WELCOME WELCOME OLD BOYS RECRUITS Vol. 10 Staunton Military Academy, Kables, Virginia, Thursday, September 16, 1926 No. 1 SIXTY-SEVENTHYEAR HEAD OF M. S. & T. OF THE ACADEMY'S SUBMITS LIST OF EXISTENCE BEGINS PR0-TEM. OFFICERS Six Hundred and Thirty-Four Order Appointing Acting Of- Cadets Report for Duty ficers and Non-Coms Who Yesterday and Will Organize Battalion Today Subject to Change Kables, Va., Sept. 16.—The Staunton The Office of Military Science and Military Academy opened its sixty- Tactics publishes the following special seventh year here today with a roster order of tentative appointments of cadet of six hundred and thirty-four cadets— officers. Major A. M. Patch, Professor a number far in excess of any previous of Military Science and Tactics, empha- Jyear. sizes the fact that these appointments In order to provide quarters for this are subject to change at any time. The extra number of cadets, the old Math names appearing in this order are taken building, just behind the East Barracks, from the roster of old boys who have (has been converted into living quarters already registered for the year. It is {for twenty cadets. Even with this ad- sometimes the case that several old cadets jdition it is expected that many of the will arrive at school on the opening date, rooms which have previously been oc- or later, who have not registered during cupied by two, but are available for the summer, taking for granted that three, will be filled with their full quota. they can get into the school anyway. If ' In spite of this increase in enrollment, such be the case this year and they Col. T. H. Russell, President of the should get in and Major Patch should Academy, states that there is already a consider these men worthy of a trial as Barge waiting list which is steadily grow- cadet officers, he will not hesitate to add ing. their names to this list, or to change j Immediately upon arrival each new lATTALION OF CADETS, 1926 this order if necessary. cadet is registered and classified academ- The order follows: ically. This brings him into his first OFFICE Connection with real cadet life, when he Many Improvements On PROFESSOR OF MILITARY SCIENCE AND Is taken to the supply department and FOOTBALL SQUAD VACANCY FOR 1927 TACTICS tutfitted with a complete uniform. Thus Staunton Military Academy In a few hours after his matriculation Hill During Summer; Staunton, Virginia Je is made to feel that he is really a HAS BEEN ON JOB GRADUATE OF S.M.A. September 14, 1926. fnemher of the cadet corps of 1926-1927, New Guard Room Built Special Orders No. 1: lot an onlooker, but one of those on 1. The following temporary appoint- Ihe inside looking out, and made to feel FOR OVER A WEEK AT WEST POINT ments of cadet officers and non-commis- his own part as a member of this corps sioned officers are announced to take ef- toward obtaining again the Honor Arriving in town, the first words the fect at once. School rating that has been set by old boys heard were "wait 'til you see 2. No relative rank axists in various [hose who have gone before. the South Barracks." It was surely Only Three Letter Men in Early War Department Notifies P. M. grades. To aid toward acquiring this rating is worth waiting for, for the improvements (he spirit of "friendly enemies," pro- 3. The first named lieutenant in each certainly have changed its appearance. Practice Group; Coach S. and T. That Honor Grad- company will act as company commander duced by the awarding of the distinction Outside and inside, the walls have been •f Honor Company to the Company until further notice. painted a gray green color, making it Urges More Men to uate of Staunton is Eligible 4. Acting company commanders will with the best all around record for the stand out very effectively from a dis- tear. The fight begins on the very first detail corporals for each squad. tance, and being an aid toward the gen- 5. Permanent appointments will be lay and continues all through the year eral cleanliness of the building. And Come Out For Appointment Intil Finals, with competitive drills, announced when sufficient time has elap- in the middle of the quadrangle has sed to judge the relative performances. piowri as "company compets"—company been built a new guard house. It is a athletic leagues in all sports and ef- To be Cadet Major—Carhart. two story structure, of the same mater- There will be a vacancy at the United To be Cadet Adjutant—Thompson, R. ficiency among individual members of ial as the barracks, and with the same foe companies playing a large part in States Military Academy at West Point, S. general architecture. It is octagonal in Coach Summers wants all new men next summer, which will be filled by inally determining the Honor Company (Continued on Page Four) shape, with two doors, on opposite sides, who have had any previous exper- some honor graduate from Staunton If the year. and a stairway to the second floor. These ience in football, or who are anxious Military Academy of the present senior All this a first year cadet learns dur- improvements, along with the annual to try out for a place on the S. M. Directory Published fig the first few days, soon catching the class. The letter below from the War renovation, promise to make conditions A. squad, to report to him on their Department is self explanatory as to rue spirit that makes him feel himself the best ever in South Barracks. In first afternoon at school. how the appointment from this school For Cadets and Patrons in S. M. A. cadet. the North Barracks, room 409 has been must be made. converted into a faculty washroom, With twenty-four men reporting for S. M. A. has had a number of these >TUDENT DAY AT FIRST while room 408 will be faculty quarters varsity football practice Capt. Summers The first thing one should do to be- during this year. In the cadet wash- appointments in past years and all her held the first workout of the season on ! representatives at West Point thus far come familiar with the different places PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH rooms new lavatories and showers have Wednesday, Sept. 8th. Of this twenty- on the Hill is to get straight the names been installed and the woodwork of the I have made good. This appointment is four there are three letter men, several an excellent opportunity for an am- of the different barracks. barracks painted. The asphalt has been from last year's company teams, and bitious cadet who is anxious to go to resurfaced, and along the slope before THE EXECUTIVE OFFICES some new material. the United Slates Military Academy. It The President's office is on the first The following notice of special ser- Col. T. H. Russell's home a cobble-stone ices next Sunday for this corps and wall has been erected. There is a plat- The squad has been practising twice is open to thai individual in the grad- floor of the old Kable home. The en- uating class here who excels in all trance to this building is at the end of acuity appeared, in The Bulletin of the form from which the setting-up exer- a day, at 7:15 in the morning and at around ability. He must lie an "honor 'irst Presbyterian Church last Sunday: cises will be given, with a circular stair- 4:15 in the afternoon. The prospects the portico of the ground floor of the graduates." The term "honor grad- i"For the last two years one Sabbath way on each side. The wall adds much are encouraging, although not as bright West Barracks. In this building and on uate," is defined by the Army Regula- the floor are also the offices of the Head- ear the opening of the school year has to the appearance of the asphalt, the as at this time last year. There is a een devoted to a special service for black cement which has been used, mak- wealth of good backfield material, tions as follows: "A graduate whose master, Treasurer, Secretary, and Post attainments in scholarship have been so Indents of Mary Baldwin College and ing it very attractive. There are steps French, however, being the only mem- Adjutant of the school. On arriving, one marked as to receive the approbation of taunton Military Academy. This has that lead up to the flag-pole and monu- ber with experience from last year's should go at once to the Secretary's of- the head of the school or college, and ten found to be a success and it will be ment. backfield. The first few days prac- fice and be enrolled, then to the Treas- whose proficiency in military training urer to pay his tuition and other fees, •peated this year. Next Sabbath is the The old mathematics building has been tises were workouts intended to get the ay selected for this Student meeting, made into cadet quarters, there being squad in condition, with signals and and intelligent attention to duty have and arrange for allowances and private merited the approbation of the profes- 'he students of these two institutions space available for twenty cadets. The scrimmages being the usual work during accounts, then he should go to the Head- )gether fill the lower floor of this audi- staff will in all probability occupy this last week.
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