![Island Times, Apr 2007](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Island Times Newspaper, 2007 Island Times Newspaper, 2002-2013 4-2007 Island Times, Apr 2007 Mary Lou Wendell David Tyler Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/itn_2007 Recommended Citation Wendell, Mary Lou and Tyler, David, "Island Times, Apr 2007" (2007). Island Times Newspaper, 2007. 2. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/itn_2007/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Island Times Newspaper, 2002-2013 at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Island Times Newspaper, 2007 by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. LAND FREE APRJL2007 A community newspaper covering rhe islands ofC asco Bay Chebeague seeks employees for new town BYDAVIDlYl.Ell Public R;1dio did a s1ory on Chc­ When on<.' c;and id ate for the bc-agucS secess-.on movemenl and fown or Chebcague·s ruJJ-lime ad­ was thrilkd 10 rncc1 her in person. ministrator position was picked up Several c-andidates for to\\10 ad­ at tJw ferry, he was surprised at his mmistrator W('re giv,~n tours or chaufft~ur. Chebeague Island on April I, as ··1 couldn't believe 11 when I n.~· the Transiuon Com.miuce for the aliu'd ii was Mabt-1 Doughiy,· the Town of Ch.ebcagur works 10 in· candidate said, accordmg 10 Don­ ICrvicw randida1es fo r Jobs in lhe na Damon. chau or the Govern­ l)('\'/10\\'Tl. mcntaJ Structure Suh<:ommittec On )ltly I. Chebeague Island on Chebeague lsl,md. lie heard INWi.'S C:umberland to bccome Ooughty, o ne of the rive SH'f'ssion ils own to\""· And the Transition rcprestmrauv~. when NationaJ please""' CIIEBEAGUE, 1x1ge 6 Happy Easter? After a strange blast of snow h.it Maine on April 5, the only sign of s pring on Peaks was in the window display at The Cafe. Phoro by George R~ol Soldier returns home to Peaks Island BY0AVID1'Yl.~R Baghdad In rernational Airport. w1til he left Iraq on March 2 of this The first few nights Anny S1>e­ · we always had vehicles goin g b\' year. I le serves with 8 Compan y, c1alisl B,•au Blanchard spenl or rifle ra..ngrs or airplanes-here 3 rd Baualion of the 172nd Infan­ back home on Peaks Island after it's jusl so qu1e1," Blanchard said. try Rcgimcn1, Maine Arm)' Nation­ his yearlong 1our in Baghdad, he "The sense or peace and quie1- it :dGuard. rouldn't sleep. really talccs a 101 or getung used 10." His unitS homecoming was on In Iraq 1here was consrnnc noise, lllanchard is happy 10 make lhe March 9 at U>e Army ,\\'ialion Sup­ especially since his unit was sta­ adjustment He was station~d at porr PaC"ifity in Bangor. First th~ rionrd at Camp L1ben y, near the Camp Ubcrl)• from March 10, 2006 llew into New Jersey for a week of - processing.111cn ,hey look six bus­ es back to Maine. He said U1c wel­ come home was amazing. ~ll was great from as soon as Wl' hi11hc st,He line/' Blanchard said. The buses were mel by a Maine State Poller escort Along the rou(e. many 1own, added local p<)lic•p cars to the convoy. And members oflocal fire and p<1lice depar1 rncnls s1ood along the rou1e, saluting the buses as !hey drove by. l.ocal resi­ Peaks Islanders take their fight dents also lined the rou te.carrying signs supporting the troops. for secession to the State House When d1ey arrived in Bangor, lhe unu lined up ouLside an airphu,c llv OA vm TYum ano lher reforendum for Peaks Is• hanger, with U1c door dosed. ln­ The debate over Peaks Island's in­ land \'Olers, af1er an agreement or sidr, they could hear the roar or dependence from 1he City of Port­ Arbi1ration of deh1sand assets be• Army Specialist Beau Blanchard is welcomed home from Ira q their fami.hes and friends waiting land now moves 10 lhe Stale Legis· 1ween theCilyof Portland and the by his daughters. Mikell<1, Rayleigh and Vi ctoria, and bis wife. lo welcoi-nc them home. la1ure, as the blll filed by secession Island. Gianna. Photo courtl!.oly ofGianna Blanchard plttue.see SOLDIER,J>'lgC8 supponers goes for a hearing in 11 recommends a Town Meet· fronl of 1he Join I S1anding Commit­ ing rorm or go\'ernmem. IL also ln­ tee on State and Local Government. cludcsa p rovision for bindingarbi· The Peaks' bill, LD. 1793, is tralion ir 1he Cily and Peak cannol Group discusses challenges of 'real boys' scheduled 10 be heard by the com­ reach agreement on secession by mince on April 30, at 9 a.m. in Jan. I, 2008. The bill is sponsored BYKaLY HASSON ways of interacting and respond­ 1hy, \"tannlh, and dependency, to Room 216 of the Cross S1a1e Office by State Sen. Chl'isunc Savage (R­ Uu ring the last several weeks ing effectively to their needs, and engage in more risky and/ or ag­ Bulldln g. Knox). intcreslcd parents and staff or to offer an mcluslve forum for gressive behaviors, and to achieve The bill includes a provision for piM,e see SECESSION,fX,g•8 Peaks Island School have been discussion. Ouring our first book more status or pov1.ter. meeting each Thursday evening group all panicipan lS agreed that Most participants agreed th a1 10 discuss chapters from Dr. \\qJ. WJIJiam Pollack's book offers one these arc s-trong generalizations 11am Pollack's "Real Boys: Rescu­ perspective on 1hc psychology and that Pollack provides some Excerpts from the Peaks secession bill ing Ou r Sons from the Myths of o f boys and does not necessarily extreme examples in bis book. Boyhood." reflect the views o r Peaks Island On 1he 01her hand, many group 11,e following aro excerpts from Peaks Island. Subjecl lo a referen­ Pollack, a clinical psychologist, School fain ihes orstaff. membe rs fou nd his stalistlcs or L.D. J 793 '"A11 Act To Anthoriu dwn clCC'Tion held in accordanre is also a profo.ssor of psychialry al Based o n over twenty years o f male crim e, suicide, and depres­ Peaks Island, /-louse Island, Pump­ with section 2, the following 1er­ Harvard Medical School, lbe di­ research on the psychology and sion compelling when he stales kin Knob and Catnip ls/amt To Se­ ritory now within U1e Ciiy of Port­ rector of !he Cemer for Men and dcvelopmcn1 of boys and men, his case on how schools. fomilies, cede from the City nf Pnrtltmd. "1- land and Cumberland Couniy, to­ Young Men al Mel.can Hospilal, 1he underlying premise o r Pol­ p/MSesee BOYS, /Jtlf!'C' 7 /ipses or description of deleted gether wilh the inhabi1ants of thal and a founding member and fel­ lack's book is that, over centuries material signify cuts. The full text territory, is separated and sci off low of the /\merican Psychologi­ and across cull ures, society has of the bill c,m be f,)llnrl at: httJ!:II from 1he Cily of-Portland and in­ cal Associarion~c; Society for 1he created a sel of expeclalions for jmms.state.me. usllegis by emerlng corporaled Into a se1>arate town Psychological Study of Men and boys that Pollack rcfers 10 as 1he Inside 1793 In the space fort/le hill m1111- by Ih e name of 1he Town of Peaks Masculinily. ·noyCode.· l'K'r. Island: Pealcs Island. House Island, following a survey sent o ut 10 He argues that many boys fol­ Briefs p. 2 Parl A, S<lc. A-1. Separa1lon Pumpkin Koob. C',.a1nip Island and fa miUes 1odc-1erminc int(!rcst, the low a course of societal injunc• This lsL1nd Life p. 5 of Peaks Island, House Island, the swrounding waters, referred to book group was orgaruzed to in­ Uons 1ha1 include cxpec1atlons lO Crossword puzzle p. 9 Star Gazing p. 10 Pumpkln Knob and catnip ls­ in U1is Act as "U1c Pealcs Island ter- crease our undcrstandingsoflhe a lways appear strong and confi­ land and lncorporatJon as Town of p/ro,e,.., BIU.,/J"g'3 psychology of boys, lo strengthen dent, to mask emotions of empa· PAG£2 ISLAND TIM ES Apri/2007 Calhy Ramsdell. the i:,troup's executive dt· rector. "Maine Community Foundation has done a n oulstandi ng job investing In Brief and managi ng Otis fund for us, and each year we receive a 1ra nsfer from the fund Pier proposals at PINA to s upporl the Baykeeper Program. This The two groups rhat rhe City of Pon­ rrces us up co raise resources for oth er land is considering to develop lhe Ma ine programs in water quality research and $i;ate Pie r wilJ each make a presentation public outreach. We are most grateful to at the Peaks Island Neighborhood Associ­ the donors who supported rhis fund." ation at 7:30 p.m. on April 17, at the Peaks -Dauid Tyler Island Community Center. The chance to make the proposals on Waterfront money part Peaks was m ade by the developers, ac­ cording to Don Webster, President of the of bond deal Peaks Island Neighborhood Association (PINA). Gov. Joh.n Baldacci and U,e S1a1c Legis­ "It definitely affects our rront door," lature's Appropriations Commit1 ee came said Webster. "And very clearly, if they up with a nearly $100 million package of mess It up, we're going to be in lrouble." bonds that includes a $35 m ill ion bond Ocean Properties Ltd and The Olympia for Lhe Land For Maine's Future program, Com panies are the lWO groups vying 10 Baykeeper Joe Payne, of U1e Friends of Casco Bay.
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