EEDBANE VOLUME X^III. NO. 13. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1900. PAGES 1 TO 8." and she had lived in Bed Bank ever September 4th, -at the home of her son A WELCOME RAIN. OLD RESIDENTS DEAD. since. She was a prominent member of Phillip Briggs, at Brooklyn, aged 89 NEWS FROM MIDDLETOWN. The Long Brought Broken by Sat- St. James's church and had a great many years. Mrs. Briggs was the sister of the LEWIS WHITE DIED AT. LITTLE urday Night's Storm. INTERESTING ITEMS FROM BE- friends in town. late Daniel I. Stilwell and Mrs. Benja- , SILVER ON SATURDAY. ' The long-continued drought this sea- YOND THE BHREWSBURY. Besidesher husband seven children sur- min Griggs of Matawan and of the late son was broken by a heavy rain on Sat- Be Wat Over Eighty-Sine tears viveher. TheyareM.L.Hollywood,Mat- Jjohn S. Stilwell of Hazlet and Obadiah urday, night. The long drought had A Big Haul of Wvahflsh-An Ep- OHt-Hrs. EtneUne Hitchcock Dies worth Leaaue'n Anniversary—Xm± thew Holly wood, and Miss Mildred Holly- Stilwell of Pleasant Valley; Besides the caused a large amount of water to be at the Age of Seventy-Eight Years wood, all of whom live at home; Sister son with whom, she lived she leaves proving a Public Road—A Finger • -Other Deaths. used from the Red Bank water works, Broken by a Fall. Perpetua of Perth Am boy, A. J.-Holly- three daughters,-Mr8. William Nicholas ^dthe sprinkling of the county road Lewis White if Little^ Silver died on wood of Newark, C. L. Hollywood of of Bed Bankf and Mrs. Catherine Gray: The fishermen of Belford and Port Saturday morning about half-past eight between Eatontown and Red Bank made Monmouth made a big catch of weakfish New York and Mrs. M. F. Lynch of and Mrs. John. Chase of Brooklyn.: - a,; liarge and an" unexpected demand on o'clock from a general wearing, away of Holyoke, Massachusetts. on Monday. This is the first.big catch Ma vital powers. Mr. White was 89 Corlies Flinn, the'wafer supply. According to W. J. of food fish that the. fishermen have, Bentley, the engineer at the water works, years old on the 7th of last Julyrand for John V.Kblb. CorUesFlimrofliong Branch died on made in some time. Charles Davis made the drought this season bad been the the biggest catch. He had about a • the past ten years his health and strength Word was received at Long Branch Friday, September.'7th, aged 78 years. longest in a number of years. There dozen barrels. The market price is be- , had been failing. He was born on the last week of the death of John V. Kolb He has beejn in failing health for some homestead farm at Little Silver and he time and for the past two years had been had not beena soaking rain during the tween $7 a barrel and $8 a barrel. of that place, which occurred at Stu- entire summer, and the light rains which •died in the house which he had built bach, Germany, on August 6th.° Mr. confined,to the house. Mr. Flinn was The Epworth league of the' Navesink •about eight years ago on the farm on the son of Captain and Mrs. John Flinn occurred moistened the ground for o»lr Methodist church will celebrate its sixth Kolb had been a sufferer for many years a'.few hours, after which sprinkling had Branch avenue. The site of this house from Bright's disease and dropsy.. Last and was a native of Long Branch.* One anniversary on Thursday night of next is about a quarter of a mile from the sister, Mrs. Frank White of Trenton, is to be again begun. Large amounts of week. The leagues from neighboring . May he went abroad with the hope of ,water, had been1 used on lawns, and house in which he was bom. The farm recuperating his health, expecting, to re- the only surviving member of. the fain-, towns have been invited. Eev, Eli Gif- at the time of his death contained about ily. Mr. Flinn leaves a widowand three this bad reduced the supply of water ford will make an address and special turn home ia November. The change that can be maintained in the reservoir. 100 acres. The original farm was much did him no good tad. he continued to children; The children are'Mrs. Charles music will be provided." . smaller than tbiB but Mr. White had Morris, Mrs. Joseph Lake and John A'new artesian well is being put down A stone gutter is being placed along grow steadily worse uStjl- his death. but it is not yet in operation, and dur- bought tracts, from time to time which Mr. Kolb was traveling afene in Ger- Flinn. ... • _ ' ' . the north side of- the new gravel road at adjoined his property until he owned, a ing the early part of last week the drain many and the news of his death did not Mrs. Ellen. Jeffrey.' Navesink from Webster Swan's corner big farm, He also owned twelve acres on the reservoir began t6 be felt. A to Charles Greene's residence. The road reach Long Branch until it came through Mrs. Ellen-Jeffrey of Eatontown town- large amount of water needs to be kept •of land on Spring street, Red Bank, near official sources, has washed badly at that point since it :the intersection of tlwScuffletowntfoad, ship, widow of Elisha Jeffrey, died of a in the reservoir as a protection against was built. • Mr. Kolb was born in Germany, near complication of diseases on Tuesday, of possible fires, and in order that the sup- and he was the owner of many other lots Mrs. E. H. Frost of New York, who is the place where he died. He came to last week, aged. 77 y<?srs. Mrs. Jeffrey ply in the reservoir should not. be al- And Bmaller tracts. HiB estateJtfaddition spending the summer nt Thomas John- this country in 1868. Four years later he lived on a farm near West Long Branch lowed to get too low, under the great •to tho real estate left by him, is large. son's at Navesink, fell from the porch on Jtfr. White had been a farmer all his life located at Long Branch, where he had for a number of years; ,. demands made by the drought, the water Tuesday of last week and(Jbroke one of until his.bealth failed, and he had also since engaged in the restaurant and commissioners decided on Tuesday that • JOaniel Maher. the fingers on her right band. been extensively engaged in the oyster hotel business. When he went abroad street sprinkling should be discontinued Daniel Matter, the infant child of Mi- Rev. William Carhart of Little Silver business. he turned the business over to his son-in- for a few days, until the amount 6f law, Herman K. Emmons. Three chil- chael Maher of Holmdel, died of sprue water in the reservoir should be in- will preach at the Navesink Methodist Mr. White's wife was Eliza Lippincotk dren survive him. • They are Mrs. Her- on Thursday night. The funeral was creased. The high winds of Wednesday church on Sunday, morning and Rev. Of Little Silver, a siBter<of Charles and man K. Emmons, Mrs. Frank Hennessey held on Friday afternoon and the body made such a course inadvisable and the John Parmley of Oceanic will preach at George Lippincott. She died in August, and Miss Georgie Kolb of Long Branch. Was buried at the Hillsdale cemetery. sprinkling carts were put in service.' night. Rev. J. W. Nickelson, the pastor 1879. A family of seven children were .Mrs. Kolb died aboutfourteen years ago. of the church, will' be at Oceanic ajl . -Annie Green. On Thursday notices were gent to water •born to them, of whom all but one are 'Mr. Kolb was a member of the New ErU h takers- cautioning them . against • the day to conduct the special services in. Annie, daughter of Emnia and Charles living. The child that died was Henry society and of the Knights of Pythias wasteful use of water on the lawns. that church, whichis a part ,of the Green of Macedonia, died last Thursday, Navesink charge. O. White, who died about two years ago. lodge. " r -- About 160 water takers have been added The living children are ivlies Amanda figed three years. The child was taken to the list of those who use public water Miss Myra Sickles of Asbury Park is White,' who lived at home and kept Kelson Whitf. sick with measles. She caught cold and since the last artesian well was put spending two weekB with her pnrents, iouse for her father; William A. White, Nelson White, a life-long resident of her death resulted. / down, and the amount of water used for Mr. and Mrs; John I. Sickles of Nave- Joseph White, Theodore P. White, Win. North Long Branch, died on Sunday, sink. Miss Sickles has been a companion Dying; From Mental Collapse. street' sprinkling and for use on lawns field S. White and Timothy White. All September 9th, aged eighty years. He has correspondinglyJncreased. By Sat- to a New York woman at Asbury Park Charles B. Foote, a memfier of the "*he children live at Little Silver except had been a sufferer from rheumatism for urday the water in the reservoir had during the Bummer and she will spend stock brokerage firm of Hatch &Foote of Theodore F. White, who is in the real sometime, and had always been troubled been raised nearly four .feet, by reason the winter with her in Florida.
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