NEWSLETTER MAY 2008 EU Open House at the Danish Embassy on 2 Incubator offices in Washington, DC 8 May 3, 2008 Danish Minister for Development Cooperation 3 The Embassy of Denmark gave briefing to 9 presents MDG3 torch to President Zoellick Congress about Food Import Safety Denmark and the White House announce 4 The Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC 10 positions on Energy NATO summit in Bucharest 2008 5 Greenland, Climate Change and the Melting Ice 11 Defense technology developed by Danish 6 Danish Ambassador visits Kellogg Business companies in high demand School and Danfoss in Chicago Visit by the Danish Defense Commission of 7 Board of American-Danish Business Council 12 2008 Lunch with former Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz 7 Aldrin at the Embassy of Denmark DANISH COMPANIES GAINING HEADWAY ON THE AMERICAN DEFENSE MARKET The U.S. Defense market holds Denmark supplies the U.S. De- Air Force, and Systematic was great potential for Danish com- fense with technology such as contracted by Lockheed Martin panies and the first results are mine clearance equipment, soft- to develop software for the Joint starting to show. ware, armour plating and more Strike Fighter. These and other that helps to save lives of Ame- examples show that Danish Denmark is part of three agree- rican soldiers around the world companies have the capacity and ments with the U.S. concerning through the implementation of ability to compete at the top le- defense and technology, missile civilian technology for military vel and emphasize the positive defense and industrial capabili- uses. political relationship and strong ties, and the Joint Strike Fighter economic ties that exist between Project. The U.S. base in Thule, For any company to become a Denmark and the U.S. Greenland is part of these agree- supplier to the U.S. Defense is a ments. This positive political significant testament to the qua- cooperation between Denmark lity and innovative achievement and the U.S. as well as Den- it has reached in competition mark’s capabilities in the high with many other companies tech sector is increasingly provi- vying for contracts worldwide. ding Danish companies with Recently, the Danish company contracts to supply the U.S. De- Terma was awarded a contract fense with innovative technolo- Friis Arne Petersen to complete the development of gy. a processor upgrade for the U.S. Ambassador 1 EU OPEN HOUSE AT THE DANISH EMBASSY ON MAY 3, 2008 On May 3, 2008 the Euro- sity and richness of European performances and voices of pean Union Embassies and culture. From 10:00 am until European actors and singers, or the European Commission 3:00 pm, visitors will get a rare simply view some of Europe's Delegation to the U.S. in Washington, DC will open behind-the-scenes look at the most beautiful paintings and their doors to everybody. The European Embassies. pictures. All cultural events will Danish Embassy is looking be hosted by EU Embassies or forward to welcoming you At the Danish Embassy you by cultural institutions in Wash- and your family from 10 am. can: Take tours of the Ambas- ington. EU Open House is also to 3 pm. sador’s residence! Meet the Da- part of Passport DC (May 3 - nish Ambassador! Talk to the 17), a two-week celebration of Designed by the famous Danish Embassy staff! Taste delicious international culture in DC - architect Vilhelm Lauritzen, the samples of Danish specialties! coordinated by Cultural Tou- Danish Embassy was the first Experience traditional Danish rism DC. modern designed Embassy built folk dancing! Win Danish films, in Washington in the 1950s. books and porcelain! See you in Europe on May 3, Now you have the opportunity 2008! to take a tour of the classic And for the kids: Play with LE- Scandinavian building. Follo- GO! Practice your soccer skills wing last year's success, with For further information about and win cool kids prizes! some 35,000 visits to participa- the event, please click here. ting Embassies and the EC De- legation, the 2008 EU Open And the European celebrations House inaugurates Europe will not end on May 3! The EU Week on Saturday, May 3. Open House kicks off Europe Week, a weeklong celebration of European culture in Wash- On Saturday, May 3, the EU ington, DC. From May 3 to Embassies and the EC Delega- May 10, you can enjoy the tion will once again invite rhythms of European classical Washington-area residents and and modern music, admire the visitors to experience the diver- 2 DANISH MINISTER FOR DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION PRESENTS MDG3 TORCH TO PRESIDENT ZOELLICK As part of the Danish initia- said Zoellick. “Progress in the area ted MDG3 Global Call to Ac- of women’s economic empowerment is tion the Danish Minister for still far, far too slow. Whether it is Development Cooperation, the question of employment, opportu- Ms Ulla Tørnæs, presents nity, pay, or access to finance, there is MDG3 Champion Torch to a tremendous amount of work to do World Bank President Robert to level the playing field for women.” Zoellick and German Mini- Denmark’s Minister for Develop- The World Bank Group (WBG) ment Cooperation, Ulla Tørnæs. ster for Economic Cooperati- will increase its support to wo- on and Development, Ms. ral organizations, and the private men entrepreneurs through the Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul. sector to do something extra to achieve International Finance Corpora- Millennium Development Goal 3 – tion (IFC), which will channel gender equality,” said Tørnæs. at least US$100 million in credit “The strong political commitment lines at commercial banks for expressed today by the World Bank women entrepreneurs by 2012. president is crucial to generate concrete By the end of 2010 at least half action on the ground to the benefit of of all the Bank’s rural projects women.” From the left: German Minister for in Africa will include gender The Bank made a number of Economic Cooperation and Deve- actions, such as land titling pro- lopment, Heidemarie Wieczorek- other gender commitments to- grams like the one being imple- Zeul, Denmark’s Minister for De- day. These include a project to mented in Ethiopia. In addition, velopment Cooperation, Ulla Tør- support adolescent girls in poor the Bank will almost double næs and WB President, Robert B. and post-conflict countries, in Zoellick. agriculture lending in Africa this partnership with other donors, year from US$450 million to World Bank Group President governments and the private US$800 million. Robert B. Zoellick announced sector, such as the Nike Foun- increased support to improve Zoellick announced these ac- dation, and the creation of a the economic conditions of wo- tions in Washington with the Private Sector Leaders' Forum men in developing countries, Danish Minister for Develop- to support opportunities for including in rural areas where ment Cooperation, Ulla Tør- girls and women in developing they face rising food prices and næs, who stressed the impor- countries." discrimination. tance of working together in the For more information about the fight for gender equality. “Gender and women’s empowerment MDG3 Global Call to Action is at the core of what we need to do in “Denmark has initiated a Global please click here. the field of development, and gender Call to Action on empowerment of equality is also smart economics,” women. We are asking donor coun- tries and partner countries, multilate- 3 DENMARK AND THE WHITE HOUSE ANNOUNCE POSITIONS ON ENER- GY President Bush made a major Furthermore, the Energy frastructure in place by 2010 policy speech Wednesday Agreement emphasizes increa- that will support electric cars April 16th on Climate and sed support for wind turbines, across the country. Energy. Only a few weeks biomass and bio gas. The Da- In addition, to electric vehicles, before, in February, the Da- nish Government will also sup- a series of hydrogen filling stati- nish Government agreed to a port research on solar and wave ons along with hybrid fuel cell sweeping energy agreement. power and electric vehicles. vehicles will be placed in service While the Danish Energy Moreover, hydrogen and elec- in Western Denmark. This Agreement is more ambi- tric vehicles will be tax free until builds on the hydrogen project tious than Mr. Bush’s aims, 2012. opened in May last year on Lol- both are important events in Denmark will also place empha- land: Denmark’s first full-scale the increasingly dynamic de- sis on energy savings. New Hydrogen Plant and testing fa- bate about alternative energy. buildings will be more energy cility for residential Fuel Cell President Bush has called for efficient and the goal will be to Combined Heat and Power halting the increase in green- save 4% over 2006 levels within (CHP). Moreover, Vestenskov house gas emissions by 2025. twelve years – namely by 2020. is slated to be the first hydrogen The Danish Agreement was powered village in Europe. A recent agreement between lauded by Minister Hedegaard DONG and Project Better Pla- For more information on the as setting the benchmark for ce (from California) should as- Danish agreement please click others to emulate. “In 2025 our sist in reaching this savings here. overall energy consumption will not goal. Electric cars will be re- have risen in 50 years. We have set For more information on Presi- charged using surplus electricity the European agenda for converting to dent Bush’s speech please click produced by wind. Cars can be electrical supply that is both environ- here. charged at night, for the most mentally benign and secure. Our line part, while not in use. Studies of sight for renewable energy up to indicate that Denmark actually 2020 will be a linear development produces enough surplus wind toward the goal the EU sets for us.
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