1903. Visitor. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. The Council. CHANCELLOR. THE HON. SIR JOHN MADDEN, K.C.M.G., B.A., LL.D. Elected by the Senate, 9th April, 1879; 10th November, 1885; 24th January, 1891; 26th March, 1896 ; 20th April, 1901. VICB-CHANCELLOB. THE HON. SIR HENRY JOHN WRIXON, K.C.M.G., M.A. Elected 5th April, 1893; 29th April, 1898. ALEXANDER MOllRISON, M.A., LL.D. Elected 4th July, 1878. ROBERT LEWIS JOHN ELLKKY, C.M.G., F.R.S., F.R.A.S. Elected 24th February, 1880. JOHN HENRY MACFARLAND, M.A., LL.D. Elected 23rd March, 1886; 10th April, 1891; 4th May, 1896 ; 30th May, 1901. MB. JUSTICE A'BECKETT. Elected 10th January, 1887 ; 19thFebruary, 1892; 15th March, 1897 ; 12th May, 1902. HENRY BOURNES HIGGINS, M.A., LL.B. Elected 3rd May, 1887; 23rd May, 1892 ; 17th June, 1897 ; 11th July, 1902. THOMAS FRANCIS BRIDE, LL.D. Elected 7th June, 1887 ; 30th June, 1892; 24th July, 1897 ; 19th August, 1902. JOHN GRICE, B.A., LL.B. Elected 8th May, 1888; 26th May, 1893; 18th June, 1898. WILLIAM THWAITES, M.A., M.C.E. Elected 21st October,1890 ; 15th November, 1895 ; 11th December, 1900. MR. JUSTICE HOOD, M.A. Elected 17th October, 1891; 11th November, 1896; 12th December, 1901. JOHN WILLIAMS, M.D. Elected 5th May, 1892 ; 29th May, 1897 ; 23rd June, 1902. HARRY BROOKES ALLEN, M.D. Elected 21st January, 1898; 21st January, 1903. DAVID GRANT, M.D. Elected 3rd January, 1900. EDWARD HOLSWORTH SUGDEN, M.A., B.Sc. Elected 14th Septem­ ber, 1900. ALEXANDER DEEPER, M.A., LL.D. Originally elected Srd August, 1880 ; resigned, 16th May, 1887 ; re-elected, 2nd November, 1900. JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT, M.D., M.S., F.R.C.S.Eng. Elected 10th January, 1901. ALEXANDER MARSHALL, M.A., D.D. Elected 26th July, 1901. WILLIAM HILL IRVINE, M.A., LL.M. Elected 17th October, 1901. LEO FINN BERNARD CUSSEN, M.A., LL.B. Elected 20th June, 1902. 3 18 COUNCIL—SENATE—PROFESSORIAL BOARD. EX-CKANCELLORS. SIR REDMOND BARRY. From 17tli May, 1863, to 23rd November, 1880. SIR WILLIAM FOSTER STAWELL. From 2nd May, 1881, to 8th May, 1882. THE BIGHT REV. DR. MOORHOUSE. From 7th July, 1884, to 1st February, 1886. THE HON. DR. HEARN. From 3rd May to 4th October, 1886. SIR ANTHONY COLLING BROWNLESS. From 4th April, 1887, to 3rd December, 1897. KX-VICB-CIIANCELLORS. THE RIGHT HON. H. C. E. CHILDERS. From 17th May, 1853, to 12th March, 1887. THE HON. WILLIAM CLARK HAINES. From 15th May, 1857, to 31st May, 1858. SIR ANTHONY COLLING BROWNLESS. From 31st May, 1858, to 4th April, 1887. PROFESSOR IRVING. From 2nd May, 1887, to 27th May, 1889. THE HON. SIR JOHN MADDEN. From 3rd June, 1889, to 20th December, 1897. The Senate. CONSISTINS OF ALL MALE PERSONS ADMITTED TO THE DEOREE OF DOCTOK OR MASTER. WARDEN—THOMAS PATRICK MoINERNEY, M.A., LL.D. EX-WARDENS. THE REV DR. BROMBY. From 16th July, 1867, to 8th August, 1868. THE HON. DR. HEARN. From 8th August, 1868, to 24th August, 1875. SIR JOHN MADDEN. From 24th August, 1875, to 14th September, 1882. MR. ANDREW HARPER. From 14th September, 1882, to 13th May, 1886. MB. CHARLES ALFRED TOPP. From 13th May, 1886, to 12th Septem- ber, 1890. Professorial Board. PRESIDENT-PROFESSOR LAURIE. THE CHANCELLOR. PROFESSOR MASSON THE VICE-CHANCELLOR. PROFESSOR SPENCER. PROFESSOR NANSON. PROFESSOR LYLE. PROFESSOR ELKINGTON. PROFESSOR MOORE. PROFESSOR ALLEN. PROFESSOR GREGORY. PROFESSOR KERNOT. PROFESSOR MARTIN. PROFESSOR TUCKER. PROFESSOR PETERSON. FACULTIES AND PROFESSORS. 19 Faculty of Law. DEAN—PROFESSOR MOOBE. SIR JOHN MADDEN. MB. IRVINE. SIR HENRY WRIXON. MB. CUSSEN. MB. JUSTICE A'BECKETT. ME. DUFFY. MR. HIGGINS. MR. MACKEY. DR. BRIDE. MR. GUEST. MB. GBICE. MR. WOINAKSKI. MR. JUSTICE HOOD. Faculty of Medicine. DEAN—PROFESSOR ALLEN. DR. WILLIAMS. DR. NEILD. DR. GRANT. DR. JAMIESON. DR. BARRETT. DR. SPRINGTHORPE PROFESSOR MASSON. MR. F. D. BIRD. PROFESSOR SPENCER. DR. ADAM. PROFESSOR LYLE. MR. G. A. SY.ME. PROFESSOR MARTIN. DR. CHERRY. MR. R. A. STIRLING ) „ . „ „ DR C T TTOWARD ) -"^P™*^™**"? Melbourne Hospital. MR. O'HARA—Representi7ig Alfred Hospital. MR. O'SULLIVAN—Representing Women's Hospital. DR. BENNIE—/Jepreseniing' Children's Hospital. ME. A. S. GRAY—Representing Eye and Ear Hospital. ME. S. PhOVfUAB—Representing College of Phai-macy, Faculty of Engineering. DEAN—PROFESSOR KERNOT. MR. ELLERY. MR. SMITH. MR. THWAITES. MR. HENDERSON PROFESSOR NANSON. MR. FOWLER. PROFESSOR MASSON. MR. MERRIN. PROFESSOR LYLE. MR. MILLS. PROFESSOR GREGORY. MR. MICHELL. Professors. Physiology a/id Histology:— GEORGE BRITTON HALFORD, M.D. (Emeritus Professor), CHARLES JAMES MARTIN, M.B., D.Sc, F.R.S. (Acting Professor). 3A 20 PROFESSORS AND EX-PROFESSORS. Mathematics, Pure and Mixed :— EDWARD JOHN NANSON, M.A. History and Political Economy :— JOHN SIMEON ELKINGTON, M.A., LL.B. Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy and Pathology:— HARRY BROOKES ALLEN, M.D., B.S. Engineering:— WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT, M.A., M.C.E. Classical Philology:— THOMAS GEORGE TUCKER, M.A., Litt.D. (Camh.), Hon. Litt.D. (Dublin). Mental and Moral Philosophy :— HENRY LAURIE, LL.D. Chemistry :— DAVID ORME MASSON. M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S.E. Biology :— WALTER BALDWIN SPENCER, M.A., F.E.S., late fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. Natural Philosophy:— THOMAS RANKEN LYLE, M.A. iaw ;— WILLIAM HARRISON MOORE, B.A., LL.B. Oeology and Mineralogy:— JOHN WALTER GREGORY, D.Sc, F.R.S. Music :— FRANKLIN SIEVEWBIGHT PETERSON, Mus. Bac. English, Pre7ich, and Germa/i Languages and Literatures:—, Ex-Professors. Classical and Co7nparative Philology and Logic:— HENRY ERSKINE ROWE, M.A. Died 1855. MARTIN HOWY IRVING, M.A. Resigned 1871. HERBERT AUGUSTUS STRONG, M.A. Resigned 1884. History and Political Econoony :— WILLIAM EDWARD HEARN, LL.D. Resigned 1873. Mathematics. Pure and Mixed :— WILLIAM PARKINSON WILSON, M.A. Died Dec, 1874. ' JOHN DRUMMOND KIRKLAND, M.B., B.S. Died 22nd October, 1885. Dean of the Faculty of Laxo:— WILLIAM EDWARD HEARN, LL.D. Died 23rd April, 1888. LECTURERS, DEMONSTRATORS, ETC. 21 Natural Philosophy:— HENRY MARTYN ANDREW, M.A. Died 18th September, 1888. Law;— EDWARD JENKS, M.A. Resigned 31st January, 1892. Nat7iral Science:— SIR FREDERICK McCOY, M.A., D.Sc Died 13th May, 1899. Music;— G. W. L. MARSHALL HALL. Tenure of Office expired 31st December, 1900. English, Fre7ich, and Gertrum Languages and Literatures :— EDWARD ELLIS MORRIS, M.A., Litt.D. Died 2nd January, 1902. Lecturers. WALTON EMERSON CORNWALL, M.A. Mathematics:— JOHN HENRY MICHELL, M.A.. F.R.S. Lau! :— The Law of Contracts and Personal Property— FRANK GAVAN DUFFY, M.A., LL.B. Equity— JOHN EMANUEL MACKEY, M.A., LL.B. Property In Land and Conveyancing— WILLIAM CAMPBELL GUEST, M.A., LL.B. Wrongs and Procedure— CAZIMIR JULIUS ZICHY WOINAKSKI, M.A., LL.M. Theory and Practice of Medicine :— JAMES JAMIESON, M.D. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women:— GEORGE ROTHWELL WILSON ADAM, M.D., CM. Forensic Medicine :— JAMES EDWARD NEILD, M.D., Ch.B. Therapeutics, Dietetics, and Hygiene:— JOHN WILLIAM SPRINGTHORPE, M.A., M.D., M.R.C.P. Lond. Surgery:— FREDERIC DOUGAN BIRD, M.B., M.S., M.R.C.S., Eng. Anatomy:— GEORGE ADLINGTON SYME, M.B., M.S., F.R.C.S., Eng. Bacteriology:— THOMAS CHERRY, M.D., M.S. Hydraulic Engineering:— BERNHARD ALEXANDER SMITH,. M.C.E. Architectare :~ ANKETELL MATTHEW HENDERSON, M.C.E. Surveying:— THOMAS WALKER FOWLER, M.C.E., M.Inst.C.E. Mi7iing :— ARTHUR HOGG MERRIN, M.C.E. Metallurgy:— ARTHUR LEES MILLS. 22 LECTURERS, DEMONSTRATORS, ETC. English:— PROFESSOR TUCKER (Acting). French :— FERNAND ISIDORE MAURICE-CARTON, M.A., B.te L. German :— WALTER VON DECHEND. Thewy and Practice of Education:— JOHN SMYTH, M.A. (New Zealand), D.Phil. (Edinburgh). Assistant Lecturers. Physiology of Special Senses (Honorary);— JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT, M.D., M.S., F.R.C.S., Eng. HORACE WILLIAM ALLEN, M.A. Demonstrators and Assistant Lecturers. Chemistry :— WILLIAM HEBEK GREEN, M.Sc Biology :— THOMAS SERGEANT HALL, M.A. Natural Philosophy :— ERNEST FREDERICK JOHN LOVE, M.A., F.R.A.S. Demonstrators. E7igineering:— THOMAS WALKER FOWLER, M.C.E., M.Inst.C.E. Histology :— WALTER FIELDER, F.R.M.S. Anatomy :— GEORGE ADLINGTON SYME, M.B., M.S., F.R.C.S., Eng. (Senior). GEORGE CAMPBELL RENNIE, M.B., M.S., F.R.C.S., Eng. (Honorary). BASIL KILVINGTON, M.D., M.S. WILLIAM COLIN MACKENZIE, M.D., B.S. Pathology ;— HENRY GEORGE CHAPMAN, M.D., B.S. Bacteriology:— RICHARD JOSEPH BULL, M.D., B.S. ETHEL MAY VAUGHAN COWAN, M.B., B.S. Obstetrics (Honorary) ;— EDWARD AUGUSTUS SPOWERS, M.B., B.S. Mechanical Engineering (Honora7-y):— JOHN HILTON MACKAY, M.C.E. Assistant Demonstrators. Anatomy :— JAMES SPITTAL BUCHANAN, M.B., CM., F.R.C.S., Eng. OFFICERS AND TEACHERS. 23 Physiology (Honorary):— JOHN FRANCIS WILKINSON, M.D., B.S. Drauring (Honorary):— ARTHUR HORDERN, B.C.E. Registrar, • WALTON EMERSON CORNWALL, M.A. Chief Clerk. JOHN FREDERIC CHASE JAMES. Librarian. EDWARD HIPPIUS BROMBY, M.A. IVIedicai School Library Cleric. FRANK GLADISH. Itnifcrerait^ Otonagrtratoriuttt ai ^uaic. Director—Xu^ ORMOND PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, FRANKLIN PETERSON, (Mus. Bac, Oxon. et Melb.), Vice-Director—W. A. LAYER. Secretary—Vf. E. CORNWALL, M.A., Registrar of the University. Teaching Staff. History, Literature, and Ms-^ thetics - - - - Form, Composition and Ana- VTHE DIRECTOR. Counterpoi7it Harmony ----- THE DIRECTOR. MR. W. A. LAYER. MR. D. J. COUTTS, Mus. Bac, Melb. MR. F. CLUTSAM, Mus. Ass., Melb. MB. HERMANN SCHRADER. Pianoforte, Chief Study - - MR. W. A. LAYER. MR. C. W. RUSSELL. MR. HARRY A. THO.MSON. MR. HERMANN SCHRADER. Pianoforte, Chief a/id Second Study ----- MR. D. J. COUTTS, Mus.Bac, Melb. Pianoforte, Seco/id Study - - MISS CHARLOTTE ATCHISON. 24 TEACHERS, ETC. Singi/ig, Chief Study - - • MADAME GABEIELLA BOEMA. MADAxME J. LEBENS MAJOR. MR. ERNEST WOOD. MR. RUDOLPH HIMMER. Singing, Second Study - • MISS AUGUSTE LINDEN.
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