Klinik für Herz und Gefäßchirurgie der Technischen Universität München Deutsches Herzzentrum München (Direktor: Univ.- Prof. Dr. R. Lange) Surgical treatment of left ventricular aneurysms: Results of a long term study over 25 Years. Chirurgische Therapie des linksventrikulären Aneurysmas: Ergebnisse einer Langzeitstudie über 25 Jahre. Wael Bedda Vollständiger Abdruck der von der Fakultät für Medizin der Technischen Universität München zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Medizin genehmigten Dissertation. Vorsitzender: Univ.-Prof. Dr. D. Neumeier Prüfer der Dissertation: 1. Univ.-Prof. Dr. R. Lange 2. Priv.-Doz. Dr. R. Bauernschmitt Die Dissertation wurde am 07.07.2004 bei der Technischen Universität München eingereicht und durch die Fakultät für Medizin am 29.09.2004 angenommen. 1 Surgical Treatment of left ventricular aneurysms: Results of a long term study over 25 Years 1. Introduction Page 3 1.1. Background Page 3 1.2. Definition Page 4-5 1.3. Epidemiology Page 6 1.3.1. Incidence & Natural History Page 6-9 1.3.2. Aetiology & risk factors Page 10-13 1.3.3. Pathological anatomy & Pathophysiology Page 14-31 1.4. Clinical features & Diagnosis Page 32-39 1.5. Operative indications & contraindications Page 40-41 1.6. Historical devolvement & Current standards Page 42-46 2. Material und Methods Page 47 2.1. Patients characteristics and preoperative data Page 47-50 2.2. Operative Technique Page 50-53 2.3. Statistical analysis Page 54 2.4. Results Page 54-57 2.5. Data collection & Follow up Page 57-60 2.6. Reoperations Page 61-62 4. Discussion Page 62-65 4.1. Study limitations Page 65 5. Conclusion Page 66 6. Summary (English & German) Page 67-71 7. Literature Index Page 72-79 8. Figures & Tables Index Page 80-81 9. Abbreviations Page 82 10. Curriculum Vitae Page 83 11. Acknowledgements Page 84 2 1. Introduction: 1.1 Background: Recently, endoventricular pericardial patch plasty has been proposed as a more physiologic repair of post infarction left ventricular aneurysm than is linear repair. My aim is to present our institutes long-term results in surgical treatment of left ventricular aneurysm comparing two techniques. The first successful repair of left ventricular aneurysm was performed by Likoff and Bailey [46] in 1955. Linear repair of left ventricular aneurysm using cardiopulmonary bypass was reported by Cooley and associates [12] in 1958. The operative technique remained unchanged until the mid-1980s, when it became apparent that the clinical results were suboptimal. Early mortality was relatively high, in the range of 10% to 20%, and late results were also unsatisfactory, with many patients having persistent symptoms of congestive heart failure [38]. Attention was then focused on finding new methods of reconstruction to restore left ventricular geometry. These concepts were introduced by Jatene [38] and later modified by Dor and colleagues [22]. In 1989, more than 3 decades after his original report, Cooley abandoned linear repair for a new technique, which he termed Intracavitary repair or Endoaneurysmorrhaphy [14]. History Of left ventricular resection for LV. Aneurysms 1944 Beck Fascia lata reinforcement 1955 Likoff-BaiIey 1st closed resection 1958 Cooley 1st open resection 1973 Stoney " In coat " plicature 1977 Dagget Posterior patch 1979 Levitsky Anterior patch 1980 Hutchkins Influence of cardiac geometry 1984 Jatene Circular reduction 1985 Dor Endoventricular patch plasty 1989 Cooley Endoaneurysmorrhaphy Table 1: Trend towards LV Reconstruction [1] 3 1.2 Definition: A post infarction aneurysm of the left ventricle is a well delineated transmural fibrous scar, virtually devoid of muscle. During systole, the involved wall segments are akinetic or dyskinetic. Scars and infarcts are not considered aneurysms, but this is controversial. Johnson and colleagues define aneurysm as a large single area of infarction (scar) that causes the left ventricular ejection fraction to be profoundly depressed (35% or lower) [43] However, imprecise definition of a problem may be the largest obstacle to its resolution. Similarly, the solution of a problem is determined by a precise view of its cause. Left ventricular wall ischemic asynergy can be dyskinetic or akinetic but there is actually a continuum between pure dyskinetic and pure akinetic due to the thickening of the endocardium, the calcification or localisation of the scar on the septum and also due to the variations in the LV wall involvement (transmural or only subendocardial scar). There is also a continuum in time as a dyskinetic area progressively provokes a global akinesia of the ventricle. [30] The centreline ventriculogarphic definition makes akinesia and dyskinesia the same consequence of LV scar and leaves the appearance of bulging or akinesia as only radiologic or surgical definition. More important, this changes completely the conceptual understanding of akinesia versus dyskinesia and defines aneurysm as a noncontractile segment. [30] 4 The value of this more global definition is that the operation must exclude the noncontractile septum. This more physiologic concept exceeds the limitations of current ventriculographic and surgical description, which do not quantify the muscle involved. The centreline method describes motion of the septum and all LV segments. This shows that akinesia and dyskinesia are part of the same process. Clearly an anterior aneurysm is a noncontractile or asynergic muscle that includes the septum as well as the anterior wall and apex. We must therefore reclassify our concept of aneurysm to indicate scar or noncontractile segment. This asystolic region makes the remaining ventricle enlarge and compensate for the inability of the scarred segment to help generate cardiac output. When this occurs, we will then recognize that akinesia versus dyskinesia is a verbal and not operative description; both led to remodelling and subsequent cardiac failure. [30] 5 1.2 Epidemiology: Incidence and Natural history: Aneurysmal dilatation of the left ventricle occurs in between 10 and 35% of the patients experiencing a transmural myocardial infarction. The reported incidence varies depending upon the definition of aneurysm utilized by the author. Different types of ventricular contractility alterations may result from myocardial infarction [1]. Figure 1: Natural history of Ventricular aneurysm [13] The most frequent are akinesia (noncontractile area) and dyskinesia, defined as an area that does not contract but rather expands during systole. Although ischemic, traumatic or congenital aneurysms of the right ventricle do occur, these are most uncommon. Although earlier autopsy series reported relatively poor survival in patients with medically managed left ventricular aneurysms (12 percent at 5 years), most recent studies report 5-year survival from 47 to 70 percent. Causes of death include arrhythmia in 44 percent, heart failure in 33 percent, recurrent myocardial infarction in 11 percent, and noncardiac causes in 22 percent [23]. 6 Variable mortality rates are reported in clinical and necropsy series. Schlichter and colleagues reviewed 102 necropsy cases and observed that in 73%, the aneurysm had been present less than 3 years and in 88%, less than 5 years [57]. Proudfit, in 1978, studied a group of 74 patients with angiographically proven ventricular aneurysms and found a mortality rate 53% at 5 years and 88% at 10 years [56]. Bruschke and colleagues demonstrated different mortality rates in patients with left ventricular aneurysms and concomitant one, two, or three-vessel coronary artery disease [6]. Both the survival rate and the quality of life can be significantly affected by the complications of LV aneurysm: Cardiac insufficiency, arrhythmias, arterial embolization, and the occurrence of angina. The excellent prognosis of asymptomatic patients with ventricular aneurysms who were treated medically was demonstrated in a series of 40 patients followed for a mean of 5 years. Of 18 initially asymptomatic patients, 6 developed class II symptoms while 12 remained asymptomatic. Ten-year survival was 90 percent for these patients but was only 46 percent at 10 years in patients who presented with symptoms [33]. 7 Figure2: Survival in medically treated patients with left ventricular aneurysm based on presence (group B) or absence (group A) of symptoms [13]. Meizlish and colleagues demonstrated that early formation of a functional aneurysm occurs frequently after anterior myocardial infarction and carries a high risk of death within one year that is independent of ejection fraction. In addition, the absence of a functional aneurysm identifies a large group with low one-year mortality despite a markedly impaired ejection fraction. Patients undergoing cardiac catheterization in the CASS study, 7.6 percent had angiographic evidence of left ventricular aneurysms [50]. Factors that influence survival with medically managed left ventricular aneurysm include age, heart failure score, extent of coronary disease, duration of angina, prior infarction, mitral regurgitation, ventricular arrhythmias, aneurysm size, function of residual ventricle, and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure [33], [50]. Early development of aneurysm within 48 hours after infarction also diminishes survival [50]. 8 The absolute incidence of left ventricular aneurysms may be declining due to the increased use of thrombolytics and revascularization after myocardial infarction [15], [10]. In general, the risk of thromboembolism is low for patients with aneurysms (0.35 percent per
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