6rttnbtlt Greenbelters Praise Finnish Version of the Planned City by Alexander Barnes I think Tapiola is the most beautiful community I have ever seen. Dews Reuiew Tapiola is a world renowned planned community about five miles west of Helsinki, Finland. It was discussed at the AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER fnternational conference on planned communities held at Volume 50, Number 50 P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Thur., Oct. 29, 1987 the Hilton last May; so Sandra, my wife and chairman of that conference, and I had some anticipation of what we were to see. We had already seen a few slides depicting Council Catches Up With Current Issues scenes of the city. However, even the best pictures of the community were inadequate to convey the joy which by Diane Oberg permits are issued. This change At the October 19 regular meeting, the Greenbelt City would not apply to buildings or abounds in Tapfola. Council heard a variety of presentations and petitions, sup­ groups of buildings containing My reaction may have been lift when entering the town. Its ported a county bill that would apply an adequate public less than l0C,000 square feet of exaggerated by the fact that architects have created a truly facilities test to undeveloped properties previously granted gross floor area. we stopped there after five days beautiful center that is a rare in Moscow and three in Lenin­ and happy wedding of nature and zoning approval and learned of a possible rezoning of a 10- The dty manager, in his grad. Architecture, as it incor­ buildings." acre tract on Hanover Parkway. agenda comments. recommended porates art, was non-existent in First, however, the council county executive said he would that the City Council support Moscow, with a few exceptions Within this center there it a saw the city police force expand, make some money available to this legislation but that they in buildings-churches predomi­ shopping center appro:x:imatel7 as Mayor Gil Weidenfeld swore take care of some of the drain- recommend that the square foot­ nantly-constructed well before the size of Beltway or Greenway Plaza. There 13-story office in three new officers. The officers, age problems in Lakewood. Lake- age be reduced to 25,000 feet. the revolution. Leningrad was is a Carl Henry Schinner III, Thom- wood residents have petitioned somewhat better. The weather in building with an observation as Wade Moreland and Michael the city for help in dealing with Bram pressed for an even low­ Moscow was mostly overcast, and platform on its top floor provid. Dennis Lanier, will soon com- problems including wet base- er figure, while Mayor pro tern it rained some every day. Our ing a marvelous view of the city. plete their training and join the ments and heavy stormwater Joseph Isaacs argued that the tour group of 120 spontaneously This building is on one corner city force. runoff. lower limit would reduce the noted that the people were un­ of a rectangular lake about the Sunri.se Property bill's chances of success. At the smiling. size of a small city block. On Council members Edward Pu­ Russell Shipley, representing suggestion of Weidenfeld, coun­ the opposite corner is the out­ tens and Thomas White were out owners of the Sunrise property, cil unanimously approved a mo­ Tapiolans smile a lot. door/indoor swimming p o o l. of towr1. located just south of the Holi­ tion supporting the legislation Like Greenbelt, Tapiola is a There is a well appointed hotel at Presentations and Petitions day Inn on Hanover Parkway, with a 25,000 square foot limi­ city of 17,000. A 1, its heart resides another corner. On the remaining appeared before council to dis­ tation, with a ietter to be sent to its jewel, its town center. I felt, corner the construction of a cul­ A representative of Maryland cuss a possible rezoning request. as Wolf von Eckardt. former tural center is well under way. It Secretary of State Winfield Castaldi indicating the city's He said the owners are inter­ architecture critic for the Wash­ is a multi-story building, about Kelly, B. Ward. explained the preference for an even lower ested in seeking C-0 zoning for ington Post, has said: "One can­ the size of our library with a function of the Intergovernmen­ limit. bhe 10-acre tract in order to Bond Appropriation not fail to experience a spiritual t~ Relations section of the Sec­ See TAPIOLA, p. 10, c. 4 construct an office park. retary of State'·s office. The sec­ Council gave final approval to The tract is currently zoned an ordinance appropriating $2,- tion is designed to provide liai­ for high rise apartments, with dence Inn Property) son be.tween the municipal gov­ 300,0CO from the proceeds of the ... the most recent proposal being first bond sale. The ordinance - Park and Recreation ernments and the state. He of­ Advisory Board Com­ the construction of 478 apart­ allocates $1,850,000 for consitruc­ fered help with any problems the munication Appoint­ ment units in three or four tion of the police station and city may be having with state ment to Art.s Policy twelve-s,tory buildings. He re­ $450,000 for the renovation of agencies. Development Commit­ quested a meeting with the Ad­ the outdoor pool. tee Council member Antoinette visory Planning Board. Shipley Council also agreed to an in- ... M. Bram suggested that Ward said that if the city opposes the - Park and Recreation look into tihe problems with the proposal, thEl owners will prob­ COUNCIL, p. • • 3 Advisory Board Com­ Greenbelt Road-Kenilworth Ave­ ably not file for rezoning. rnurucation - Elecbion CB-114-87 AGENDA of Offic-ers nue interchange and into how News Review to Mark ... the city can deal with safety County Council member Rich­ Regular Meeting of - Community Rel-e.tions problems rela•ted to flower ven­ ard Castaldi has introduced leg­ Advisory Board Re­ dors on state highways in the islation before the County Coun­ Its 50th at Banquet City Council port - Drug Aware­ area. cil requiring that undeveloped ness Enforcement properties subdivided before the The members of the new "jour­ Monday Program -Mayor pro tern Joseph Isaacs ... adequate public facilities re­ nalistic club" that formed in November 2, 1987 - Community Relations requested help in obtaining a quirement was enacted must meet Greenbelt 5-0 years aigo ro put 011t Advisory Board Re­ traffic light at the intersection that test before grading or build­ a weekly newspaper would neYer 8:00 P.M. port - Spedal Popu­ of Lakecrest Drive and Greenbelt ing permits can be granted. The in their wildest dreams hav~ im­ lations Consultant Road. Isaacs said that traffic adequaite puolic facilities •test re­ agined that the periodical they I. ORGANIZATION Study studies show this light is war­ quires that adequate transporta­ 1. Call to Order were creating would some day III. LEGISLATION ranted, but that the State High­ tion, water and sewerage and gain national significance. But 2. Roll Call way Administration has failed public safety facilities be pres­ that situation came to pass in 10. Resolution to Transfer to approve such a light. 3. Meditation and Funds Within De-part­ ent or programmed before these 1966 when a libel suit agai11st Pledge of Allegiance to the Greenbelt News Review was ment.s - $15,400 Ward agreed to look into these GREENBELT'S PICTORIAL the Flag - First. Reading (Sus­ problems. argued before the Supreme Court 4. Consent Agenda - Ap­ HISTORY BOOK IS HERE of the United States. Since that pension of Rule· and Petitions and Requests proval of Staff Recom­ Second Reading Be­ The fiftieth anniversary book, time the suit. whiich was unani­ mendations David Moran and Julie Greer ing Recommendet:I) "Greenbelt: History of a New mously decided in favor of the (The consent agenda of the Boxwood Village Civic 11. Resolution to Authorize Town," has arrived - all 2C00 pa.per, has helped to clarify what con:;ists of those items Association requested that two copies of the limited edition pic­ is meant by freedom of the press. the Negotiated Pu1·­ stop signs be placed at the Ivy which have asterisks chase af Resurfacing torial history. Those who ord­ This and other highliights oi ( •) placed bes_ide them, Lane-Ridge Road intersection. ered the book may pick up their the 50-year history of the News the Roof of the Spring­ Moran said that cars parked subject to such revi3- hill Lake Recreation copies at the Cily of Greenbelt Review will be remembered at a ions as may be made a.long the roadsides obstruct dri­ administrative offices du r i n g special banquet and program of Ce.nter from Browne vers' vision so that the signs by the Council prior to and Merry Construc­ regular bu ·iness hours. Books celebration on Sunday evening, approval) are needed to prevent accidents. may be purchased at the Finance November 22 from 7 to 11 p.m. tion Co., at a Cost Not In accordance with council pro­ Department. at Martin's Crosswinds, 7400 5. Approval of Agenda to Exceed $10,690 cedures., this request was refer­ The book committee plans fur­ Greenway Center Drive. Attor­ and Additions - First Reading red to staff for review. ther weekend sales for one Sat­ ney Roger A. Clark, who defend­ 11. COMMUNICATIONS IV. OTHER BUSINESS Tony Pisano, representing the urday in N ovt:mber and at the ed the paiper throughout the sev­ 6. Presen tatfons Citizens for the North End Cen­ Christmas Craft Sale in Decem­ eral stages of the libel suit, will 12.
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