i .. A* ^»w» PAGE TWENTY-FOUR WEDNESDAY, APRIL f , IW l lEtr^ning H^roUk Average Dally Ne^ Prem Rim The Weather For tlw Week WmtmA . ‘ Foreeiet ef U. S. Weather OarwB, Aprlli, 1$68 > Milder, rata d e V ^ ria f lata ta- 1 2 , 6 8 6 nlgkt. Lew $5-48. Friday ndB. HURRY Member e t tlM Andit wliidy aad eoeier, high 48-58.. Bnmui «f Ohreolatlea Mancheeter-^A City 6f Vtttage MANCHESTER, CON14., TH UI^IUY; A 10, 1958 (Olaeelfled Adrertletag eg- Page 88) PRICE FIVE CENTS / -VOL. LXXVHh NO. 162 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES-rTWO SECTIONS) Rinj^erfor Cuidkoo Fools Birdwdteher London, ^ r l L 10 (P)—Bird ' / fancier F. W..’.Homaby made an embarrassed cbnfeseion in the staid cdumne. of the Tlmes 'today — he-got fooled . by ' 'S ' cuckoo clock. / i Humbly he w iferew a claim V ‘ / to haVe heardVeuckoo'e cry W ITH Miami, Fla., AFrU 10 (fly-fpower planu at M«1el.._yy Ha- on .March 81^— an almost o n VMui. A worker VfM kUlod certain w feer in the- unof- DOUBLE OREEN STAMPS THURS., APRIL 10, ALL CASH SALES! President'Fulg^ctto-katista Is Msriei while trying to throw s fidat rife among Britain'a, ,y in control in ^ large cities of boihb. birdwatchers to be first each Cuba bat rebel forcehv are Among neeHy 10 rebele known the notes, harassing his men in smaller killed in HeVene wee Mercelo Sele- usually shout- do. Police called him g Cornmuntat April after w|h- eommunities and In the coun- 'tdrrorlsf. Police eeixed erma in /icring In Africa- o? India.. try4 a Niamian reported today r e ^ bn rebel bidebuta in HaVana. Homaby'a claim was made in SPECIALS from HALE^ DOMESTIC DEPARTliENT on his return from Cuba. Trdbpa clashed with rebele w ^ a letter to the 'Dmes April 1. HALE’S READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. '“ “ nV^ioox. Ben Silver, correspondent w reck ed ' eommunicationa ncRr Today, he set the r e c o r d Toiletries etc. Santa Clara In Las Viilae Proytpee straight; for teleidsiori station WCKT, Low frieos or Fimous Broorfs SHEETS o r i! PILLOWCASES The army eald a num ber/ wfre ■'"nia even repetition of the Br|Rgs Y oh ThoM April Showtr of Valiloi ^ 4aid Santiago, second largest killed on both aMl«a.'OtW/band of -cuckoo'’*call aroused auspiclbn.. Shooting in Verno] $1.00 Prath RoN On DnAdorcmt . city on the island, is like an rebele wae barricaded Ur a church. a'hd''6h' inVestigation I find. TYPE 130 TYPE 144 TlrPEise drmed camp, with soldiers and . Rebels bombed A bdm. station in . that a distant neighbor has a Pinor de! Rio. PMipr f e r e moved' cuckoo clock whose utter­ By JEWELL JACKHON police all over the place. into Army barrada to conceptraU 4ADY PEPPEHELL 53e Pepsedenf Te^peefe • 0088880* ances are unreliable. I apol­ State Police say Dbrando A. Ferrari, 42-year-oW'1ndu8trial DAN RIVER LADY PEPPEREU f e armed forces to cope with any, ogise moat profoundly for Havana, Cubs, April 10 (/P) rebel attack. All amateur radio any ■ flutterings. I may have consultant from Verona, N. J,, confessed hwt night to TWO GROUPS of DRESSES —rClsfihes between rebels-and equipment Jm the city was ebn- Economy StifjipTootlipaBto . caused In the ornithological the March 11 murder of Mrs. Evelyn Olsen Briddon, 33 year NOW SUPERRNE MUSLIN COMBED PERCALE trotH»8 spread today in the fiaoated. - x . Authoritlbe aaiced a Ug arms, field." old Mansfield housewife, v „ REG.'^OZ.lO. wake of yesterday’s abortive He was formerly plant superintendei^at Fenn Mfg. (]o. • aaoaoooaa e x o u p NO. R O U PN O , the- town of Artemiaa, in e s x i o . $ 1 .6 9 NOW Now P«eo Homo PormononH 1 6 2 uprising. The death toll passed cludihg machine guns, grenade and while Mrs. Seddon was secretary to njwit eZecutives. ■ BEO. fS.S». REG. 88.09. REG. 88.19. 40 as bombings, killings and flyb bomba. ' , % Ike Wm Push Lt. Harry Tavlor of the Staffor^prings Barracks said n X 108— $ 1 .7 9 78 X 108.............. V $ 2 .2 9 78 X 108.................. $ 2 .3 9 $1Jt VdiM Chorios AntoN Shampoo Rejf. $24.95 and $29.95 Reg. $17.95 and $22.95 sabotage continued in all six Telephone and .telegraph com- Ferrari claims Mrs. Seddon had th^gun when he approach^ munlcaUona with O rl^te ProVince, - -g-k m . -j-wi REG. 88.80. , REG. SSJ9. Cuban provinces despite ^ her car and he shot heir after a souffle over the gun. The 1^ . $8.48. rebel stronghold in eastern | 0 6 1 6 0 8 6 IT 1 8 1 1 8 X 108. ................ $ 1 .9 9 81 X 108. $ 2 .3 9 81 X 108.................. $ 2 .5 9 Army ^clslmclaim everything yrks 1^^ ■■ had prearranged the meeting on secluded Valley Falls Bd^in 7»x 1 Largo Johnson's loby Powilor eoeooeoooao. still were cut REG. 8 8 .^ REG. 83.89.\< ^ >' Now Now quiet. / Police were shooting on sight as, f j EVELYN OLSEN SEDDON March 11. Police said the ^ p l e had met there on previoi R Ed^f2.00. $ Rebels burned trucks apd buses they pressed a roundup at rebels 81 X IOOk......... $ K 9 9 00 X 1<1^ <. $ 2 .6 9 98 X 108. > . 2:79 In three towns of HaVansT province in Droaaca8t occasTohs. and had^ taken/ivemight trips together. Largo Listorino AnHsoptle............ in HaVana aad at Miltanaaa. 85- Mrs. Seddon's body Was not found until two days U q . 58(h REG. i»c. ' REG. 79c. and axchanged gunffe tdth eol- mtles to the east. These were the I.' 4 5 e M^X 88 Caaee. 5 9 c 48 X S8 '/i Om»ee ... y 9 9 c 4 diera. T7»e army eaid^Veral rebela only two cities to rSspond to the tVashington, April 10 UP)—Pres­ Army InVestigating when a nearby residentchecked the car at 9 :45 a.m. MarepYS. t t X 88 Omo« ..... were killed in this Exchange. She was slumped o ^ the driver’s seat with a bullet wquhd in Jtog. 18.90. Fitted Reg. $8.19. Fitted Noxxomo Shin Croom . eoeoaoeaeoeooo rebel csil for *sn armed ttprislng ident wilt take the fight for his B«g. 88.40. fitted $ 2 . 3 4 Rebel! shot up three'lAtses In and general strike jresterdsy. 0oolittle Jr. Death the neck arid the h^d. Police said either shot would haV« been ittoa. Tida Sixe. $ 1 .8 9 Bottom. Twia Slu. $ 2 .2 9 Bottom. Twin Slxe. western Hs v im I wounding a bus defense reorgshixation program to mimldVffe too Answer Cell fatal Reg. 88.89. Fitted Reg. $SJ9. Fitted driVer. Four'^bomba exploded the people next week in a nation­ AustOi. Tex., April 10 W—An of­ 88.80 Fitted Adorn Hair Spray ................ ......... $1.80 aoufeasteyb HaVana, damaging, ^ Rebel leader Fidel Csstro'y. lieu­ Wie Hilr Boyfriend Boti(^ Foil Slxe. $ 1 .9 9 Bottom. Fill! Slxe $ 2 .3 9 Bottom. Fall Sixe. $ 2 .5 9 tenants *al4 they would try sgsirv wide broadcaat. ficial rei^rt was expected today on Police s a y ^ rra ri, whorls known priVate propertlea. The White House announced to­ the death of MaJ. James H. ifelit-, GOP Prbgrain Troops captured a band of rebela to oVerthrow Batista, “probably. as "D anny/ was a boyfrlgnd of Goritol Liquid or TaMota...........$2.fS fo $8.95 day this will be the theme of an ad- DORANDO A. FERRARI tie Jr., 38, son of. the famed general Mrs, SediKn since shortly after she Who took refuge In a church after drMS to a luncheon meeting here who led the'^first air strike Mslnst sabotaging water and electric (ConBiiipried on Page Four) went tprwork for Fenn Manufactur­ BEAUTIFUL "DAN R|VER" FASHION Beautiful prints and solid colors in all the new spring fabrics, kayons, crepes, silks u d Thursday, April 17, of the Ameri­ the Japanese mainland in World ing Go. in Newington in late 1954. To Aid Jobi6ss Ono<A-Doy Multi Vitamins 98e-$1.96«$2.94*$4.47 the popular blends. Misses sizes 8 to 20. Naif sizes 1014 to 20 can Society of Newspaper Editors War n. '. .LtrTteylor'said the relationship con- BORDER and PASTEL STRIPED (ASNB). Doolittle's body was found yester­ ,_jued from that time until tee al­ ALL SALES FINAL ^ ‘But We Will Be Ready’ 77ie speech wll) be carried live, day In his office. He had been shot leged murder, although neither his Due Tomorrow EV EN IN G ^A R ”—Multi-color itars gathered from a summer sky woven on the hem 79c layer Aspirin ToMoti . ....................67c atartlng at 1 p.m.. by NBC-TV Ad Group Launches In the right tempi^.,^th a .88 wUe, Dorothy, or her husband, Wil­ iber serrtce pUtol.^ound on ^ e of luxury muslir and Radio, CBS-^TV, arid,'Mutual liam, knew about it. Hartford, April 10, (FI— Thb Radio. floor near Ms body. Bentstronr Air The reiatlonshlp also involved scope a t the proposed highway and Largo ExpoHo Moth Crystals . $21» SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT SPECIAL Originally, the President had In- Force Base officife ss^. / " m o n e y •' entanglemMts,',' or public works legislation In the itended to make foreign policy his Anti-Recession War Col. W. D. Dunham, dmmty com­ ‘•deais’’ U. Taylor said, which GOP’s anti-recession program may 72x108 Each ^ 2 . 7 7 Uoually sold in sets. The pillow- m«ln theme in the speech. mander at the TacticsK A4r Com haVe not yet been clarlliedr be approVed and presented to the cases at f2.49 per pgir, Doxed; :"iaargo Lysoi-irf^^^yT^rirr-t.
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