Baton Rouge’s Dearman’s CAPITALCAPITAL CITYCITY Community Newspaper COMING SEPT. 2016 PAGE 5 ® NEWSNEWSJune 2016 • Vol. 25, No. 6 • 20 Pages • Circulation 13,000 • 30,000 online • www.capitalcitynews.us • 225-261-5055 Candidates Lining Up for July 20-22 Qualifying Race for Mayor-President Nov. 8 Election Could Set New Direction for Parish Woody Jenkins Editor Important BATON ROUGE — After 12 years in office, Mayor-Pres- Races on ident Kip Holden is term- limited and cannot run again. Now the Nov. 8 election to Fall Ballot replace Holden is wide open BATON ROUGE — Voters with several prominent Dem- in East Baton Rouge Par- ocrats and Republicans seek- ish will help decide sev- eral important races in the Smokie Bourgeois Sharon Weston Broome ing the post. Under the City- John Delgado Parish Plan of Government, Nov. 8 primary and Dec. the jobs of Mayor of the 10 runoff. They are: City of Baton Rouge and • President and Vice Pres- President of East Baton ident of the United States Rouge Parish are combined • United States Senator into one. from Louisiana Among the local officials • Congressmen from the who have announced their 2nd and 6th Districts candidacy are: • Mayor-President of • Former Metro Council- East Baton Rouge Parish man Smokie Bourgeois, who • 12 members of City- owns George’s restaurants Parish Metro Council • Former Senate President Candidates for the U.S. Pro-Tem Sharon Broome, a Senate to replace Sen. former Metro Councilwoman David Vitter are: • Metro Councilman John • Treasurer John Ken- Delgado, a local attorney nedy and bar owner • Col. Rob Maness • Cong. John Fleming Bodi White • Businessman Darryl Gis- Darryl Gissel Denice Marcelle sel • Cong. Charles Bous- • Rep. Denice Marcelle, a tany former Metro Councilwoman • PSC member Foster Should School Board Change Name of Lee High? • Sen. Bodi White, a realtor Campbell The East Baton Rouge Parish School is considering changing the name of Robert E. Lee Bourgeois, Delgado, and • Attorney Caroline Fa- White are Republicans. Mar- yard High School. Do you favor 1) Keeping it Robert E. Lee High, 2) Lee High School, 3) Lee celle and Broome are Dem- Election schedule: Magnet High School, 4) Southdowns Magnet High or 5) Harper Lee High. Express your ocrats. Gissel is No Party. • Qualifying - July 20- Others are expected to join 22 opinion by emailing [email protected], and we will forward your opinion to • Primary - Nov. 8 the members of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board. Please state your reasons. the race. Qualifying will be held July 20-22. • Runoff - Dec. 10 Advisory Committee Helping Guide Reopening Istrouma to Reopen on 100th Anniversary $20 Million Contract To Renovate School With 2017 Opening BATON ROUGE — The East Baton Rouge Parish school system will let a $20 million contract to renovate Istrou- ma High with construction beginning in August. After being closed since 2014, the school will reopen in Au- gust 2017 on its 100th anni- versary. Supt. Warren Drake appointed the Istrouma Ad- visory Committee to advise ISTROUMA ADVISORY COMMITTEE — Istrouma High alumni ISTROUMA HIGH COLORS — The Istrouma Advisory Committee Jay Watson and Wayne Messina and East Baton Rouge Parish schools him on issues related to re- has recommended to EBR schools Supt. Warren Drake that Istrouma Associate Supt. Adam Smith spoke Monday at a meeting of the group opening the school. High’s new colors conform to those on the band uniforms still on hand. advising Supt. Warren Drake on the future of the high school. See EBR on Page 10-11 Over the years, school colors have ranged from cardinal to maroon. 2 CITY NEWS Thursday, June 9, 2016 COMMUNITY PRESS, LLC CAPITAL CITY NEWS CENTRAL CITY NEWS & & South Baton Rouge Journal Vol. 25 • No. 6 The Leader Vol. 19 • No. 6 • CCN No. 389 910 North Foster Drive Post Office Box 1 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Greenwell Springs, LA 70739 Phone (225) 261-5055 • Entire contents © 2016 Email stories and photos to [email protected] Published on the first Thursday of each month (except January and July, when it is the second Thursday) by Community Press, LLC The Leader was founded April 30, 1998, and the Central City News was founded April 21, 2005. They merged May 4, 2006. The South Baton Rouge Journal began publication in 1989. It went on hiatus in 2008 during its 20th year of publication. The Journal resumed publication as the Capital City News on Aug. 16, 2012, with Vol. 21, No. 1. Editor & Publisher Woody Jenkins Business Manager Jolice Provost Account Executive Kim Powers Member, Louisiana Press Association, National Newspaper Association, Chamber of Commerce of East Baton Rouge, and National Federation of Independent Business Deadline for news and advertising: 5 p.m. Friday before publication Photography by Selser’s Photo $18 a year by subscription in advance • $25 a year outside East Baton Rouge MR. AND MS. CPS — The titles of Mr. and Ms. Central Private School for 2016 were awarded to Alayna Averette and Landon O’Quinn. Sen. Jeff Sessions Would Be Excellent for VP HHH Woody Jenkins supporters of Sen. Cruz and others nocent men, women, and even the Editor that Trump will be a conservative elderly being attacked by radical Always Be Armed and Pre- President. leftist thugs and gang members as pared to Defend Yourself. Here People Are Wondering who 3- Jeff Sessions is very well they left the Trump Rally in San in Baton Rouge last week, a man Donald Trump will choose for respected in the Senate and is ca- Jose, California. They beat peace- was was sitting in his car. Another Vice President. Sen. Jeff Sessions pable of presiding over the Senate ful citizens for no reason other than man walked up and began firing. would be a great choice. and leading the Senate to adopt the fact that they support Donald The motive? To dig through the First, let me discuss two myths Trump’s legislative agenda. Trump. These animals must be victim’s wallet and the glove com- that are widely believed. 4- As chairman of the Judiciary arrested and imprisoned. If they partment of his car in case there • Myth No. 1 - If we nominate Committee, Jeff Sessions is well are here illegally, they should be was something there of value… so-and-so, we will carry a certain acquainted with the kind of Su- deported! anything, maybe a few dollars or state. The usual suspect this time preme Court and other judges we Americans don’t assault people a cell phone or a watch. There is John Kasich. If we just nomi- need. As the presiding officer of because they support someone may be nothing of value, but that nate Kasich, Trump will carry the Senate, he will steer those de- else for President. But the real- doesn’t matter. Ohio. Sorry, but it doesn’t work cisions in the right direction. ity is, most of these people aren’t We must understand that for that way. People vote for Presi- 5- As Vice President, Jeff Ses- Americans, are they? some people, your life is meaning- dent, not Vice President. sions would have Trump’s ear and HHH less. It is of no value. $10 in cash • Myth No. 2 - We must nomi- would always be advising him to The Most Moving Scene was is worth more to them than your nate a woman or aminority. Sorry, do the conservative thing. the American girl taunted by vio- life. Furthermore, these individu- same answer as No. 1. People vote 6- If anything happened to lent thugs and trapped by hotel als have no appreciation of the for President, not Vice President. Trump, Jeff Sessions would gov- employees who would not help consequences to you or your fam- Now here’s why Sessions is the ern as a strong conservative. her get to safety. She stood there ily and not even to themselves. man for the job: 7- Jeff Sessions is from Ala- bravely representing America There is no reasoning with such 1- Jeff Sessions was the only bama, and we need a Southerner against the evil that is threatening people. Senator to support Trump, which on the ticket. this country. She is a hero! However, the 2nd Amendment shows true loyalty and shared val- Sen. Sessions is a great man, HHH is here to protect us. We just have ues. and he will be a great Vice Presi- Free Speech in Peril in Eu- to be ready — in an instant — to 2- Jeff Sessions is one of the dent, if given the opportunity. rope. A European Union commit- defend ourself, our family or prop- most conservative members of the HHH tee has proposed requiring that all erty. Otherwise, we could become Senate, which will allow Trump The Most Outrageous Politi- Internet users be linked to a gov- a statistic… and a sorrowful mem- to solidify the base by reassuring cal Event of the Month was in- ernment-issued I.D. ory for loved ones who survive. r , RonaldRonald ReaganReagan Chamber of Commerce NewsmakerNewsmaker LuncheonLuncheon of East Baton Rouge Tuesday,Tuesday, JuneJune 14,14, 20162016 Tuesday,Tuesday, JuneJune 28,28, 20162016 ReceptionReception 11:3011:30 LunchLunch 12n12n $17$17 SponsoredSponsored byby LouisianaLouisiana RepublicanRepublican AssemblyAssembly andand RepublicanRepublican PartyParty ofof EastEast BatonBaton RougeRouge ParishParish CaféCafé AméricainAméricain 75217521 JeffersonJefferson HighwayHighway 11:3011:30 ReceptionReception •• 1212 LunchLunch •• $17$17 “Like”“Like” CapitalCapital RepublicanRepublican BatonBaton Rouge,Rouge, LALA 7080670806 CaféCafé AméricainAméricain •• 75217521 JeffersonJefferson Hwy.Hwy. on Facebook or go to NoNo ReservationReservation NecessaryNecessary CapitalRepublican.com www.ChamberEBR.comwww.ChamberEBR.com 11055 Shoe Creek Dr. 3907 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd. Central, LA 70818 & Baton Rouge, LA 70816 261-4493 367-6189 CITY NEWS Thursday, June 9, 2016 3 Galen, Angela Iverstine to Bring Products From Their St.
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