US 2013 0309183A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0309183 A1 Vuong (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 21, 2013 (54) SKIN ANTI-OXIDANT ENHANCING (52) U.S. Cl. FORMULATION AND ASSOCATED CPC ................ A61K 36/42 (2013.01); A61O 19/08 METHOD (2013.01); A61 K3I/07 (2013.01); A61 K 31/355 (2013.01); A61K 31/201 (2013.01); (71) Applicant: Le Thuy Vuong, Petaluma, CA (US) A6 IK3I/01 (2013.01); A61K 8/922 (2013.01); A61O 1704 (2013.01) (72) Inventor: Le Thuy Vuong, Petaluma, CA (US) USPC ............................................. 424/59: 424/777 (21) Appl. No.: 13/897.297 (57) ABSTRACT The present invention describes novel applications of an oil (22) Filed: May 17, 2013 formulation rich in carotenoids and poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) for skin care, lip care and cosmetic use. The Related U.S. Application Data formulation contains natural oil extract of Momordica (60) Provisional application No. 61/688,616, filed on May cochinchinensis Spreng also known as gac, spiny melon, 18, 2012. RedmelonTM. The formulation contains carotenoid antioxi dants (beta-carotene and lycopene), pro-vitaminA carotenoid Publication Classification (alpha and beta-carotene), and vitamin E. In addition, the formulation contains omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 fatty (51) Int. Cl. acids, the essential fatty acids important in enhancing skin A6 IK 36/42 (2006.01) integrity, elasticity. The oil-based formulation helps skin to A6 IK3I/07 (2006.01) retain water, Carotenoids in the formula protects skin from A61O 1704 (2006.01) oxidative damage. The novelty of this invention is in the A6 IK3I/20 (2006.01) mixture of antioxidants, retinol and essential fatty acids to A6 IK3I/01 (2006.01) deliver a stable, bioavailable and nutritious composition for A6 IK 8/92 (2006.01) skin care. In addition, the formulation provides vitamin E and A61O 19/08 (2006.01) retinol beneficial in skin therapeutic and cosmetic applica A 6LX3L/355 (2006.01) tions. Patent Application Publication Nov. 21, 2013 US 2013/0309183 A1 : 3eta-earxtee ygxpete £888 isost of 3R8& waitres 3: $; $888 si3888s 88.88 ses'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. $383 ....................................... 33-33 883 ...... 883 ...... 8:338...... 3 ------ keta-&rotes 8& & yces;888 figrate it US 2013/03091 83 A1 Nov. 21, 2013 SKN ANT-OXIDANT ENHANCNG named antioxidant carotenoids. Carotenoids as potent anti FORMULATION AND ASSOCATED oxidants have been reported by numerous scientists (Krinsky METHOD N., Antioxidant functions of carotenoids. Free Radical Biol ogy & Medicine, Vol. 7, pp. 617-35, 1989.). The use of plant 1. PARENT CASE TEXT AND RELATED carotenoids against skin damage has been reported by Weiss, APPLICATION Stahl, W. and other workers (Stahl, W. Carotenoids and fla vonoids contribute to nutritional protection against skin dam 0001. This application claims priority from U.S. provi age; Mol. Biotechnol. 37(1):26-30, 2007: Stahl, W. Lyco sional patent No. 61/688,602 filed May 18, 2012, the contents pene-rich products and dietary photoprotection. Photochem of which are to be taken as incorporated herein by this refer Photobiol. Sci. 5(2): 238-42, 2006: “Carotenoids and protec CCC. tion against solar UV radiation” in Skin Pharmacol App. Skin Physiol, 15(2): 291-6, 2002); Stahl, W. “Tomato Paste pro 2. FIELD OF INVENTION tects against ultraviolet light-induced erythema in humans'. 0002. This invention relates to formulations and methods J. Nutr. 131(5): 1449-51, 2001; Cesarini, J. P. “Immediate for applying a mixture of carotenoid antioxidants in an oil effects of UV radiation on the skin: modification by an anti form to enrich skin of a Subject. Accordingly, the invention oxidant complex’ Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. involves the fields of botany, nutritional, skin care, cosmetics, 19(4): 182-9, 2003; Protection against ionizing radiation by nutraceuticals, and natural ingredients. antioxidant nutrients. Toxicology 189(1-2): 1-20, 2003). 0006 B-Carotene and lycopene are among the most 3. OBJECTS AND ADVANTAGES prominent members of this group of carotenoid antioxidants. 0003. The novelty of this invention is in the mixture of In addition, beta-carotene is among carotenoids having Vita antioxidants, retinol and essential fatty acids to deliver a min A activity, meaning they can be cleaved enzymatically in stable, bioavailable and nutritious composition for skin care. the body to yield vitamin A. In theory, one molecule of beta The formulation is a combination of carotenoid antioxidants, carotene can be cleaved enzymatically to produce two mol in an oil form, and thus more stable. Another novelty is that ecules of retinol. Retinol has been shown to be effective in the oil is rich in essential fatty acids, thus skin integrity can be reducing effect of skin damage. Synthetic retinol is toxic enhanced, as well as protected. The oil contains natural pre when taken a large dose, and is not commended for children servative (alpha-tocopherol) therefore stable. The composi or pregnant women, however pro-Vitamin A carotenoids, tion also delivers a plant-based retinol to help with new skin have not been found to be toxic. generation, at the same time non-toxic. This invention pro 0007 Carotenoids are very susceptible to oxidation and vides a safe and nutritious formulation for protecting and heat, and will react with oxygen in the air to render them treating skin oxidative damage. The composition is low water inactive and colourless. activity and thus has a long shelf life. 0008 Carotenoids are lipid soluble and thus stable in lipid medium. Carotenoids when present with other antioxidants 4. SUMMARY OF INVENTION such as vitamin E, vitamin C, are more stable due to the “sparing effect”. 0004. This invention describes a lipid-base composition 0009 Essential fatty acids, such as omega-3, omega-6, containing antioxidant carotenoids, alpha-tocopherol, plant omega-9 are not produced by the body however essential for based retinol and essential fatty acids to be used in the for immune response, and skin health. Oil containing high con mulation of skin care products. In particular, a method to centrations of essential fatty acids provides a stable vehicle to deliver highly absorbed and stable lycopene and beta-caro deliver carotenoids also enhances integrity of skin. tene to protect and enrich skin is provided. The formulations 0010 Momordica cochinchinenensis is a variety of melon and associated method are characterized by the effective indigenous to South East Asia. This fruit is also known as amount of oil extract from Momordica cochinchinensis “Gac” (in Vietnam). The seed pulp of the fruit contains high Spreng, containing antioxidant carotenoids and a lipid profile concentration of beta-carotene and lycopene. A natural pro which enhance skin integrity, plus vitamin E. Synergistically cess of extracting carotenoids from the seed pulp has been provide bioavailable and stable antioxidants. The formula published by Vuong. Extraction of carotenoids by chemical tions contain a non toxic plant-based retinol that can be solvents has been described by Ishida et al. Both methods are administered topically or orally. listed Subsequently. 0011. A method using no chemicals to extract beta 5. BACKGROUND AND PRIOR ART carotene from mormordica Cochinchinensis (gac fruit) 0005 Skin is the first defense of the body from infection. was described by Vuong in U.S. Pat. No. 6,770.585 filed Skin is damaged by exposure to Sun, UV light (photo dam Aug. 2, 2002. This patent claimed a process to produce aged), by aging; and thus efforts have been continued to find an oil rich in carotenoids to be used as a safe source of compositions to protect and nourish skin, and reduce the dietary Supplement of vitamin A for children and preg effect of aging. The roles of carotenoids in humans health are nant women in rural areas of developing countries. well studied and documented (Cooper, 2004). Several caro 0012 A process patent filed subsequently by Ishida et tenoids show enhancement of the immune response, inhibi al. (U.S. Pat. No. 7,572,468 by filed Aug. 11, 2009) tion of mutagenesis, reduction of induced nuclear damage, showed a process using chemical Solvent to extract caro and protection from various neoplastic events in cells, tissues, tenoids from plant material including 'gac' fruit. and whole body. Carotenoids also protect against photo-in 0013 Due to the high concentrations of carotenoids, its duced tissue damage. Some carotenoids quench highly reac use in dietary supplement has been published (Smidt et al.). tive singlet oxygen under certain conditions and can block Mower et al. described the use of momordica cochinchinensis free radical-mediated reactions (Olson, 1999). They are puree as a Sweetener, to mask the bitterness of other phyto US 2013/03091 83 A1 Nov. 21, 2013 nutrients in the composition. In U.S. Pat. No. 5,942.233 by ligulata syn. Bergenia ligulata, Cipadessa baccifera Chang, Teh Shan filed on Aug. 24, 1999 titled “Herbal com and Emblica officinalis. Other related prior art is pro position for stimulating blood circulation'. This invention vided below: described the use of momordica Cochinchinensis as one of the 0023 U.S. Pat. No. 7,592,024 filed Sep. 22, 2009 components in a paste that is useful for re-establishing of vital described Topical compositions containing melicope energy, invigorating of blood circulation. None of those pat hayselii and a method of treating skin ents described the use of components from the oil extract 0024 U.S. Pat. No. 8,329,231 by McNeary et al. from "gac' to moisten, and protect skin. described method of preventing photo aging with ash 0014 Foreign inventions filed on the use of momordica wagandha and Indian gooseberry; cochinchinensis to treat skin disorders are either based on (0.025 U.S. Pat. No. 6,800,292 by Murad et al. filed in components from inside the seeds or from the root of the Oct.
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