University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Silver City Eagle, 1894-1898 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-21-1894 Silver City Eagle, 11-21-1894 Loomis & Oakes Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sc_eagle_news Recommended Citation Loomis & Oakes. "Silver City Eagle, 11-21-1894." (1894). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sc_eagle_news/14 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Silver City Eagle, 1894-1898 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. G mm VOL. 1, NO. H. SILVER CITY, N. II., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. wvtw man d mm rtmmrn ritory against II. II. Whitehill and his The bondsmen of Mr. Berg against bondsmen. When he went out of office whom judgments have been taken will it was found that he was short over $:0,-00- 0 have six and twelve Two Important County Cases Com- months in which to wiU'the county and pay promised and Judgment Taken. territory and he the amounts due, as a stay of execu- turned over his property to his bonds- tion was granted for half the amount for men to secure them. The case was six months and a stay of twelve months The Suit Against the llomlmnen or Whlte-lil- ll unil tterg are Kmled at Laxt and brought to recover the money and it has for the other half. the County Will Get the been continued from term to term until The total amount of judgments Money Next Year. last week when it was compromised, against the bondsmen of Whitehill and the attorneys for Tthe defendants allowing Perg is nearly $15,000 and if this amount The full term of the district court law judgment to the ljinount of $8,000 to be can In) collected it will put the county in been in session for a week and will hard- taken in favor, of the county with pretty good shape financially. It will ly last more than a week longer. Judge a stay of ex'.Sution for six months. pay off more than half of the total float- The of : Fall was detained at Las Cruces until bondsmen the are S. ing indebtedness of the county at pres- Tuesday so that two days were lost last Lindauer, Henry Holgate, J. A. Lock-har- t, ent and it is expected that the new law week. On his arrival ho commenced at J. W. Fleming, W. II. Taylor, which will go into effect on the first of once to organize the juries ami get to Richard Hudson, J. P. Stanley and M. next January reducing the fees of the work. W. Rremen. county ollicers will bring the excuses of While jurors were being secured the It is supposed that the value of the the county well within the revenue so docket was called and cases were set for property turned over to the bondsmen is tliit there will be a considerable amount trial or otherwise disposed of. On the more than sullicient to cover the judg- with which to pay off indebtedness civil docket several cases were dismissed ment so thac the liondsinen will lose which has already accrued. and a number continued to the next nothing. The amount due the county Desiifes this there is a large amount of of term, hut most the cases were set for was considerably more than double the money due the county on account of de- trial during the t'irm, though it is not amount of the judgment, and the re- linquent taxes which, if it could be col- expected that many will be tried. mainder of the amount sued for was due lected, would help very materially The first jury case was that of Ride-nou- r, the territory. toward bringing the county out of its Haker & Co. vs. C. J. Price, a case The territory gets no part of the bad financial condition. which was brought from Sierra county amount of the judgement as it was found The bond cases, if they had gone to on a change of venue. The case was one that the lond had lieen drawn in such a trial, would have consumed a considera- of considerable importance and occupied way that kith the territory ble portion of the time of the court at more time in the trial than was expect- and county could not get judgment, and this term and it was deemed liest by all ed, as it did Hit get to the" jury until it was decided to leave the territory out concerned to compromise them and get Monday afternoon. The argument con- of the question entirely. them off the docket. sumed nearly a day, every detail of the Another important compromise which Mr. Ilerg is now in Mexico and will case being presented to the jury by the was made this week was the settlement probably not return to this territory attorneys. The jury was out some time of the Derg bond case. A compromise soon as there is an indictment against but finally agreed upon a for verdict the was also agreed upon in this case. for embezzlement of county funds. He defendant. Judgment was taken against six of the was treasurer at the time of the Dane Besides this case there were two others bondsmen, or rather judgement was bank failures ami had the money in the from Sierra county, one of the Sierra taken against each of the six bondsmen Demiug bank. Land and Cattle Co. vs. C. J. Price and for one-six- th of the amount of the claim. the territory vs. X. Armijo, a murder The six bondsmen against whom the Two or three nights last week were case which was tried in Sierra judgment was taken are II. L. Pickett, pretty chilly. The thermometer regis- county and appealed to the supreme Estate of A. E. Walcott, M. W. Neff, tered several degrees lielow freezing point . court which granted a new trial. This J. P. McGrorty, John CorU-t- t and J. II. case and the case of Frank S. Deal are Tracy. The judgment in each case This is examination week at the nor- the only murder ea-e- set for trial at amounts to a little over $1,100 which the mal school in some of the branches. this term. landsmen will have to pay as the estate The pupils have done good work since The case of the territory vs. Armijo of W. Ilerg is of no value. the school has lieen opened. was on trial yesterday. There were 15 There yet remains about $4,000 of The hotels and restaurants here have witnesses sworii in the case. school money due from been doing a big business for the pant It is quite probable that several crimi- P.erg to the 'various school districts of two weeks and there has been a noticea- nal cases will have, to go over until next the county and a suit will lie commenced ble increase in trade among the mer- term for the reason that the funds are against his londsmen for this amount. chants. not sullicient to continue court until the This bond is said to have been lo.-- t and The Pacific mill above town is pound- docket shall have lieen cleared. there was for some time some doubt as ing away day and night on ore from the One of the most important cases on to whether the bondsmen could be held Pacific mine at Pinos Altos. This is one the docket was disposed of by agreement. for the school money. The securities on of the few mills in continuens operation This was the case of the county and ter the school lxnid are Denting men. in this part of the territory now. 2 THE EAGLE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1894. DIED OF A BROKEN HEART. Robert Black has returned from a trip There is hardly water enough at Pines to Las Cruces where he was in attend- Altos to enable the mills to run at all. A Strange Looking Bird MouriiH and Die ance at a meeting of the regents of the The Bell & Stephens mill was closed Itecause its Mute Is In Captivity. agricultural college. The board let the down over Sunday and did not have William Brahm told a Btrango story contract for the construction of the sub water enough then to keep it running about a pair of birds when ho was in station in San Juan county to C. G. all day Monday. Some work is being town last Monday. About three weeks Brewer, of San Juan county, for $4,105, done in the mines but the camp is very ago he noticed a strange looking bird tho building to be completed by the first quiet. The Bell & Stephens mines are out of at his ranch. It resembled a mag- March next. Mr. Black was appoint- working a few men ; there is some work pie more ed of than anything else he had ever superintendent the construction. 4 le!ng done in the Gopher and some 01 e seen, but it was not a magpie. It came A considerable portion of the gold bul- ii being taken out of the Pacific. up and ate corn with the chickens and lion received at the Denver mint comes Last Sunday, by recommendation of picked the tlesh off a hide which was from the mines of New Mexico, and a being dried at the ranch.
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