A4-3(2e) Serial: 00040 Operation Plan ConFIFTHFleet No# 13-44 ANNEX H LOGISTIC PLAN 1. Logistic support for the NANPO SHOTO operation will be furnished in accordance with Annexes C %nd D to CinCPac and POA Operation Plan No, 11-44 (held by'task force and, task group commanders) and this plan. 2. Directives and information contained in this plan are supplementary to those contained in Annexes C and D cited in paragraph 1, Task force commanders will issue logistic plans for thudr forces ar. necessary, con­ forming with provisions of Annexes C and D of CinCPac and POA Operation Plan No, 11-44 and this plan, 3. (a) Services in the 1-JiBIAMAS and Western CAROLINES for Central Pacific Task Forces will be provided under the general direction of Commander Forward Area, Central Pacific, employing the facilities, under his control, furnish&d by Oormander Service Fores, Pacific Fleet, Commander Air Force, Pacific fleet, Commanding General, U, S, Army Forces, Pacific Oc<aan Areas, and Commanding General, Fleet Marine Forces, Pacific (s*€ Appendix I). (b) Services in the L{AI13F{AL1.S-GILBEHTS Area for Central Pacific Task Forces will be provided under the general direction of Commander MARSHALLS-GILBERT8 Area employing the facilities under his control furnished by Commander Service F<prce, Pacific Fleet, Commander Air Force, Pacific Fleet, and Commanding General, U. S, Army Forces, Pacific Ocean Areas (see Appendix l), (c) Commander; Service Scaadron 10, or hie designated representatives where present, shall administer the services provided afloat at an­ chorages in the kAPJAilAo, Western CAROLINES and at BlflUVSTOK (sco Appendix I)« (d) Application for services by forces afloat at bases or anchorages should be made to Commander Service Squadron 10 or his representative, if present. If no representative o.f Commander Service'Squadron 10 is present, application for services should be made to the naval base commander direct, 4, Logistic support at sea will be furnished by Commander Logistic Support Group (CTG 50,8) through facilities furnished him by Commander Service Force, Pacific Fleet, and Commander Air Force-., Pacific Fleet (see Appendices I, II, III), H - 1 LOG A4-3(2e) Serial: 00040 Operation Plan 9 ComFIFTHFleet No, 13-44 (Annex H - Logistic/P: 5. Task group commanders shall make all possible efforts to effect re­ plenishment of their groups whenever opportunity is afforded. Available time and facilities will not permit full replenishment of all supplies at sea from logistics ships, but full advantage must be taken of each oppor­ tunity to effect partial replenishment, 6. Supply (a) Fresh and frozen provisions (1) Available in AF and barges at ULITHI. (2) Available in AF at ENIYJETQK for forces staging through that port. (3) Available in AF at SAJ.PAN and GUM? for topping off forces staging through those ports, (4) Available; in converted L3T at objective for small ships of the AttajcJ£j[|orce, (5) Deliveries at the- objective cannot be expected until the amount of refrigerated shipping has been substantially increased, (6) Large ships will shn.ro their supplies with small ships as required, (7) Small .ships shall be given preference in issues. Carriers shall bo allocated additional supplies for flight personnel when­ ever available. Commanding officers of carriers shall make every effort to insure a continuing supply for flying peOonnel of their ships. All ships returning to main supply points shall transfer pro­ visions in excess of those required for return trip to other ships or shore activities before departure, as practicable-^ Group com­ manders and commanding' officers will anticipate such moves when­ ever possible in order to effect this transfer, (b) Dry provisions (1) Available in AK at ULITKI. (2) Available in AF and AK at EMI'vJSTOK for forces staging through that port. H - 2 LOG A4-3(2e) Serial: 00040 .Operation Flan ComFIFTHFleet No, 13-| \f4ff # f| (3) Available T*n $nancfAK'' or ashore at SAIPAN, and available in AK or ashore at GUAM for forces staging through the MARIANAS, (4) Available in AK with the Logistic"Support Group. This AK will be prepared to transfer supplies at sea,(In general, issues will be made only to DDls, DE's and other small ships. This limitation may be lifted by Commander Logistic Support Group when the supply situation permits.) (5) IX (tanker type) vdll carry limited amounts of dry provisions for issue, (6) Transfer of dry provisions shall be effected as outlined in paragraph (a)(8) above, (c) Ammunition '(1) Available in AE and AKE at UL1THI. (2)•Available'in AK (fast carrier loaded) with the Logistic Support Group. These ships vdll be prepared to transfer ammunition at sea. (3) Available in magazines at SAIPAN. (4) One AKE (type load) at SAIPAN by D day subject to orders of Commander Joint Expeditionary Force. ($) Available in assault shipping at the objective in accordance with instructions issued by Commander Joint Expeditionary Force. (6) Detailed loading lists of AE and AKE will be furnished all ships by the Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet, (7) For transfer of ammunition at sea. Commander Service Force, Pacific Fleet, for CV's, CVL's, CVE's, CA's, CL»s and CL(AA)'s, and Commander Destroyers, Pacific Fleet, for DD's, will insure that special gear necessary is available to ships in the forward areas and that instructions for i^tie procedure to be followed are in the hands of commanding officers. Commanding officers of the above mentioned types will be responsible for the necessary installa­ tions aboard their ships. Commander Service Force, Pacific Fleet, will insure that logistics ships assigned are properly outfitted for at sea transfer. H ~ 3 LOG m-j\<te) jr*-"^m '""-IZ————- '" \ Serial: 00040 Vr^*UNCLASSIFIEr'~ —-D^ \ Operation Plan ComFIFTHFleet (8) Gonnand^r Lo^istiV QUPPOI'L Group shall have limited amounts of ammunition in addition to that in AE's and AKB's distributed among appropriate ships of his group in order to facilitate transfer to other ships during fueling, whon practicable to do so, (d) Fuels (1) Fueling at sea schedule for Fast Carrier Force is contained in Appendix I of Annex E of this operation plan, (2) Fueling facilities for forces staging through MARSHALLS bases will be allocated by Commander Service Squadron 10 Repre­ sentative/ ENIWETOK. (3) Deliveries of fuel by commercial tankers will be made to ETUViSTOK and ULITH! as required, (4) Two AOGfs will be assigned to the control of Commander Joint • Expedition-iry Force, These ships will carry diesel only and will be prepared to fuel small ships (DE, AM, PC, vSC, LCT, etc) under­ way, (5) Replcnislimont of A0Gf:3 w3,ll be arranged by Commander Logistic Support Group. (6) As a general rule, fleet oilers shall not be used for in- port fueling of small ships, except when station oilers are not present, (7) All ships fusl to capacity proscribed by task force com­ .uiartders prior'to departure from initial assembly ports and staging areas* (e) Lubricating oils (1) Available as outlined in Annexes C and D of CinCPac and POA Operation Plan Wo# 11-44• (2) L3T»s will carry limited amounts of Symbol 9370 in bulk for issue, (f) General stores (1) Available, an outlined in Annex on C and D of CinCPac and POA Operation Plan Mo, 11-44, (2) Limited quantities available in ships of the Logistic Support Group, ; ."v ^ _ ~*~ .Ut"§ }\ •<' JH- 4 " • " LOG A4-3(2e) Serial': ' 00040 Operation Plan ComPIFTHFleet No, 13-44 (Annex H - Logistic Plan) (g) Aircraft replacement (1) Available in CVE (4 available) furnished by Commander Air Force, Pacific Fleet, (2) Replacement of fast carrier aircraft in the vicinity of the objective is scheduled in Appendix I of Annex E of this operation plan, CVE's assigned to the Joint Expeditionary Force mil replace aircraft from the transport CVE's or GUAIii'pool dependent upon Fast Carrier Force requirements from transport CVH's. (3) Replacement aircraft, flight personnel, and aviation spare parts available as outlined in Annexes C and D o£ CinCPac and POA Operation Plan Mo, 11-44* (4) Certain ships vdLth the Logistic Support Group -will carry limited amounts of Section A spares supplied by Commander Air Force, Pacific Fleet, (h) Water > (1) Available as outlined in Annexes C and D of CinCPac and POA Operation Plan No, 11-44* (2) Two AOG-ts will be assigned to Commander Joint Expeditionary Force for service at staging points and will-be moved to the 3S/IAHIANAS subject to his operational control, 7» Salvage ships (a) Tugs and salvage ships will be available at MARIANAS bases as outlined in Annex C, CinCPac and POA Operation Plan No, 11-44• (b) The Towing and Salvage Plan is contained in Appendix II to this annex, 8, Repairs (a) Repair facilities available as outlined in Annexes C and D of CinCPac and POA Operation Plan No, 11-44, (b) One ARL and one ARB will accompany the Joint Expeditionary Force, (c) Attention is invited to CinCPac spcedlettor serial 05632 of 15 October concerning the six days per month availability requirement of diesel-powored ships for overhaul and upkeep, quoted in part as follows: j?'» r^j «, ..v., „ H - 5 •• .j I?*;.-; ;•.•• '* LOG A4-3(2e) t t Serial: 00040 Operation Plan IB?-**4 ** ComFIFTHFleet No. 13-44 (Annex H - Logistic Plal^'" £! \ ^ "ALL DIESEL DRIVEN SURFACE VESSELS L~ MAINTENANCE PERIODS FOR, "Progressive deterioration has resulted from lack of maintenance periods on many of the subject ships. Under av­ erage wartime conditions subject vessels are "at anchor" ap­ proximately half the time* These periods are seldom utilised for upkeep because of the "stand-by" condition required. Un­ interrupted upkeep periods averaging six days per month under normal fleet operations of 300-400 hours per month are neces­ sary to permit accomplishment of BuShips or manufacturer's pre­ scribed progressive maintenance and must be included in operat­ ing schedules* Periods may be assigned in one six-day period or two three-day periods each calendar month.
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