Circulation 13,000 Free November 20, 2015 FORMER PARKSLEY STORE CHOSEN FOR SITE OF NEW LIBRARY Story and photo by Linda Cicoira business. The Eastern Shore Public Library’s Trustees Paul Berge of Wacha- Board of Trustees voted unanimously preague, Patricia Bloxom of Mapps- Monday to renovate the former Fresh ville, Kitty Hall of Onancock, Pam Pride in Parksley and move the main Spencer Holley of Assawoman, Ann library there. Rutledge of Machipongo and Chair- In a 6-2 vote, the panel agreed to woman Colette Nelson of Accomac fa- make a $5 million plan its goal with vored the more expensive plan. Trust- possible downsizing to the $3.5 mil- ees Barbara Coady of Machipongo and The now-closed Fresh Pride will house the county library. lion plan if necessary grants and do- Elizabeth (Ellie) Gordon of Frank- nations are not received. The differ- town were opposed. ence basically would involve the ad- “The need is there,” said Berge. “We The trustees also voted unanimous- state grant offered for two years for a dition of a large meeting room where need 20,000 square feet. I believe the ly to ask Del. Robert Bloxom (son of total of $500,000. the Accomack Board of Supervi- money is there. We can scale back if member Patricia Bloxom) and Sen. Berge said that other counties were sors and other groups could conduct the money isn’t there.” Lynwood Lewis to secure a $250,000 (Continued on Page 16) Jury Recommends Two Northampton Zoning Life Terms for Man Who Saga Continues By Ron West Sexually Abused Girls A number of Northampton residents once again urged Story and photo by Linda Cicoira county supervisors Tuesday not to act on the much-dis- The heart-wrenching story of a girl and her cussed proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance. child-molesting uncle, sex crimes and the family that During the public comment period, Nassawadox split apart over the ordeal was heard during a two- resident Larry Jones expressed concern that the pro- day trial this week in Accomack Circuit Court. posed rezoning would prevent him from selling pro- A jury convicted 68-year-old Khalil Mohammed duce from a roadside stand on his property. Muslimani Wednesday of four offenses involving his (Prior to the public comment period, County niece, who was a teenager when the crimes occurred Administrator Katie Nunez read a response to in 1998 and 2002. The panel recommended the recent comments posted online and sent to pub- Onancock area man be sentenced to two life terms lic media. See Page 39 for details.) plus 20 years in prison, which is the maximum pen- Nunez noted that the proposed changes would not alty for the offenses. affect the current uses that the property owners make “It’s a huge victory,” the now 31-year-old victim of their property. Additionally, Nunez responded to said afterward. She cried and hugged Muslimani’s concerns over the possibility of the ordinance affecting stepdaughter (another of Muslimani’s victims) when residents’ ability to have mobile homes. She noted that the verdict and sentences were announced. The name mobile homes are acceptable in more districts with the of the niece, who lives in the Annapolis, Md., area, is proposed plan than with the current one. being withheld because of the nature of the crimes. NAACP representative Janice Langley spoke of It took the jury of 10 women and two men about Deputies Gary Callaway (left) and how the upzoning of property from Ag to Residential (Continued on Page 12) Bob Watkins escort Muslimani to jail. (Continued on Page 5) 2 • EastErn shorE Post • novEmbEr 20, 2015 Accomack Teachers Bring Their Complaints to the School Board Story and photo by Linda Cicoira munity and problems with their super- Teachers and other concerned citi- visors for the departure of teachers. zens came out in force Tuesday night “We all know why we lose people,” she to complain to the Accomack School said. “We don’t pay them enough mon- Board about low salaries, expensive ey and don’t offer good insurance.” health insurance, poor teacher reten- “We need to come together as one tion and the panel’s disregard for the for discipline and respect,” said Donna public and its lack of transparency. Chandler Bailey. She said disruptive “I am disappointed with decisions be- students continue their behavior be- ing made by the School Board,” said Su- cause they can get away with it. “We zanne Conrow of Exmore, a 32-year Ac- must have respect on the Shore along comack County Public Schools (ACPS) with pay” and a division-wide policy teacher who works at Pungoteague El- for no cell phones. ementary School. “After receiving very Alicia Payne, a 14-year Accomack little to no pay increase for the last sev- teacher, said she has “serious concern eral years and no bonus this year, one for the future of our children with- would think funds were limited. Howev- in the ACPS system. It is no surprise er, according to an article in the (East- that we have failing schools when we ern Shore) Post this summer there were have lost nearly 180 teachers over the some pay increases at Central Office as past three years. … It is not realistic high as $30,000. This is almost what a to expect our children to receive qual- new teacher makes in an entire year. An ity learning opportunities if year after entire year! How can you justify this?” year they are encountering new teach- “I have never seen teacher turnover ers,” Payne said. so high,” she continued. “My own daugh- “The significant increase awarded The crowd of teachers on hand to tell the Accomack School Board their ter left Metompkin (Elementary School) to the Central Office … further demon- tale of woe spilled into the corridor outside the meeting chambers after three years. She simply couldn’t strates to teachers your emphasis in Tuesday evening. afford to teach in Accomack … after the value of Central Office employees completing her master’s, she now earns without equal value placed in your is said. You push the microphones back ry of the acting superintendent. “As far $13,000 more at Pocomoke Elementary teachers and support staff, the people and speak to each other in a moderate as I know, he is the highest paid per- and pays less for insurance, which in- on the front line,” Payne continued. monotone voice, disregarding the audi- son in the county. It should have been cludes both dental and eye care.” “As stated by one parent, ‘Does it make ence. Your thoughts, your message and negotiated for less.” But he praised the “What are you going to do to retain sense to you that the people who are your decision on a subject matter is board for appointing a stand-in. “If Dr. teachers?” Conrow asked. “I work with farthest from the children are making not heard by the public. This is simply Glascoe proves out and is interested several teachers who leave school ev- the most money?’” rude to the ones in attendance.” that will be fine, but he needs guidance ery day and go to second jobs so they Debbie Riley has taught at Pun- Thomas also complained that the from you to be successful.” can pay their bills.” goteague Elementary for 25 years. She portion of the division’s website for “Having an elected School Board is “Metompkin lost all of their first- asked for “an audit of our entire school board meetings “is still underutilized, just around the corner and all of you grade teachers last year and almost 70 division,” more competitive salaries, ineffective and sadly neglected, when may be gone,” Thomas said, “unless percent of Pungo teague’s core teachers improved transparency from Central it comes to informing the … public of you make big changes now … and use are nontenured. … In order to retain Office to the School Board and a more the … board’s monthly agenda, school common sense in all decisions.” highly qualified teachers, you have to affordable healthcare plan. … happenings.” he said. “I just wanted to make some brief invest in them and let them know they “In August, I appeared before you He further complained there is no comments about coming on board,” are valued.” Conrow encouraged the with some suggestions to improve and live streaming of the board meetings. Glascoe said. “It seems like five years board to visit the schools. portray a friendlier relationship be- “Transparency is essential when it ago, but it’s only been a week and a “I have seen numerous superinten- tween the School Board and the gen- comes to keeping everybody honest half … there are a lot of things that are dents come and go,” Conrow said. “The eral public,” said Ronnie Thomas of and creditable. … You have become going well. Bring some of those things latest trend seems to be the more you Atlantic. “Nothing has changed, no ol- a group of complacent School Board out on the surface as well.” pay them, the faster they leave. We ive branch has been offered. It is busi- members that are set in your ways and After an hour or longer closed ses- need someone who is willing to stay ness as usual and there are lots of lit- have lost focus and the initiative.” sion with the public standing in the long enough to know the people and de- tle things that you could do that would Thomas also complained about the hall, Chairwoman Margaret Miles end- velop a vested interest in our commu- change the board’s negative image.” large administrative salaries.
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