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Wear It With Pride. r---- ---- --------------- ------------------------------------------------- Volume 11 Number 5 ~iiJllII.~ Inside This Issue May 1999 Publisher 's Commentary 4 - Editor I Publisher Morley S . Lymburner Commentary - by Julian Fantino 5 Phone (9 05) 640·3048 • Fax (905) 640·7547 Managing priorities and change 6 E- mail bluellne@blueline .ca Victoria:5 Chief Web Page. www.bluel ine .ca Constable - News Editor - Doug Richardson Blair McQuillan refires. General Manager Mary K, Lym burne r, M.Ed . - Advertisi ng - A 150 year patrol with pride 8 Mary Lymburner (Director) The Saint John Police Phone (905) 640-3048 Fax (905) 640-7547 Force celehrates its 150th Bob Murray anniversary, establishinf? ~,, ~,tt?~ itself as one of the oldest Phone (905) 640-6506 Fax (905) 642-0900 , . continuing Police Forces - lIIustration - ~ in Canada, To ny MacKinnon Steffon Sepa Enhancing Police Response 9 - Pre-press Production - Brockville Police Service first in Del Wa ll Blair McQuilla n Canada using new Smith and - Mechanical Specifications - Wesson Public Salety bicycle. Gary Welch Phone (905) 466-5039 icky Henri of the Brockville - Contributing Editors - Maximum force ... limited options 10 Police Service, is shown on our cover as she patrols the park and shores of the St.Lawrence Ballistics & Firearms Pierre Descotes World's police divers symposium 12 Tactical Firearms Dave Brown Ri ver, The bicycle she uses for patrol is manu­ Police Leadership Robert Lunney factured by Smith & Wesson. Brockville i the Shannon's internet friend 14 Survival Tactics Joel Johnston first police agency in Canada to utilize this spe­ Case Law Gino Arcaro Computers & Technology Tom Rataj Letters to the ef/itor 15 cia ll y built police bike, When David Sergeant of Smith & Wesson was contacted about the bike - Con tributing Writ ers - 16 he advised that it certainly turns a lot of head Floyd Cowan Keith Copeland 1999 Torch Run Mike Hargreaves Donna Schofi eld when the public realizes that a company, prima­ Hal Cunningham Reid Gold sborough Psychics - Walking in two worlds 18 rily known asa gun manufacturer, actuall y makes Julian Fantino Scott Fuller bicycles. It al 0 turns a few heads at anada Tracy Ford Terry Ba rker Blue Talk - by Teny Barker 19 Blue Line MagaZine is published monthly, September to June, Customs when the box it is shipped in tries to by Blue line MagaZine Incorporated wllh a mailing address of clear the border. "We haven't shipped one acro 12A • 4981 Hwy. 7 East, Ste. 254, The future together 22 the border yet that hasn't been opened for in­ Markham, Ontario, L3R lNI. CSIS Seminar and Trade SholV Individual magazines are 53 .50 each. Subscriptions are spection," Dave said. S25.00 per year or $40.00 for 2 years. (Overseas , S50,00) Case Law - by Gino Arcaro 24 Regardless of the cross border problems All articles are protected by copyright. No part of thiS icky and her fellow officers are looking forward publication may be reproduced or transmitted In any form or by any Surveillance - by Hal Cunningham 25 to wann weather patrols on bicycle duty You can means, electronic or mechanical. including photocopying and read more about this on page 9 in this ed iti on, recording or by any Inform allan storage or retrieval system Without permission from the publisher Internet activity is monitored and Technology - by Tom Rata} 26 This issue is full ofa wide variety of mate­ use of material on the Internet is restricted, rial sure to interest all Blue Line readers. pe­ All material submitted for publication becomes the property Personal ComjJuting 27 of Blue Line MagaZine unless other arrangements have been cial attention should be brought to the Torch made with the publisher by Reid Goldsborough Run's that are about to commence this month, The authors, adVisors and publisher accept no liability On page 16 you will find information on how whatsoever for any inluries to persons or property resuiling from tatisical report on police the applicallon or adopllon of any of the procedures, tacliCS or pursuits in Ontario 28 you can participate in this law enforcement ini­ conslderallons presented In thiS magazine, Readers are caulloned tiative in your own area, and advised that articles presented herein are edited and supplied for your personal awareness and should not be used for further Product News 30 On page 22 you will find details regarding acllon unlll appropnate advice and guidance is received from a the Trade how ofthe Canadian Society ofln­ SUpeIVISor, Crown Attorney or other person in authonty Established In 1988, Blue Line MagaZine is an Independent Classified 32 du trial ecurity being held in Ottawa this year. publicallon designed to Inform, entertain, educate and upgrade the It i also the beginning of celebrations for many skills ofthose Involved in the law enforcement profession, It has no Ten-Seven News 33 direct control from a law enforcement agency and Its opinions and police service in Canada and this month we commence the parade with the St. John Police articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of any govemment, Criminally FUI/ny 38 police, or law enforcement agency, Blue line Magazine is a ervice on page 8, private venture and as such is not funded by any level of government agency, union or association, List of Advertisers Blue Line Magazine is printed in Canada by Garson Graphic Services Inc. Blue Line News Week 34 Pads Fitne s & Supply 35 - Affilhltio llS- Bulterworths Canada 7 Panasonic Canada 20,21 International Association of Law Enforcement Planners Dalhousie University 19 R, Nicholl Di tributors 15 Canadian Advertising Rates & Data ~ Flying Cross by Fechheimer 2 Rocky hoes & Boots 40 International Police Association , , Fred Fowler 32 pecial lectronics & Design 35 The Canadian Press Newswire Tactical nterprises Int' I Inc. 23 Periodical Publishers Exchange Ilenry's 32 Intemational Pol ice Association II Tetragon Tas e 27 ISSN #0847 8538 Joe Drouin nterprises 13 Triform Bu iness ystems 29 Laerdal 4 Valley As ociates 13 Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Virtual Depot Product Sales Ag reement No. 176796 Laser Labs II 37 Most Wanted 36 Westervelt College 25 __________-----\G!I----- ------- _ BUIE LINE YEARS May, 1999 Vl------------------------ Magazine "FIDO" is alive and well... and even legal in Ontario protect the pub li c from a potentia ll y dangerous dure. (The down side is that each agency can by Morley Lyll/burner offender. This new section can now be legiti­ still write their own.) The third i that Ontario is nyone who needs more elaboration on mately called the "FIOO" law. finally seeing the benefits of helicopter patrols FIDO shou ld understand that for cops it mean The implications of the FIOO law, if taken even ifthey will only call them "study projects" "Forget It... Drive n!"(orsimilarwordsto that too far, cou ld ee it as a remedy to any situation and leave the test municipalities high and dry effect). The ntario olicitor General' office that requires police officer to make unpopu lar after it is over. is now uggesting a law that wi ll entrench thi or dangerous decisions. There is no doubt about There i an old axiom that states when citi­ concept within the police community. It is in­ the fact that it is designed to make the offIcer zens feel they are losing control of a problem in deed a dangerou concept and one that is nawed feel more comfortable with the idea that slhe ociety they will reach out and control that which in many way with little or no though t to it fu­ does not have to chase someone. It does not they can. The citizens and po lit icians are look­ ture implicati ns. consider the neglectful or lazy officer who is look­ ing desperately for some control ofthe prob lem Just in time ~ r a provincial election the ing for a ready excuse. I wou ld defy any super­ and have found the police. We must look harder ntario olicitor eneral has released some new visor to successfu ll y prosecute an officer with at the values we instill in the public's mind be­ pursuit procedures that are de igned to save the th is FIDO law on the books. I wou ld defy any fore we begin to complain about the police ac­ lives orevery person in the province. At least if supervi or to not prosecute an officer that re­ tions that attempt to control misbehaviour. In the y u listen to the popular media thi is what this fu ed to chase someone who later ki ll s everal case of police chases pre sure should be brought new legislation will do. In their ha te to placate citizens on a sidewalk. The supervisor is between to bear on: thc media the Government ha imply re-spun a rock and a hard place.
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