THE AMERICAN WHY DID THEY FEAR. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE KATYN FOREST MASSACRE Thi; (jovkhnoks Palace . You^re when you order. You^re Proud when you serve In a Manhattan, it's Matchless. In a Sour... Supreme! Old-Fashioneds become Outstand- ing! Straight — it's Great! Yes, fhe finer fhe whiskey /he finer the drink. So whether you're ordering a drink in a tavern — or a bottle to serve your friends at home — remem- ber that the Password to Perfection is . Seagram's 7 Crown. SEAGRAM'S 7 CROWN. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 PROOF. 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. SEAGRAM-DISTILLERS CORP.,N.Y. There's a big difference between a 3^1^ CO^t . and a . CO^t^1^^11.1- —and there is a powerful difference, too, between and 'ETHYL gasoline! "Ethyl" gasoline's high all-round quality ... and smooth power . make it ideal for winter driving! Because "Ethyl" gasoline is high octane gasoline, it brings out the top power of your engine. Try a tankful today and see if of it doesn't make a powerful difference in the performance your car. Ethyl Corporation, New York 17, N. Y. hexochloride (l.chmcol) (liquid ) . oil soluble dye . beniene diehloride . sod.um (m^allc) . chlor.ne . Other products sold underthe-'Bhyl" trade-mark: ,allcok. .thylene THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE VOL. 52 No. 2 CONTENTS FOR FEBRUARY, 1952 THE TRUTH ABOUT THE KATYN MASSACRE 11 BY ARTHUR BLISS LANE Why did certain people try to hide the facts? THEY NEVER HAD IT SO GOOD 14 BY JOHN SHARNIK AND HERBERT MITGANG The Governor's Palace 50 seconds' brisk massage with stimulating at Williamsburg was a The chances are you never had duty like this. Vitalis and you feel the difference in your familiar sight to George Washington scalp — prevent dryness, rout embarrassing when he visited the BASKETBALL - MIDWESTERN STYLE 16 colonial caiiital. flaky dandruff. BY DAVE CONDON POSTMASTER: Please The game is ultra-super-colossal in the midwest. send copies returned under labels Form 3579 to Post Office Box toss, Indianapolis 6, CAN YOU GET GOOD CARE IN A VETERANS HOSPITAL?. 18 Indiana. BY DONALD R. WILSON Tlie Amertcon Legion The National Commander looks over the VA hospital set-up, Magazine is the official pubhcotion of Tile Ameri- con Legion and is owned ALL QUIET ON THE HOME FRONT 20 exclusively by The Ameri- can Legion, Copyright BY JAMES C. JONES, JR. 1951. Published monthly of 1100 W. Broadway, Back from Korea, a Marine finds America indifferent. Louisville, Ky. Acceptance for mailing ot special rate of postage provided for in HOW TO SELL A USED CAR 22 Section 1 103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, outhorized Jan. BY MORGAN MORRIS 5, 1925. Price single copy, 15 cents; yearly subscrip- Ways and means of getting more for the old jalopy. lion, $1.50. Entered as second class matter June 30, 1 948, at the Post SHOW RESPECT TO OUR FLAG 24 Office at Louisville, Ky., under the Act of March BY ANGELA CALOMIRIS 3, 1879. Non member sub- sciiplions should be sent A picture quiz that we hope you won't flunk, to Ihe Circulation Depart- ment of The American Legion Magazine, P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, THE NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE 29-36 Indiana. EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Vcuiurvs Indianapolis 6, Indiana EDITORIAL AND SOUND OFF! 4 ROD AND GUN CLUB 26 ADVERTISING to the differ- 10 seconds comb and you see 580 Fifth Avenue EDITOR'S CORNER 6 NEWSLETTER 41 ence in your hair far handsomer, healthier- — New York 36, N. Y. PRODUCTS PARADE .... 8 PARTING SHOTS 64 looking, neatly groomed. (Vitalis contains VI/ESTERN OFFICE new grooming discovery.) Get a bottle of 333 North Micliigan Avenue Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not Vitalis today. Chicago 1, Illinois be returned unless a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included. VITALIS ALSO PROOF: GERMS kill" PANDRU" Please notify the Donald R. Wil son. National Commander, I ndianopol is John Stelle, McLeans- Lang Armstrong, Spo- L. Sears, Toledo, Ohio; laboratory Circulation Depart- Actual Illinois, Chairman kane, Wash.; Charles George D. Levy, Sum- germs ^^^^l^^;^as ocuted ment. Publications boro, Vital.s kms the Legion Publico- E. Booth, Huntington, ter, Roland Coc- dandruff, as no Division, P. O. Box of S. C; „„h infectious tions Commission; Dan W. Va.; Dr. Charles R. reham. Baton Rouge, can 1055, Indianapolis. mere oil dressing W. Emmett, Ventura, Logon, Keokuk, Iowa; La.; George D. Baron, Indiana, if you have and Eorl L. Dove H. Fleischer, St. your ad- Colifoinio, Bethany, Conn.; Her- changed Meyer, Alliance, Ne- Louis, Mo.; Emmett schiel L. Hunt, Austin, dress, using notice braska, Vice-Chairmen. Sofay, Jacksonville, Tex.; Eorl Hitchcock, form 22S which you Members of the Com- Flo.; Clovis Copeland, Glens Foils, N. Y.; may secure from mission; Max Slepin, Little Rock, Ark.; Paul Edgar G. Voughon, St. your Postmaster. Be Philadelphia, Pennsyl- B, Dogue, Downingtcwn, Poul, Minn.; Harold A. sure to cut off the vania; J. Russell Lar- Pa.; Josephus Daniels, Ind. address label on combe, Malta, Mont.; Jr., Raleigh, N, C; D. Shindler.Newburgh, your Magazine and Director of Publtcjtions A dvisory Editor Adverttsin^ Director paste it in the space Vflalis James F. O'Neil Alexander Gardiner Fred L. Maguire provided. Always New York. N. Y. give your 1952 A/iinjgin^; Editor Etistern Adv. Mgr. Boyd B. Stutter membership card WilliamM. DeVltalis F. Barton James A Tt Editor number and both Western Adv. Mgr. Indianapolis, Ind. Al Marshall your new and your H. J. Prussing, Jr. old address. Ass' t lo DlTCCtOr Associate Editors Frank Lisiecki Robert B. Pitkin Detroit A dv. Rep. 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