Oldest Newspaper In Alaska. “The News Of The Day In Pictures’ Member Of I he Associated Press THE NOME NUGGET Pnce 1U VOL. 42. No. 156. NOME, ALASKA, MONDAY, DEC. 23, 1940. per TOpy Germany Awaits U. S. Reaction Worst Wind Storm In 20 Yrs. Hits Pacific N. W. >__ West Coast Longshoremen Sign 2-Year Contract Possibly War Hangs In Balance As Washington and Oregon Struck Germany Awaits U. S. Reaction By Worst Wind Storm In 20 Years To Proposal Of British Minister Two Known Dead, Dozen Injured Would Assign German Ships Now in U. S. to Britain From Central Oregon to Straitis of Juan tie Fuca BERLIN, Dec. 21 (JP) — A for- ed States add ships to the British SEATTLE. Dec. 23 .(Ah—West- and ripped up cities. Eventual- eign office spokesman intimated service and German ves- assign ern Washington and Oregon ly it blew itself to impotency in a solmen press conference that to s Is now in the United States cleaned up the debris of the against the barricade of the Cas- the question of whether the Unit the British for shipping replace- worst general wind storm in 20 e de Range. Western British Col- ed States and Germany continue ments. The spokesman said “the years with estimates of the total umbia received its last force or possibly war hangs in the bal- damage still only guesswork. Tb: early Sunday. ance, as the German entire attention of the German government known toll included two deaths is centered the awaits the reaction to a proposal government upon The dead are Raymond Den and a dozen persons injured, a ^ the British of American reaction to the Cross by Minister Ship- Tart g. of Sumac and ship disabled, several buildi lgs Eged 2i), ping Ronald Cross that the Unit- proposal.” smashed, three airplanes wreck- his brother aged 17, whose name HIS SIDE OF STOR Y—Chairman Martin Dies (D-Tex.) ed, literally thousands of win- ffie rs couldn’t supply. They of the House committee investigating un-American activities talks dows broken, power and tele- were both electrocuted when a with reporters. Dies (right! has pledged "fullest cooperation" v. President in fighting subversive elements. Is French Refuse phone lines toppled and trees up- nigh tension line fell on their! Liverpool rooted. The hurricane struck Sat car near Mount Vernon. The in-! urday night from the central Ore jured included three persons To Nazi Demands ington to take charge of the in- gon coast to the Straits of Juan ! struck by a tree which crashed Subjected FBI 2 quiry. de Fuca and roared inland at a (into a crowded rural dance hall Spends Bridges’ deportation case ha3 Mass For velocity up to 85 miles an hour l near Kelso. I Bombingr Changes i been considered for many ! months by the Justice and Labor UNDATED, Dec. 21 l/P)— Ger-' VICHY, D c. 21 m—Informed Departments. m n airmen singled out Liver- sources asserted that de Brinon, 1. S. pool for another mass bombing French ambassador in occupied Longshoremen Agent — LEGION FAVORS DEPORTA- last night. Blocks of homes and Paris, acting on Petain's orders, were First Two- is Refused TION OF HARRY BRIDGES buildings smashed during delivered to the Germans Franc- $i<jnc PAN FRANCISCO, Dec. —The! the iraid which was one of the es refusal to make any changes F deral Bureau of Investigation1 The SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. —The heaviest the city suffered. in its cabinet or to take back Year Contract Nazi Visa was sc: to have spent five state executive committee of the British reported that casualties Laval. months in its investigation of the American Legion as pledged to were believrd slight. Harry Bridges deportation case. Meanwhile the British work for the d portation of West report- SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 21 CP> ROME. Dm.—The German The local FBI headquarters Italians Report A “Win” gov Coast CIO leader Harry Bridges. ed Berlin and invasion , mad. no on the extent bombing West coast stevedore probl ms> eminent ha? denied a for comment visa Ed The committee also called The Germans said the of upon ports. were solved for a critical period word Reed. Counsel of the U. S. the investigation nor on the The Ita ians said th:ir j continue the raid on Berlin killed ships Congress to Dies six, injured :n the national d 'fense program1 in Rome who wished to statement of FBI Chief J. Edgar shelled Greek positions on the Embassy commitee. The state executive 17 and a but directoV damaged cathedral by the signing of a new two-year return to the Unit.d States via Hoover. The FBI declar Ionian coast while land forces committee r the state’s no m.litary ed that FBI presents objectives. corking agreement by represent Germany. findings indicated won “an important” unidentified 68,000 American Legion mem- stives of the Waterfront Employ- that Bridges should be deported. Subscribe for The Nome Nugge' position in Albania. A reliable source disc'osed bers. j ers Association and the CIO long It was said that the FBI pre- Reed has been transferred to | shoremen. To get under the condi viously allotted GO days for the! Washington and was told at the The Greek army may look like tions, the back slapping friendli- investigation but lat r extended German Embassy of the Nazi a ballet team but it’s also ness of the defense situation fig1 it. The work of the investigation pretty Government that it was “pre- good in a war dance. ured greatly in reaching an agree was repi rl< J t have been handl ferred h; not go through Ger- ment, the first to run two years ed bv Earl Connelly who was; many.” Subscribe for The Nome Nugget, | instead of one. Bridges termed '■nt to San Franc1 ;eo from Wash 1 it a good contract. The employer’s spokesman, L. FDR BACK FROM CARIBBEAN CRUISE A. Lapman said the shipowners; i were satisfied and had gained of , pledges reasonable compliance | with the contract provisions aim ed to stop the work stoppages. Waterfront men said the out- look for continued peace on the ; docks was the best in more than i six years. Duke Is Eliminated As Envoy To U. S. LONDON, Dec. — A source clos? to the British government j said that discussions of a succes- sor to the late Ambassador Lord ; j Lothian at Washington revolved around present and former mem- bers of the cabinet rather than career diplomats. The British source said that I what he termed a modern states man probably would be chosen ! and indicated that the choice was narrowing. He said the man to be picked would have ministerial Reports from Yugoslavia said Greek troops had occupied Agiro- experience and full knowledge of the war from its infer- castro (3). earlier Greek sources claimed the {capture of Porto Edda beginning ing that it might be some present (4), said last Italian troops had been dislodged from mountain posi member of the government. tions in the af*ea (1) and that the advance was Fogradetz GreeH War Secretary Anthony Eden continuing in the direction of Elbasani and Tirana. Gains were and „ven Foreign Secretary Vis- claimed west of Premet (2) where Greeks said their troops threat- count Halifax himself have been ened to cut off lines of retreat for Italians from the Argittocastro mentioned in speculation along similar lines. The reports would area. Black area is the approximate zone through which Greeks In a jovial mood. President Roosevelt waved to Mi uni crowds as lie left the cruiser Tuscaloosa from appear definitely to eliminate the # claim advances. Arrows indicate main direction of gains claimed a cruise of the Caribbean. At has right stood Maj. Gen. E M Watson, naval aide, and Rear Adimral Duke of Windsor as a possibility, Greece. by as has been rumored. Ross T McIntyre, all of them surrounded by Sec et Service operatives. .
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