E2336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks December 17, 1998 education, and has served to identify a biparti- This family, with eight generations having Everett Dirksen. The next day LBJ pressed san group of Members who actively support made this county their home, is a living testa- Martin Luther King Jr. and other black lead- funding for medical research. The Biomedical ment to its appeal. I send to all of them my ers to turn their energy to registering black voters. Research Caucus has provided a forum for warmest best wishes. LBJ planned every detail of the signing presentations that have made a remarkable f ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda. He wanted and lasting impression on our views of what ``a section for special people I can invite,'' the proper role that the Congress should play THE MAN BEHIND THE VOTES such as Rosa Parks (the 42-year-old black in appropriating funds for the National Insti- seamstress who refused to give up her seat tutes of Health and Science Programs. on a bus in Montgomery) and Vivian Malone HON. GENE GREEN (the first black woman admitted to the Uni- The fact that the Biomedical Research Cau- OF TEXAS versity of Alabama, in 1963). He told me to cus has been such a longstanding success is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES get ``a table so people can say, `This is the a tribute to Dr. Bishop's selfless and persever- Thursday, December 17, 1998 table on which LBJ signed the Voting Rights ing dedication to provide appropriate topics Bill.' '' and outstanding scientists to conduct these re- Mr. GREEN. Mr. Speaker, credit for the He was exuberant as he drove with me and markable and enlightening briefings. Dr. Democratic party's success in the November other staffers up to Capitol Hill for the sign- elections is due to our sustained commitment ing. Riding in the presidential limo he spoke Bishop's commitment to the caucus is deeply of a new day, ``If, if, if, if,'' he said, ``the appreciated and we look forward to another to the issues affecting American families. In a Negro leaders get their people to register and year of caucus briefings that so effectively re- recent editorial in the Washington Post, Jo- vote.'' veal the opportunities for scientific discovery. seph A. Califano, Jr., a former aide to Presi- I rarely saw him happier than on that day. I am ever so proud that a man born in York, dent Lyndon Johnson, describes the birth of For years after that, he fretted that too PA, educated at Gettysburg College, and many of those policies. Voting rights for mi- many black leaders were more interested in norities, a Medicare system that provides a rousing speech or demonstration full of whose family resides near my home city of sound bites and action for the TV cameras Harrisburg, PA, is receiving this richly de- health care for the elderly and disabled, and than in marshaling the voting power of their served honor. Once again, I want Dr. Bishop Social Security that lifted more than 2 million people. to know that his passionate efforts on behalf seniors out of poverty are just a few of Presi- Well, if he was looking down on us on Nov. of biomedical science have made a lasting im- dent Johnson's initiatives that Democrats have 3Ðand I'm sure he was up there counting pact on me personally as well as on the entire been fighting for over the past 30 years. In votesÐhe saw his dream come true. Without fact, just about every issue Democrats hold the heavy black turnout, the Democrats Congress. would not have held their own in the Senate, f most dearly were conceptualized and imple- picked up seats in the House and moved into mented during the Johnson Administration. Ini- more state houses. In Georgia, the black HONORING THE EIGHTH GENERA- tiatives like elementary and secondary edu- share of the total vote rose 10 points to 29 TION OF CASHELL'S IN MONT- cation, protecting the environment, and clean percent, helping to elect a Democratic gov- GOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND air and water have been the cornerstones of ernor and the state's first black attorney the Democratic party since President Johnson general. In Maryland, that share rose eight points HON. CONSTANCE A. MORELLA had the wisdom to push his Great Society to 21 percent, saving the unpopular Gov. Par- OF MARYLAND agenda. ris Glendening from defeat. The black vote IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Despite efforts by some Members to cut or in South Carolina kept Fritz Hollings in his Thursday, December 17, 1998 eliminate many of these programs, Democrats Senate seat, defeated Lauch Faircloth in have held firm in our convictions. The Amer- North Carolina and ensured Chuck Schu- Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, Montgomery ican people sent a clear message to their mer's victory over Al D'Amato in New York. Here and there across the country, the County, MD, the district which I am proud to elected officials in the November electionsÐa represent in Congress, is perhaps one of the black vote provided the margin of victory for message to fight for the issues that help hard- democratic governors and congressmenÐand most transient districts in the Nation. That is working Americans, like Medicare, Social Se- where Republicans such as the Bush brothers why it is a distinct honor to bring to your atten- curity, education and the environment. I for attracted large percentages of Hispanic and tion a family celebrating their eighth genera- one am proud of our party's accomplishments black voters, helped roll up majorities with tion of Montgomery Countians with the births and look forward to continuing to work toward national implications. The Voting Rights Act is not the only of Cashell Lee Hurdle, born February 22, President Johnson's goals. 1998, son of Gaines Finley Hurdle and Ken- thing Democrats can thank LBJ for. Johnson Mr. Speaker, I submit the editorial by Mr. captured for the Democratic Party issues neth Lee Hurdle of Bethesda, and McLean Califano for inclusion in the RECORD. that were decisively important in this elec- Gerald Morgan and Sarah Louise Morgan, tion. He got Congress to pass the Elementary [From the Washington Post, Nov. 18, 1998] both born December 4, 1997, the children of and Secondary Education Act, which for the David Gough ``Rusty'' Morgan and Karen THE MAN BEHIND THE VOTES first time told the people they could look to Brown Morgan of Rockville. This new genera- (By Joseph A. Califano Jr.) the federal government for help in local tion comes from a family lineage of distinctive The president most responsible for the school districts. It is his Medicare that Montgomery Countians. They are a direct de- Democratic victories in 1998 is the stealth Democrats promised to protect from con- president whom Democrats are loath to men- servative Republican sledgehammers. LBJ scendant of George Cashell, born in Cashel, was the president who ratcheted up Social Ireland, 1748, who immigrated to this country tion: Lyndon Johnson. In March of 1965, when racial tension was Security payments to lift more than 2 mil- and died in Montgomery County in 1802. high and taking a pro-civil rights stand was lion Americans above the poverty line. Together Medicare and Social Security Cashell's great-great grandfather, Francis sure to put the solid South (and much of the have changed the nature of growing old in Hazel Cashell (1872±1930) was the owner of North) in political play, President Johnson extensive farmland in the Redland area of America and freed millions of baby boomers addressed a joint session of Congress to pro- to buy homes and send their kids to college Montgomery County and the Cashell Motor pose the Voting Rights Act. Flying in the rather than spend the money to help their Company in Rockville. He was a member of face of polls that showed his position was aging parents. The Great Society's Clean Air the Maryland House of Delegates, elected in hurting his popularity, he said that ensuring and Clean Water Acts, Motor Vehicle Pollu- 1917. His great-grandmother, Alice Cashell everyone the right to vote was an act of obe- tion, Solid Waste Disposal and Highway dience to the oath that the president and Beautification acts have given Democrats a Keech, (1896±1994) was an avid fox hunter Congress take before ``God to support and de- and sportswoman, and a 98-year resident of lock on environmental issues. fend the Constitution.'' Looking members on LBJ was also the president who created Montgomery County. Sarah and McLean's the floor straight in the eye, he closed by in- the unified budget to include Social Secu- great-grandfather, Jo V. Morgan, Sr., a Be- toning the battle hymn of the civil rights rity, which helped produce a balanced budget thesda resident for 44 years, was the county's movement, ``And we shall overcome.'' One in fiscal year 1969. Without that budget sys- first civil service commissioner and a judge of southern congressman seated next to White tem, President Clinton would not be able to the District of Columbia Tax Court. The chil- House counsel Harry McPherson exclaimed claim credit for producing the first balanced dren's grandmother, Alice ``Cissy'' Grant of in shocked surprise, ``God damn!'' budget in 30 years. That summer, with Johnson hovering over Potomac, has chronicled life in Montgomery As exit polls showed, the Democratic com- it, Congress passed the Voting Rights Act. mand of the terrain of education, health County for 40 years in various newspapers The president was so excited that he rushed care, Social Security, the economy and the and magazines.
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