ACCOMMODATION LIST MALUTI-A-PHOFUNG SETSOTO LOCAL LOCAL MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPALITY DIHLABENG LOCAL NKETOANA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPALITY MANTSHOPA LOCAL PHUMELELA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPALITY INDEX 1. MALUTI-A-PHOFUNG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY 2. DIHLABENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY 3. MANTSOPA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY 4. SETSOTO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY 5. NKETOANA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY 6. PHUMELELA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY MALUTI-A-PHOFUNG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Harrismith Establishment Beds Address Contact Details Afri classic 91 Warden St, c/o Tel/ Fax: 058-622-2809 Guesthouse Warden & Hamilton Cell: 082 372 9362 Str, [email protected] www.africlassic.com Amadudu Guesthouse 1 Bosbok Str, 058-622 1335/083 991 7717 P.O Box 1028 [email protected] Harrismith 9880 www.magibookco.za/amadudu Appin Guest Farm 36 20km from Tel/ Fax: 058-672 1013 Self Catering Harrismith on N3 to Cell: 082 360 3021 DURBAN Caterpiller & Catfish Windmill farm R74 087 940 6860/082 530 1062 Guesthouse P.O Box 1417 [email protected] Harrismith 9880 www.cookhouse.co.za Cyara Guest Farm 35 N3 Highway in 082 928 5360/082 824 1870 B&B Moreso Farm, P.O [email protected] Box 77 Harrismith 9880 Tel/ Fax: 058 622 2278 De home ekhaya 53 King Str, Tel: 058-622 3074/076 050 6200 P.O Box 987 Fax: 058 622 3078 Harrismith 9880 [email protected] www.dehomeekhaya.co.za 1. De OUDE 17a Stuart Str, 058-623 0483/082 246 2763 Harrismith 9880 HUIZE YARD [email protected] 2. Eagles Mountain 10 3km on N3 to 058-623 0235/082 416 9194 Fax: Game Farm Self WARDEN turn on 058 623 0238 R722 Catering Grand National 48 91 Warden st., Tel/ Fax: 058-622 1060 Hotel P.O Box 333, 0822542419 Harrismith 9880 Greensleeves Guest 6 4 Ouhout Avenue Tel/ Fax: 058-622 2875, 082 House B&B/Self 378 2639 Catering P.O Box 1174 Fax: 058- 622 1840 Harrismith 9880 [email protected] www.harrismithguesthouse.co.za Harrismith caravan 30 Private bag x805 058-622-1818 park Witsieshoek 9870 058-718-3777 [email protected] Harrismith Inn Hotel 300 Mckechnie Street 058-622 1011 P.O Box 363 Fax:058-622 2770 Harrismith 9880 [email protected] www.africanskyhotel.com Harrismith 6 44 Piet Retief Str, 058-623 0007/083 412 6728 International Harrismith 9880 [email protected] Backpackers Huize Sandwijk 28 91 Warden Str, Fax: 058-622-2809 / 082 372 Guesthouse B&B/Self 9362 Catering Harrismith 9880 [email protected] www.sandwijk.com Kielliecrankie P.O Box 161 Cell: 083 450 1558 Harrismith 9880 Fax:086 603 9021 [email protected] www.greattravel.co.za Kliphuis Guest Farm 2 12km on R722 to 058-622 3308 Verkykerskop B&B/Self Catering 828253656 Fax:058-622 0020 [email protected] Korfskop 26 Bell Str, Tel/ Fax: 058-623 0014/082 731 6747 P.O Box 651 [email protected] Harrismith 9880 www.stayinsa.co.za La la nathi Country 36 3km on N3 to 058-622 0282 Guest House B&B DURBAN [email protected] P.O Box 323 www.lalanathi.co.za Harrismith 9880 Lalis Guesthouse & 86 Stuart Str, 083 469 3515 Fax: 058-622-3275 Tea Garden P.O Box 1023 [email protected] Harrismith 9880 www.lalisguesthouse.co.za Mapanza 28 milner st 058-623 2918/082 927 5404 P.O Box 100 Fax:086 622 1242 Harrismith 9880 [email protected] www.greattravel.co.za Morningstar Hostel 30 Greyling Str, 058- 623-2750, Fax: 058-623-1063 B&B Harrismith Mountain view Inn Burgview complex Tel/ Fax: 058-623 0255 P.O Box 868 [email protected] Harrismith 9880 www.bergviewpringles.co.za Onder ons 5 70 vowe Str, 058-622-2290/073 156 9982 Harrismith Guesthouse B&B Fax: 058-622 1076 [email protected] www.onderons.co.za Platberg nature 8 Berg Str, Harrismith 082 453 2636, Fax: 058-623 0263 reserve Self Catering [email protected] Platberg Harrismith 55 Biddulphs Street Tel: 058 622 3443 Backpackers Cell: 076 216 3921 Fax: 058 622 3620 Pumula B&B 7 28 Stuart Str, Tel/Fax 058-623 2402/084 951 Harrismith 0230 [email protected] www.africantour.co.za Purple Plum 71 Vowe Str, Tel: 058-622 2290/073 156 9982 Guesthouse P.O Box 1596 Fax:058-622-2662 Harrismith 9880 [email protected] www.pplumguesthouse.co.za Qwantani holiday 300 30km off road to 058-623 0882/3/083 445 0475 Resort Qwaqwa,Graiflee Fax:058 623 0881 Farm P.O Box 980 [email protected] Harrismith 9880 www.qwantani.co.za Rose garden manor 5 40 Biddulph Str, Tel: 058 622 1584/ 083 303 4230 house B&B P.O Box 607 Fax: 058-622-3825, [email protected] Harrismith 9880 [email protected] Shady pines 67 Stuart Str, 058-622-3020/072-480-2677 Fax: Guesthouse B&B/ Self Harrismith 058 622 3620 Catering P.O Box 293 [email protected] Harrismith 9880 www.shadypines.co.za Siloe Lodge Self 10km on N3 to 058-623 1515 Catering DURBAN turn on S921 Fax: 058-623 1187 debadenhorst@internet_sa.co.za Sir Harry’s Lodge 100 Mckechnie Str, 058-622 2151/2 P.O Box 111 [email protected] Harrismith 9880 Fax:086 608 8635 Sterkfontien Dam Oliviershoekpass Tel: 058-622 1093/3520/3892 Resort Self Catering/ R74 P.O Box 1145 Fax:086 274 4747/ 058 622 1772 Chalets Harrismith 9880 [email protected] Summit Legacy Ribbok Road, Tel/Fax: 058-623 1834/082 574 Manor Bergsig 0298 P.O Box 1665 [email protected] Harrismith 9880 www.harrismithmanor.co.za Tafelberg Self P.O Box 574 058-622 3308/082 825 3656/ Catering Harrismith 9880 825552505 [email protected] Fax:058-623 0028 The Book House Self 16 24 Milner Str, Tel: 058 623 1834 Catering Cell: 082 574 0298 [email protected] The germs B&B 11 22 Lombard Str, 051-622 1389/072 114 7410 Harrimith 9880 trudkrauss@internet_sa.co.za The view 8 20 Bell Str, P.O Box Tel/ Fax: 058-623 0961/082 775 Guesthouse/B&B 131 7381 Harrismith 9880 [email protected] www.harrismithaccomodation.co.za Tom’s place B&B 70 Stuart Str, 058 623 0006/082 563 9759 P.O Box 132 Cell: 082 921 3624 Harrismith 9880 [email protected] www.tomsplaceharrismith.co.za Dove Guesthouse 7 Koedoe Cresent Tel: 058-623 0209/083 264 9122 P.O Box 323 Fax: 058 623 0621 Harrismith 9880 [email protected] www.wheretostay.co.za Uitspan Country Inn 8 4.5km on n3 to 058-622 3981/082 447 2051 Fax: B&B/Self Catering Durban Harrismith 058 622 2821 9880 Waaidam Guest Farm Eeram Farm 058-623 0037/082 344 1731/5 B&B P.O Box 1000 [email protected] Harrismith 9880 www.wheretostay.co.za Wild horses Amanzi Amakhulu 058-622 7000/083 640 0024 Fax: Estate 086 557 5030 Sterkfonteindam Harrismith 9880 [email protected] www.wildhorses.co.za President Caravan Tel: 058 622 1818 Park Fax: 058 718 3777 Rooi Kraal Inn Tel: 058 623 1527 Cell: 082 785 2709 Fax: 058 622 3042 McFarlanes Country Tel: 058 622 2923/ 3297 Retreat Cell: 083 450 1558 Fax: 058 622 2923 [email protected] LaLi’s Guesthouse & 86 Stuart Street, Tel: 058 622 3175/ 3419 Harrismith 9880 Teagarden Cell: 083 469 3513 Fax: 058 623 0644 Protea Hotel N3 Highway, Tel: 058 672 1011 Harrismith 9880 Montrose Fax: 058 672 1020 [email protected] Oaklands Country N3 High Way, Tel: 087 943 8138 Harrismith 9880 Manor Cell: 079 529 2314 Fax: 086 675 8611 Buffalo Hills Private Beauchef Farm, Tel: 083 507 6954/ 083 227 0032 Game Reserve Harrismith 9880 Mount Everest 21 km from Tel: 058 623 0235 Reserve Harrismith Heso B&B 16 Nesser Street, Tel: 058 622 2253 Wilgepark, Harrismith 9880 Grootvlei Self Grrotveli Farm, Tel: 058 671 0062 Harrismith Catering Ranch Cell: 082 807 7404/ 083 3755 404 Bucklands Downs Buckland downs Tel: 058 623 1143 Farm Ranch Cell: 083 264 3640 Fax: 086 642 6831 Farm Yard Self Tweevley Farm off Cell: 082 415 9374/ 083 659 4250 Catering R74 Phuthaditjhaba Establishment Beds Address Contact Details Basotho Cultural Village 12 20km from golden gate Tel: 058 255 0962 Rest Camp on R712 [email protected] www.sanparks.org Boiketlo Guesthouse 5 madulaqhoa Str, Cell: 082 486 7753 P.O Box 5636 Phuthaditjhaba 9866 Hae@home Guesthouse 5478 ramodiki Str, Tell: 058-713 2972 P.O Box 6236 Cell: 082 826 3356 Phuthaditjhaba 9866 Fax:058-713 2972 Kamohelong Guesthouse 7007 Lesabana Street Tell: 058-713 1375 Phuthaditjhaba 9866 Cell: 081 320 3968 [email protected] www.kamohelong.co.za La-ka matjane Self 210 De Bult Cell: 084 774 2433 Catering Apartments Phuthaditjhaba 9866 Lapa-leholo Guesthouse J20 Elite Tell: 058-713 1469 Phuthaditjhaba 9866 Luntasie Guesthouse 85 de bult 4th Str, Tell: 058-713 5805 P.O Box 15196 Cell: 073 754 2621 Witsieshoek 9870 Fax:058-713 5805 Mabaleng Guesthouse/ 4 480 clubview Cell: 083 553 9280 Self Catering P.O Box 15958 Witsieshoek 9870 Maluti Cave Hiking Trail & Tseki Village 076 252 9231/083 644 8644 Self Catering Chalets [email protected] www.maluticave.co.za Matswedipane B&B 8537 Fihlo Str, Cell: 073 737 3494 Guesthouse Phuthaditjhaba 9866 Fax: 058 713 0067 [email protected] Sisonke Guesthouse 8751 Tsotetsi Str, 058-713 0914/083 255 0615 P.O Box 8751 [email protected] Phuthaditjhaba 9866 058-713 0914 Masosi Guesthouse 7709 Sempe Street, Cell: 083 803 1047/ 084 352 8011 Phuthaditjhaba 9866 [email protected] Home Sweet Home J7 Elite Phuthaditjhaba Tel: 058 713 1388 Guesthouse 9866 Cell: 073 226 7121 Robala Lodge 37 Mohale Street, Tel: 058 713 1090 Industrial Area 2, Fax: 058 713 3786 Phuthaditjhaba 9866 Cell: 073 108 0153 [email protected] Vazy’s Guesthouse 8112 Pule Street Tel/ Fax: 058 713 5376 Phuthaditjhaba 9866 Cell: 072 383 1008 Witsieshoek Mountain Northern Drakensberg, Tel: 058 713 6361 Lodge Tsheseng, [email protected] Witsieshoek 9870 www.witsieshoek.co.za Van Reenen Establishment Beds Address Contact Details Drakensberg 10 Pitchers Rest Tel: 058-623 1397 Horses Self Van Reenen Cell: 082 927 8609 Catering Green Lantern
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