Park-Marina Plan Offered for Oceanport SEE STORY PAGE 2 The Weather Sunny and hot today and to- morrow, but cooler along FINAL shore. Clear tonigbt, low around 70. EDITION F^BEGISTER 24 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper TEN CENTS VOL 96 NO. 29 RED BA1NK-MIDDLETOWN, N.J. MONDAY, AUGUST 6,1973 IIIIMHIIItlllMIIIHU Illlllll llHMIIlllllllllllllll lllllllilMIIIMIIIItlt I IMII I | III! IIIMIIMMllllllillilKIt I < • Itlllllllllll •iiiuiiiMuiiimimiiiiiii in IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Confusion Costs Many Towns Oil Funds By The Associated Press In addition to the cities - oil companies, brought on be- the time it was estimated that exclusion to the agreement — the settlement would be more "It's a shame; here are minds, a spokesman for the which number 45 — Warren half of every city, county and approximately 30,000 govern- that is. said it wanted to "opt- than the free cash. One at- people getting something for state attorney general's office Confusion and fuzzy legal County has also elected not to bulk gasoline user in New Jer- mental bodies and bulk users out" of the litigation, it was torney estimated his city nothing but turn it down." said. advice has cut dozens of cities share in the settlement. The sey, Pennyslvania and Dela- were eligible and the share cut out of the court case and would get $50 out of the settle- If they had read it the way Such cities did have a across New Jersey from municipalities include Wood- ware. going to New Jersey govern- thus out of the money. Decid- ment. you're supposed to they would chance to appeal their ex- shares in a $28 million settle- bury, Westfield, Kinnelon, The suit alleged the com- ments was estimated recently ing to be excluded is the legal However. H. I.addie Mon- have known," Montague saud. clusions at a hearing before ment of an antitrust suit FYeehold, Penns Grove, West panies fixed gasoline prices in at $5 million. Each town's right of any party represented tague of Philadelphia whose "Also, when you have a U.S. District Court Judge An- against eight major oil com- Long Branch, Point Pleasant. the three states between 1955 share is not yet known. in a class action suit, but law firm handled the notifica- mass communicatiun like this thony T. Augelli on July 25. panies. Woodstown, Woodbine, Run- and 1965 and, in February, af- Under the terms of the_ when one attorney was asked tion, said no legal work was there are bound to be some The only governmental body "That's what happens when nemede and Bergenfield. ac- ter six years of litigation, an agreement, the cities had to' why anyone would choose to necessary; cities did not have slip-ups " to do so was Passaic County, people don't read all the way cording to a list filed in U.S. out of court settlement was do nothing to receive a share; "opt-out" in this case, he to respond to be eligible. The state asked cities that which said it was confused to the bottom of the page," District Court in Trenton. reached. The companies at no just supply their 1960 census said: "I can't think of any." "What happens is that filed exclusions if they under- over the notice and did not re- said a lawyer involved in the Their exclusion is the latest lime admitted the charge, but and sit back and wait for a Several municipal attorneys someone sees a notice about stood the import of their deci- alize the impact of its ex- settlement. ''They're out of development in a six-year-old agreed to dispense $28 million check. said there were fears that le- some litigation and they don't sions, but the state made no clusion. luck." class action suit against the to the various claimants. At However, if a city filed an gal expenses of taking part in read on," Montague said. attempt to change their See Town. Page I 2 Arabs Held in Athens Terror Attack Fatal to 3 ATHENS (AP) - Greek po- landi, 23, of Highland Park, Arabs, two women were being promises, if any, were made Then both men began firing lice held two Arab men today N.J., and Elbert Kersw, S3, a questioned. to get them to surrender. pistols. for a grenade and pistol at- Union. N.J. plumbing con- The two terrorists surren- Threw Grenade More than 1,000 persons tack that killed three persons tractor. Kersen's wife Kate, dered yesterday after crouch- Witnesses said passengers were in the lounge. Flying and wounded more than 50 in 49, was injured. ing with 35 hostages behind were preparing to board glass struck many as they the Athens airport lounge. At The third fatality was a the lounge's marble bar for Trans World Airlines flights to sought cover. least two of the dead were man about 50, but police said two hours while they tried to Tel Aviv and New York when "It was a real massacre. Americans. they had not established his get a plane to take them to one of the Arabs, about to Women and children were Two of those killed were identity. the Middle East. check his baggage, threw a covered with blood," said identified as Mrs. Jeannie Sa- In addition to the two It was not known what hand grenade to the ground. Gerald Stern, a dentist from Pittsburgh, Pa. "I automati- cally dropped to the floor. There were bullets flying all around me." Lincroft Pilot Had to Leave Airport police closed in. and the two Arabs took cover. "They herded as many per- sons as they could behind a 72 Passengers in Athens marble bar in the transit CAMBODIAN REFUGEES — Young and old make their way along Rt. 1 lounge and waited it out. following the outbreak of massive fighting near their village as Cam- NEW YORK (AP) - A at first that a hijacking was in was with about 200 other pas- 881 were Mr. and Mrs. Uus progress. sengers when what looked like brandishing their pistols and bodian Insurgents cut the vital route which leads to the capital city of Trans World Airlines jet that Lilopantis of Avon. Conn.; grenades," said Dimitra "People were running in all a grenade handle fell 10 feet Phnom Penh. took off from Athens after Mrs. Dorit Rotner of Israel, Michapoulou, a TWA ground directions after the attack," away from him. Arab terrorists attcked the visiting in New York; Mar- hostess. Toop said. "Airport officials airport lounge arrived at Ken- Asked what happaned to the lene Rich of St. Louis, Mo.; managed to gather seven nedy International Airport other passengers scheduled to Bernadette Teague of New Israeli Flight people and we kept them in an last night with only seven of board Flight 881. Koutouzakis York and Roberta Misciagna, The two terrorists told po- its 79 scheduled passengers. office near the plane. I know 26, of Brooklyn. Cambodia Bombing said/ "we must have gotten lice: "We have accomplished of three who were left behind The plane, which was being separated—everyone was run- Both Miss Teague and Miss what we wanted to do." But because they had dropped authorities said they may boarded when the grenade ning." Misciagna were in wheel- and pistol attack was their passports." have planned to attack pas- chairs, due to injuries re- launched, took off about an One of the seven TWA pas- "We just started pushing, sengers on an Israeli airliner hour and a half later, leaving sengers. John Koutouzakis. 41. climbing over people and run- ceived in an auto accident on that left 10 minutes before the Still Before Courts most of its passengers behind. or West Orange, N.J., said ning. There was blood all over Crete the day before. shooting began. WASHINGTON (AIM -The for cutting off funds for the uled to hear the government's "It was a difficult decision that before boarding the plane the place and then we man- A TWA spokesman said sev- he helped carry injured per- aged to get out." he said eral passengers on the origi- Police said the Israeli flight U.S. bombing in Cambodia, air war over Cambodia appeal on Wednesday. to leave my passengers," said which survived an abbre- Any ban before that date the pilot of the plane, ("api. sons to ambulances in airport "They finally got us away and nal flight list are expected to still was listed on the informa- The legal challenge to the parking lots. we stayed in this office for arrive in New York this after- tion board as awaiting depar- viated Supreme Court test apparently would have to bombing was launched by George C. Toop of Lincroft. over the weekend, fcill be in come from the U.S. 2nd Cir- N.J. He said officials believed When the terrorists at- about an hour." noon, and about 25 more are ture and this may have con- Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman, D- tacked, Koutouzakis said, he Also on board TWA Fight expected to arrive tonight. fused the terrorists. for further judicial review by cuit Court of Appeals in New N.Y., and four air Force offi- a federal appeals court this York. That panel had stayed, cers, who won a decision from week. pending appeal by the govern- U.S. District Court Judge Or- Batista Dies, On Saturday. Justice Thur- ment, a lower-court ruling rm G. Judd of New York or- good Marshall overturned a declaring U.S. participation in dering the bombing halted at Ex-Cuban Flood Aid Decision Awaited bombing ban issued hours ear- the Cambodia war uncon- 4 p.m.
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