SOLICITORS LAW DIRECTORY, 1915 . SOLICITORS 2069 • •lletcalfe Percy Kynaston, M.A. (firm, Gasquet, MetcaYe & 'Milner David Morlon (firm, Milner & Bickford), 10 Mocrgate street •Morgan .Toseph John (firm, Park Nelson & Co.), 11 Essex street, Walton), 92 Great Tower street E C & 16 Mincing lane E C ; resi- E C ; residence, 30 Vanbrugh hill, Blackheath SE Strand WC ; residence, 134 Holland read W ~t, 14 Norfolk square W 'Milnes Herbert William (firm, Crook, Mi!nes & Jones), 4 King Morgan William Carey (firm, Morgan, Price & Co.), 33 Old Broad •Metcalfe Robert KynRston (firm, Gasquet, Metoolfe & Walton), 92 street, Cheapside E C street ·E C; 1'esidence, 22 St. John's wood park NW Great Tower street E C & 16 Mincing lane E C; resider.ce, 116 St. Milroy Edward Andrew Wallace (firm, Monier-Willi:Jms, Robinson Morice, Strode & Son (Henry Edward Morice, Edmund Strode & Ma.ry's mansions, Paddington W & Milroy), 6 & 7 Great Tower street E C Julian Strode), 8 Serjeants' inn E C t}[etcalfe Thomas Davis, vestry clerk of Wbitechapel & clerk to the 'Milton John Harold (firm, Wainwright & Co.), 9 Staple inn WC Morice Henry Edward (firm, Morice, Strode & Son), 8 Serje2nt8" governors of the Whitechapel Foundation, 150 Minories E M in chin, Garrett & Co. ("'!James George Cotton Minchin & Newson inn E C ; 1•esidence, 37 Argyll road W )lew George Edgar (firm, Edgar & Co.), ll & 10 Fenchurch st E C ; Littlewood Garrett, B.A.), 22 & 23 Laurence Pountney lane E C Morley, Shirreff & Co. (0Ebenezer Cobb Morley, J .P. •Wm. Moot-e rwidenct, 50 Barclay road, Fnlham SW Minet, May & Co. ('Henry Allan Roughton May & Ernest Shaen Shirreff, George William Taylor, 0 Erlgar Nathan Richard Kahn & }[ewbnrn George Richmond, M.A.; LL.B. 5 & 6 Clement's inn WC Carter), 5 I'owgate hill, Cannon street E C *Graham Strang Steel), 53 Gresham house, Old Broad street E C •Meyler David William (firm, Jenkinson, Owen, Meyler & CoJ, 5 Minet, Pering Smith & Co. (0!Pering Castle-Smith, •Noel Philip OMorley Ebenezer Cobb, J.P. (firm, Morley, Shirreff & Co,), 53 Frederick's place, Old Jewry E C ; 1·esidence, 52 Sutherhtnd Wentworth Brady & Alfred Stephen Chetwood), 7 St. Helen's Gresham house, Old Brood street E C •venue, Maida vale W pl!10e E C OMorley Jas. LL.M. (firm, Mills & Morley), 38 T..incoln's inn fielr1s WC }{eynell & Blake (OEdward Meynell & Frederick William Blake), 25 •Minton Fmncis (firm, S. Hughes, Sons & Minton), 33 Bedford •Morley John Alfred (firm, Pierron & Morley), 11 & 12 Southcombe Bedford row WC street, Covent garden WC street, Hammersmith road W: rcsidenc11, 25 Craven bil! gardens W )leynell & Pemberlon (Percy Leigh Pemberton & •Renry Croxall Mitchell A. J. & Co. (Albert Jeffery Mitchell), 1 Philpot lane EC Morris & Bristow (Arthru Wrinch & George Willia.m Fisher},~~ Whitehead), 30 Old Queen street, Westminster SW •Mitchell, Lucas & Mitchell, 4 Romford road, Stratford E Bedford row WC •llichelmore Je:!Iery Edwards (firm, Ford, Lloyd, Bartlett & Michel- ·~ntchell Albert (firm, Seagrove, Woods & Mitchell), 22 Chancery Morris H. 0., Woclsey, Morris & Kennedy (Hnmphrey William more), 38 Bloomsbury square WC; 1·esidence, 30 Clevelaud sq W l.:me WC Morris, •Charles Monsey Woolsey & Edward Gordon Kennffiy), 2 )lichelmore Jeffery Edwards Morton (firm, Ford, Lloyd, Bartlttt & 'Mitchell Horace Charles (firm, Corbould-Ellis & Mitchell), clerk to Walbrook E C llichelmore), 38 Bloomsbury sq WC ; 1'esidence, 30 Cleveland sq W the Tolworth Joint Hospital Board, 14 Clements hma E C M orris Astley John Skilbeck (firm, G. F. Hudson, Matthews & Co.), llichelson Alfred (firm, Hasties), 65 Lincoln's inn fields WC •Mitchell Thos. Wm. (firm, Pilley & Mitchell), 29 Bedford row WC 32 Queen Victoria street E C; re&i.Un.u, 56 Fellows road NW }[!ddlemist William Septimus (firm. Broughton, Broughton & •Mockridge John Humphreys (firm, Thome, Mockridge, Owles, •Morris Erlgar, 79A, Park street, Grosvenor square W Holt), 12 Great Marlborough street W Limmer & Wood), 5 Fenchurch street E C •Morris Frank William, 31 King William street E C t)liddleton Richard Stephenson (firm, Downir:g, Handcock, Middle- Moeran & Co. ("'Edward Joseph Moemn, B.A.), 77 Chaneery la WC Morris Frederick George Camae (firm, Mawby, Mawby & Morris), 6 ton & Lewis), 6 Crosby square E C OMoir Macme (firm, Hickson, Moir & Jeakes), 52 New Broad street & 7 Queen street, Cheapdde E C; 7'e&tdern:e, 137 Park road. ){idgley Thomas Arthur (firm, Wilson, Lambert & Midgley), 30 E C ; 1'e&idenre, Sunny Bank, Cbristchurch road, Hampstead NW Regent's park NW Bedford row WC Mole William Rupert, Marylebone station, Great Central street NW Morris Howard, 14 Mincing lane E C •Miers Arthur Leopold, 1 Clipstone street W Molony James Row land Hamilton (firm, Frere, Cholmeley & Co.), :Morris Humphrey William (firm, H. C. Morris, Woclsey, Morris & •Milellllm Harry Thomas (firm, Montagu, Mileham & Montagu), 5 28 Lincoln's inn fields WC Kennedy), 2 Walbrook E C tk 6 Bucklersbury E C •Money Douglas Waiter (firm, W. H. Smith & Son), 265 Grt'sham Morris William (firm, Ashurst, Morris, Crisp & Co.), 17 Throg- lt:iles E. Vernor & Co. (ORdward Vernor Miles & •Frank William house, Old Broad st E C ; 7'es.132A, Denmark hill, Camberwell SE morton aven E C; re.sidenee, 49 Campden house rd. Kensington W Treheame), 30 Theobald's rood WC Money George Chester Tancrffi. (firm, Arthur Hunt & Money), 24 •Morris William Francis (firm, Munton, Morris, King, GavRTI Duffy lliles Alfred Horsfall, 12 Fenchurch avenue E C Haymarket SW & Co.), 181 Temple chambers E C •Miles Edward Vernor (firm, E. Vernor Miles & Co.), :10 Theo~ald's •Money John Ernle (firm, Lethbridge, Money & Prior), 25 Ahingdon •Morrish Harold Gabriel, 64 Gresham street E C rood WC ; residence, Heysham, Brnnch hill, HamJ;stead NW street, Westminster SW •Morrison Henry Stauley, R.A, LL.B. (firm, Seatle & Morrison), 47 •Miles Joseph William Thomas (firm, Reynolds & 111iles), 70 Basing- Monier-Williams, Robin son & Milroy (Monier Faithfull Monier- Victoria street, Westminster SW hall atreet E C ; 7'tsidence, 120 Oakwood court, Kensington W Williams, •William Charles Beasley Robin son & Edward Andrew Morrisons & Nightingale (•tJames Nightingale, •William Perey lfillar W. R. & Sous (William Robert Millar, OMartin Millnr, •James Wallace Milroy), 6 & 7 Great Tower street E C Morrison, •Frank Cedl Morrison & GFrederick James Nightin- Millar, •William Robert Millar, jun. & •Edgar Millar), 22 St. Monier-Williams Monier Faithful! (firm, Monier-Williams, Robinson gale), 10, 11 & 12 Walbrook E C Thomas' street SE & 101 Lower road SE & Milroy), clerk to the Tallow Chandlers' Co. 6 & 7 Great Tower 'Morriss Ernest Myddleton (firm, Davidson & Morri~s), 40 & 42 'Millar Etlgsr (firm, W. R. Millar & Sons), 22 St. Thomas' street street E C Queen Victoria street E C; residenc~, 19 Dealtry rd. Putney SW SE & 101 Lower road SE ; 1·esidence, 34 Dacres rd. Forest hill SE 0Monkland Francis George (firm, Devonshire, Monkland & Oo.), 1 Morriss Thomas Myddleton (firm, Davidson & Morriss), 40 & (~ 'Millar Ernest Bruce (firm, Bruce Millar & Co.), 70.!, Basioghall Frederick's place, Old Jewry E C; 1·en:dence, 5 York gate NW Queen Victoria street E C street E C Monks Albert Rohert, 123 Cannon street E C M orse Percy Lapper (firm, Graver & Morse), 27 Queen Victoria st E C •Millar James (firm, W. R. Millar & Sons), 22 St. Thomas' street •Monro Frederic Robert D'Oyly (firm, Slack, Monro, Saw & Co.), Morse Sydney (~Sydney Morse & Franc:is Alfred Vivian Morse), 1 SE & 101 Lower road SE ; 1·esidence, 10 Elderslie rd. Eltham SE 31 Queen Victoria street E C; 1•esidence, 17 Redington road, Kingsway WC t.Millar Martin (firm, W. R. Millar & Sons), 22 St. Thomas' street Hampstead NW OMorse Sydney (firm, Sydney Morse), 1 Kingsway WC ; rendenae, SE & 101 Lower road SE M on son George Herbert (firm, Redfern, Hunt & Co.), 4B, Frederick's 14 Air lie gardens, Campden hill road W lt:illar William Robert (firm, W. R. Millar & Sons), 22 St. Thomas' place, Old Jewry E C Marten, Cutler & Co. (.:OJohn Garrett Marten), 99 Newgate st E C atreet SE & 101 Lower roadS E; 1'nidence, 10 Elderslie road, Montagu, Mileham & Montagu (Sydney John Montagu, GHarry •Mort.imer Charles Edward, parliamentary agent, 8 Regent st SW Eltham SE Thomas Mile ham & Richard Headley Montagu), 5 & 6 Bucklers- •Mortimer Frands Richard (firm, Croft & Mortimer), 14 & 15 'Millar William Robert, jun. (firm, W. R. Millar & Sous), 22 St. bury E C Coleman street E C Thomas' st SE & 101 Lower rd SE ; 1'e~ider.ce, 101 Lower rd SE Montagu Richard Headley (firm, Montagu, Mileh~m & Montagn), OMortimer Frederic Charles Tandy, 85 Eatton garden E C ; re~i- lfiller (Francis) & Steele (OCharles Riellard Steele), parliamentary 5 & 6 Bucklersbury E C dence, 16 Stanley gardens, Bayswater W agents, 6 Finsbury 8quare E C Mont~gu Sydney John (firm, Montagu, Mile ham & Montrgn), 5 & Mortimer Wm. Egerton (firm, Slaughter & May), 18 Austinfriars E C Miller (S. F.). Vardon & Miller (.:OPercy John Vardon & •Taverner 6 Bucklersbury E C; 1'esidmce, 74 Avenue roa<l, &gent's pk NW Morton & Patterson (GWilJiam Henry Morton & Joseph Wylie Brice Miller), 12 Savile row W OMontabTUe Frederick Florence, 2 Hare court, Temple E C Patterson), 10 Old Jewry chambers E C :Miller & Smiths ('Gilbertson Smith & Clitherow Smith), 3 Salters' Montgorr.erie Hasiiugs Seton, 1 South square, Gray's inn WC Morton Philip Howard (firms, Neave, Morton & Co.; & B&riNr. hall court E C Mootlie & Sons (<:iHerbert John Moodie & Percy Alfred Moorlie), 2 Neave & C'o.), 222 to 225 Strand WC Miller (R.), Wiggins & Naylor (Frank Nnylor, Frederick Samuel Ba.>iughall avenue E C 'Morton William Henry (firm, Morton & Patterson), 10 Old Jewry Wigg-ins & O.Arthur Henry Naylor), 4 & 6 Copthall avem:e E C •Moodie Herbert John (firm, Moodie & Sons), 2 Basinghall av E C chambers E C Miller Harry Risch, 24 St.
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