May 2019 Connection 605 Forest Parkway Columbia City, IN 46725 Phone: 260.244.7671 Fax: 260.244.7277 offi[email protected] www.columbiacityumc.org CCUMC Preschool 260.244.7671 CCUMC Childca re 260.244.3491 Sunday Worship Services Tradi*onal Worship: 8:30 am .odern Worship: :00 am Sunday Church School 9:45 am to 10:45 am All Ages Mission Statement Be one. Make one. Vision Statement Preparing a place where the One ma1ers. Index /irthday 2ist ..3...................4 Calendar............................ 0 4esus 2oves .e....................9 Worship Arts Camp.............8 7. Women News...............6 Pastor Fred Stayton 8ear Friends, 0nce I was watching An*9ues Roadshow and a woman brought in a beau*ful pain*ng with a *ny hole in the middle of it. The appraiser described the pain*ng and the ar*st and said that one of the trademarks of this par*cular ar*st is that he always started his pain*ngs by poking a small hole in the canvas. That hole represented where the vanishing point of the pain*ng would be. The owner of the artwork was relieved to know that the hole was not a <aw but instead the signature piece of the pain*ng. That *ny hole gave the ar*st perspec*ve and made the pain*ng a masterpiece. Think about it for a minute. Perspec*ve was so important to the ar*st that he would permanently mark the spot on his pain*ngs. Everything on his pain*ngs pointed to that spot. Perspec*ve changes the way we look at things. When Goliath came against the Israelites, the soldiers all thought, "HeAs so big we can never kill him." 8avid looked at the same giant and thought, "HeAs so big I canAt miss." Perspec*ve gives us courage. /aseball pitcher Tug .cGraw had a wonderful philoso- phy of pitching. "If I come in to pitch with the bases loaded," Tug explained," and Hall of Famer Willie Stargell is at bat, IDm scared to throw the ball. So, I remind myself that in a few billion years the earth will be gone and nobodyAs going to care what Willie Stargell did with the based loadedE Then I pitch like mad. What a great philosophyE Christ is our perspec*ve. He is that spot to which every- thing in our life must point. I am discovering that that is exactly why God commands us to praise Him. Praise pokes the perspec*ve hole in the canvas of our life. It reminds us that life is not about us and itDs not about now. Praise gives us courage and it changes the way we look at giants. 0n the canvas of your life to what does everything pointF Page 2 Connection Newsletter For prayer needs during the week, please contact Garen /ucher (244-6603I or 2inda Sevier (244-6583I. JJIf you or a family member is hospitalized or having a May Messages: medical procedure performed, please let the church o"ce (244-767 I know. 8uring .ay we will focus on the amazing power of the Holy Spirit available to each one of us. This power is the Jan Davis & family, 4anDs mother, 4oan /aermann, passed same power that enabled 4esus to rise from the dead. away on .arch 3 . Greater than that, this power 2IMES IN 7SE Ruth Beers’ family, Ruth passed away on April 5. Sadly, many Chris*ans walk through their lives relying on their own power and energy and talents. With 4esusD Bey Beard , was in the hospital and recupera*ng at death and resurrec*on we were given the Holy Spirit 0ssian Health L Rehabilita*on as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come in heaven (2 Corinthians :22I. David Wappes’ family, 8avidDs mother, Catherine 4. Wappes passed away on April 7. Deb Bortner , is in the hospital and needs our prayers. Denise Esterline’s family , 8eniseDs father, 4ames R. Roth II passed away on April 5. Record of Our Worship Service A$endances Congratulaons to: March 24 Abby ucke & Bryan Webb, they were married on 8:30 am 183 11:00 am 167 March 30. March 31 8:30 am 172 11:00 am 141 (ristal (nepple & Josh Markley, they were married on April 6. April 7 8:30 am 191 11:00 am 143 April 14 - Palm Sunday Connued Prayers for… 8:30 am 200 11:00 am 174 Helen Snapp ,om & Marilyn Drew Julie Mc-ueen Rev. Harold .echsle auline /isher Bey Bell Elaine Beard Bill Jones Dale ence 0arol (yler Mary Jane eeler Mary Myers Bee Reed May 2019 Page 3 27 Gamryn /arile Trudy 2ipply Gloria Phegley .ay /ill Rea 2auren Webber Irene Fesler New Arrivals 29 Parker Hensley John Marty Eric .arty Elliot Frank-Quiton Robinson Cynthia Russell Isaac Stayton Born March 16, 2019 2 Beverly Henley 30 2evi Garau Parents: Jus*n L 4ennifer Robinson Andrew Mills 3 Manessa 8arley /ig Siblings: Harmony Robinson 3 Pam Koch 4acob English L 4asper Robinson 4 April Snyder Evelyn Fisher 6 Isabelle HaOield 2yn Poder Aria Ma$son 7 8oug .osher /orn .arch 7, 20 9 8 Evan Fudge Parents: Eric .arty Troy Snyder L Chris WakeNeld 9 8ean /owman Grandparents: 4ohn L /renda .arty 8erek Coyle 8eAnna Watson 0 TiQany Goenemann Congratulation .ary Fay Nichols Dear Church Family, /ill Goch I so much appreciate all the prayers, 8ick Gyler cards, etc. while I am recovering at 2 Todd Frickey the 0assian Rehab facility. Time 2esley Geirn goes by very slow hereEEEE Alzheimer’s 3 4une Niccum Thanks so much for caring. I s*ll 4 2eslie Gamble Caregiver need all your prayers as my recov- 8anica Harrold Support Group ery is going slow. Thank you again 4ason Sauder for keeping me in your thoughts and 2oca*on: 605 N. Forest Parkway, Hannah Stayton prayers. Columbia City, IN 5 Rick Penser Bey Beard nd 6 Nick Paulus .ee*ng: 2 .onday 0ssian Health L Rehabilita*on 7 Peggy Conrad of each month, Room 306 1new room2 8 Rebekah Stayton 6:30 P. in Room 2 0ssian, In 46777 9 Paul /orries For addi*onal info please 20 .arcia Clupper contact 4on Gotz (260.503.9459I Caleb English or AlzheimerDs Associa*on Connie Sewell .800.292.3900 Anna Weigold 22 Geneva Crosby Easton Grigsby 2iam .ar*n Remember items 23 4erilyn Geiger for the 2.G. Whetstone Wed. Mid-Week Meal 25 4arre1 Ragan Care & Share Table 2ydia Stayton Alayna Trier Facial Tissues Reegan Poder Paper Towels Shampoo Page 4 Connection Newsletter The Na0onal Day of Prayer will be observed by many ways in Columbia City. Weekly Grief Support Group Day2Pray - 1230 am to 4230 pm - First Church of God Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm 11200 Depoy Dr.2 The Worship Center will be open for May 1 - July 1 individuals or groups to come and pray for a s li1le or long as you are led. at Columbia City UMC, Room 200 4ands Around the Courthouse Registra*on Fee: R 5.00 5230 pm - Community of 4ope Church 1208 W. Jackson St.2 1includes workbook2 Event will start at Community of Hope Church and end at the Whitley Co. Courthouse. This is a prayer and worship 2eaders: 8ebby .inier (260-609-33 7I event for our county to come together and intercede as and 4an /oggs (260-249-8429I one on behalf of all aspects our society. Chelsea /rown will be leading 3 sessions to help prepare for care in life. 0n Sunday(s, May 19, May 25, and 7une 2 at 9248 am - 10248 am , she will help prepare you with informa*on. Call the church o"ce (244-767 I, or email the o"ce (o"ce$columbiacityumc.orgI or Nll out the back of SundayDs Connec*on Card, if you will be a1ending. /ive Wishes meets the legal re6uirements in 72 states. It is used in all 50 states by aaching the completed /ive Wishes document to the state forms that are re6uired in the other eight states. May 2019 Page 5 United Methodist Women News Circle Mee0ngs Rebecca .ay 6, 9:30 am Hostess: 4udy Gissinger 8evo*ons: 8ee Green Program: 8ee Green .ee*ng in the CafS at the church. Phoebe .ay 6, :30 pm Hostess: Sandra Fisher 8evo*ons: Nancy 8orman Program: Sandy Thomas .ee*ng in the CafS at the church. Tabitha .ay 9, 5:00 pm Hostess: .imi Williams 8evo*ons: Anita /ales .ee*ng in the CafS at the church. Page 6 Connection Newsletter Each spring, City Gids P. holds a family event to commemorate their season together. This year we chose to go bowling at .ain /owling where 07 children, teens, and parents bowled a few games on a very rainy Sunday. The church congrega*on was invited to a1end and the aTernoon was a beau*ful combina*on of laughter, compe**on, and a few sore thumbs. 0ur 5 th Annual Euchre Night was held on Saturday, April 2 th in the CC7.C Worship Center. Fourteen teams enUoyed Nve rounds of play in a rota*on -style schedule. ItDs night of fellowship that our congrega*on looks forward to each spring. st Place Winners: Ron Reed L Cindy /auer (father/daughter) 2nd Place Winners: Paula Romanowski L Eric Romanowski (mother/son) See you all next year for Euchre Night !!! May 2019 Page 7 Page 8 Connection Newsletter Jesus Loves Me, This I Know… We got to witness something very special. How I pray Written by Terry Goodwin you have had that “run to the Father” moment when the weight of the world was just too much and you were ready to say, “I surrender to you, Father” No cameras, Tiger’s Comeback lights, public demanding autographs.
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