THE WESTFIELD LEADER Thm Leading And Mart WUUy Ortulated Wtkh Newspaper In Union County [EIGHTH YEAR-NO. 33 Pubiiahad WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1988 Kverr Taunt** 32 P« 10 Cmf icer Research Work Referendum Reiult$ Offered Via Phone Plan Board Backs Bond The results of the vote of 'he Fund's $14,000 school election may be had by tel- ephoning Elm Street School, AD. 2-7170, between 11 o'clock and mid- We Lose An Hour night next Tuesday evening, Miss Issue After Study Report Seld Money Frances Peiroe, secretary to tiie Daylifkt S»»f Tim. will Board of Education, announced to- day. School Propoal itedTo a* wild us ag am a* of 2 a.m. StiasUy. T» »f eel the change, The board is aware of the in- Balloting Tuesday Says Results set tli* clock AHEAD ••• tense interest in this school vote [iversit.es and has accepted the offer of a hour Saturday night before. Voting on the school refer- Reveal Maximum volunteer worker to answer tele- endum will take place Tues- x research projects at JOB r«lir«. phone calls that' evening," Misj day, from 2 to 9 p.m. a, Rutgers and Seton Hall Peirce aald. Balloting will be In the fol- Economy in Costs tics will share in the »14,- lowing places: Ward 1, Elm tributed by Westfleid eiti- May Fellowship street School auditorium; The Planning Board of Weit- the Westfleid United Fund Adult School Sets Ward 2, Grant School audito- ield urges a favorable vote on the ei cause, it was announced rium; Ward 3, Lincoln School rand issue in the April 28 school It by William H. Bautner, Day To Be Noted auditorium and Ward 4, Saw Kitrd referendum, Miat Nancy Annual Meeting ieynolda, chairman of the Plan- t of the Board of Trus- I ' - —'Fred Kee»lng nior High School gymnasium. hc Westfield Unitea Fund, Illustrated brochures, giving ting Board, aald tn a ataUment ding- to Baumer, - f 6,500 OPEN DRIVE—Making iVa artt co>tri.«tio* to «k> !••• "P... today, after receiving a report [ Church Women Ike Hat" ccmMif* for Ik* W«lfi«M Boyi BaaaWII LM U* are details of the three proposals llocated to the Department ( Plans for Year from the committee, recently ap- Mayor H. Eaann Tkomta, Iff I, o>4 Carlatoa Buak*r, past proi- in the referendum, have been Set Anniversary pointed to study the plans for tha' ogy at Princeton to buy i«W of tk* Rstarr Cl.k. D.»f Wrj«kl •• holainf Ik* k«l. To Be Discussed mailed out to all Westfield rea- tnts and other specialized IdentB, Any person who may tenior high school addition. , May Fellowship Day will be ob- nt for fundamental re- not have received one may pick served by the local Council of Unit- Miss Helen Whitcomb, president Memberi of thli committee are nto cell growth. The Bu- 9 up a copy at the "WeiUleld ed Church Women Friday, May 2, of the Westteld Adult School As- lex Roger* of the Planning Board, - Biological \Rcsearch at Leader" office, 50 Elm street. with a 12:30 p.m. luncheon at the Bovs Baseball League Plans sociation, has announced that tho ', Arthur Blckel of the Arm of; is being allocated $5,500 annual meeting of the association rown and Matthtwa of New York,' c it to continue for an- Community Presbyterian Church, 9 Mountainside. Mrs. W. C. Snell, will take place May 5 at 8 p.m. nd Edward Danki of the Aut- ar its experimental work Townwide 'Pass The Hat Drive in the library of Roosevelt Jun- president, will conduct the busi- GERTRUDE NEIDLINGER HTHS Concert In Co. of New York and Roatll*. , in progress on the chemo- or High School. lckel and D»nk», both ruldenta of cancer. The College of ness meeting at which time elec- ined by illness. For his efforts Annual reports on the school's f Westfield, are expert in the at Scton Hall will re- tion of officers will take place. A recent Rotary Club meeting n getting the organization under program and activities will be giv- Opens Tonight Icld of conntructlon. ,000 to cover the purchase Chairman for the affair is Mrs. served as both an anniversary GleeClubTo party and initial fund drive kick- way in the face of many difficul- en, and the election of five trustees The mult of thin study," Hid rigerated centrifuge to be Gilbert E. Howland, assisted by and ten citizen members will bo off for the Westfleid Boys Base- ties, he remains on the records as nlss Reynold), "h»a developed thai research on leukemia, a Mrs. George McComb and Mrs. honorary president. held. Ail sponsoring groups have WHI Have Theme cancer of the blood, Nelson B. Aikins. Devotions will ball League, with members com- Give Program fact that the proposed design lend! bining to make the first contribu- Another Rotary member and been asked to be represented at distribution was authoriied be. given by Mrs. Elbert E. Gates the meeting. ; 'Around the World' tsclf to the maximum'economy In tion to the 1958 "Pass the Hat" supporter of the league was the uildlng costa, giving due conild- board, Mr. Baumer ex- Jr. and Mrs. Samuel Zakovic, hos- late Robert F. Gumbert, who w«s Concert Comedienne upon recommendation of pitality chairman of the Woman's campaign scheduled for Sunday A preview of next year's courses The concert of Holy Trinity 'intion to the uiei of ttie claia- afternoon, Just five years ago, this instrumental in obtaining and de- will be presented. Ugh School, which is to be pre- oom» and the laboratoriei from •cial Advisory Committee Association of the hostess church, veloping the league field at Fourth To Be Featured ;i by the board to deter- will be in charge of arrangements organization helped found the A total of 40 courses have been nted tonight and tomorrow nlghf in educational point of view." and Chestnut streets. Last May, ill be centered around the theme proper use for the cancer for the sacrificial luncheon. league with a sizeable gift to help planned. Some of these courses, Gcrtrudo N«idlingcr, who has outfit the •embryo eight team the field was renamed Gumbert 'Around the World In Eighty Mln- H. D. Merrill Jr., president of hare of the United Fund Memorial In his memory with ap- Including beginning Russian, color been called America's leading con- he Board of Education, iald "We ic national cancer organi- The observance is national in league comprising 120 boys. photography and astronomy will cert comedienne, will present a ites" token froth the main song propriate dedication ceremonies. f the late Mike Todd's movlo rc grateful to these three gentle- cfuscd to accept it. The scope, and church women across Charles H. Cassell, the first presi- be offered for the first time at tho program of "Musical Mishaps" as Joseph Hoian wits the second 'Around the World In Eighty men for their painstaking atudy o( ee was headed by co-chair- the land have conducted forums dent, served two terms until side- adult school. iart of the Westftcld Glee Club's and public meetings in the inter- president, serving one term In Days," The program, directed by the plan prepared by our architect. rm'3 ft. MacDonald, chair- , The opening of the fall semester 33rd annual spring concert to bo est of better housing in their own 1955, until moving from West- 3l»tcr Rose Perpetua, will start at It is gratifying to know that It the Board, General Cable will mark the 20th year since the given Saturday at 8:30 p.m. in tho communities. In this connection, The Leader field'. Horan was instrumental in ;1B p.m. on both nights In the meeta with their approval. tion; • and Charles A. establishing an organization for founding of the school, and dis- high school auditorium. Igh school auditorium and tickets "The architect will of courtf. Mrs. James Piinton spoke to the Regrets... cussion of plans for the year will vice president, Worth- the town small fry, now known as Mlns Neidllngcr studied tor a may be obtained at the door. continue to neck ways of affecting local group at its April meeting. a number of news items had be Included in the program. SPump Corporation. It in- the Grasshopper and Hedgehopper career as a concert singer and In further economies, pfeylnc pa»tlc«'' Dr. William H. Lycan, vice Philip L. Turner, executive sec- to be held out of today's issue Divisions, providing organized Tho Westflcld adult school has a lyric soprano, While' attending The concert will start with tho retary of the • Youth Consultation to permit the publishing of a Trinity band playing < the theme ular attention to the gymnailum (it, Johnson & Johnson; play for all eight and nine year received an invitation to partici- concerts and acrious musical de- and to.the swimming pool—If It fehard S. Maxwell Jr., Dr. Service, 84 Elm street, will be great many stories and letters, old boys April through June each pate In discussions of suburban buts, of the day, she collected the song. The band, a new' addition in received late, concerning the the school, has been orgahlied by should be approved, an4 will •gal* d >N. Cra*er, director of guest speaker at the meeting. His year. • • • *.-*.• adult school problems, to be held Incorrect and embarrassing mo- topic will; be "When Is a House Important »chool referendum one of the students, Vted Gajew consult with thli comMHtae, which :ology, SquiBfcljitVtute for. In 1?56, T.
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