THE WEATHER Thundershowers today, partly cloudy, less humid tomorrow. e i x t m * 5 Entered *■ second data mall matter, January 31, 1925, at the Pott Office at Elizabeth. New Jeraey. under the Act of March », 1879. VOL. XXIV. No. 1243 K*J A1U.1SH4U> l»u OFFICIAL NKW8PAPKK "HILLSIDE, N. }., THURSDAY, AUCUS-T-« H -e4&- OF THK TOWNSHIP OP m i SIUK PRICE FIVE CENTS _ Mrs. Farrell Offers Plans Elizabeth Murder Seeks Correction To Improve Shanty Shack VietimKnownHere Dr. Branom Will Urge Second Submits Final Report As Recreation Aide To Recreation Board have so ably assisted me in super­ Of Zoning Oddity vising Shanty Shack this past sea­ John De Biasio, 36. of 28 South Pointing out that Shanty Shack, son. They have a sincere interest in Vote On High School Wing Reid street, Elizabeth, who was 2 Houses In Residence A teen-age canteen initiated as a war­ the welfare of the youth of Hillside murdered early Tuesday while Zone, Nearly All Others time measure, “has become a vital and give unselfishly of their time seated in his car parked in front of Feels General Public Mother, Two Sons part of tlTe teen-agers’ life” and and Efforts. his home, was known slightly to Yuill Will Celebrate 97th Birthday Failed To Understand Are 2-Family Buildings recommending eventual purchase “This report would not be com­ some of Hillside’s recreation em­ of a juke box and providing a A request for permission to alter plete without a word of praise for ploye:-. Employed before the w ar Program Completely piano, Mrs. Lilliam M. Farrell, ch air­ Mrs. Elizabeth A. McCraith. former tv,.i une-fumily dwellings at 30 and Attacked By Gans^ with a WPA recreation unit in the man, has submitted her final report member of the Recreation Board Retired Court Clerk Fought Indians Re-submission of the referendum Fairchild place to two-family county, De Biasio was recreation 32 on Shanty Shack to the Hillside and supervisor of recreation. I ap­ A party in honor of the 97th4 add a wing to the high school will structures was presented to the supervisor of the Hillside area for Recreation Board. Mrs. Farrell no preciate Mrs. McGraith’s efforts and a period of three or four years, his birthday of William Yuill,•retired Township Committee last night by In Street Battle be recommended to the Board of longer resides in Hillside. H er re­ cooperation in formulating Shanty Meyer Ginsberg, attorney, for the duties being to see that the recrea­ clerk of the Second Criminal Court (location at its meeting tonight by A Hillside mother and her, two port follows: Shack and sharing supervisory re­ tion program was carried out. in Newark, will be held Saturday owner, Mrs. Mary Arnold. He -. Wayne T. Branom, supervising sons were assaulted by a group of "Attached is a'report showing the sponsibility until her retirement at the home of his granddaughter, pointed out that the two buildings The murdered man attended Notre incipal of schools, in his annual about 20 teen-age boys Tuesday attendance at Shanty Shack during last year. Her work in behalf of the Dame University but later trans­ Mrs. E. Schultz, of 1454 Compton ter­ . it about the only two housing t disclosed this week. The night in w hat is believed to have the season beginning October 1947 youth of Hillside will always be ferred to Panzer College, East race. Mr. Yuill has been retired Miigl.- families remaining on the ' ins rejected the proposal in June been the second of a series of street and ending May 1948. Also shown is remembered in the minds of those Orange, from which he was grad­ since December 31, 1923, after serv­ . t if,-', and th at even the building 1 y (il votes. corner battles, according to local a financial statement covering the who have benefited by her guid­ uated in 1936. He was a member of ing as court clerk for more than a inspector was surprised at this odd- To justify the second referendum, police. same period, and a list of Shanty ance and supervision in recreation. the varsity football and baseball quarter of a century. He was ap­ ,1 v in zoning. The two houses on Police were informed Tuesday Shack equipment. "In closing. I would like to ree- teams and at one time played semi pointed to the post July 6. 1897 !>r. Branom points out that many ; lie south side of the street, at pres­ i'‘ight by Mrs. Catherine Norton, of “It is with deep regret that I must i mmend the continuance of the pro basketball with the Viking Horn in Ontario, Canada Aug- i cuple thought there was so little ent are in Residence A zone while 255 Hollywood avenue, that both sever my connection with Shanty Shanty Shack Advisory Committee. A. C. in Elizabeth. ust 12, 1851 he serv ■cl as a young i pposition to the wing that they . tiled to register their vote. II the houses on the north side and she and her son Arnold, 20 were Shack. My associations with the teen This Committee should include a Elizabeth police and county auth­ man with the First Ontario It i l \s as must of the others on the south slapped in the face by a tall heavy age center since its inception in member of the Recreation Board, orities. trying to establish a motive a lance corporal. p irt input ng in "If the addition is. built," Dr. side are in Residence B. He was in­ set youth and another son, Milton, January, 1944 have been most pleas­ the supervisor of recreation and for the crime, have learned that De 1870 in the expedite il lo qu •11 the i ranom points out, “there will be formed that he would have to make 17, was punched in the face. ant. Although Shanty Shack was those selected to act as Shanty Red River Rebellion Com m ander of . o net d for a new Saybrook School. application to the Zoning Board of Milton, according to his mother, instituted as a temporary war time Shack supervisors. The Committee the On tar o Rifles was Sir Garnet The only other immediate building Adjustment for an exception to or was walking his dog in Hollywood measure, it has become a vital part arranges for the annual election of beth Elks Club of which he was a Wolselcy who later became eom- i rog-am which will bo needed is an change in the existing zone. avenue near Long avenue about 10 of the teen-ager’s life in the tow n­ Shanty Shack officers, supervises member. When he left the club he inander-in-chief of the British lion to the George Washington Township Engineer Henry Kreh p.m. when two cars parked about ship of Hillside. This is borne out by the expenditure of Shanty Shack drove directly home and while still Army. M\ Yuill p medal School, due to an increase in en- Jr., presented a series of communica­ a block away and a group of youths an attendance figure of over 45,000 funds, and guides the members in seated in his car was shot eight or piesented to the men win took ’ ollmenl. After these two building tions involving engineering proj­ got out. One* of the youths, whom since the center was established in programming the activities of the ten times at close range apparently pi.i‘t in tlu 1 iglit agai ist the 1uliaus. I rojrcts are completed, it should not ects. lie said he has prepared plans Milton identified as a senior in 1944. year. „ ' The First O ntario Ri ties torn rd the be necessary to build any additions tor the improvement of Central ave­ Hillside High School, punched him “Cooperation is the key to Shanty "I recommend fu rth er the pur­ nucleus o w hat is i ow the Nortli- or new buildings for the next 15 or nue but David O. Evans, biggest and when Mrs. Norton and Arnold Shack’s success. Cooperation be­ chase of a "juke box,” as soon as entered the left side of the neck, the west Mon Red Police ears. piuperty uwner on the street, in- ran out into the street another youth tween the teen agers and Shanty sufficient funds are available. Also, left thigh and l ight thigh. The sh< When si 11 a young man Mi . Yuill ’ It is now for us." he says in the 1 rmed the committee he would slapped both of them. Shack supervisors and aflso the a piano should be purchased, or ob­ came to New ark win re he w is em- i cporl, "to present the true facts in prefer to make the improvements Radio police who were called ap­ cooperation of the municipal groups tained through donation, for Shanty ployed as a printer undyr form er - uoh a manner that they will be lumself if they were to be done on prehended five boys, including three and parent teacher organizations Shack special programs. qua Ambassad >r Harvey who was editor tasily understood and made reach . ii assessment basis. The letter was Elizabeth juveniles, who were taken providing funds, facilities and serv­ "This concludes my final report. of the ole Newark Journal lie i. every voter. The addition to the tabled. to police headquarters for question­ ice required for the successful o p ­ In leaving Shanty Shack I extend .38 calibre and one .32 calibre slug a retired nem ber of Typogr iphical high school is needed if we are to Permission was granted the Le­ ing.
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