Good Luck, Devils, Against Hillside THE WESTFIELD LEADER Saturday IM IIADMO AND MOIT WINK OKUUnD WEEKLY NEWSFAKI IN UNION COUNTY EIGHTY-bECOND YEAR—No. 14 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, raUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1971 28 Pages—10 Cents Bottle Collection Band to March BofE Sessions Saturday at Armory Students Sue In Town Saturday A tattle ortfecUM will he held The WeslfieM High School Tennis Court at the WestfteU Armary, 5M band, in uniform, will march Railway tit., •• Satairtay. On Guidelines from Mindowaskin Park through To Be Calmer? Battle* may be *»••[«• off be- (he business district of Westfield Two students are seeking a federal Or. Lillard E. Law, superintendent A code of conduct for school board meetings was outlined by George tween I a.m. «•< 4 p.m. This beginning at 12 noon Saturday. callectiM is beiaf fceM by the court injunction barring the Board of of schools, and Albeit Bobal, princi- The inarch will point up the Lighting OKed A. Plenty, president, at last Wednesday night's session at Edison Junior Y-Tecu «f the WeslfieU YWCA. lEducation from censoring under- pal of the high school, need fur new bund uniforms and High School. The result was a relatively calm meeting which also was 1 ground publications. The suit, which was filed as a class the shortest one of many months. Battles roust be aerie* by girls from the Flag Corps will Tennis buffs in Westfield will have Ihe opportunity to play under color SM4 metal riag« and caps Steven Shafarman and Stuart action on behalf of other students bcsUtlioncd along the route ta the lights at Tamaques Park courts following approval Tuesday night Noting editorial censure of actions at public meetings in the Oct. 14 must be renwve*. Cohen, both seniors at the high in HID school system, claims the sell decals to support the uni by the Town Council of a $20,000 appropriation to provide lighting for Leader, Mr. Plenty said that in- school, are named as plaintiffs in school board requires the author of form fund. the eight courts at the soutlttide park site. creased emphasis will be placed on the suit filed Monday in federal underground articles to sign his Courts are expected to be lighted the orderly progression of the ses- To Discuss New court in Newark. Shafarman's moth- name and address before it can be no later than the 10 p.m. closing sions, as well as time limits on er, Janis Shafarman, and Cohen's handed out. Noboily Home? of the park and according to fig- discussion. Acrimonious debate will father, Samuel Cohen, are also listed plaintiffs also said the school policy ures presented at the meeting, the be discouraged, he said, and the CEEB Service as plaintiffs. on underground publications prohta- Club Honors A number of residents have nol been contacted by volunteers of the lights will enable almost 100 more tooprd will reserve the right to They claim the school board's re- its the students from voicing their tennis enthusiasts to use the courts adjourn the meetings should they cently adopted "Guidelines for Dis- opinions on bond issues, public quos- United Fund of Westfield, either by (eel it necessary. At College Night tribution of Non-School Publications" tiqns and candidates for school posts, Maggio, Giuditta telephone or personal calls at their homes. While recognizing thc complaints He added that board members is "arbitrary and capricious" and They charge' the school's policy Robert T. Merrill, assistant direc- The members of the Civic Club of Those who have not yet been of nearby neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. will be available far discussion of "abridges" their rights "to freedom prohibiting "hard-care pornography" William Hudson, Mrs. Robert Mill tor of Middle States Office of Col- of speech and freedom of press." and "irresponsible publications aimed Westfield, at a dinner-dance Satur- reached are urged to send their day at the Chanticlcr Chateau, hon- contributions to the United Fund of Plaintiffs say the guidelines re- at creating hostility and violence" of the council expressed the opinion lege Night meeting in the high ored two of its founders and past Weslfield, Municipal Building, 425 mints may be made with indivi- quire persons wishing to distribute are vague and do not define these school auditorium at 8 p.m. Thurs- underground newspapers in the terms. presidents. Dr. Moss J. Maggio and Use dual members. He also warned that Harry A. Giuditta. Mario J. Gurrieri he courts day, Nov. 18. He will discuss the school must submit a copy to the The suit said students who intend soon as possible. ° tape recordings have been made by "Student Description Questionaire," •was chairman of the affair, and was "We need your help," John A. ing than to build new courts at $!),• members of the audience in the high school principal for approval to publish and distribute under- 000-$10,000 each. Councilmen Robert . j , u. i IL vi • j. u a new service provided by the Col- aided by Mr. and Mrs. James Buc- Reid, campaign chairman, said, "so past and felt u that the public should F j ^art. at least one day before the material ground newspapers are being ham- Barnes, following a suggestion lege Entrance Exaininat on is distributed. pered by the school board's alleg- cola, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De Bella one or more of the 15 agencies de- be aware that recordings are being and Mrs. Gurrieri. pending on your contributions can made by John Dalton of Dorian Students and their parents will Also named as defendants are edly unconstitutional guidelines. made. Dr. Maggio and Mr. Giuditta, to- help you and your community." Rd., asked that some consideration have an opportunity to learn about be given to charging a nominal fee At. Wednesday night's meeting, at- gether with a handful of other mem- the college picture by attending of public users. tended by a large crowd of students three college conferences of their bers, founded the organization in and townspeople, Dr. Joseph E. choice after the general assembly 1035 for the purpose of granting Free permits were issued to 4,600 RAYMOND MICHAL8KI Seidels to Be Honored at Israel Kaibacher chargerd "personal vili- in the audiltorium. Approximately scholarships to deserving students March to Aid tennis players by thc Recreation Commission this past season to in- fication" by Douglas Campbell, vice 36 colleges will be stationed in who had limited means. Since that president of the board, at the prev- Cafeteria B where students and par- sure use of courts by Westfield Bond Dinner on November 28 time more than 80 scholarship grants Pakistan Refugees residents only. In addition to the ious month's meeting. Campbell, at cnLs may visit as they please, Met Star have been awarded tc students who Tamaques facilities, tennis courts the Oct. 5 session, had claimed that College Night is arranged through Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Seidel of have become doctors, lawyers, teach- A 20 mile marathon walk to raise Kalbacher "refused to accept facts." the joint efforts of the school's gui- 346 Longview Dr., Mountainside, will ers, etc. money for the starving refugee chil- f,ro ^ ™intfned ^'T at and last week he called the pediatri- dance staff, the College Woman's On Concert Bill be honored at a testimonial banquet Or. Maggio, the first president, dren of East Pakinstan has been thc Elm St Pyramid, tat these cian unqualified to judge such class- Club, and the College Men's Club at 6 o'clock Sunday, Nov. 28, at came to Westfield in 1934 and im-scheduled for Nov. 21. The walk will room techniques as lesson plans. of Westfield. Serving as chairman Shackamaxon Country Club in recog- begin and end at Temple Emami- While a few tennis buffs appeared Here Wednesday mediately became associated with to support th measure, the Tama- The charges dealt with a tenth for the College Woman's Club is nition of their distinguished service (ConUnued on page 4) El, 75fi East Broad St., but will also e grade health curriculum which has Mrs. John Wiley. She is assisted by Raymond Michalski, bass-baritone to the community and Israel. pass through Mountainside, Spring- ^ w^^Sp^aM *» Mrs Harr Bocku been highly controversial in recent - y s, Mrs. Walter E. of the Metropolitan Opera, will ap- The Danquet is being held under P ainfield Sc tCh prcsscd afea r thal lighting woul< months. Dr. Kalbacher has attemp- Eclchart, Mrs. William Maish, Mrs. Pear here in the second of this year's the auspices of the Westfield Com- vtL 17'aL ' ' ° i ted to review lesson plans, which (Continue- - d- on page 4) Community Concert series Wedncs- mittee for state ot lsrael Bond., New Recreation Plains and Clajk. , ... be extended to other athletic facili- he has been informed are not avail- day evening at 8:30 o'clock in the which is participating in a world- The walk is being sponsored by the ^ able. auditorium of Westfield High School. wide campaign t0 raise $300 million tjcs flt thc k werfi A native of New Jersey, he gave jn 5^ g^ during ml for jj,, Temple &™nu-El Senior Youth that thjs was m ^ consider<di Also (briefly discussed at last Director Named Group and is be.ng organized by . •week's meeting was a previous fifth Funds Sought his debut recital in New York in economic survival of Israel. This A previous!v approved wmcil ftfarcy Guth, Sue Napack and Max propriation will ?ovide another & grade health class incident which a 1959 the same year in which he year the Israel Bond Drive ii under Mountainside — Harold F.
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