ChurchChurch HistoryHistory ChurchChurch HistoryHistory IntroductionIntroduction toto ChurchChurch HistoryHistory st rd TheThe AncientAncient ChurchChurch AD 11st-3-3rd centuriescenturies th th TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom AD 44th-5-5th centuriescenturies th th TheThe EarlyEarly MiddleMiddle AgesAges AD 66th-10-10th centuriescenturies th th TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AD 1111th-13-13th centuriescenturies th th TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance AD 1414th-15-15th centuriescenturies th ConquestConquest andand ReformationReformation AD 1616th centurycentury th th TheThe AgeAge ofof EnlightenmentEnlightenment AD 1717th-18-18th centuriescenturies th TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution AD 1919th centurycentury th TheThe ModernModern AgeAge AD 2020th centurycentury st TheThe PostmodernPostmodern AgeAge AD 2121st centurycentury ChurchChurch HistoryHistory IntroductionIntroduction toto ChurchChurch HistoryHistory st rd TheThe AncientAncient ChurchChurch AD 11st-3-3rd centuriescenturies th th TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom AD 44th-5-5th centuriescenturies th th TheThe EarlyEarly MiddleMiddle AgesAges AD 66th-10-10th centuriescenturies th th TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AD 1111th-13-13th centuriescenturies th th TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance AD 1414th-15-15th centuriescenturies th ConquestConquest andand ReformationReformation AD 1616th centurycentury Martin Luther Conquests of Various Kinds The New Martyrdom of the Church Die Warhet Ist Untödlich Calvinists and Mennonites The Counter-Reformation (part 3) TheThe ReformationReformation TheThe CatholicCatholic ChurchChurch waswas stillstill inin businessbusiness 15491549 ReligionReligion finallyfinally camecame toto thethe ChurchChurch ofof EnglandEngland (and(and youyou cancan thankthank CarlosCarlos VV andand thethe SchmalkaldicSchmalkaldic LeagueLeague forfor it)it) TheThe ReformationReformation FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— IfIf you'llyou'll remember,remember, severalseveral GermanGerman LutheranLutheran princesprinces hadhad metmet inin thethe towntown ofof SchmalkaldenSchmalkalden inin 15311531 toto uniteunite theirtheir territoriesterritories toto protectprotect oneone anotheranother fromfrom thethe CatholicCatholic forcesforces ofof CarlosCarlos V'sV's HolyHoly RomanRoman EmpireEmpire Suddenly,Suddenly, ProtestantismProtestantism wasn'twasn't justjust aa reformreform movement—ormovement—or eveneven aa bunchbunch ofof princesprinces protectingprotecting thethe reformreform movement—butmovement—but ratherrather aa socio-politicalsocio-political movementmovement ofof itsits ownown SoSo fromfrom 1546-47,1546-47, CarlosCarlos foughtfought thethe princesprinces inin whatwhat becamebecame knownknown asas thethe SchmalkaldicSchmalkaldic WarWar (basically, Spanish troops invading German lands on the orders of the Catholic Holy Roman Empire—which had no connection with the Holy Roman Catholic Church any more) TheThe ReformationReformation FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— IfIf you'llyou'll remember,remember, severalseveral GermanGerman LutheranLutheran princesprinces hadhad metmet inin thethe towntown ofof SchmalkaldenSchmalkalden inin 15311531 toto uniteunite theirtheir territoriesterritories toto protectprotect oneone anotheranother fromfrom thethe CatholicCatholic forcesforces ofof CarlosCarlos V'sV's HolyHoly RomanRoman EmpireEmpire Suddenly,Suddenly, ProtestantismProtestantism wasn'twasn't justjust aa reformreform movement—ormovement—or eveneven aa bunchbunch ofof princesprinces protectingprotecting thethe reformreform movement—butmovement—but ratherrather aa socio-politicalsocio-political movementmovement ofof itsits ownown SoSo fromfrom 1546-47,1546-47, CarlosCarlos foughtfought thethe princesprinces inin whatwhat becamebecame knownknown asas thethe SchmalkaldicSchmalkaldic WarWar TheThe forcesforces ofof DonDon FernandoFernando ÁlvarezÁlvarez dede ToledoToledo ultimatelyultimately defeateddefeated thethe defendersdefenders ofof JohannJohann FriedrichFriedrich II ofof SaxonySaxony To avoid a death sentence, Johann Friedrich signed the Capitulation of Wittenberg, admitting total defeat TheThe ReformationReformation FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— IfIf you'llyou'll remember,remember, severalseveral GermanGerman LutheranLutheran princesprinces hadhad metmet inin thethe towntown ofof SchmalkaldenSchmalkalden inin 15311531 toto uniteunite theirtheir territoriesterritories toto protectprotect oneone anotheranother fromfrom thethe CatholicCatholic forcesforces ofof CarlosCarlos V'sV's HolyHoly RomanRoman EmpireEmpire Suddenly,Suddenly, ProtestantismProtestantism wasn'twasn't justjust aa reformreform movement—ormovement—or eveneven aa bunchbunch ofof princesprinces protectingprotecting thethe reformreform movement—butmovement—but ratherrather aa socio-politicalsocio-political movementmovement ofof itsits ownown SoSo fromfrom 1546-47,1546-47, CarlosCarlos foughtfought thethe princesprinces inin whatwhat becamebecame knownknown asas thethe SchmalkaldicSchmalkaldic WarWar TheThe forcesforces ofof DonDon FernandoFernando ÁlvarezÁlvarez dede ToledoToledo ultimatelyultimately defeateddefeated thethe defendersdefenders ofof JohannJohann FriedrichFriedrich II ofof SaxonySaxony To avoid a death sentence, Johann Friedrich signed the Capitulation of Wittenberg Carlos then decreed the Augsburg Interim, including concessions that allowed some Protestant doctrines to be preached—designed to help integrateintegrate thethe ProtestantsProtestants backback intointo Catholicism gradually TheThe ReformationReformation FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— IfIf you'llyou'll remember,remember, severalseveral GermanGerman LutheranLutheran princesprinces hadhad metmet inin thethe towntown ofof SchmalkaldenSchmalkalden inin 15311531 toto uniteunite theirtheir territoriesterritories toto protectprotect oneone anotheranother fromfrom thethe CatholicCatholic forcesforces ofof CarlosCarlos V'sV's HolyHoly RomanRoman EmpireEmpire Suddenly,Suddenly, ProtestantismProtestantism wasn'twasn't justjust aa reformreform movement—ormovement—or eveneven aa bunchbunch ofof princesprinces protectingprotecting thethe reformreform movement—butmovement—but ratherrather aa socio-politicalsocio-political movementmovement ofof itsits ownown Ironically,Ironically, thethe AugsburgAugsburg InterimInterim reallyreally changedchanged thethe CatholicCatholic ChurchChurch moremore thanthan thethe ProtestantProtestant churcheschurches becausebecause itit openedopened thethe doordoor forfor atat leastleast somesome formalformal acceptanceacceptance forfor theirtheir doctrinesdoctrines (Protestant priests were allowed to marry, Protestant laity were allowed to take both the bread and the wine inin Communion,Communion, etc.)etc.) TheThe ReformationReformation FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— IfIf you'llyou'll remember,remember, severalseveral GermanGerman LutheranLutheran princesprinces hadhad metmet inin thethe towntown ofof SchmalkaldenSchmalkalden inin 15311531 toto uniteunite theirtheir territoriesterritories toto protectprotect oneone anotheranother fromfrom thethe CatholicCatholic forcesforces ofof CarlosCarlos V'sV's HolyHoly RomanRoman EmpireEmpire Suddenly,Suddenly, ProtestantismProtestantism wasn'twasn't justjust aa reformreform movement—ormovement—or eveneven aa bunchbunch ofof princesprinces protectingprotecting thethe reformreform movement—butmovement—but ratherrather aa socio-politicalsocio-political movementmovement ofof itsits ownown Ironically,Ironically, thethe AugsburgAugsburg InterimInterim reallyreally changedchanged thethe CatholicCatholic ChurchChurch moremore thanthan thethe ProtestantProtestant churcheschurches becausebecause itit openedopened thethe doordoor forfor atat leastleast somesome formalformal acceptanceacceptance forfor theirtheir doctrinesdoctrines But it was still quite stifling for Protestant churches, since they were forced to repudiate many of their beliefs, accept the official Catholic sacraments, and promise obedience to Rome and her church hierarchy TheThe ReformationReformation FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— IfIf you'llyou'll remember,remember, severalseveral GermanGerman LutheranLutheran princesprinces hadhad metmet inin thethe towntown ofof SchmalkaldenSchmalkalden inin 15311531 toto uniteunite theirtheir territoriesterritories toto protectprotect oneone anotheranother fromfrom thethe CatholicCatholic forcesforces ofof CarlosCarlos V'sV's HolyHoly RomanRoman EmpireEmpire InIn thethe wakewake ofof thethe lossloss ofof thethe SchmalkaldicSchmalkaldic War,War, severalseveral ProtestantProtestant ministersministers eithereither leftleft GermanyGermany onon theirtheir own,own, oror werewere forcedforced intointo exileexile byby RomeRome OneOne ofof thosethose ministersministers waswas MartinMartin Butzer,Butzer, whowho hadhad workedworked soso hardhard toto mediatemediate betweenbetween LutherLuther andand Zwingli,Zwingli, backback atat thethe beginningbeginning ofof thethe ReformationReformation andand hadhad arguedargued soso passionatelypassionately forfor dialoguedialogue withwith thethe CatholicCatholic Church,Church, hopinghoping thatthat thethe PopePope wouldwould listenlisten toto fellowfellow ReformersReformers suchsuch asas ErasmusErasmus andand happilyhappily joinjoin thethe ReformReform movementmovement Saddened by a lack of support in his war-weakened city of Straßburg, (who were so sick of fighting that they withdrew
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