ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCE REPORT FORM FOR THE SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY SORORITY ROW PROJECT SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA Prepared for San Diego State University Foundation 5250 Campanile Drive San Diego California 92182 Prepared by EDAW Inc 1420 Kettner Boulevard Suite 620 San Diego California 92101 619 233-1454 Authors Carrie Gregory Rebecca McCorkle Apple M.A R.P.A USGS La Mesa 7.5 Survey Area 1.56 acres Quadrangle Restricted Distribution February 2003 Key Words San Diego State University SDSU negative survey Ti City of San Diego ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCE REPORT FORM Page for historical resources was and no This report form shall be used when site-specific survey completed effect This form be archaeological resources were identified within the project area of potential APE may when resources used rather than completion of an Archaeological Resource Management report archaeological were identified and based on an evaluation were determined to be nonsignificant or are potentially significant but will not be of the and this directly impacted by the proposed development project Completion required site-specific survey conform to the Historical Resources Guidelines of the Land Development Manual report form must PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION Include the geographic limits of the study area and description of the proposed development project within the of San IX Attachments The project site is 1.56-acre lot parcel number 467-150-29 city Diego See 5050 south of Montezuma Road Maps The parcel is currently vacant lot between 5020 and College Avenue and interior The San Diego State University SDSU Foundation plans to construct multistory two-story three-story for student members The buildings and four-story exterior perimeter buildings residential housing SDSU sorority lot located in the area is known as Sorority Row The proposed housing will be completed on developed i- project includes of College Avenue adjacent to SDSU See IX Attachments Maps The proposed housing facility and residential There chapter houses 70-unit live-out residential wing courtyards pooi underground parking with 20-foot easement on the north and south is 5-foot landscape buffer proposed around the complex along utility lane in of side of the property Also for safety there is proposed fire access case emergencies II SETTING Natural Environment Past and Present of disturbed soils the west side of Avenue north-south roadway in the city The project area is an area on College is to student of La Mesa The area is highly urbanized with very little open space The project area adjacent existing in the immediate The area is vacant lot fraternity housing with single-family residences vicinity project currently the disturbed coastal nonnative within natural drainage The project area contains Diegan sage scrub grassland nonnative woodland and ruderal vegetation communities Tannourji 2003 nonmarine while the soils are associated with the The geology of the project area consists of Eocene rocks Redding that subsoil which is well-drained cobbly barns and gravelly barns have gravelly clay over hardpan 11 formation Within an area encompassed by the Diablo-Urban land complex soils the surrounding landscape is categorized as and for sites having been altered through cut and fill operations leveling building Bowman 1973 Ethnography/History is conceived as three basic The prehistoric cultural sequence in southern San Diego County generally comprising dated between about and and manifested the periods the Paleoindian 10500 8000 years ago by scraper planes of the San the Archaic from choppers scraping tools crescentics and leaf-shaped points Dieguito complex lasting and manifested the cobble and core of the La Jollan and Pauma about 8000 to 1500 years ago by technology from about to historic contact and marked the complexes and the Late Prehistoric lasting 1500 years ago by small and cremation burial the time Spanish colonists began to appearance of ceramics arrow points practices By cultural settle California most ofpresent-day San Diego County was within the territory of loosely integrated group the historically known as Kumeyaay Kroeber 1925 The Normal La Mesa was founded in 1888 as an operations base for the construction of the railroad nearby School in 1898 La Mesas until 1940 later renamed San Diego State University was founded population steadily grew communities when it increased dramatically La Mesa is one of San Diegos bedroom Pryde 1976 2K126 SDSU Arch Resource Rpt.wpd City of San Diego ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCE REPORT FORM Page III AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT APE Describe the nature and extent of anticipated direct indirect and cumulative impacts The APE is 1.56-acre lot parcel number 467-150-29 within the city of San Diego See IX Attachments Maps south of Montezuma Road The parcel is currently vacant lot between 5020 and 5050 College Avenue No identified within the area Additional will be if archaeological resources were project survey required project plans are changed to include an area not previously surveyed If buried cultural materials are encountered during evaluate the nature and construction work should stop in that area until qualified archaeologist can significance of the find IV STUDY METHODS Include description of the specific methods used in the identification and evaluation of archaeological resources for this study Helen On Wednesday January 292003 under the supervision of Rebecca Apple archaeologists Carrie Gregory and Arnold from EDAW Inc examined the project area by means of an intensive pedestrian survey The ground surface in transects was examined for evidence of past human use The survey was conducted systematic approximately is lot of disturbed soils was meters apart The project parcel currently an empty consisting Visibility generally is covered with nonnative Soils within cleared poor-fair throughout the survey area as much of the parcel grasses evidence of cultural materials Li areas cut banks and rodent fills were examined carefully for No archaeological resources were identified within the APE RESULTS OF STUDY Background Research records search was conducted at the San Diego Museum of Man and the South Coastal Information Center for consisted of review of historic cultural resources within 1-mile radius of the project area Historic research maps have been conducted within 1-mile radius The results of the records search indicate that 16 previous investigations National Data Base Of the 16 of the project area See TX Attachments Archaeological Information previous Roths of the area in 1992 was investigations one was conducted within the project area Roth 1992 survey project negative historic historic and one historic total of one archaeological site two isolated artifacts four buildings one site district have been previously recorded within 1-mile radius of the project area Confidential Appendices Bound Separately Record Search Results No cultural resources within the project area were identified during research for search of their sacred lands files Native The California Native American Heritage Commissionwas contacted This letter American contact letters have been distributed to the list of local Native American Groups provides the and solicits their comments and concerns description of project Field Reconnaissance of the No archaeological resources were discovered during the pedestrian survey project APE 2K126 SDSU Arch Resource Rpt.wpd City of San Diego ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCE REPORT FORM Page Evaluation of the No archaeological resources were discovered during the pedestrian survey project APE VI RECOMMENDATIONS Include recommendations for mitigation of significant indirect and cumulative impacts and monitoring as appropriate No additional cultural resource studies are recommended unless project plans are changed to include an area not If buried cultural materials are encountered construction work should in that area previously surveyed during stop evaluate the nature and of the find until qualified archaeologist can significance VII SOURCES CONSULTED DATE Month and Year December 2002 National Register of Historic Places Year December 2002 California Register of Historical Resources Month and Month and Year December 2002 City of San Diego Historical Resources Register ArchaeologicalJHistorical Site Records South Coastal Information Center Month and Year December 2002 San Diego Museum of Mani Month and Year December 2002 Other Sources Consulted United States Geographical Survey U.S.G.S file the South Coastal Information Center various years Historic maps on at VIII CERTIFICATION Preparer Carrie Gregory Title Staff Archaeologist Date Signature 2K126 SDSU Arch Resource Rpt.wpd City of San Diego ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCE REPORT FORM Page IX ATTACHMENTS National Archaeological Data Base Information Attached Bibliography Attached Maps Include all of the following maps Attached City of San Diego 800 scale See Map U.S.G.S Quadrangle See Map Project Maps See Map Site Plan Not Applicable Photographs Include site and artifact photographs as appropriate Not Applicable file with the Attached Personnel Qualifications Include resumes if not already on City CONFIDENTIAL APPENDICES Bound separately Records search results Attached Historical resource location maps and site maps Attached New or updated historical resource records Not Applicable 2K126 SDSU Arch Resource Rpt.wpd IX ATTACHMENTS National Archaeological Data Base Information Document No 1123643 Unpublished Report BISSELL RONALD 1999 CULTURAL RESOURCE RECOIINAISSANCE OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1688 LUGANO LAND
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