Why Cary Grant Sticks to Bachelorhood, p.2 Wan taN e vi R a d i 0 for C h r i s t 111 as? See page 33 MOVIE · RADIO GUIDE: The National Weekly of Personalities and Programs This Is Indeed the Golden .Age of Music WE A RE indebted to Viva liebling, our mu sic to find new songs and develop new song-writers editor, for call ing our attention to th e un­ and make new arrangements of all t he old tu nes pa ra lleled number of fine music programs now for which the copyrights had expired. All thar avai lable to listeners. O ne look at our renewed 8MI has b83n doi ng very success ful ly. " March of Music" departmen+ is abundant con ­ Vv'h6t may happen soon is this : O n J anuary firm ation . Turn to page 14 noV! and see fOi I 'ihe networks may throw all ASCAP music off yo ursel f. the air. Th e networks want to pay for AS CAP Those names may mean little as yet, but read music by t he piece-so mu ch fo r every t i me it them through. The Cincinnati Symphony offers is used-which sounds fa ir enough to us. ASCAP "The Swan of Tuonela," "The Marriage of Fig­ wants a lump sum, a percentage of a ll t he money aro" comes from the Metropolitan Opera Com­ t,"lken in by a radio station . Righ t now, ASCAP pany, the NBC Symphony offers an all-Sibelius and the broadcasters aren't speaking. show in ho nor of th e great composer's birthday, If ASCAP mus ic goes off the air, it will mean Radio City Music Hall brings another Sibelius a new crop of popular musi c for ou r ears. W hic h celebration, so does the New York Philha:'monic; 'Isn't a bad id ea. It will mean the loss of a lot "The Ford Sunday Even ing Hour," t he new of old th eme songs. Well, the me so ng s are a Coca-Cola hour, "The Telephone Hour," the THE REAL DIETRICH-which is she ? Hell­ hangover from radio's diaper days, anyhow. It "Voice of Firestone"-these are weddings of cat or hothouse ( " box-office poison" ) glamour will mean that Kay Kyser's musical q uiz sh ow cOrY 'merce and art which g ive much satisfaction. girl ? Movie- Radio Guide tells next week m'ay have to be reorganized , because he wil l be Perhaps you have not yet learned to like fine prohibited fro m playing most of the favorites of music-and it is something to be learned. as we the last fifty years. Which may not be such a have di scovered for ourselves. W e beg of you a hardshi p as ASCAP a polog is ts believe, ei t her. favo r, t he n. Tun e to eit he r th e NBC Sym phony or New York Ph ilharmonic' s playing of " Fin­ CONTENTS MARLENE DIETRICH is a new woma n, and landia," by Sibeli us. The ti me a nd hour are on that fact led us to one of the most interesting page 14. This is classical music, but I feel certain Movies stories in yea rs. Remember the g lamorous glacier tha t it will thri ll yo u ri ght down to your toes. Let Laughing Bachelor (an article) . 2 who sl un k like a contented ti ger th rough hundreds yo ur heart , not your head, en joy that movi ng of feet of overstuffed fil m in the early Dietrich anthem whi ch is the last movement and you ma y T h is Week in Hollywood ( news). 4 Reviews (a department). 7 days ? Re cal l t he legend of he r inscrutable face begi n to un derstand why Finlanders fought so a nd her ir resistible cha rm fo r anyth ing wearing furio usly and so patrioticall y against Ru ss ia , for The Gower Street Gaieties (an arti- 8 pants? Compare them, above, wi th the Dietrich out of the spirit of brave Finland grew such mu si c. ce) RKO Studios (cartoon). ... 9 of " Destry Rid es Agai n" or "Seven Sinners." Fine music does not al ways mea n fa ncy mu sic. Song-Plugger Saga ("Tin Pan AI- He re is a tigress with her ha ir down, a root in'­ Viva Lieb li ng 's comments ca n guide you to ma ny ley") .. 10 t06tin' one-woma n riot. Clearly, one of the two new pleasures on your radio dial. Scoops! Judy Garland Makes Love; Dietrichs was a phony. We wanted to know John Doe Makes Faces .. ... 12 which . We got the story the hard way-by talk­ THE BATTLE BETWEEN ASCAP AND BMI ing to everyone but Dietrich herself. W e were continues toward a knock-down-and -drag-out Radio rig ht; one of the Dietrichs wa s a phony a nd no­ struggle. What is this fight all about? The pub- This Week's Radio Events . ... 13 body knew it better th an Ma rlene he rsel f. But lic doesn 't know. Prob­ The March of Music (a department) .14 whi ch? Th e story will be in ne xt week 's Movie­ ably the publ i c A Radio Is Your Best Christmas Gift Radio Guide. Better rese rve your copy. doesn't care. As in (Christmas Gift Section). .33-36 most fights, however, On the Bandwagon (a department) .31 BOY ON THE COVER: W hen G e ra rd Da rrow the pub li c suffers. Along the Airialtos (news). .38 was six months old he sa id his first word , "pret­ It al l started years On Short Waves (a department). 40 ty" ; when he was t hree, he cou ld identify th ree ago when Victor Her­ hundred birds; when bert had a n operetta Programs he was four he could ' playing on Broadway. tell you the differ­ One even ing he went Week of December 7-13 ... .. 16-32 ence between "Poly­ .. ~ into a restaurant and phemus Moth" and heard his own tunes " Parnassius Smith­ being presented in an Curtis Mitchell, Editor Kay Kyser eus." Just before th is elaborate musica l re- December 7-13, 1940 personable young vue. He ordered Vol. 10, No.9 gen t leman passed rhem to stop using his music, but they refused. 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. his eighth birthday Herbert sued fo r damages. he became a pioneer When he wo n his suit, he organized his star of "Quiz Kids " frie nds who were authors, composers and pub­ when th is junior " In­ lishers into a group, th e purpose of wh ich was formation, Please" Quiz Kid Gerard to collect money for the use of music owned by made its bow on th ose authors, etc. NBC last summer. Sin ce his mother's death, No ne will quarrel with t he fact t hat every song­ when he was four months old, Gerard has lived writer is entitled to payment for t he use of his wit h his engineer-fa t her, Joseph A. Darrow, his works. W ith that principle, none among t he em­ aunt "Bessie" and his grandmot her in Chicago, battled broadcasters of today is in d isagreement. wh e re he now attends public school. He likes What broadcasters do object to is the monop­ swimming, ro ll er-skati ng, comic strips. His hob­ oly wh ich they al lege ASCAP (t he American So­ bies inC!lude collecting birds' nests, marine life ci ety of Composers, Authors a nd Publishers) has - ' specimens, ot her natural phenomena. His most become. Th ey object to high -handed methods unu sual hobby : Collecting t he hair of his pals. of doing business, .of dictatorial decisions, of His favorite dessert: Ice-cream soda, to which his like -it-or-Iump-it attitudes. Last year they got dad treated him after each "Quiz Kids" broad­ sick and tired of it. They organized BMI, wh ich cast on which he appeare d. Natural-color photo- means Broadcast Music , Incorporated. BMI was graph is by M. L. A. Studios. -CO M. 10/ 9 N HAPPY NE'" YEAR, HAPPY NE'" YEAR TO YOU, MY BUDDY JACK! FRED, OLD l'AL! (I'll bury the hatchet, a ll right, (Wait'" I dent him with this!) i~ that ;aclcanape's neclc!) Both Your Favorite Comedians in the"'$eason's Biggest Holiday Show!' "':-: leasda·\e <1~ ,jIiJA, ... ~erree ~tl/V£ ADD~" "M~ KEART BELOMGS !O,,~ lbe Merry Macs T DARES. "DEARES , "E" , .... AT lUST LlKE LO ~\rg\n\a Da\e "ISM T • n trt" "DO ~OU KMOW W Prpduced and Directed by MARK SANDRICH· Original Screen Play by William Morrow and Edmund Beloin, Ernest Pagano and Z. Myers COMING SOON TO YOUR FAVORITE THEATRE Too m.any stories are full of fl,ujJ them~or fails to acknowledge and h e simply shrugged his shoulders and and fine phrases. Too many public(t~ cordially greet people whom he has never did anything about it. Speaking tions jJQ out of their way to jJresent met before. of other times when his "pals from the Behind the clown's paint ,lies a real fine w rWng. Quite often Lhis obscures He is an extremely sensitive indi~ old d ays" took advantage of h im was personaHty and truth.
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