Joum. Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 61 : 499-523 (Dec. 1986) CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE LICHEN FLORA AND LICHEN VEGETATION OF THE CAPE VERDE ISLANDS. IV. NEW LICHEN RECORDS AND THEIR CHOROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCP GERHARD FOLLMANN AND BRUNO MIES2 INTRODUCTION Although pioneer lichens play an important role in the colonization of younger lava flows and characterize large parts of the landscape of the Cape Verde Islands, little is known about their taxonomy, chorology, ecology, and sociology compared with the other Macaronesian archipelagos (Azores, Canaries, Madeira). Based on older and sometimes dubious records, Tavares (1952) listed about 90 lichen taxa, being less than 10% of the lichen flora of the entire Macaronesian region known at that time. Including the observations of Follmann and Sanchez-Pinto (1986), the lichen inventory of the Cape Verdes actually comprises 177 items. Nevertheless, deduced from larger collections made during the last decade, especially of hitherto neglected microlichens, the total number oscillates probably between 300 and 400. A series of further new records for Macaronesia, the Cape Verdes, or single islands of the latter is briefly documented and discussed here. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present results are mainly based on lichen collections made on the Cape Verde Islands by Sunding (1972, 1976), Follmann (1974, 1986), Lobin (1978, 1979), Sanchez-Pinto (1978), Borgen (1980), and Rustan and Brochmann (1981, 1982). Voucher specimens are preserved at FR (Natural History Museum "Senckenberg", Francfort, Federal Republic of Germany: Lobin), KASSEL (Natural History Museum "Ottoneum", Kassel, Federal Republic of Germany: Follmann), KOELN (Botanical Institute, University of Cologne, Cologne, Federal Republic of Germany: Follmann, Lobin, Sanchez-Pinto), 0 (Botanical Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway : Borgen, Rustan and Brochmann, Sunding), and TFMC (Natural History Museum, Santa Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands: Sanchez-Pinto). Since the lichen samples from 0 and TFMC remained unnumbered, provisional herbarium numbers are given in brackets. The citation of often used synonyms is limited to three. Some of the more abundant species have been (or will be) distributed with the Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casse1ensi Editi (LESK) and the Lichenes Exsiccati Selecti ab Instituto Botanico Universitatis Coloniensis Editi (LESC). 1 Part 3: Follmann, G. and Sanchez-Pinto, L., 1986. Zur Kenntnis der Flechtenflora und Flech­ tenvegetation der Kapverdischen Inseln. Ill. Neue Flechtenfunde und ihre Bedeutung fUr die Floren­ und Vegetationsgeschichte. Cour. Forschungsinst. Senckenberg 86: in press. 2 Botanical Institute, University of Cologne, Gyrhofstr. IS, D-5000 Cologne 41 , Federal Republic of Germany. 500 Journ. Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 61 1 9 8 6 Grupo de Barlavento 17° 560 Vie.n'. <6Sanla Luzia ~8ranco °Razo ILHAS DE CABO VERDE 16°--------+----------------------r--------------------~~~~----~ 800 Vista Grupo de Sotavento I Tarrafal I<1a;. 436 Porto8 Ingles , 5 °--------+----5000. ,,0 Vila Nova Cintra I ~Bra ... a 25' 19761 24' 23° FIG. I. General situation and highest elevations of the Cape Verde Islands. Most pH-values of lichen substrata have been detected on the basis of herbarium material. If at all possible, specific secondary lichen products have been determined by thin layer chro­ matography (TLC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In view of the incomplete knowledge of the area limits of extra-European lichens, a relatively wide choro­ logical concept is employed for the phytogeographical arrangemen.t of the new records: Cosmopolitan geoelements (including Subcosmopolitan and disjunct ones), Tropical geoele­ ments (including Neotropical, Paleotropical, and Subtropical ones), Mediterranean geoele­ ments (including Atlantic-Mediterranean and Macaronesian-Mediterranean ones), and Macaronesian geoelements (including local endemics). The principal ecotypes are treated in a similar manner: epiphytes, geophytes, and lithophytes; acidophytes, basiphytes, and neutro­ phytes; xerophytes, mesophytes, and hygrophytes. General informations on origin, terrain, climate, flora, and vegetation of the Cape Verde Islands are given by Chevalier (1935: botany), FriedHinder (1913 : geology), Hansen and Sunding (1985: floristics), Klug (1973: geography, 1980: climatology), Lobin (1982: chorology), Machado (1965 : vulcanism), Rothe (1982: geology), and Sunding (1973: endemism, 1977 : bibliography). G. FOLLMANN & B. MI ES: Lichen flora and vegetation of Cape Verde Islands. IV 501 RESULTS COSMOPOLITAN GEOELEMENTS I. Catapyrenium lachneum (Ach.) Sant. - Verrucariaceae Syn. Dermatocarpon hepaticum (Ach.) T. M. Fries, Dermatocarpon lachneum (Ach.) A. L. Smith, Dermatocarpon rufescens (Ach.) T. M. Fries. This placodioid, generally terricolous, occasionally saxicolous, basiphytic to neutrophytic, Subcosmopolitan pyrenolichen has hitherto been reported from the Canary Islands (Topham & Swinscow 1982) and Madeira (Tavares 1952). It is new to the Cape Verde Islands. Although the only specimen seen is well developed, it must be considered a rare soil inhabitant in the mountain belt at present. Sao Nicolau: Sandy loam, summit of Monte Gordo, scarce, 1200 m, NE, pH 7,0; leg. W. Lobin (XII/1978), KOELN 22 103. 2. Cladoniafoliacea (Huds.) Willd. - Cladoniaceae Syn. Cladonia alcicornis (Lightf.) E. M. Fries. This terricolous, acidophytic to neutrophytic, Subcosmopolitan phyllolichen is already known from all Macaronesian islands including the Cape Verdes (Santo Antao: Bouly de Lesdain 1935). Here it is reported from Sao Nicolau and Sao Tiago for the first time. According to the many collections available, which are not all cited below, it represents the characteristic species of the Cape Verdean subassociation of the soil-inhabiting Cladonietum foliaceae Klem. in the mountain belt. San to Antao: Mossy ground, Lombo Cebide Vila south of Ribeira Grande, matt-forming, 1200 m, NW, pH 6,0; leg. P. Sunding (X/1972), 0 (CV-9). - Mossy ground, Agua das Caldeiras, matt-forming, 1200 m, NE, pH 6,0; leg. W. Lobin (Xl/1979), FR CV-1342. - Mossy ground, north-east of Cova in the upper part of Ribeira do Paul, matt-forming, 1200 m, NE, pH 6,5; leg. 0. H. Rustan and C. Brochmann (1/1982), 0 (CV-68). Sao Nicolau: Mossy ground, northern slope of Monte Gordo, scattered, 900 m, NW, pH 6,5; leg. G . Follmann (IV/1974), KOELN 22 153. Sao Tiago: Open ground, associated with Cladonia rangiformis Hoffm., northern slope of Pico da Antonia, scattered, 1100 m, NE, pH 6,0; leg. G . Follmann (IV/l974), KOELN 22154. 3. Cladonia furcata (Huds.) Schrad. - Cladoniaceae Syn. Cladonia racemosa Hoffm. This variable, terricolous, acidophytic, Cosmopolitan thamnolichen has pre­ viously been reported from all other Macaronesian archipelagos (Tavares 1952). For the Cape Verdes it is cited here for the first time. Whereas only one chemotype (with atranorin and fumarprotocetraric acid) has been found, in the collections men­ tioned below all main morphotypes can be observed : var. palamaea (Ach.) Nyl., var. pinnata (Floerke) Vain., var. racemosa (Hoffm.) Floerke. Obviously this ground lichen is of more sporadic occurrence in the cloud zone, especially in the dripping circles around epiphyte-covered shrubs. Santo Antao : Gravelly ground, ridge between Cova and Ribeira do Paul, scattered, 1150 m, NE, pH 6,0; leg. P. Sunding (XI/1 976), 0 (CV-3). - Gravelly ground, Agua das Caldeiras, scattered, 1300 m, NE, pH 6,5; leg. W. Lobin (XI/1979), FR CV-1343, KOELN 22148. Sao Nicolau: Gravelly ground, summit of Monte Gordo and surroundings, scattered, 1000 m, NE, pH 6.5; leg. W. Lobin (XI/1980), FR CV-2231, KOELN 22 149. Sao Tiago: Gravelly ground, between Chao da Figueira and Pico da Malagueta, scattered, 900 m, NW, pH 6,5; leg. W. Lobin (X/1979), FR CV-461. 502 Journ. Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 61 1 9 8 6 4. Cladonia pocillum (Ach.) O. J. Rich. - Cladoniaceae This terricolous, basiphytic to neutrophytic, Subcosmopolitan phyllolichen has already been collected on the Canary Islands and Madeira (Tavares 1952). It is new to the Cape Verde Islands, where it seems to be a sporadic companion species of the local subassociation of the soil-inhabiting Cladonietum foliaceae Klem. in the moun­ tain belt. Santo Antlio: Mossy ground, pass height between Porto Novo and Ribeira Grande, scarce, 1200 m, NW, pH 6,5; leg. K. Lewejohann (XII/1978), KOELN 22109. Sao Nicolau: Mossy ground, northern slope of Monte Gordo, scarce, 950-1100 m, NW, pH 6,5; leg. P. Sunding (XI/1976), KOELN 22 i56, o (CV-lO). 5. Cladonia rangiformis Hoffm. - Cladoniaceae Syn . Cladonia aetnensis Torn., Cladonia pungens (Ach.) Ach. In contrast to Cladonia furcata (Huds.) Schrad., this terricolous, acidophytic to neutrophytic, Cosmopolitan thamnolichen has been reported from all Macaronesian archipelagos including the Cape Verde Islands (Santo Antao: Bouly de Lesdain 1935). First records are dealt with below for Sao Nicolau and Sao Tiago; only a few ad­ ditional samples are cited from Santo Antao. Again the main morphotypes (var. muricata (Del.) Am., var. pungens (Ach.) Vain.) are present, whilst the spectrum of secondary compounds remains more or less constant: atranorin, ± fumarprotoce­ traric acid, rangiformic acid. According to our field notes, this is the most abundant larger fruticulose species of the Cladoniaceae in moister, partly protected, and shadowy niches with well drained lava soil in the mountain belt of the larger islands of the group. San to Antlio: Gravelly soil, Lombo Cebide Vila south of Ribeira
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