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OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] 122 20 IM v ... i 1 r i STUM POH TIB UN ÏEZn« J'IûN wP THî SKIt'äwiuuhö .uV3 5 «•Pàli IKHJSThY U TOE âXMAM QitOUi ÛP C0UNTHIS8. • PIMAt itÄÄteT - CQiTitACTt WXOQ »• 73/13(1) i»roJ«ot M IS/üLA/72/843 AUTHÛRSI TECNI3ERIA -Madrid läpfcin). ÛATEi 0*o«ab«r 1974. R«f«r«no«i TECNIBERIA Ä«f. 1 • T I 0 f S I I an anal#al« ii a«d« of th« pr«oent situation of the ehip» building «nd shipping •••ter ia th« ¿ad«an Subregio« in - •ri«* %• «tuny th« p«aaibiliti«s for an integrated d«v«lop- A f«r««a*t ia aad« of th« aklppiag d«ctand in th« Subregion which aft«r b«lng analysai1, is eetiaated euffioi«nt to stabilen n«w ship/aria and on this ground ar« defined the production faoiliti«« and resouroee. in the shipbuilding - •••tor for two alternat IT«« of development from the present situation up to 1.985. In th« alternative of greater development, th« production •apaoity •)# the ehipyards in the Subregion would be increased ur to nor« than 1.600.000 D.W.T. of annual output in I.985, - being at present of only 75*000 L.V.T./year. Vith th« tonnage «rantually built in th« Subregion and with supplementary acquisition of ships in foreign oountriea, it is eatimated that the subregional fleet could be increased - up to a tonnai« of 12.000*000 D.W.T. in 1.985, being at pre- sent of only 1.60C.000 D.Ì.T. Th« various resources n««d«d for th« development of this aee- tor ar« analis«dt ia ap«eial th« financial resouroes, which - are oonaid«r«d to b« doeisiv« factor deierir.in ine th« develop- ment rat«« 1 L.-J 2_*_x venule i 0. «T4QWOTI0H 1 t. ANALYSIS 01 THE PRESENT ¿l.lATLC. - ÇF Tig SHIPBUILDING SBCTVB 1., m 3t''J-HSOI0II . 4 1.1. S:lIPYAt(DS TOR CuNSTxíL CTi, ' Al'^ EPAII-. :.''J 4 1.1.0. Genera! Considerations .0 4 1.1.1. S.L.M.A. (Servicio InduBir'.a le -a 1. »- rina) 4 1.1.2. i'le-ai Eupreaa S.A 17 1.1.3« Pabrioaoionaa Meta ioaa ü.A 25 1.1.4. Pioaa. Perú 31 1.1.5» C0na3t.il - Colombia 37 1.1.6, i. ni al - Colombia 43 1.1.7» Instituto Autónomo de Iu.1iu.j3 , Ab'-.i^a - x'os i»aoioria.les •....•» 50 1.1.-!. Guayaquil. Naval Arsuna-i-ecuador yj 1.1.y» A. t lilfcr.ja de Lai; riadas S.A. ........... 62 1.1.10. Asinai-Chi le •••••• 64 1.1.11. New cJhilearda in Project 70 1.2. AUXUIAJíY INDUSTRY. THE Vh±..^.; ù> XA - T10N 72 1.2.0* Gañera! übaervarions 72 1.2.1. Iron and steel industry 73 1.2.2. Diasei Entines ...•..••.....•••......... 74 1.2.3. Miao« 11 an eus Equipment ana mat er La-s ... 74 1.3. 3:iI-i'IiJG a .PAi-iltíS. THE i iíE.k^T áiitlA - Tiuli 77 1.3.1. Existing Fleeta and. TraiVic 77 1.3.2. Cargoes Trans.¡-orted aivl rei^i't ita e.;... 82 1»3.3. ïv.ain'.onanoe of tue Pi »et 85 1.3.4. C ews and personnel 85 1.4. ÍIUI.JLÍI, TECHNOLOG ICA.. A.-L l'ilUilClAi. IJ£ - SOUBOBS „ 66 1,4.0, General Considérât i on a 86 1.4.1» íluman Resources tú 1.4.2. Teohnologioa Resources ,0. 91 1.4.3. Financial iteaource» 93 1.5. LEGISLATION. THE PaEoEIJT ÜirUAÍLUM 98 1.5.0. Organisations havin, juridiction ov^r tha shipbuilding sector 9b 1.5.1. Reservat ion 01* freight 98 1.5»2. Construction and repair ^r aid pa ....... 99 1.5.3. Acquisition of ships 100 2. STUDY OP TUE MARCpuT Ft h SilIP OLAS IV „Ü- TIOIJ A1ID REPAIR IH i'üt S' ..—¿GlOiJ 101 2.1. KETiiOBOLOGÏ 1Û1 1 1.1. WW CT TS HMA)rE fOl MA*ITIW TRANS} ÜBT IM TBJ BUMMIOI UP TO 1,9*0 AMC 1,903 ......... 101 t.t.1. Treffl« In bulk llaalda 102 2.2.2. traffic ia »ulk «elida 107 2«2.1. Trifft« la «aner al earco *nd refrigerated oaTffo oapabla of b«ii% divided ìntc urite.... 107 2.3. KülTS RalUIRIB AND AVAILABLE MARKET W,H SHIP BUILDING IM TIS SUB-RBGION IM 2.3.1. Urpolliaaia of Distribution of the fleet II4 2.3«2. Tablas of resulta of thai fleet required and the fleet to be contracted 117 2.3«3. Coaaenta on the flaate to be contracted up to 1.980 and I.9P5 131 2.4, STUDY OP TH! MARKfT POR SHU KElA-iKS 138 2.4*1# Feraoasta oonoerning ahipa to be repaired In ahipyarda in the sub-region 136 2.4.2* Distribution of th« repair facilities la rau- ca« of aiaaa °... 145 r i VQLi MS II. 3. STUDY OF THE UEVÄLOPMäNT OF THE S.ilPBUI^bi^ 3-CTGH U .'Hb :V;¡»-4.EÜIÜN I.Jo 3,C. JtviJiJi-cAL a.jPriCTS i4t 3.1, LEVl¿LOPí.i¿I^r Of1 S .IPUUILDL JG YAÜJ3 1^2 3,1,1', Development of production oi' ü:;istinf- sii n./a.-aa or th039 in an advanced state o'' plain.in, ll/¿ 3,1,2, Sf.uuy oí' leasable new shipyards ,, .i>- 5 3.2, DEV-.lA.-FUaWT UP Siili liEPAIKI.ïG ij:, 3.2.1, Number oí" repair ¡'aoilitiea necessary lo 3.2.2, Number of repair facilities to Le con struct ad Lyj 3.3, DEFLMTIuJi OF CB./L'HES OF COUSí'íIICí'IOJí *..- .UPAi.fi i.F SHIPS , vL 3.3.1. Characteristics of new oanLros o;' construction and repair ,, . ¿Uh 3.4, OSVläijCi'l.IBUT OF AUXILIARY INDUSTRY 212 3.4.1, A iotment of units in prot ranges of the agreement of Catalana . a 212 3.4.2, Diesel Engines ,, /i'j 3.4.3, Iron ana Steal Shipbuild_ng roducts ». ¿-¿j 3.5, DEVELOPMENT OF SHIP ING COWPAHIE. 0 0 . .;•; 3.5.1. Specialization of Suippin^ Co..punier 22c 3.3,2» Structure of Shipping Co:.,sanios 231 3.6, ¿VALUATION OF .^CES-AHY hESOlüíCES (:;U:JL:, i'KCIE.CLO- GíCAL AlíD FINANCIAL) 235 3.6.1, Human Heaouroes 23> 3.6.2. i'eo'inologioal resouroes naoosaary for the .eve.op-i :nent of the sector , .,, ^4G 3.<->.3. inanoial resources. Cred.tü and subsidies for the shipbuilding and shippin,, sector .0 , 253 3.7o LciUlSLAi LOU. HEOOiVUNDAiiLE ¿VOLUTION ?\_^ 3.7.0. General ,0 y 3.7.1. Firma •••••• .......•••• ¿...y 3.7.2. Transport ,, ,, ¿I>Q 3.7.3. Acquisition of snips •• ,, 2'yl 3.7.4. Srüpyards ., 2y2 J.7.5. Shipbuilain¿j auxiliary industry 2')3 3.7.'J. Technological development 293 4. CONCLUSIONS 2ylj r r i imi OF tmmn, Pig«. APPENOTX n 1 . SliUOGRAfHY 1. n APPENDIX n 2 . QUESTIONNAIRES 10. APPENDIX nü 3 . LIST OF FIRMS AND OFFICIAL BODIES CONTACTED 40. APPENDIX nü 4 . PRESENT SHIPS OF THE SUBREGION COUNTRIES 50. APPENDIX n° 5 . DETAILS OF INFORMATION USED FOR THE DEMAND FORECAST IN THE ANDEAN MARITIME TRANSPORT 60. APPENDIX n°6-A PRESENT INSTALLATION FOR SHIP RE- PAIRING IN THE ANDEAN SUBREGION . 65. APPENDIX n° 6-B EXISTING INSTALLATIONS FOR SHIP- REPAIRING IN COUNTRIES IN THE NEIGH bOURHOOD OF THE ANDEAN SUB-REGION 7 73. APPENDIX n° 6-C HYPOTHESIS REGARDING PERCENTAGES OF FOREIGN FLAG SHIPS TO BE REPAIRED IN SUB-REGIONAL REPAIR CENTRES 89. APPENDIX n° 7. TERMINOLOGY AND ABREVIATIONS USED.. 91. i I i r -1- * éà ÁB*MM*& rì,0 -. ••<= •--•. ''a,¿' in h%a«<t a« th« URDO -rr<MWM*flt. t© pro»i«0 ioni»» : ; '• • > vTi.m-ín^!- o;' *b* « ie i', ro : -^ "<^¡v ri«at m icn » in-. -.- i, 'h;lö, ioJO" .i, F". , •. n! '.•.•- „ ^ 1 •<, : 1 - ! T ! . " i. ?»>»•' , * iva , rrì:. deno- in • * >-s ) ''.' " n ">ZL " ', .' ')R *A i» TAM,,." (bo-ird of th« %<fr««w»«nt «f 0 ir tapono) to proporo » ~tu4y w.ií" -"V" -, • i:-i *'o? • ta lo8irion»nV<1n ""¡"ill" to th« ir* » • n* of t.i,.
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