Commission approves Compact information plan KOLONIA, Ponape - The FSM Com- to ask the FSM state and national govern- from Washington on the formal trans- mission on Future Political Status and ments to identify transition-related issues. mittal of the Compact to the U.S. Con- Transition, during its meeting which U.S. government inter-agency task force gress with a letter from President Reagan began here Feb. 11, approved a plan to headed by the Interior Department supporting it. begin sending delegations to Washington, which is working to put together a Ambassador Fred Zeder, the Presi- D.C., to meet with U.S. Congress mem- transition plan for the FSM and Marshall dent's personal representative for Com- bers on the Compact of Free Association. Islands, according to commission legal pact negotiations, informed CFPST The Commission, which continued counsel Greg Swartz. meeting through Feb. 14, also decided The Commission was awaiting word (Continued on page 3) The National Union AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE STATES OF Twf ff DERATED STATESOF MICRONESIA Volume 5 Kolonia, Ponape, February 15, 1984 Number 3 Falcam confirmed, plan reviewed KOLONIA, Ponape (Congress Release) sworn in Feb. 14 by President Tosiwo During the hearing the states indica- The Third FSM Congress confirmed Nakayama., ted that the plan did not meet their the nomination of Leo A. Falcam as A motion to approve the National needs, while Status Commission members Postmaster General on Feb. 11 and con- Plan was deferred from Feb. 11 to Feb. supported its adoption. tinued its review of the National Develop- 14. The plan has been reviewed by a U.N. ment Plan, during its second special Hearings on the plan were held by Development Programme team which left session. the Resources and Development Commit- Ponape Feb. 9, after submitting an ini- The session is scheduled to end Feb. tee on Feb. 11 with the state governors tial report recommending substansive 15. and speakers and Commission on Future changes. Falcam, who had been serving as Political Status and Transition represen- The team, which included Peter interim FSM Postmaster General, was tatives testifying. Corbin of the United Kingdom, William Bartsch of the U.S. and John Stewart of New Zealand, spent 12 days in Ponape, after reviewing the plan with a 10-mem- ber group in Fiji. The team heard testimony from Truk State Legislature Speaker Kisande Sos, state officials from Ponape and Kosrae and national government officials. The Judiciary and Governmental Operations Committee held hearings Feb. 10 on a proposed contract with Crown Agents Philatelic Corp the Crown Agents for Overseas governments and administration, to serve as the FSM philatelic agent for the production and distribution of postage stamps. The Congress approved Feb. 10 a new fishing agreement with four Japanese fishing associations which ends a six- month stalemate between the FSM and the Japanese tuna fishing associations and which is expected to provide the FSM $1.2 million in license fee revenues. FALCAM SWORN IN — President Tosiwo Nakayama, left, is administering tne The Congress approved one bill oath of office to former Ponape Gov. Leo A. Falcam as the first FSM Postmaster increasing the FSM Supreme Court staff General with Falcam's daughter, Tamara, holding the Bible, during a Feb. 14 cere- ceiling by one position to add a justice mony in the President's office. The FSM Congress confirmed Feb. 11 the nomina- ombudsman for Truk state. tion of Falcam, who served as Interim Postmaster General. (Continued on page 3) & s OT/A deputy commends self-sufficiency efforts KOLONIA, Ponape - U.S. Deputy said that the new state courts in Ponape legal issues with Nevitt. Assistant Secretary of Interior for Ter- and Truk are well on their way to func- "There were't any decisions made, ritorial and International Affairs Kittie tioning soon. as we are here to listen," according to Baier commended the Micronesian Ms. Baier who also met briefly with governments for their efforts to establish The two senior Interior Department King. 01 U. economic self-sufficiency, during her officials were making an orientation The two Interior officials made cour- Jan. 29 - Feb. 1 visit to Ponape. visit with FSM national government and tesy calls Jan. 30 on Vice President O Associate Interior Solicitor Marian Ponape state officials, after visiting Bailey Olter, Congress Speaker Bethwel Horn, who accompanied Ms. Baier, Saipan, Guam and the Marshall Islands. Henry and Ponape Gov. Resio Moses, They were scheduled to go to Truk, before meeting with FSM Budget Officer Feb. 1-3, before returning to Washington Del Pangelinan to discuss telecommunica- via Guam. tions upgrading, medical referrals, com- Ms. Baier was appointed Dec. 9 to puterization of the financial management replace Richard Montoya who was system and other budget items. nominated by President Reagan to be They visited Kepirohi waterfall, Assistant Interior Secretary for OTIA Ponape Agriculture and Trade School which has jurisdiction over the U.S. (PATS), the Nan Madol ruins and Joy territories in Guam, the Virgin Islands Islands resort on Jan. 31 and met with and American Samoa, in addition to the Santos and Canover on Feb. 1. U.N. Trust Territory of the Pacific They also met Feb. 1 with External Islands. Affairs Secretary Andon Amaraich and Ms. Horn is the senior legal officer in his staff, and were hosted Jan. 31 to a the Interior Solicitor General's Office dinner at the Village Hotel by the Vice who deals with Trust Territory affairs. President. Ms. Baier said that she has "seen "Medical referrals are a consistent positive things," in the development of concern throughout Micronesia," Ms. the constitutional governments in the Baier said, adding, "It is a difficult Trust Territory, as they "are giving question with alot of ingrown head- thought to serious issues and new and aches." creative approaches." She said that the Interior Department "Each government is consciences of es- is working with the U.S. Health and OTIA DEPUTY WITH GOVERNOR - tablishing themselves as (economically) Human Services Department Region IX U.S. Deputy Assistant Interior Secretary self-sufficient," she said. office on a survey of the medical referral for Territorial and International Affairs "They are working hard to see that and health services problem in the Pacific. Kittie Baier, right, accompanied by OTIA with the U.S.) comes into effect, they Ms. Baier said that "everyone is Technical Assistance Analyst Thomas will be self-sufficient, independent concerned about getting the Compact Perez, left, of Guam, is meeting Jan. 30 government," she said, citing "thought through as quickly as possible, and with Ponape Gov. Resio Moses in his and planning from roads to power we agreed." office. plants," and stating, "they are looking to the future." Ms. Horn, who met with FSM Sup- reme Cort Chief Justice Edward King, Attorney General David Nevitt, Ponape State Chief Justice Edwel Santos and State Attorney Fred Canover, said, "I don't think there is a problem" in getting the court functioning. "All agreed that the process is well along,'' she said, and "we are on a good track to rapid certification of the courts in the FSM." She said that Trust Territory High Court Chief Justice Alex Munson "is working directly with Judge Santos and they have defined those things that need to be worked out. "The same is true of Truk and ultimately we will have to deal with Kosrae," Ms. Horn said, referring to the establishment of a state court by the AT NAN MADOL RUINS - U.S. Deputy Kosrae State Constitution which went WITH BUDGET OFFICER - U.S. Assistant Interior Secretary Kittie Baier, into effect Jan. 11. Deputy Assistant Interior Secretary Kittie right, Interior Associate Solicitor Marian Yap has the only state court in the Baier, second from left; Associate Interior Horn, center, and OTIA Technical As- FSM which was certified by the High Solicitor Marian Horn, right, and OTIA sistance Analyst Thomas Perez of Guam Court. Technical Assistance Analyst Thomas are relaxing during their Jan. 31 tour of Ms. Horn said that she and Ms. Baier Perez, left, are meeting Jan. 30 with the Nan Madol ruins in Ponape. discussed a wide range of technical FSM Budget Officer Del Pangelinan. a President expected to testify on Compact in Washington z H O (Continued from page 1) "We are hopeful that by visiting and for about two weeks. President Tosiwo Chairman Andon Amaraich by telephone talking to a wide range of congressmen Nakayama and FSM Congress Speaker r on Feb. 14 that the Compact documents and staff we can obviate the need for a Bethwel Henry will be requested to c large number of hearings and can make it go with the third group for the hearings, are completed, are awaiting the Presi- o dent's clearance, and should be submitted possible for expeditious action in the according to Stovall. to Congress within the next eight to 10 House," he said. The Status Commission, accompanied Stovall said that there is still a possi- by its Washington attorneys, Stovall and S1 days. cr No hearings have been scheduled in bility of Congress completing action on Barry Israel, and Swartz held two brief- the U.S. Congress, but the Senate Energy the Compact this year, but "we have to ings for the FSM Congress on the and Natural Resources staff has indicated be realistic about the heavy competition Compact and National Development plan that, if the Compact is transmitted by for Congress' attention this year and be for the FSM Congress which is reviewing the end of February, it might be possible prepared to work hard to try to overcome the plan in a special session, and one for that committee to hold comprehen- that.
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