Company registration number: 7100811 Charity registration number: 1135258 One Community Foundation Limited (A company limited by guarantee) Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 March 2020 Lambert Roper & Horsfield Limited Chartered Accountant and Auditor First Floor Rosemount House Huddersfield Road Elland West Yorkshire HX5 0EE One Community Foundation Limited Contents Reference and Administrative Details 1 Chairman's Report 2 Trustees' Report 3 to 12 Statement of Financial Activities 13 to 14 Balance Sheet 15 to 16 Statement of Cash Flows 17 Notes to the Financial Statements 18 to 37 Independent Auditors' Report 38 to 40 One Community Foundation Limited Reference and Administrative Details Trustees I H Brierley, Chairman Sir J A Harman E Archer-Firth J R Charlesworth J P Garside J H Thornton J W Bell Mr N T Taylor Mr A Bewsher Principal Office c/o Chadwick Lawrence LLP 13 Railway Street Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD1 1JS Company Registration Number 7100811 Charity Registration Number 1135258 Solicitors Chadwick Lawrence LLP 13 Railway Street Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD1 1JS Bankers National Westminster Bank Plc 8 Market Place Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD1 2AL Auditor Lambert Roper & Horsfield Limited Chartered Accountant and Auditor First Floor Rosemount House Huddersfield Road Elland West Yorkshire HX5 0EE Fund Managers CCLA Investment Management Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET Financial Advisers Robertson Baxter Limited The Mill, 150 Penistone Road Shelley Huddersfield HD8 8JQ Page 1 One Community Foundation Limited Chairman's Report for the Year Ended 31 March 2020 I’m delighted to present the annual report and accounts of One Community Foundation for 2019/2020 and report on how the Foundation has continued to grow over this period. This year is the 10th anniversary of the formation of One Community, and we decided in 2009 that our key criteria for success would be to: • Increase (and not redirect) local giving • Make a sustainable improvement in local communities Over the last ten years we have distributed over £1,000,000 of grants to local organisations and, in spite of the economic impact of the recent coronavirus situation, we still have invested funds of £3 million, which provides a stable income to distribute alongside shorter term donations and funding. In 2019/20 we distributed £306,412. This is down on the £347,778 which was awarded in the previous year, due to the timing of some national funding programmes. However the actual number of grants distributed rose from 207 in 2018/19 to 251 in 2019/20 and this reflects a continuing improvement in our core aim of increasing local giving to local organisations. Unfortunately, Arif Ahmad had to step down as a trustee and finance director due to other work pressures. I would like to thank Arif for his help and also thank and welcome Alan Bewsher, who became a trustee and took on the finance director role in March. Due to the generous additional support of an existing donor we were able to form a new full-time role for a Community Links Manager. Emma Woods-Bolger joined us in the autumn of 2019 and quickly made a contribution in this area. Towards the end of this financial year the impact of Coronavirus started to take effect; and unfortunately this meant we had to cancel our 10th birthday party. On the positive side we have been able to be of great help in distributing emergency funding that has come through from the National Emergencies Fund. Thanks to the hard work of our staff and Joanne Bell we very quickly set up an extra grants process to deal with this funding. We were also fortunate that Emma’s sponsor allowed us to divert Emma’s time to running this Coronavirus grant process. The heart of our work is to make local philanthropy easy and effective. Our donors are the engine that drives all our work and I thank them for their support. In return we manage their funds professionally and efficiently; matching their objectives with appropriate groups. It is heartening that existing donors have both topped up existing funds and offered further match funding to encourage others to donate. I must also thank our professional partners for their ongoing support. We are only able to operate with such low costs due to the help we receive; office space, payroll services, management accounts and financial and legal advice. And it is not just a question of cost, but also the quality of this help that enables us to operate. Finally, I want to thank our trustees, staff and volunteers, without whose support we would not be able to operate. It is a privilege to work with people who are so committed to helping our local organisations. Ian Brierley July 2020 Page 2 One Community Foundation Limited Trustees' Report The trustees, who are directors for the purposes of company law, present the annual report together with the financial statements and auditors' report of the charitable company for the year ended 31 March 2020. The trustees who held office during the year were: Trustees I H Brierley, Chairman Sir J A Harman E Archer-Firth J R Charlesworth J P Garside J H Thornton J W Bell Mr A Ahmad (resigned 19 March 2020) Mr N T Taylor Mr A Bewsher (appointed 19 March 2020) Page 3 One Community Foundation Limited Trustees' Report (continued) Structure, governance and management Nature of governing document The charity is governed by its governing document, and constitutes a company limited by guarantee, as defined by the Companies Act 2006. The governing instrument under which the company operates is its Memorandum and Articles of Association dated 9 December 2009 as modified by written resolution dated 24 February 2010. The trustees are treated as directors for Companies Act purposes. The liability of the members is limited to £10 each. Accumulated funds are not distributed to the members. Recruitment and appointment of trustees Any person who is willing to act as a trustee, and is permitted by law to do so, may be appointed to be a trustee, by ordinary resolution or by a decision of the trustees. Trustees appointed by a decision of the trustees shall be required to retire from office at the subsequent annual general meeting unless they are are appointed by an ordinary resolution of members, who are recruited to provide representation of the whole of Kirklees community. Organisational structure Paul Johnson (General Manager), Beverley Couldwell (Administration), and Emma Woods-Bolger (Community Links Manager). Members Membership is open to individuals and organisations that apply directly to One Community and are subsequently approved by the Trustees. Membership is intended to be representative of identified community interests in Kirklees. We are most grateful to all company members for their continued support, both financial and in terms of the time they have given up. Induction and training of trustees Trustees are provided with an induction pack outlining their roles and responsibilities, and offered appropriate governance training and kept informed about developments in charity law. Arrangements for setting key management personnel remuneration The pay of Foundation staff is reviewed on a regular basis by the trustees. All trustees give their time freely and none received remuneration in the year. Page 4 One Community Foundation Limited Trustees' Report (continued) Investment sub-committee As the core activity of the charity is to manage endowment / charitable funds to create revenue for the benefit of Kirklees community and voluntary groups, the trustees have adopted an investment strategy which will be reviewed on an annual basis. The Board has appointed a specialist investment sub-committee to oversee the application of this strategy. The members of the Investment Committee as at 31 March 2020 are: Judith Charlesworth (Chair/Trustee) Alan Bewsher (Trustee/Finance Director) Ian Brierley (Trustee) Sir John Harman (Trustee) Antony Barton (Robertson Baxter Ltd) Adrian Bottom (NatWest Bank) Mike Hall (Member) Karen Borowski (Revell Ward Ltd) Risk Management The trustees have established a register to identify and review the risks to which the charity is exposed and to ensure appropriate controls are in place to provide reasonable assurance against fraud and error. The register is reviewed annually. Objectives and aims One Community is a non-profit organisation that provides independent funding for voluntary community action throughout Kirklees. The Foundation was incorporated in 2009, and was registered as a charity in March 2010. The aim of the organisation is to inspire organisations and individuals to invest in the local community in order to establish a number of endowment / charitable funds. We connect people who care with causes that matter. Working with our donors, we award funding to community groups supporting children, adults, older people and people living with disabilities to take part in initiatives promoting community cohesion, education, sports, health; and many other local good causes. The Foundation provides a trusted and professional service to enable philanthropic giving and guarantees good stewardship of funds. Over time the funds will generate increasing levels of income which will be utilised to provide grants for non-profit groups. The funding required to help local voluntary groups far outstrips what we can so far provide, and so we continue to seek donations. We also welcome gifts in the form of legacies, land, property, trusts and shares. We are grateful to our existing donors for their generosity and we have welcomed several new donors this year. We are extremely grateful to our professional partners for supplying us with the following services free of charge: Page 5 One Community Foundation Limited Trustees' Report (continued) • Chadwick Lawrence Solicitors provide us with legal advice, office space, IT support and telephones. • Revell Ward Ltd supplies our payroll services.
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