THE STANDARD •'. ASSOCIATED SOUTHERN PRESS NEWSPAPER THE ATLANTA STITOTION SERVICE bally and Sunday, carrier delivery, 12 ecmtm we*k1y. Vol. XLVH.-^No. 218. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, JA^ITABY 19, 1915.—TEN PAGES. , Siiicle copies on the •trefcta and nt'aemwtand*. B cntt*. MAYOR TO SERVE ATLANTA WILL SEEK ONLY TWO TERMS, VILLA IS DESERTED ''TOMMIES'' KEEP WARM WITH FUR /ACKERS; DECIDES COUNCIL ZOUA VES POP AWAY (AT GERMAN AIR, CRAFT Byva vote of 17 to 8, a resolution of- REFUND OF $135, fered ,by Councilman Claude L. Ashley, BYGEN. GUTIERREZ before the general council Monday aft- i ernoon, seeking to remove the- disabili- | ties of the mayor's office, was de- feated. PADONHATORY Councilman Ashley's resolution was\ HIS SOLDIERS distinctly a boom for .Mayor James G. Woodward to succeed himself in 3917. L'nder the present charter, the mayor Council Approves Cancella- can only serve two consecutive terms Former Provisional Presi- as executnye of the city.^ Councilman Struggle Is Continuing in Ashley's resolution would have had the dent to Start Independent tion of Contract Made by effect, if passed, of removing .these the Argonne* However, disabilities and making the mayors In 1 City With the New York the future eligible to serve as many v Revolution or Join the Facr and Gerrnans Seem to Be terms as the people would elect them V '"','• It Pes^tructor Company. to serve. tion of Gen. Carranza. More on Offensive. \lderman Albert Thomson sought to, have the resolution sent to the statis- tics and research committee, of which WILL DEMAND REMOVAL he is chairman, 'but intsead council EXECUTlpNS REPORTED RUSSIANS AGAIN MENACE Voted to table it. OF BUILDINGS ON LOT IN THE MEXICAN' CAPITAL' EAST PRUSSIA AND POSEN Crematory Has Never Been THEY'D CRUCIFY CHRIST Populace Said to Be Un- Turks Have Been Dealt An- Improved to Extent of In^ easy Because of Disorders. other Staggering Blow by creasing Its Efficiency, IN THE NATIONA\ L_ GftPTA- \ L , Gen. Villa, With a Strong Forces of the Czar—Italy, Says Councilman Ashley. "Billy" Sunday Makes Decla- Force, Hurries to Capital. Greece, Rumania and Bul- $• ration Addressing Grea^t garia Expected to Join the Following, closely on the heels of Assemblage.! Washington, January .18.—General the report that the new garbage plant Francisco 1{illa, comraander-ln-chief of Allies. ; : had broken down, and that conditions v the forces controlled by the convention at the plant were growing worse "Washington, January 18.-—Billy Sun- In session at Mexico. City, was due to all the time, Atlanta's general day! the revivalist, visited '• Washing- reach the capital tonight to assist Colo- London, January IS.—The German of- ^ council yesterday approved the can- ton today, called at the white hous'e nel Roque Gonzalez Garza, selected by f\cial report's om'isstotf of i-ef.ereTj.ee to cellation o£ tne contract with the arid talked to some 5,000 pe'ople about the convention as temporary executive Soissons, the scene of the recent mark- New York Destructor company, and au- "If 'Christ Came to Washington." (Mem- to succeed General Eulalio Gutierrez. ed^ German success, and the French thorized City Attorney; James L,. May- bers of the cabinet; congressmen, dip- This information reached the state statement " that there -has been - no son to proceed to collect from the con- lomats and government officials were department today with advices saying change in that ^region, leads to ths tractor the first .installment of ?135,000 in the big.\audlence that listened to that while the capital was "well pro- belief that a renewal of the violent paid by the city on the plant, and to the .picturesque sermonr of the base- tected and policed," there had been struggle is impending, the temporary luring suit to force the removal of the ball evangelist as he climbed on a table- some executions for disorders and the quiet being due to the fact that neither buildings from the city's property. aW warned his hearers that "God .must populace was uneasy. side cares to risk an. offensive In the Councilman Claude L. Ashley, chair- be served." . Gutierrez's reasons for departure preseht circumstances. - ~> man of the sanitary committee, offered Champ' Clark presided over the meet- have not yet been explained to, the state At widely separated points elsewhere .the resolution \in council Monday after- ing, v and Secretary Bryan, Attorney department.jbut the belief prevails here in the west there have been engage-, noon. He said that the 'resolution was General Gregory, /Secretary 'iane and that with the 5,000 troops accompany- nients. .but the weather again Is play-' •/'. •ffered for the purpose ofs authorizing J. P. -Tumulty, secretary to -the presi- ing- him froni Mexico city and Gen- ing-an important part. T!i»? stornl In the city attorney to file an answer and dentflB^t, sa*<**t on ththe« platformreform.. A number erajs B]anco and he is endeav- Belgium.prevents operations, except ar- of senators -were present, and Speaker cross bill against the contractor. Clark remarked as he Introduced' the oring either to join General Ohregoh tllleHy duels, and snow in tlie^Vosges. Criticises Plant. > preacher that a "quorum of the house and' the Carra'rtza element or intends to at the other extremity of the line, "The plant has never been able to was on hand." ,aet up ari independent faction. makes attacks exceedingly difficult. fulfill any of the contract obligations," Sunday spoke for an hour with tre- Light was thrown on the- conduct of In the Argonne, however,'fighting U Councilman Ashley said, "and despite mendous energy. He declared that he Gutierrez tonight toy: receipt frpm'Vera almost continuous, aml^each side claims the assurances of the engineers of the believed he "would not have to leave Cruz of copies of letter said \to have minor successes. For ttie time .being: the corpora New " York Destructor company, the 1 >•*» -change^ between Ge.eWl Gu- the Germans seem to be more, on the x find people .. plant has never been improved to the Jesus Christ if He' walked upV Penn- tlerrez ^and Generals Obregon and Can- offensive than the defensive. ' '' extent of Increasing its efficiency. sylvania .avenue today. dido Aguilar, dated January. 1', approx- RUSSIANS MENACE "As a matter of fact, the plant re- "Christ Is already in Washington," imately the time "when Gutier"rez an- v minds me of the .Irishman's race horse he asserted. "He sees every false"vote nounced to the convention that he was GERMAN^PROVINCES. —it improves worse all the time." that you east here, or -that is cast in working on plans for the pacification . The German reports of all the eastern your constituencies. His judgment of of Mexico. Briefly, his plan was sai'd operations ate brief, but those of the The contract between the city and you or me Is not .based on what He to be to' unite, witli^ Generals Obr.egon Russians are niore in detail, and u is the New York Destructor company was reads In the Congressional Record.", and Aguilar in deposing General Villa i, ENGLISH iSdLPIERS .WITH FUR JACKETS: 2. FRENCH ZOUAVES USING ANTI- signed, in June, 1913, prior to the'time " As the assemblage arose to .hear the from cointrol of the convention forces. AIRCRAFT GUNS. * believed • the- Russians again .menace IMayor Woodward went into office.' preacher's final prayer, he thanked God Eliseo Arredondo, head of the Carranza East Prussia and Posen. ; "When, the .mayor took charge of\ the for "a president. in .the white house agency here, made public the text of English sol'dier^ at the front in the freedom of motion to the legs, but keep of antiVair craft guns. Tt Is reported The Turks, according to i-eports. havo who bows his knees in submission to the correspondence. that they -ppured a ho,t fire at the C!er- been 'dealt another • «tasgerihs- blow city's affairs,^ his first act was to .at- Gutierrez to Carranza Lenders. western area 6C war keep warm with the xital part of the body war"m.' God." i 1 ritan aeroplanes that \ flew over Dun- after .theiv, determined stand in the v tack the plant. !:Je endeavored to pre- The president was unable to .attend The letter purporting to have been heavy fur jackets^ These jackets give French zouaves have taken up the use kirk and dropiped. bombs. vent the board of health from tearing meeting. His daughter, Margaret signed iby Gerieral Gutierrez reads:" snow at Kara-Urgan, in the Caucasus. down the old crematory, but the com- Wilson, and Miss Helen \ Bones, the "Generals Alvarao Obregon and Can- They are fighting rear-guard actions, pany finally got possession of the site president's Cousin, were nresent. dido Aguilar, "'Wherever They May Be. STORK BRINGS but are being pressed^ back, Jn disorder "God 'bless you for the work you are My pear Colleagues: By virtue of a toward Ei-zerum. -and began work on the new plant. ^ doing,:-' - s.aid -J^sid^nt :W-«sorr- to -Bttlj* Mayor Woodward did succeed In forc- Sunday,v when h;e received" the revivalist . TO MRS. C^ A. DANA- The Turkish garrison at Adriano- BlancOj minister of the interior; Eu- ple, the partiai withdrawal of which • ing the company to reduce the price of at the white house. When«Sunday con- genio Aguiree Bonavides, sub-secretary the plant, and the city paid $135,000 as I gratulated- the president on the birth of war, and myself, we believe it pa- AND MRS^ E. H. COY mm was "previously reported, has now com- tile first installment, and has carried of a grandson, Mr.
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