Spring Runoff Highway Map.Pdf

Spring Runoff Highway Map.Pdf

NUNAVUT TERRITORY MANITOBA NORTHWEST TERRITORIES 2007 SPRING RUNOFF POTENTIAL Waterloo Lake (Northernmost Settlement) Camsell Portage .3 999 White Lake Dam AND Uranium City 11 10 962 19 AFFECTEDIR 229 Fond du Lac HIGHWAYS Fond-du-Lac IR 227 Fond du Lac IR 225 IR 228 Fond du Lac Black Lake IR 224 IR 233 Fond du Lac Black Lake Stony Rapids IR 226 Stony Lake Black Lake 905 IR 232 17 IR 231 Fond du Lac Black Lake Fond du Lac ATHABASCA SAND DUNES PROVINCIAL WILDERNESS PARK BELOW NORMAL 905 Cluff Lake Mine 905 Midwest Mine Eagle Point Mine Points North Landing McClean Lake Mine 33 Rabbit Lake Mine IR 220 Hatchet Lake 7 995 3 3 NEAR Wollaston Lake Cigar Lake Mine 52 NORMAL Wollaston Lake Landing 160 McArthur River Mine 955 905 S e m 38 c h u k IR 192G English River Cree Lake Key Lake Mine Descharme Lake 2 Kinoosao T 74 994 r a i l CLEARWATER RIVER PROVINCIAL PARK 85 955 75 IR 222 La Loche 914 La Loche West La Loche Turnor Lake IR 193B 905 10 Birch Narrows 5 Black Point 6 IR 221 33 909 La Loche Southend IR 200 Peter 221 Ballantyne Cree Garson Lake 49 956 4 30 Bear Creek 22 Whitesand Dam IR 193A 102 155 Birch Narrows Brabant Lake IR 223 La Loche ABOVE 60 Landing Michel 20 CANAM IR 192D HIGHWAY Dillon IR 192C IR 194 English River Dipper Lake 110 IR 193 Buffalo English River McLennan Lake 6 Birch Narrows Patuanak NORMAL River Dene Buffalo Narrows Primeau LakeIR 192B St.George's Hill 3 IR 192F English River English River IR 192A English River 11 Elak Dase 102 925 Laonil Lake / Seabee Mine 53 11 33 6 IR 219 Lac la Ronge 92 Missinipe Grandmother’s Bay Island Falls Dam 21 Island Falls 34 Sandy Bay IR 192E English Pinehouse Lake LAC LA RONGE 908 River Île-à-la- 47 Contact Lake Mine Stanley IR 157A Lac la Ronge 70 903 Mission Crosse 918 74 55 915 IR 157 Lac la Ronge 155 914 15 Sucker 36 IR 157C Lac la Ronge IR 184D Peter 135 River IR 192 IR 157B Lac la Ronge Ballantyne Cree English IR 156C Lac la Ronge 102 IR 184E Peter Canoe River 55 33 165 PROVINCIAL PARK Ballantyne Cree IR 165A Narrows IR 165B Canoe Lake Pelican Narrows Canoe Lake 6 910 30 IR 184B Peter Ballantyne Cree 3 IR 217 Lac 57 3 965 la Ronge 2 Jans Bay 28 Beauval IR 158 Lac 8 la Ronge La Ronge 44 3 IR 165 Canoe Lake 4 IR 156B Lac la Ronge 16 935 Air Ronge Cole Bay 8 IR 158A Lac IR 184C Peter la Ronge IR 156 Lac la Ronge Ballantyne Cree IR 156A Lac la Ronge IR 158B Lac IR 157E Lac la Ronge IR 184A Peter 24 la Ronge IR 157D Lac la Ronge Ballantyne Cree 32 Road 165 Deschambault Jan Lake 2 Lake 69 106 55 7 Flin Flon 912 Flin 911 35 Flon 20 1 Mine 31 Creighton Thompson 397 km 36 106 95 165 40 19 ? CANAM Bakers Narrows HIGHWAY Denare Beach COLD LAKE 919 904 31 24 2 ke IR 184 Peter 155 57 Ballantyne Cree 937 43 912 La 46 35 16 167 Cranberry Portage PROV. PARK 15 Dore Lake 897 MEADOW LAKE PROV. PARK 951 39 30 IR 130 28 82 10 10 939 Molanosa Cold Lake 12 Waterhen 26 Lake on 55 35 950 903 10 24 Simonhouse Medley 17 Waterhen ns Lake 924 10 Grand Centre 21 916 Ha 6 224 892 954 62 Pierceland 22 IR 124 12 Goodsoil 43 IR 105B 11 Weyakwin 36 6 28 16 Joseph Bighead 6 7 Flying Dust 45 Ardmore Beaver Cherry Sled Lake IR 184F Peter Grove Beacon Hill 55 Peerless 50 916 27 2 Sturgeon Landing Crossing 54 2 Dorintosh Ballantyne Cree 30 43 238 969 967 659 897 IR 130 924 33 2 Green Lake 24 Waterhen Lake 24 Edmonton 7 31 11 38 44 4 296 km 4 30 106 Wanless 44 IR 105 55 9 CLARENCE-STEEPBANK 657 Beaverdam Flying Dust 927 11 IR 161A Island Lake Rapid 29 LAKES PROV. 26 49 19 67 View PRINCE ALBERT WILDERNESS PARK 10 11 922 5 IR 20A Cumberland 55 5 14 698 24 House Cree IR 129B Makwa 699 IR 105C Flying Dust IR 20C Cumberland 21 Timber Bay 913 IR 20B Cumberland House Cree Sahgaiehcan Meadow Lake 4 2 287 IR 129C Makwa 29 19 House Cree IR 20D Cumberland Whelan Sahgaiehcan IR 165C Canoe Lake 55 Montreal 12 37 799 House Cree 699 Lake 22 24 287 IR 161 Loon Lake 304 IR 105A 48 CUMBERLAND HOUSE Atikameg Lake IR 129 Makwa IR 129A Makwa Sahgaiehcan NARROW Island Lake 4 Flying Dust 10 10 384 Sahgaiehcan Neeb 942 IR 106 29 HILLS PROV. HISTORIC PARK STEELE NARROWSMAKWA LAKE 14 Makwa Montreal Lake 15 PROVINCIAL Cumberland House Sputinow PROV. HIST PROV. PARK 14 Pemmican Portage . PARK Meetoos18 Cowan Lake Dam 165 926 PARK BRONSON FOREST 27 IR 20 Cumberland RECREATION SITE 20 15 21 House Cree 289 23 23 13 Barthel 943 Waskesiu Lake 120 92 Phillips 26413 29 Grove 646 Frog Lake 31 Elk 51 90 945 9 3 Ridge The Pas 73 IR 218 Lac la Ronge 265 283 44 Big River 9 11 Tulliby Lake 21 IR 115D Thunderchild Chitek 946 20 Freshford Onion Lake 7 NATIONAL PARK 12 PROV. PARK Thompson 641 CANDLE LAKE 29 123 893 Chitek Lake 4 Candle 106 9 470 km IR 119 89 23 Bodmin E.B.Campbell 36 Onion Lake 42 Lake Hydro Electric 282 IR 115C 53 IR 120 35 Station IR 2A7 The Pas Onion Lake 795 Thunderchild IR 191 Westray 897 797 Kivimaa- 24 Penn Erinferry CANAM 926 FORT PITT Frenchman St. Walburg 4 Pelican Lake 29 HIGHWAY 9 4 Moonlight 32 26 Butte 8 Leoville WELL 9 Bay IR 112F Ranger 25 IR 28A Shoal PROV. HISTORIC PARK 2 7 953 692 9 10 Kopp’s Moosomin 793 IR 106D 120 Lake Cree 28 Spruce Lake Kove 6 45 49 796 IE 112E IR 117 IR 118 Lac la Ronge 6 Sunnyside B. IR 29A 38 3 Paradise Turtle Lake 263 uir ke 6 2 691 692 29 42 Shoal Marwayne Moosomin Witchekan Lake Big River 693 15 Red Earth Red Earth South Bay dsm La Tobin Hill ma 3r Smeaton Choiceland 35 Lake 18 IR 115B IR 159A 696 Debden IR 106B ee he Northside Lake Greenstreet 684 29 793 Tw Em 791 Shipman 8 13 Garrick 11 Love 10 26 Thunderchild Saulteaux 24 Montreal Lake top Paddockwood 23 ris Foxford 798 Midnight IR 118A Big River Victoire 25 IR 106C Lac 8 Weirdale 10 IR 29 Streamstown 54 19 20 Livelong 12 Birch Lake 32 Ch ke Meath Park 12 Snowden 41 8 55 Hillmond Lake la Ronge 13 13 7 10 Red Earth Fairholme 240 La ABOVE 12 123 WILDCAT HILL 788 8 100 White Fox 255 9 Kitscoty 17 675 303 46 IR 104 Spruce 355 Turtleford 14 12 Henribourg 23 PROVINCIAL 60 23 Ahtahkakoop 55 47 Home 790 11 18 YELL 9 19 17 Bapaume 695 IR 101A OWHEAD Belbutte 55 44 WILDERNESS ROUTE 21 Spiritwood 6 44 Blackfoot Glaslyn 3 Sturgeon Lake Alingly11 9 Albertville Lloydminster Mervin 794 21 12 Mildred 14 Francois-Finlay Dam 10 PARK Canwood IR 101 6 Nipawin 684 Medstead Shell Lake 693 2 55 Carrot River 893 44 10 Sturgeon Lake 10 Edmonton 3 303 36 697 Robinhood 134 19 M 26 20 16 694 Green Acres IR 94B 789 794 378 IR 94A Wahpeton Dakota Wahpeton 42 249 km 6 A ? 15 Marshall 18 25 Glenbush Dakota Codette 79 619 THE BATTLEFORDS 47 Mont Nebo 29 5 NORMAL10 N 70 12 Holbein 44 7 Edam IR 159 794 4 13 21 Aylsham 24 Overflowing River 789 I 13 675 PROV. PARK 9 Prince Albert 674 Saulteaux 3 T 897 10 684 Crutwell 302 Pontrilas 690 Furness 55 Aquadeo IR 103 O 42 9 Shellbrook 40 Carlea Lashburn 10 13 Jackfish Lake Mistawasis Cree IR 100 10 59 23 B 12 302 30 7 6 Maidstone 4 Rabbit Lake ntyne 37 James Smith Armley 18 3 3 A Paradise ABOVE697 686 Parkside 77 30 688 335 Waseca 22 r Balla Davis IR 99 789 789 Brockington Valley Rivercourse 112B 792 5 Arborfield 674 Vawn Cochin 23 1 Pete Muskoday Gronlid Lone Rock 16 Moosomin Kilwinning 26 682 IR 100A Zenon Park 27 Mullingar IR 20 LOUIS RIEL 8 Paynton TRAIL James Smith Ridgedale 82 Meota 14 60 792 Leacross McLaughlin23 Me 23 Weldon 10 tino Leask Brancepeth Fairy Glen 25 IR 102 Macdowall Fenton 778 Ruby Beach 21 10 ta Lucky Man Red Deer Brooksby 24 894 Bresaylor 8 324 Muskeg 12 Hill 3 25 5 Birch Hills 6 Runciman New Osgoode National 17 675 IR 116 Prince IR 112A Moosomin 11 Mayfair Lake 11 3 8 95 681 16 38 IR 113B Delmas 5 40 St. Louis Hagen 12 Whittome 8 483 NORMALLittle Pine Whitkow Redfield Hudson Bay 50 35 Mills 14 Carruthers Sweetgrass Highgate 786 25 Kinistino Beatty Marsden YELLOWHEAD Alticane 20 35 Mistatim 77 12 ROUTE 4 Marcelin BarrowsPowell 13 378 Wingard 782 17 CANAM 14 Star City Peesane Prairie River 41 3 15 Erwood Armit Westgate 10 6 778 682 AY Eldersley Edmonton 3 IR 114 13 IR 97 Beardy's 26 HIGHW 15 Valparaiso 26 894 IR 113A 22 North 783 59 20 9 10 15 6 3 8 16 Baden Poundmaker 29 39 376 13FORT & Okemasis Hoey 18 37 263 km Neilburg 25 116 Sweetgrass 8 212 26 10 3 9 Edgerton 10 26 CARLTON Crooked 30 680 674 IR 113 Battleford Blaine Lake 15 Tisdale Baldwinton Keatley Carlton IR 96 Beardy's Crystal Ethelton 41 Melfort River 677 610 57 Sweetgrass Battleford PROV.

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