DIAL SH I-OOIO " 1 .n«ut* 'VOL. 85, NO. 222 »T omen. RED BANK, N. J., tfRIDAY, MAY 3, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Name Red Bank Zip-Code Center RED BANK - TWi borough )• among «j(l p postal employees will be able to immediately determine that ties detigntted u "sectional centers" - foal Mitt tt (h* mill la destined for Red Bank sectional center. When it ar- New Tax Package 'Pott Office Department's revolutionary JHp-C«fe mill '•ys- rives here, by glancing at the last two digits, our sectional tem tobe unveiled July l, Postmaster Fred A. CfMt fab baa center people will know exactly what town, and what neigh- advised I^Po*tniaster General J.EdwardDay. " barhood the letter goes to.v "Red Bank wai chosen u a •ecUonal center to the Na- The five dl£KJZip-Code (Zoning Improvement Plan) num- ttooal Zip-Code program because it serves a* * main focal bers *» being assigned throughout the country, and will be point of air, highway and rill-transportation in tfris immedi- Available July 1. \ ate vicinity," Postmaster Crlne said. , Applied during Addressing and presorting of large vol- Shapes Up in State ume mail by electronic data processing equipment, used by Hi* SM sectional center* designated nttlonally will play mailers, the Zip-Code numbers will- speed mail service a toy role In the National Zip-Code scheme — ft plan by throughout the country by bypassing several manual sorta- TRENTON (AP)-A new $34.7 which fivtwUgit codes will speed mail deliveries. In some tions. million tax package that features cases by as much as 24 hours. ,, The postmaster emphasized that Zip-Code, is "for places, a new truck gasoline tax but elim- "On July 1," Postmaster Crlne said, "Red Bank will bo not people," but he urges the public- to use the new code inates Gov, Richard J. Hughes' assigned a three-digit number. This tecttona! number, system on its return addresses. roposed beer .tax increase seems coupled with numbers to be assigned post ofOc»rs in this vi- Mr. Crlne noted that the use of Zip-Code by the individual to be shaping up. cinity, will constitute this ZlpCod* tor the various delivery Ttialler in other than large quantities would have no great That was the. word from Sen- units In.this sectional center. -. ; V impact .on sorting, and handling requirements. However, te Minority Leader Anthony J. "foe ZljvCode will enable a large mailer to: presort widespread use of Zip-Code by the public as part of the in- Grossi, D-Passaic, Thursday aft- mail — through the use of electronic data proMksing equip- dividual's return address will permit Urge mailers such as r meetings the governor held that ment, right down to this borough from anywhere in' the banks, insurance companies, magazine publishers and1 others day. and the night before with country., to utilize Zip-Code more effectively, and the end result would Democratic party leaders. ' • "By glancing at the first three digit* of our. Zip-Code, be faster mall service for everyone. New. Fees' The new package would also eliminate extra days of racing at Subdivision Garden State Park and would add Navy Backs Borough in Plea motor vehicle fees and liquor tax- Plans OKd es. Grossi said these changes were being discussed in Hughes' orig- By Committee inal plan: . - To Halt Fires on RR Lines Cut out a (5.6 million boost In MARLBORO — The Township NEW SHREWSBURY-Mayor railway for damages caused in He said the navy had corre- beer taxes and provide for only Committee last night granted and Council last night, with three recent fires. sponded with the president of th 6 extra days of racing instead of preliminary approval. for three representatives rOf NAD IJarte, The railroad will be asked to, railroad two years ago, and ob 19 days, reducing the added take major subdivisions containing a planned a seriei Of moves de- see that all locomotive stacks are tained excellent co-operation i from $2.5 million to $500,000. fetal'of' U6S lots: signed to put an end to fires along efficiently screened, that brakes fire prevention measures. SEA OF CARS — Bulldozer, right, breaking up junk cart, as truck, left, carts away This would be made up by $3.5 Planning Board Secretary Wil- the railroad lines, caused by are maintained to prevent fric- "It may be that this is a matte: parts, in Highlands drive to rid borough of eyesores. Photo wai taken yesterdiay off liam Meyer explained there was sparks from locomotives. tion sparks from wheels on rails, that wi'l have to be pursued peri million from the truck gasoline t discrepancy in the total num- These include personal visits by and that the right of way be odically," he stated. tax, an increase of $1.5 million Miller St. where some 70 junks have been brought by borough crews, to be removed in the expected income from ber, of lot* from the published borough and Navy representatives cleared of undergrowth and Adm. Andrew G. Shepard without charge by Oceanport contractor Joieph Mazzo. Mayor Cornelius J, Guiney's public utility surtax, and a $3.5 legal ad announcing the public to Central Raitrojia of New Jer- debris. liaison man between Earle an million cut by the Legislature's formula for cutting red tape: "Just get rid of the junked cars wherever we find hearing on the subdivisions. He sey, executives and the engineer- Commander Paul C. Gardner, the borough, pointed out that thi Appropriations Committee in explained that the difference was ing department of the Public executive officer at Earle, told Navy maintains 125 miles of rail- them, without the fust and bother of legal entanglements." Hughes' budget. This represents due to changes in the maps. Utilities Commission.. the municipal body: way paralleling the Jersey Cen a total of $8.5 million. Other Sttps The borough attorney, will study ' "We are wholeheartedly with tral line and in the same kind o1 'Mayor Joseph A. Lanzaro, the question of liability by the you In this matter." country. $7.2 Million Hike When questioned by members of "To the best of my knowledgi Grossi said sentiment favored the audience, said there were the locomotives on this line hav several other steps to be taken these partis of Hughes' $37.5 mil- Highlands Answer never.caused a fire," he said. before these subdivisions would Urbaii Renewal "This points up very clearly tha ion plan untouched: become final. fire prevention along rail lines i A 20 per cent state surtax on 1 tie local gross receipts tax now To Junk Car, Building Problems The mayor explained that the matter of care and thoroug maps now go to the township inspection." paid by utilities. Originally Hughes Utility Authority for approval Plan Is Pushed said this would bring in $18.5 mil By JACQUELINE ALBAN "It sure looked like we were than in becoming ' invoked In Lt. Richard L. Siegle, Earl tail then back to the Planning lion, but he has boosted the es- HIGHLANDS-^ drive to ric expecting a whopper of a blow legal entanglements, in attempt- Board for final approval. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Re- It will b« a standing commit- public works officer, saiid NavN y timate to $20 million. this borough of eyesores anc yesterday," Mayor Guiney de- ing to prosecute the persons who locomotives are equipped with clared. Then, he explained, the devel- ferring to the F$t. Avis, foulness tee,, to function throughout the A $7.2 million increase in taxes safety hazards is beginning tc have abandoned them. district as a "can6«r," the Plan- entire period of master planning apark arresters containing series on wine and liquor. show results. , The mayor stressed that he is Several municipalities are go- opers must post the necessary of baffles and a screen. If this bonds which guarantees the in- ning Board last Wght toe* Its and/or urban renewal, to be com A $2.2 million increase in mis- Two nagging problems — dis- more interested in ridding the ing through the procedure of tow- first, tentative, stepi to do some- posed of representatives of 33 lo- arrester and the engine are kept cellaneous motor vehicle registra- posal of junk cars and substand- borough of junks "expeditiously" (See HIGHLANDS, Page 3) atallstion of streets, gutters, side dean, he said, it is almost im- thing about it. ' cal civic, service, social and po- tion fees, most of it falling on ard housing—seem to be on the walks and other utilities. The possible for sparks to escape. mayor said the plans then come The answer, if "BorOBgh Coun- litical organizations, plus profes- car dealers. way to solution. mayor said the plans then com None of the 10 Earle locomo- h itt f fil cil agrees with 1te'planners, will sional meq. such as physicians, A $1.3 million Increase in th Abandoned autos, a thorn; tack to the committee for final tives have ever caused any fires, be urban renew»lr-*s an Integral attorneys, builders, realtors and state's parimutuel betting tax. Th problem to most municipalities the like., ...-. • ;"•• he stated. the county, are being rounded u; Addition to School Paul:.^.'- Ches- part of the mastfr plan. betting takeouk t would be increased Mayor John.E. Lemon, Jr. sa >•!..•-,•?•» The planners hope-.thiit council 1 per cent to a total or 14 per "without red tape, legal entangle will be able to form this conv the fact that not one home was cent, with the state and tracks ments, or fuss and bother" am for water a«d that lost In the' recent Reeveytown but the third did plan could be temporarily by- mktee within a month.
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