THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THISTHIS CIRCULAR CIRCULAR IS IS IMPORTANT IMPORTANT AND AND REQUIRES REQUIRES YOUR YOUR IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. ATTENTION. If you are in any doubt as to the course of action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, If you are in any doubt as to the course of action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor,IfIf youyou areare accountant inin anyany doubt doubtor other asas professionaltoto thethe coursecourse adviser ofof actionaction immediately. toto bebe taken,taken, youyou shouldshould consultconsult youryour stockbroker,stockbroker, bankbank manager,manager, solicitor, accountant or other professional adviser immediately. solicitor,solicitor, accountant accountant or or other other professional professional adviser adviser immediately. immediately. Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) has not perused this Circular prior its issuance as it is prescribed Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) has not perused this Circular prior its issuance as it is prescribed asBursaBursa an Exempt MalaysiaMalaysia Circular. SecuritiesSecurities Bursa BerhadBerhad Securities (“Bursa(“Bursa takes Securities”)Securities”) no responsibility hashas not not for perusedperused the contents thisthis CircularCircular of this prior priorCircular, itsits issuanceissuance makes asnoas itrepresentationit isis prescribedprescribed as an Exempt Circular. Bursa Securities takes no responsibility for the contents of this Circular, makes no representation asasas toan an its Exempt Exempt accura Circular. cyCircular. or completeness Bursa Bursa SecuritiesSecurities and expressly takestakes no no disclaimsresponsibility responsibility any liabilityfor for the the contentswhatsoevercontents of of this thisfor Circular, anyCircular, loss howsoevermakes makes no no representation representationarising from as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from orasas in toto reliance itsits accuraaccura uponcycy ortheor completeness completenesswhole or any andandpart expressly expresslyof the contents disclaimsdisclaims of this anyany Circular. liabilityliability whatsoeverwhatsoever for for anyany lossloss howsoeverhowsoever arisingarising fromfrom or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this Circular. or or in in reliance reliance upon upon the the whole whole or or any any part part of of the the contents contents of of this this Circular. Circular. You should rely on your own evaluation to assess the merits and the risks of the Proposed Renewal of Shareholders’ You should rely on your own evaluation to assess the merits and the risks of the Proposed Renewal of Shareholders’ MandateYouYou shouldshould as set relyrely out on onin yourthisyour Circular. ownown evaluationevaluation toto assessassess thethe meritsmerits andand thethe risksrisks ooff thethe ProposedProposed RenewalRenewal ofof Shareholders’Shareholders’ Mandate as set out in this Circular. MandateMandate as as set set out out in in this this Circular. Circular. TRANSOCEAN HOLDINGS BHD CompanyTRANSOCEAN Registration No. HOLDINGS197701005709 BHD(36747 -U) CompanyTRANSOCEANTRANSOCEAN Registration No. HOLDINGS HOLDINGS 197701005709 BHD BHD (36747 -U) CompanyCompany Registration Registration(Incorporated No. No. in197701005709 197701005709 Malaysia) ( (3674736747--U)U) (Incorporated in Malaysia) (Incorporated(Incorporated in in Ma Malaysia)laysia) CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS CIRCULARCIRCULAR TO TO SHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERS IN RELATION TO IN RELATION TO ININ RELATION RELATION TO TO PROPOSED RENEWAL OF SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE FOR RECURRENT RELATED PARTY PROPOSED RENEWAL OF SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE FOR RECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONSPROPOSEDPROPOSED RENEWAL RENEWAL OF A REVENUE OF OF SHAREHOLDERS’ SHAREHOLDERS’ OR TRADING MANDATE MANDATE NATURE WHICHFOR FOR RECURRENT RECURRENT ARE NECESSARY RELATED RELATED FOR PARTY PARTY DAY- TRANSACTIONS OF A REVENUE OR TRADING NATURE WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR DAY- TRANSACTIONSTRANSACTIONS OF OF A ATO REVENUE REVENUE-DAY OPERATIONS OR OR TRADING TRADING OF NATURE NATURETRANSOCEAN WHICH WHICH GROUP ARE ARE NECESSARY NECESSARY FOR FOR DAY DAY-- TO-DAY OPERATIONS OF TRANSOCEAN GROUP (“PROPTOTOO--DAYSEDDAY RENEWALOPERATIONS OPERATIONS OF SHOF OFAREHOLDERS’ TRANSOCEAN TRANSOCEAN GROUP MANDATE”)GROUP (“PROPOSED RENEWAL OF SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE”) (“PROP (“PROPOOSEDSED RENEWAL RENEWAL OF OF SH SH AREHOLDERS’AREHOLDERS’ MANDATE”) MANDATE”) The resolution in respect of the above proposal will be tabled as Special Business at the 43rd Annual General Meeting of The resolution in respect of the above proposal will be tabled as Special Business at the 43rd Annual General Meeting of theTheThe Transocean r resolutionesolution in Holdingsin respect respect of Bhdof the the (“Company”) above above proposal proposal to will bewill heldbe be tabled tabledat Dewan asas Special Special Bungaraya, Business Business Level at at the the2, 4 4WP33rdrd AnnuaAnnuaHotel,l lGeneral362, General Jalan Meeting Meeting Tuanku of of the Transocean Holdings Bhd (“Company”) to be held at Dewan Bungaraya, Level 2, WP Hotel, 362, Jalan Tuanku Abdulthethe TransoceanTransocean Rahman, 50100 HoldingsHoldings Kuala BhdBhd Lumpur (“Company”)(“Company”) on Wednesday toto bebe held, held30 June atat DewanDewan 2021 at Bungaraya,Bungaraya, 10.00 a.m. LevelorLevel at any 2,2, adjournmentWPWP Hotel,Hotel, 362, 362,thereof. JalanJalan TuankuTuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, 30 June 2021 at 10.00 a.m. or at any adjournment thereof. Abdul Abdul Rahman, Rahman, 50100 50100 Kuala Kuala Lumpur Lumpur on on Wednesday Wednesday, ,30 30 June June 20 202121 at at 10.00 10.00 a.m. a.m. or or at at any any adjournment adjournment thereof. thereof. The Form of Proxy must be lodged at the registered office of the Company at No. 31, Jalan Bukit Angkat, Kawasan The Form of Proxy must be lodged at the registered office of the Company at No. 31, Jalan Bukit Angkat, Kawasan PerusahaanTheThe FormForm ofBukitof ProxyProxy Angkat, mustmust be43000be lodgedlodged Kajang, atat thethe Selangor registeredregistered not officeoffice less ofthanof thethe forty CompanyCompany-eight (48) atat No.No. hours 3131, ,before JalanJalan BukitBukitthe time AngkatAngkat stipulated, , KawasanKawasan for Perusahaan Bukit Angkat, 43000 Kajang, Selangor not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time stipulated for holdingPerusahaanPerusahaan the meeting. BukitBukit Angkat,Angkat, The lodging 4300043000 of Kajang,Kajang, the Form SelangorSelangor of Proxy notnot will lessless not thanthan preclude fortyforty- -eightyoueight from (48)(48) attending hourshours beforebefore and voting thethe timetime in personstipulatedstipulated at the forfor meetingholding should the meeting. you subsequently The lodging wish of the to doForm so. of Proxy will not preclude you from attending and voting in person at the holdingmeetingholding the theshould meeting.meeting. you subsequentlyThe The lodging lodging of wishof the the to FormForm do so. of of Proxy Proxy will will not not preclude preclude you you from from attending attending and and voting voting in in person person at at thethe meetingmeeting should should you you subsequently subsequently wish wish to to do do so. so. Last day and time for lodging the Form of Proxy : Monday , 28 June 2021 at 10.00 a.m. Last day and time for lodging the Form of Proxy : Monday , 28 June 2021 at 10.00 a.m. DateLast Last andda dayy timeand and time oftime Annual for for lodging lodging General the the MeetingForm Form of of Proxy Proxy :: : WednesdayMondayMonday, ,28 28, 30June June June 20 20 212021 21at at 10.00 at10.00 10.00 a.m. a.m. a.m. Date and time of Annual General Meeting : Wednesday, 30 June 2021 at 10.00 a.m. DateDate and and time time of of Annual Annual General General Meeting Meeting : : WednesdayWednesday, ,30 30 June June 20 202121 at at 10.00 10.00 a.m. a.m. This Circular is dated 31 May 2021 This Circular is dated 31 May 2021 ThThisis Circular Circular is is dated dated 31 31 May May 20 202121 DEFINITIONS Unless where the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall apply throughout this Circular: Act ⎯ The Companies Act, 2016 as amended from time to time and any re-enactment thereof Actual Value ⎯ The actual value of the Recurrent Related Party Transaction(s) entered by the Company and/or its subsidiaries with the Related Party(ies) from the date of last Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 5 August 2020 up to 26 April 2021, being the latest practicable date prior to printing of this Circular AGM ⎯ Annual General Meeting ARMC ⎯ Audit and Risk Management Committee of Transocean Board ⎯ The Board of Directors of Transocean Bursa Securities ⎯ Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (200301033577 (635998-W)) EPS ⎯ Earnings per share Estimated Value ⎯ Estimated value of the Recurrent Related Party Transaction(s) to be entered by the Company and/or its subsidiaries with the Related Party(ies) from the date of the forthcoming 43rd AGM up to the date of the following AGM KKMB ⎯ Kumpulan Kenderaan Malaysia Berhad (197401000686 (17729-V)) KTB ⎯ Konsortium Transnasional Berhad (200301015160 (617580-T)) Latest Practicable Date ⎯ Latest practicable date refer 26 April 2021, prior to printing of this Circular LSSB ⎯ Lengkap Suci Sdn Bhd (200701015279
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