ASLA NEWSLETTER October, 1978 OCT 16 1978 JOHN COTTON DANA AWARD APPLICATIONS READY NORTHERN ARIZONA The John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Awa~~!V~~ITpr~~~~~ ach year to libraries that have effective public relations programs. Entries are judged on the basis of the information disseminated by your library in its public relations program and the individuals it reaches. The quality of the information in your entry form is more important than its packaging. A simple black and white film could have more impact than an expensive television "spot" produced by professionals for a large library system. Entries may reflect ei­ ther a year-round public relations program (calendar or school year), or a special project terminating in 1978. Entry form may be obtained from Mary Choncoff, Dept. of Education, 1535 West Jefferson, Phoenix, AZ 85007. All entries must be submitted by February 9, 1979. EB AND AASL LOOKING FOR SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM OF THE YEAR A $5000 prize for the most outstanding achievement in providing -exem­ plary media programs at the elementary level is being offered to school systems submitting applications for the 1979 School Library Media Program of the Year. The program, now in its seventh year, is cosponsored by AASL and the Encyclo­ paedia Britannic Companies. Top winner of the 1978 competition was Cobb County (Georgia) Public Schools. The awards will be made during National Library Week in 1979. Com­ pleted applications must be submitted no later than November 13, 1978. Forms may be obtained from Mary Choncoff, AZ Department of Education, 1535 West Jefferson, Phoenix, AZ 85007. ARIZONA YOUNG READER'S CONFERENCE Big news for children and librarians interested in participating in the Arizona Young Reader's Conference is that this spring dual conferences will be held-one on the University of Arizona campus in Tucson and one on the Arizona State University campu s in Tempe. This will make it possible for many more children to attend and participate in a very special day honoring the author chosen as the favorite by Arizona young readers. More information will follow after the winning author has been identified and definite dates and plans established. It is not too late for librarians to participate in this bi-annual event. Official entryba-anks or ballots are not needed. Librarians may simply list the books along with now many votes each one received and send the informa­ tion by November 1, ~on school or library stationary to: Arizona Young Reader's Award, c/o Yetta Goodman, Room 819, Elementary Department, College of Education, University of Ar~zona, Tucson, AZ 85721. ATTENTION CATHOLIC LIBRARIANS The Arizona Unit of the Catholic Library Association will hold its first meeting on Saturday, October 14, 1978, at 1:30 P.M. at Xavier High School Li­ brary, 4 710 North Fifth Street, Phoenix. All Librarians - Elementary, High School, College/University, Parish, Public or Special- are welcome. Please come. APPLICATIONS OPEN FOR 1979 SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA AWARD A $5000 prize for the most outstanding achievement in providing exemplary media programs at the elementary level is being offered to school systems sub­ mitting applications for the 1979 School Library Media Program of the Year. The awards program now in its 7th year., is cosponsored by the American Association of School Librarians and the Encyclopaedia Britannica Companies. Application forms may be obtained from Mary Choncoff, Arizona Department of Education, 1535 West Jefferson, Phoenix 85007, or you may call her on the hat­ line number: 1-800-352-4558. Completed applications must be submitted no later than November 13, 1978. MESLA TO MEET OCTOBER 17 The Maricopa Elementary School Library Association will begin the year with its annual potluck dinner at the Statesmen's Club in Phoenix at 3003 North Central, at 6:30~ Joyce Tessler is president; Eleanor Zoellner, presi- dent-elect. · For information, contact Joyce (school, 273~1207; home, 247-7620 ) . A new film ori school libraries will be shown and attendees will have the oppor­ tunity to win an autographed copy of the Caldecott book this year, Noah's Ark, and posters from various publishers suitable for bulletin boards. High school librarians are also invited. CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK THEME CHOSEN "Hello Book" is the theme for the national Children's Book Week November 13 ~ 19. For brochure and posters, send a self-addressed, stamped, legal size envelope to: Children's Book Council, 67 Irving Place, New York, NY 10003. ARIZONA BIBLIOGRAPHY DI STRI BUTEIJ Arizona in Books for Children, an annotated bibliography of books about Arizona or Arizona people, has been published and distributed to all Arizona libraries by the Arizona Department of Education. Compiled by Mary Choncoff, director of ESEA IV-B, the listing includes a general listing, cook books, suggested texts, coloring books, and guidebooks. More than 550 titles a~e included.1 GOVERNOR' S CONFERENCE At the July 15, 1978 meeting tpe ASLA Executive Board voted to allocate $500 in support of the Governor's Conference on Library and information Ser­ vices. The Board indicated the funds should be used to print the program or some other activity which will give visibility to ASLA. Many of you have participated in the regional mini-conferences and _will be delegates of alternates for the Gov~rnor's Conference. For those of you who would like to contribute your time and energy to the Conference, the oppor­ tunity is here. The Hospitality Committee of the Governor's Conference is in need of volunteers to provide the courtesy and hospitality for the Conference. If you wish to serve, .please call Edith Hart, 271-5841. There is still another way you can take part in the Governor's Conference on Library and Information Services. You may send your request to be considered as an observer at the conference. This designation will allow you to attend the entire conference and to participate on a limited basis. You must pay your own expenses as an observer and only 100 slots (33 Librarians, 67 cit­ izens) are open. If you are interested, please contact me for reservations (first come, first serve basis), Sharon Womack, Recruitment Chairperson, 1 Third Floor, State Capitol, Phoenix, AZ 85007. Phone: 271-3701 LEAGUE OF CITIES AND TOWNS The league of Cities and Towns Annual Conference will be held in Mesa, ' AZ at the Centennial Hall on October 25-27, 1978. The Public Libraries Division meetings will focus on the Community Analysis. Martha Hall will speak on Wednesday, October 25, at 1:00 p.m. and will give an overview of what a community analysis can do for the library. On Friday October 27, at 9:00 a.m. a panel of local librarians will discuss the realities of conducting a com­ munity analysis. For more information on the total League program call 258-5786 or write: League of Ari4ona Cities and Towns, 1820 West Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007. Or contact Jean Murphy, Mesa Public Library, 834-2207. NEW FACULTY MEMBERS AT A OF A Two new faculty members have been appointed at the Graduate Library School for the 1978-79 academic year. Dr. Virginia Witucke, Associate Professor of Library Science: will be teaching courses in children's literature and school library services. Dr. Wintucke is new to the Graduate Library School from the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Pratt Institute in B:r;.oOklyn where :she was teaching. in the area of children's services. Mrs. Jessica Perry, lecturer, is returning to the Graduate Library School onI a one year appointment teaching courses in information science. Mrs~ Perry_ taught regularly for the Graduate Library School from 1970-1977 and from 19 :7.:{~1978 taught as Program Coordinator for the Organization of American States at the Library School at Medellin, Columbia, South America. We're pleased to announce these two full time appointments to our regular fa~lty. - Donald c. Dickinson, Director - s.o.s. Are there any cooperative projects between public and school libraries? If so, please send brief description of project and participants to Mary Choncoff, Arizona Department of Education, 1535 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, AZ 85007. ~hank you! KWOC" INDEX 'TO .STATE . .OF ARIZONA PUBLICATIONS ..ENLARGED The KWOC Inctex to State of Arizona Publications, produced at the Uni­ versity Library, ASU," has been enlarged to include municipal, county and councils of governments publications, materials from Arizona Indian tribes, and other documents whose information or source is of a quasi-governmental nature. The name has been changed to Arizona Governmental Publications _______KWOC Index. , Computer produced semi-annually in April and October, the Index ac­ cesses almost 6000 Arizona governmental publications. Items are indexed under each keyword in the title and the author. If the keywords in the title do not adequately reflect the_ documents' contents, descriptors are added. Documents are classified and shelved- by unique call numbers which arrange them by issuing agency. Print-out copies of the Index are deposited at ASU, NAU, U of A and the Department of Library, Archives and Public Records. Microfiche copies are distributed to various state .agencies, other governmental units, com­ munity colleges and libraries. The Arizona Governmental Publications Index is edited by Eleanor Ferrall with Cindi Yee handling the -non-state items. Questions concerning the Index ·may be directed to either of them in the Government Documents department at the ASU Library, 965-3387. EDITOR'S NOTE --NEW EDITOR This is my last newsletter. The next issue will be edited by Peggy Larson. All news for the November 1978 issue and other following issues should be sent to Peggy Larson, 4918 E. Glenn, Tucson, AZ 85712. Phone number, 327-4683. I would like to thank Mitzi Rinehart and Larry Cassady for the help and support -they have given me during my year as newsletter editor.
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