all its mineral wealth, is after Chemainus and the Cowichan rivers, this exten­ all only a small section of the mineral area of the Cowi­ If C sive section of Vancouver Island includes not chan district. Some people have had the hardihood to only an immense mining field, at present scarcely say that the Crofton smelter, not to mention the pro­ scratched, but also one of the largest and most valuable posed smelting works at Ladysmith, will be more than agricultural areas in the province. The Cowichan the mines can support. They little- comprehend the valley extends westward across the island to the West mining prospects of the Cowichan district. These, Coast ranges. Within it lies one of the most beautiful indeed, are encouraging enough to hope that even lakes in a peculiarly picturesque and diversified country. double the proposed number of smelters may yet— w Cowichan lake, 20 miles in extent, is the largest on the island. Upon its shores stand promising agricultural within very few years,—be kept busy. The mineral areas, and valuable mineral discoveries are daily being riches of the country behind Crofton is itself a guaran­ made in its surrounding mountains. Fish abound in its tee of the permanency of the young smelter city. And waters, and game of all kinds inhabit its forests, which on the other hand, Crofton with its large up-to-date contain enormous acreages of the most valuable timber. smelter, situated in the very heart of the mining dis­ The Cowichan Lumber Co. here own extensive timber tricts, will be a stimulus and a practical encouragement limits and employ a large number of men, sending down to ever-increasing mining development. This has been the river several million feet of logs annually. the long-felt want of the country. The mineral is in the hills, the labour is at hand, and capital has only Several mining companies have already started opera­ been withheld because the opportunity for profitable to tions near the head of the lake and prospectors are flocking into the country. Mining activity generally work and investment has hitherto been wanting. makes a bigger noise in the world than the quieter How bright the future is for the Cowichan district it agricultural pursuits, but these also in their way are no is difficult to realize. With its mining resources, its whit behind in the general development. boundless timber limits, its exceptional agricultural What has been said of the Cowichan valley is equally advantages, and its intense charm for home life, it can­ applicable to the Koksilah and Chemainus valleys. not be long before it is supporting a population ten, nay Their characteristics are much the same, and these are a hundred times bigger than that of to-day. the main features of the whole Cowichan district. It is Wherever mines are found and worked, or logging not more particularly a mining district, nor an agricul­ camps are established, there immediately opens out a tural, nor a lumbering, nor a sporting one, but it is all market for agricultural produce. The farmers of the these combined. Above all there is a charm in its Cowichan district can have and will have their market w unconventional open air life which is very dear to its at their elbow so to speak. old residents. British Columbia has been called the Agriculture in this district is as well carried on as most English province in Canada, and Victoria the anywhere else in the province. Farming is done on the most English town on the American continent. Dun­ so called intensive system. Dairying, fruit growing, cans and its neighbourhood in particular and the whole and the care of sheep and cattle, pigs and poultry is the Cowichan district are yet more English still. Here are practice usually adopted, as best paying. The Cowichan reproduced all the best and most home-like features of creamery situated at Duncans and operating practically English country life. throughout the Cowichan district is an instance of what The Cowichan district was first settled by farmers, can be done industrially. Last year this company pro­ then the loggers came in, and finally the discovery of duced no less than 80,356 lbs. of butter, for which it rich mines on Mt. Sicker opened hitherto undreamt-of received $22,375.96, and this year too was but the sixth possibilities of wealth and industry. These, notwith­ of its existence. standing the enormous mining developments on Mt. There are surely other similar industries that Sicker, remain as yet scarcely handled. When Mr. might be started with every prospect of success. Croft, by his enterprise and enthusiasm, had shown There is for instance, a fruit and vegetable can­ what riches the country contained in the Lenora mine, nery business. The Cowichan agricultural district other energetic men soon came into the country. The is not going to remain within its present limits. The i*. Tyee Company commenced work and soon showed that land is there, the inducements to settlers are there, the they had a property scarcely less rich than the Lenora. inducements to miners are there, the means of agricul­ At the heels of these two mines, prospectors followed ture and mineral produce are abundantly present, in quick succession, and now much of the country and new markets are near by at hand. To crown all around Mt. Sicker has been staked out, and in some the Crofton smelter which is being established must cases a good deal of development work has been done. inevitably become an influence toward consolidation To the owners of these unworked claims the smelter to of all these interests. Cowichan district with its be erected at Crofton will come as a gigantic boon. combined home charms and business opportunities has Hitherto the cost of shipping ore to mainland smelters as bright a future before it as any other district in this has been the cause of many promising properties being province. THE CROFTON GAZETTE. MINING NEWS. silver, and up to 5 per cent, copper. They expect to be ready to ship within the next few months. A great many claims have been staked in this district THE TYEE CO S SMELTER. and a property at the head of the lake is already being R. THOMAS KIDDIE, of the Van Anda smelter developed with very satisfactory results. There can be has arrived at Ladysmith on business connected no doubt that numbers of prospectors will find their way M with the smelter which theTyee Copper Co. have here in the spring. There is a wide field for them. decided to erect at that port. The design and con­ struction of this work has been entrusted wholly to Mr. THE YREKA COPPER CO. Kiddie, and in his capable hands has been placed the entire management of the works when completed. Mining on Mount Richards is assuming considerable These smelter works will include modern improvements, proportions. The Yreka, Oro Fino and Klamath claims and the Tyee Copper Co. will not only smelt their own are being operated by the above company. The man­ ores, but are already advertising to purchase ores as agement have constructed a waggon road connecting from the ist August next. The company announce that their mines with Osborne Bay and Maple Bay. They they will be able to start shipping ore to the coast by have a large quantity of lumber already on the ground the ist June. The ore will be conveyed from the mine for building extension. Mining work has been com­ to Somenos (some 3 or 4 miles) by a double-rope system menced with the sinking of a shaft on the outcrop of the aerial tramway. The ore bunkers at the end of this line Yreka. This is now down 50 feet, and some excellent will be connected with the E. & N. railway, upon whose looking rock has been produced from it. Work is pro­ cars the ores will thence be transported to the smelter gressing in two shifts, and a steam drill is in operation. at Ladysmith. The latest news from the mine is very encouraging. There are now lying on the dump about 5,000 tons of LENORA MT SICKER NOTES. ore ready for shipment, and it is estimated that some 100,000 tons of ore, giving an average assay of $18 per Development work is proceeding steadily at the No. ton, are already blocked out from the 200-foot level 3 level with most satisfactory results. The ore body upward, continues solidly and maintains its values. The ship­ ping of the huge mass of ore on the dump to the Crof­ ton smelter will probably be commenced sooner than CHEMAINUS RIVER PROPERTIES. was expected. The railway will be ready for the trans­ Messrs. Rheinhart & Co. have bonded three proper­ portation of ore probably before the end of the month, ties at the head of the Chemainus river. These are the and this mine will then once more be the busy scene it Thistle, Richard N. and Three Friends. The formation was a few months ago. here is in the schist similar to that of Mt. Sicker, and on the properties there is quite a large outcropping of cop­ per ore bearing a distinct resemblance to that of the Lenora and Tyee.
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