\ > * ** ..-• ^ ^ ^fce*> ' \ & "»' • •i r ' ^^*v ^VOMiN * raw**. / lAHDEQ sikSsBi -'• serJS 1 *fT"^*'x'»ji: - ,v^ i & I \6 pocketproof 6° A^ 22 s ^ r>s » • £k* m Pockets, unfortu- them to fire clean. (With our patented nately, just aren't the 'Kleanbore" priming.) And to stay that cleanest places. way until they're fired. But pockets are Every Remington/Peters 'golden" where 22 cartridges bullet 22 we make is individually pol- spend most of their ished and coated with a special, non- lives—from the time sticky, greaseless lubricant. they're dumped out That way, we make sure they'll of the box till they're fired. come out of your pocket just as clean So, in addition to being waterproof, as they went in. And all the dirt, and dirtproof, mudproof, rustproof, fool- lint, and bits of leaves, and old chew- proof and misfireproof 22's also ing-gum wrappers will stay behind. , good have to be pocketproof. After all, the action of your rifle is Well, Remington/Peters 22's are. no place for dirt, and lint, and bits of That's why we call our high-speed leaves, and old chewing-gum wrappers. rimfire cartridges the "clean 22's ". We But it's a great place for Remington/ don't just make them clean; we make Peters 22's. Try a pocketful and see. Bgmington. ^HK> Peters One reason to stick to Remington/ Peters "golden"22's —dirt doesn't 'Kleanbore" is Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. and "golden" is a trademark of Remington Arms Company, Inc., Bridgeport. Conn. 06602. In Canada: Remington Arms of Canada Limited. Mounted single, Firestone 23* tires give tion. Mounted dual, the/ give "on top" flotation. Either way, you cover fields fast. That's because Fire 23' tires outpull old style 45" * b 10-11 Fielder's choice. The 23 traction bars have more bite. Stop costly "slippage ( ,/ermore ground. In less time. On less fuel. And get up to twice the wear on roads. Choose the 23' tire Firestone 23° tires that's best for your trac- tor. All Traction Field & ;ive you 10-16% Road, Field & Road, or the Deep Tread. At your tetter traction. Firestone Dealer or Store. April-May, 1969 The National Future Farmer VOLUME 1 NUMBER 4 APRIL-MAY, 1969 DEPARTMENTS MAGAZINE STAFF Wilson W . Carries, Editnr Word With The Editor 6 Something New 36 V. Stanley Allen, Business Manager Looking Ahead 8 Free For You 37 John M. Pitzer, Associate Editor Ronald A. Miller. Associate Editor The Mailbag 10 Photo Roundup 46 From Zelma MrShane, Editorial Assistant Sportrait 32 Joke Page 50 [Cathy Kimberlin, Editorial Assistant Norma Salvatore, Circulation Assistant FEATURES Frances Hall, Circulation Assistant Adriana Sta?p, Circulation Assistant His Enthusiasm Shows 12 Jim Hayhursl, Promotion Assistant THIS ARTICLE IS ABOUT YOUR NATIONAL FFA SECRETARY Glenn D. Luedke, Advertising Manager IS A HARD WORKING, BUT CONGENIAL, JERRY BATTS. HE Duane Leach, Midwest Advertising Manager HAPPY FELLOW AND HAS AN INTERESTING OUTLOOK ON LIFE. READ ABOUT JERRY AND MAYBE SOME OF HIS ENTHUSIASM Linda Reimlers, Advertising Assistant WILL RUB OFF ON YOU. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION Jeff Hanlon, Oregon, National President Lowell Catlett, Texas, National Vice President Tom Johnson. Illinois, National Vice President Joe Martinez, California, National Vice President Hybrid Wheat 20 GlennWeher,Venasylvania,NationalVicePresident Jerry Batts, Alabama, National Secretary HYBRID WHEAT WILL SOON BE A REALITY IN THE FARMERS FIELD. TO UPDATE YOUR THOUGHTS ON WHAT CHANGES HYBRID WHEAT CAN CAUSE IN SEEDING, FERTI- H. N. Hunsieker, Chairman of the Board. LIZING, AND PRODUCTION, READ THIS ARTICLE THE National Advisor FEATURE ALSO TELLS ABOUT NEW RESEARCH, PROBABLE George R. Cochran, Member of the Board PRODUCTION COSTS, AND ON THE FARM SEED PRODUCTION, James C, Fink, Member oj the Board Vadeh B. Hairr, Member of the Board John W. Lacey, Member of the Board Byron F. Rawls, Member of the Board Jesse A. Taft, Member oj the Board Field Archery 40 James W. Warren, Member of the Board the Board FIELD ARCHERY IMITATES HUNTING AND IS MORE FUN Donald E. \\ ilson, Member of THAN TARGET SHOOTING. THIS ARTICLE TELLS HOW POINTS ARE SCORED, ABOUT THE DIFFERENT TARGETS, William Paul Gray, Executive Secretary AND TAKES YOU THROUGH AN ACTUAL GAME. J. M. Campbell, National Treasurer Edward J. Hawkins, Manager of the Future Farmers Supply Service Coleman Harris, FFA Program Specialist John C. Foltz, Public Relations Manager Lennie Gamage, Manager of Center Development and International Programs 1969 Farm Scene 14 Greenhands Profit 30 ADVERTISING OFFICES Weed Out Weed Losses 17 The Chapter Scoop 31 77,- National FUTURE FARMER He's His P. 0. Box 15130 On Way 23 He Sprang Back 34 Alexandria. Virginia 22309 Entry Barrier 24 Selecting The Right Plow 38 20 N. Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 How To Study Futures 25 In The FFA Action 44 Whaley-Simpson Company 6725 Sunset Boulevard Showing Livestock 28 Nearby Sport Fishing 48 Los Angeles, California 90028 580 Washington Street OUR COVER San Francisco. Calitornia 91111 CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send both old and new addresses These Wyoming Future Farmers from the Lander and the Albin Chapters have to Circulation De|.t.. The National FUTURE FARMER, P. I). Box 15130. Alexandria, Va. 22309. stopped for a hearty lunch during a fishing trip into Canada. This cover photo ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: 77,e National shows the home of a native trapper with his cabin in the background. The only FUTURE FARMER, P. O. Box 15130. Alexandria. Virginia 22309. Offices are located at the National FFA Center on way to get to this island is traveling by 30 miles by boat and then making two U.S. Route One. eight miles south of Alexandria. overland trips of about 100 yards. The fishing trip was considered a success since 77,e National FUTURE FARMER is published bimonthly by the Future Farmers of America at Alexandria, Virginia the party of 1 8 had 1 ,000 pounds of fish, and everyone caught at least an eight- 22309. Second class postage paid at Alexandria, Virginia, and at additional mailing offices. Copyright 1969 by the pounder. The FFA advisors of the Lander Chapter are Mr. Carlson Arland and Mr. Future Farmers of America. Loren York; and the advisor of the Albin Chapter is Mr. Jack Humphrey. Single subscription is 75c per year in U.S. and possessions. Foreign subscriptions, S1.00 per year. Single copies, 20c Photo by Ray Difelici in U.S. The Sational FUTURE FARMER The Convincers offer more for less David Brown Tractors are loaded with extras that are optional on competitive makes at additional cost. Extras like Traction Control which hydraulically transfers weight from pull- type implements to the rear wheels of the tractor increasing traction and reducing wheel slippage. Spirited? Just start up a maintenance cost and David Brown and watch it lower in operating cost. go through the big jobs, That's why thousands of the small jobs, the smooth farmers from coast to jobs and the rough jobs. A coast are convinced that David Brown will convince David Brown is the best you it's the hardest buy on the market today. working tractor you could Convinced? Join the want. And the price will thousands of David Brown convince you too. David owners who already are. Brown offers i more Choose the David Brown power more Convincer best for you . equipment more 770, 780, 880, 990 or 1200 diesels. Or the 3800 and 4600 gasoline models. For complete details about David Brown Tractors, see the David Brown Dealer nearest you or write: National Equipment Distributors Association. Dept. FF469, P. 0. Box economy. ^^^ Yet it's 5025, Richmond, Virginia lower in cost. Lower in 23220. initial cost, lower in ~j>® neo*i DAVID jjg BROWN 17 David Brown parts depots to serve you throughout the U.S. David Brown tractors are distributed nationally by members of the National Equipment Distributors Association. Draw A Word with the Editor FEW chapter presidents will have an unforgettable ex- A perience of a week's duration this summer. These are the "Reggie" chapter presidents who will attend any one of three National Leadership and Citizenship Conferences in Washington, D.C. The dates are June 23-28, July 7-12, and July 14-19. If you the raccoon plan to attend, get your application in right away before the May 1 deadline and before the conferences are all filled. If you need information, write to the National FFA Office, U.S. Office of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202, or to us here at the Magazine and we'll see that you get the infoimation. It will be a real treat to have the opportunity of meeting with other chapter presidents from over the country in addi- tion to visiting the nation's capital. If you have never been to Washington, D.C, let me tell you that it is an interesting place. The world's largest agricultural center as well as numer- ous agricultural and professional societies and trade associ- ations are located in the area. While here, chapter presidents will have an opportunity to explore national and international career opportunities in agriculture and participate in many other important and interesting activities. This will include a visit to the National FFA Center, the White House, and the You may win a $/9b.00 Capitol. National FFA officers will conduct the program, and Commercial Art Scholarship chapter presidents will share ideas with officers from across the country. Let "Reggie " the idccoori help yuu Though state presidents participated in a similar conference test your art talent. Draw him any last year, and will have the opportunity of doing so again this size except one thai wuuid look like year, this is the first time such a program has been offered to a uacing Be sure to use pencil chapter presidents.
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